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XuanliZhang JieZhang XiaoyanLi HaixiaLi GangchengWei 《北京科技大学学报(英文版)》2004,11(2):173-177
A 2-dimension axisymmetric model was developed by the finite-difference method, which can be used to predict the transient temperature field and thermal profile of work rolls in the hot strip rolling process. To demonstrate the accuracy and reliability of the solution developed, the calculation results were compared with the production data of a 1700 mm hot strip rolling mill and good agreement was found between them. The effect of strip width and roll shifting on the thermal expansion of the work rolls was studied.It is found that the strip width has marked effect on the efficient thermal crown. Initially, when the rolling strip changes from narrow to wide, a bigger efficient thermal crown can be quickly achieved; afterwards, when the rolling strip changes from wide to narrow,not only the influence of uneven wear can be reduced but also the excessive efficient thermal crown can be avoided. It is also found that the work roll shifting has a determinate but not obvious effect on the reduction of the efficient thermal crown, and will make the strip shape unstable without being used properly. 相似文献
冷轧带材轧辊热行为实验研究及其计算机模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在130轧机上以冷轧铝合金带材 (LY - 12 -CZ)为模拟材料进行了轧辊热行为的实验研究 ,用有限单元法对轧机工作辊的热行为进行了模拟计算 结果表明 ,实验结果与模拟计算结果基本吻合 ,这对进一步用有限元法深入研究轧辊的热行为有重要的意义 相似文献
Design of forming dies and whole process of simulation of cold rolling involutes spline can be realized by using of CAD software of PRO-E and CAE software of DEFORM-3D. Software DEFORM-3D provides an automatic and optimized remeshing function, especially for the large deformation. In order to use this function sufficiently, simulation of cold rolling involutes spline can be implemented indirectly. The relationship between die and workpiece, forming force and characteristic of deformation in the forming proc... 相似文献
Backup roll contour of a SmartCrown tandem cold rolling mill 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
SmartCrown was a new system developed by VAI for improving the strip profile and flatness control first applied in 1700mm tandem cold rolling mills at Wuhan Iron & Steel (Group) Corporation (WISCO). After tracing and testing, the application of the conventional crown backup roll matching the SmartCrown work roll of the production mill led to heavy and nonuniform wear, and the edge spalling of the backup roll often occurred. A 3-dimension finite element model of roll stacks was established, which was used to analyze the above-mentioned problems, and it was found that the main reason was the highly nonuniform contact pressure distribution between the work roll and the backup roll. A new FSR (flexible shape backup roll) was developed and applied in 1700mm tandem cold rolling mills. A lot of good actual effects of FSR, such as evident improvement in profile and flatness of strips,non-occurring edge spalling, wear uniform, and remarkable decrease in roll consumption were validated by long-term industrial applications. 相似文献
为了提高冷连轧过程控制系统中轧制力模型的设定精度,提出了一种轧制力和前滑模型的综合自适应算法.通过建立综合自适应目标函数,以变形抗力和摩擦系数模型中的自适应系数作为寻优参数,并采用Rosenbrock算法求解目标函数,可以同时得到满足轧制力模型和前滑模型计算精度的自适应系数.该模型自适应算法可成功应用于某1 450 mm冷连轧机组.结果表明,采用该模型的综合自适应算法后,轧制力设定精度显著提高,且满足在线控制要求. 相似文献
热轧带钢轧机工作辊在工作过程中承受交变热应力,掌握变化的热应力的大小和规律非常重要.热应力的大小目前无法使用实验的方法得到,而采用数值模拟求解是一种行之有效的方法.采用ANSYS 8.0软件对热轧带钢轧机工作辊的温度场和热应力进行了有限元分析,通过计算分析得出工作辊温度场的分布规律,这对于工作辊寿命分析、设计及现场使用都有参考价值. 相似文献
通过建立数学模型,研究了轧板在粗轧、精轧过程中的温度变化.为了正确估计轧板的温度,应考虑轧板-轧辊接触面以及轧辊同的热传递.数值结果表明,轧辊的冷却作用对轧板温度分布有显著影响.此外,对轧板温度进行数值分析时须考虑氧化皮和轧板-轧辊接触面处润滑膜的影响. 相似文献
纳米添加剂对板带钢冷轧乳化液润滑性能的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过四球摩擦学试验分析纳米添加剂对板带钢冷轧乳化液摩擦学性能的影响;在不同润滑条件下进行冷轧试验,分析纳米添加剂对冷轧过程和轧后带钢表面质量的影响。结果表明,含纳米添加剂的轧制乳化液与传统轧制乳化液相比,其承载能力和抗磨减摩性能均有所改善;带钢冷轧过程中采用含纳米添加剂的轧制乳化液进行润滑,可有效降低轧制压力和轧机功率、减少能耗,并且轧后带钢表面质量也有明显改观。 相似文献
针对在带钢冷轧过程中辊系热变形问题,建立了轧辊温度场与热变形的仿真模型。为了提高模型精度,依据热像仪实拍的辊面温度场信息、轧制过程数据分析得到的轧辊热膨胀信息,对关键参数采用遗传算法进行了优化。优化后的仿真结果与现场信息基本一致,提高了仿真精度,为轧辊热变形的准确预报打下了基础。 相似文献
模仿人类磨牙制作了仿齿冠压头,并对其进行了破碎率试验和有限元模拟分析。采用三维激光扫描仪获取齿冠点云,利用逆向工程技术设计制作仿齿冠压头。采用筛分称重法测定仿齿冠压头破碎率,使用非线性接触模型对仿齿冠压头破碎物料过程进行有限元模拟,并与圆柱、齿形压头进行对比。结果表明,仿齿冠压头破碎率高于其他压头,并且数据稳定可靠;仿齿冠压头对物料产生的破碎应力大,应力集中区域多,破碎效果优于其他压头。本文设计的仿齿冠压头提高了压头工作性能,为破碎机械压头的优化设计提供参考。 相似文献
