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云环境下一种隐私保护的高效密文排序查询方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
数据前端加密是保护云环境下外包数据隐私的一种有效手段,但却给数据查询等操作带来挑战.针对云环境下多数据拥有者数据外包及选择性访问授权特征,为支持大规模加密云数据上高效且隐私保护的用户个性化密文查询,文中提出了一种隐私保护的高效密文排序查询方法RQED.通过设计无证书认证的PKES(支持关键词检索的公钥加密),并构建RQED框架来实现强隐私保护的密文查询.基于该框架,设计了更合理的多属性多关键词密文查询排序函数,并提出了基于层次动态布隆过滤器的RQED索引机制,提高密文查询时空效率.理论分析和实验性能对比证明:RQED在确保查询强隐私保护和高准确性的同时,具有较明显的时空效率优势.  相似文献   

针对云存储服务中存在的用户隐私保护需求,提出了一种在密文状态下的文档相似度计算方法。数据拥有者将文档ID、加密后的文档密文以及文档simhash值的密文上传到云服务器中;云服务提供者进行待计算相似度文档的simhash密文值和数据拥有者文档simhash密文值的全同态加法运算,获得文档间汉明距离的密文;数据拥有者解密汉明距离密文获得文档相似度排序结果。云端在不获悉数据内容及其simhash明文的情况下完成数据对象相似度运算,保护了数据隐私。给出了该方法的详细过程及相关的实验数据,验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

针对云计算环境下存储的隐私文件会造成隐私泄漏、信息量过载,使用传统加密算法对隐私文件进行加密后再外包给云的方法严重影响了隐私文件的可检索性问题进行研究,提出了一种既能够有效减少云环境中信息存储量过载,同时又能够满足隐私文件的加密保护和检索的方案。该方案首先对隐私文件进行分类,将直接隐私文件存储在数据拥有者本地存储器,非直接隐私文件则加密后上传云环境中存储,实现了隐私文件的分类存储和安全保护。然后基于改进的哈希列表建立了一个包含文件属性描述的文件检索索引、生成了文件检索陷门,实现了使用关键词在密文状态下完成文件检索。最后,通过详细的理论分析和实验对比分析证明了方案的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

季琰  戴华  姜莹莹  杨庚  易训 《计算机科学》2021,48(5):320-327
随着云计算技术的迅猛发展,越来越多的企业和个人青睐使用私有云和公有云相结合的混合云环境,用于外包存储和管理其私有数据。为了保护外包数据的私密性,数据加密是一种常用的隐私保护手段,但这同时也使得针对加密数据的搜索成为一个具有挑战性的问题。文中提出了面向混合云的可并行的多关键词Top-k密文检索方案。该方案通过对文档、关键词分组进行向量化处理,并引入对称加密和同态矩阵加密机制,保护外包数据的私密性,同时支持多关键词密文检索;通过引入MapReduce计算模式,使得公有云和私有云合作完成的密文检索过程能够按照并行化方式执行,从而能够支持针对大规模加密数据的并行化检索。安全分析和实验结果表明,提出的检索方案能够保护外包数据的隐私,且其检索效率优于现有的同类方案。  相似文献   

云存储是未来存储业务的发展方向,数据安全是云存储客户的首要关切.密文策略属性加密(CP-ABE)算法允许数据拥有者将访问策略嵌入密文中,并结合数据访问者的密钥实施访问控制,特别适合云存储环境,但CP-ABE不支持与时间相关的访问控制.本文提出基于时释性加密的CP-ABE方案,通过在CP-ABE中融入时释性加密(TRE)机制来实现带有时间控制的密文共享,允许数据拥有者基于用户属性和访问时间制定更加灵活的访问策略.论文通过安全分析表明,该方案能够抵抗来自用户、云存储平台和授权机构的非法访问、非法用户的串谋攻击以及选择明文攻击.  相似文献   

由于云计算的诸多优势,用户倾向于将数据挖掘和数据分析等业务外包到专业的云服务提供商,然而随之而来的是用户的隐私不能得到保证.目前,众多学者关注云环境下敏感数据存储的隐私保护,而隐私保护数据分析的相关研究还比较少.但是如果仅仅为了保护数据隐私,而不对大数据进行挖掘分析,大数据也就失去了其潜在的巨大价值.本文提出了一种云计算环境下基于格的隐私保护数据发布方法,利用格加密构建隐私数据的安全同态运算方法,并且在此基础上实现了支持隐私保护的云端密文数据聚类分析数据挖掘服务.为保护用户数据隐私,用户将数据加密之后发布到云服务提供商,云服务提供商利用基于格的同态加密算法实现隐私保护的k-means、隐私保护层次聚类以及隐私保护DBSCAN数据挖掘服务,但云服务提供商并不能直接访问用户数据破坏用户隐私.与现有的隐私数据发布方法相比,论文的隐私数据发布基于格的最接近向量困难问题(CVP)和最短向量困难问题(SVP),具有很高的安全性.同时算法有效保持了密文数据间距离的精确性,与现有研究相比挖掘结果也具有更高的精确性和可用性.论文对方法的安全性进行了理论分析并设计实验对提出的隐私保护数据挖掘方法效率进行评估,实验结果表明本文提出的基于格的隐私保护数据挖掘算法与现有的方法相比具有更高的数据分析精确性和更高的计算效率.  相似文献   

随着云计算的发展,越来越多的敏感数据被存储在云服务器上。为了保护隐私数据,通常对隐私数据进行加密。由于数据加密,很多对明文字符串的操作方案变得不可用,尤其是在密文状态下,如何使用正则表达式进行字符串的匹配,没有一种切实有效的方案。对在密文状态下正则表达式的使用进行研究,提出一种支持大部分常用的正则表达式规则的加密方案SCA(Searchable Crypt Algorithm)。SCA支持的正则表达式规则有ab*、bc?、a+、ab{m,n}等常用规则。  相似文献   