针对板、管、棒材连轧过程中出现的工艺制度难以确定、实验研究理论性不强等问题,以非线性有限元为内核,通过机型选择、系统仿真、工艺决策等措施,提出了确定最佳工艺制度的理论和方法。 相似文献
Mechanical performance and texture characteristic of an IF steel containing Nb and Ti by double cold rolling 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ling-yun Wang) Peng Zhang ) Wei Li) Guang-jie Huang) ) College of Materials Science Engineering Chongqing University Chongqing China ) Technology Institute of Sichuan Chuanwei Group Co. Ltd. Weiyuan China 《北京科技大学学报(英文版)》2009,16(1):51-57
Single cold rolling and double cold rolling were applied to hot rolled strips with different reduction ratios. The evolutions of {100},{111} and Goss face texture during double rolling were investigated by comparing the orientation distribution function(ODF) of the double rolled sample with that of the single rolled one. The double cold rolling texture is characterized by a higher γ-texture and a lower α-texture,and the {111}<112> component is improved remarkably. Based on the TEM observation and mechanical... 相似文献
梅钢1420轧制力模型在Hill方程基础上,分解提炼3个关键因子,建立了显函数的轧制力模型,并进行变形抗力参数和摩擦系数参数的自适应修正以提高轧制力模型精度.经生产实践数据检验,该模型自适应系数在0.9~1.1以内,满足模型在线控制要求. 相似文献
Work roll thermal contour prediction model of nonoriented electrical steel sheets in hot strip mills 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The demands for profile and flatness of nonoriented electrical steels are becoming more and more severe. The temperature field and thermal contour of work rolls are the key factors that affect the profile and flatness control in the finishing trains of the hot rolling. A theoretic mathematical model was built by a two-dimensional finite difference to calculate the temperature field and thermal contour at any time within the entire rolling campaign in the hot rolling process. To improve the calculating speed and precision, some special solutions were introduced, including the development of this model, the simplification of boundary conditions, the computation of heat transfer coefficient, and the narrower mesh along the edge of the strip. The effects of rolling pace and work roll shifting on the temperature field and thermal contour of work rolls in the hot rolling process were demonstrated. The calculated results of the prediction model are in good agreement with the measured ones and can be applied to guiding profile and flatness control of nonoriented electrical steel sheets in hot strip mills. 相似文献
The effects of oil film on the rolled surface,including surface roughness and topography,were investigated during cold rolling of aluminum strips.Various mineral oils with viscosities from 0.10 to 1.6 Pa.s were used to obtain different oil film thick- nesses.Results from experiment and calculation show that the thicker oil film protects the initial roughening surface so that it leads to an increase in roughness of the rolled surface,in particular when the surface roughness has the character of direction.The rolled surface roughness was determined byλ,which is the ratio of oil film thickness to the combined surface roughness.Whenλ>3,the rolled surface roughness increases rapidly with the increase in oil viscosity,whereas the surface roughening has already occurred whenλ<3,but the increase of the rolled surface roughness with increasing viscosity is not distinct. 相似文献
Dynamic characteristics of cold rolling mill and strip based on flatness and thickness control in rolling process简 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The dynamic model of cold rolling mill based on strip flatness and thickness integrated control was proposed,containing the following sub-models:the rolling process model,the dynamic model of rolls along axial direction,and the compensation model.Based on the rule of volume flow rate,the dynamic rolling process model was built.The work roll and backup roll were taken as elastic continuous bodies,the effect of shear and moment of inertia were taken into consideration,and then the dynamic model of rolls was built.The two models were coupled together,and the dynamic model of rolling mill was built.In the dynamic model,the thermal expansion of the rolls,the wear of the rolls and other related parameters can not be considered.In order to compensate the dynamic model,the coupled static model of rolls and strip was applied.Then,according to the inner relationship of these models,the dynamic model and the compensation model were coupled,and the dynamic model of rolling mill based on the strip flatness and thickness integrated control was built.The dynamic simulation of the rolling process was made,and the dynamic thickness and the dynamic flatness information were obtained.This model not only provides a theory basis for the virtual rolling,but also provides a platform for the application of advanced control theory. 相似文献
大棒材轧制属于高温大变形塑性成形过程,为了研究轧制过程中轧件温度场、应变场及微观组织演变的规律,在热模拟实验的基础上建立了大棒材初轧道次热-力-组织耦合的有限元模拟模型。模拟结果显示,轧制过程中轧件由于发生再结晶使晶粒得到细化,初轧完成后,轧件平均晶粒尺寸由芯部到表层逐渐减小;由于大棒材初轧过程中轧件芯部变形量较小,不利于轧件芯部孔隙性缺陷的压实,因此提高热轧连铸坯的芯部致密度是改善大棒材芯部质量的重要措施之一。 相似文献
X-ray diffraction (XRD) was employed to analyze the texture evolution of commercial pure (CP) Ti during cold rolling and re-crystallization annealing. The texture components were measured by electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) after recrystallization an-nealing. The CP Ti tends to form a texture with the basal pole tilted 30°-40° away from the normal direction toward the transverse direction. The texture of the initial hot-rolled plate can be classified into three kinds, i.e., the pyramid texture and , the basal plane texture , and the stronger prism texture . After cold rolling and annealing (700°C, 60 min), the main texture components are the cold-rolled texture and the recrystallized texture . The texture is in-herited from the texture of the initial hot-rolled plate with the decrease of orientation density gradually. The volume contents of the cold-rolled texture and the recrystallized texture are calculated by EBSD. After recrystallization annealing, the specimen is rich in the recrystallized texture and inherits some of texture components from the cold-rolled texture. When the annealing time is prolonged, the anisotropic value decreases. 相似文献
The object of this study was to find the optimum conditions for the production of a sandwich composite from the sheets of brass-steel-brass. The experimental data obtained during the production process were used to validate the simulation program, which was written to establish the relation between the interface morphology and the thickness reduction amount of the composite. For this purpose, two surfaces of a steel sheet were first prepared by scratching brushing before inserting it between two brass sheets with smooth surfaces. Three sheets were then subjected to a cold rolling process for producing a tri-layer composite with various thick-nesses. The sheet interface after rolling was studied by different techniques, and the bonding strength for each rolling condition was determined by peeling test. Moreover, a relation between interfacial bonding strength and thickness reduction was found. The simu-lation results were compared with the experimental data and the available theoretical models to modify the original simulation pro-gram with high application efficiency used for predicting the behavior of the interface under different pressures. 相似文献
Microstructure and texture evolution in commercial-purity Zr 702 during cold rolling and annealing was investigated by optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The results showed that crystallographic slip was the predominant deformation mechanism in the early stage of deformation. Deformation twins started to form when the rolling reduction was larger than 38.9%; both the dislocation density and the number of twins increased with increasing rolling reduction. The initial texture of the Zr 702 plate consisted of the basal fiber component. During cold rolling the strength of the basal fiber first decreased and then increased with increasing rolling reduction. The cold-rolled sheets were fully recrystallized after being annealed at 550℃. The recrystallization temperature and the size of recrystallized grains decreased with increasing rolling reduction. A larger rolling reduction resulted in a higher grain growth rate when the annealing temperature increased from 550℃ to 700℃. The recrystallization texture was characterized by a major basal fiber and a minor {0113}〈2110〉 component. The strength of the recrystallization texture increased with increasing rolling reduction. 相似文献