为保护数据用户属性隐私,防止属性隐私泄露,提出一种属性基可搜索加密算法。利用对称加密算法对数据拥有者信息进行加密并将加密后的信息上传到星际文件系统;使用属性基可搜索加密算法对数据关键字进行加密并将加密结果上传到区块链中,实现数据密文和关键字密文的分布式存储;使用智能合约实现关键字安全搜索,避免云服务器返回不相关搜索结果。方案的安全性是基于Diffie-Hellman困难性假设,理论分析和实验结果表明,该方案具有较好的用户隐私保护效果和计算开销。  相似文献   

为保护用户数据隐私,用户通常将敏感数据加密后外包存储在半可信的服务器上。为防止泄露用户隐私信息,蔡克等(蔡克,张敏,冯登国.基于单断言的安全的密文区间检索[J].计算机学报, 2011, 34(11):2093-2103)首次提出单断言密文区间检索方案,而之前在密文数据上的区间检索都通过多次断言实现。使用三角函数关系和矩阵理论,通过密文区间索引直接产生敏感数据的排列信息,证明该单断言密文检索方案不是唯密文安全的。为避免这种安全缺陷,通过引入随机元素构造了安全的单断言密文检索改进方案,并分析了改进方案的复杂性。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网技术的飞速发展,海量数据将存储在远程云服务器,由此带来外包云存储敏感数据的搜索与安全共享问题。基于椭圆曲线设计公钥可搜索加密算法,提出云存储系统中支持隐私保护的可验证数据分享方案。在该方案中,数据发送方结合消息认证码技术,使用自己的私钥和数据接收方的公钥产生关键词对应的密文,数据接收方结合消息认证码技术,使用自己的私钥和数据发送方的公钥产生搜索陷门,从而云服务器可以对关键词密文和搜索陷门进行快速匹配测试。该方案可保证云端存储数据的机密性,实现对外包云存储数据的可搜索功能,并在选择关键词攻击下满足密文不可区分性与搜索陷门不可区分性,抵抗内部关键词猜测攻击。此外,为防止云服务器出现恶意欺骗或返回不正确的搜索密文行为,引入云审计的设计思想,对存储在云端的密文数据进行完整性验证。性能分析与比较结果表明,该方案云端加密数据分享过程耗时仅为2.17 ms,与PEKS、PAEKS、dIBAEKS、CLEKS方案相比效率提升39.98%以上,更有利于部署在资源受限的智能终端设备。  相似文献   

Record linkage is the task of identifying records from disparate data sources that refer to the same entity. It is an integral component of data processing in distributed settings, where the integration of information from multiple sources can prevent duplication and enrich overall data quality, thus enabling more detailed and correct analysis. Privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL) is a variant of the task in which data owners wish to perform linkage without revealing identifiers associated with the records. This task is desirable in various domains, including healthcare, where it may not be possible to reveal patient identity due to confidentiality requirements, and in business, where it could be disadvantageous to divulge customers’ identities. To perform PPRL, it is necessary to apply string comparators that function in the privacy-preserving space. A number of privacy-preserving string comparators (PPSCs) have been proposed, but little research has compared them in the context of a real record linkage application. This paper performs a principled and comprehensive evaluation of six PPSCs in terms of three key properties: (1) correctness of record linkage predictions, (2) computational complexity, and (3) security. We utilize a real publicly-available dataset, derived from the North Carolina voter registration database, to evaluate the tradeoffs between the aforementioned properties. Among our results, we find that PPSCs that partition, encode, and compare strings yield highly accurate record linkage results. However, as a tradeoff, we observe that such PPSCs are less secure than those that map and compare strings in a reduced dimensional space.  相似文献   

Deep learning has attracted a lot of attention and has been applied successfully in many areas such as bioinformatics, imaging processing, game playing and computer security etc. On the other hand, deep learning usually requires a lot of training data which may not be provided by a sole owner. As the volume of data gets huge, it is common for users to store their data in a third-party cloud. Due to the confidentiality of the data, data are usually stored in encrypted form. To apply deep learning to these datasets owned by multiple data owners on cloud, we need to tackle two challenges: (i) the data are encrypted with different keys, all operations including intermediate results must be secure; and (ii) the computational cost and the communication cost of the data owner(s) should be kept minimal. In our work, we propose two schemes to solve the above problems. We first present a basic scheme based on multi-key fully homomorphic encryption (MK-FHE), then we propose an advanced scheme based on a hybrid structure by combining the double decryption mechanism and fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). We also prove that these two multi-key privacy-preserving deep learning schemes over encrypted data are secure.  相似文献   

Searchable encryption (SE) techniques allow cloud clients to easily store data and search encrypted data in a privacy-preserving manner, where most of SE schemes treat the cloud server as honest-but-curious. However, in practice, the cloud server is a semi-honest-but-curious third-party, which only executes a fraction of search operations and returns a fraction of false search results to save its computational and bandwidth resources. Thus, it is important to provide a results verification method to guarantee the correctness of the search results. Existing SE schemes allow multiple data owners to upload different records to the cloud server, but these schemes have very high computational and storage overheads when applied in a different but more practical setting where each record is co-owned by multiple data owners. To address this problem, we develop a verifiable keyword search over encrypted data in multi-owner settings (VKSE-MO) scheme by exploiting the multisignatures technique. Thus, our scheme only requires a single index for each record and data users are assured of the correctness of the search results in challenging settings. Our formal security analysis proved that the VKSE-MO scheme is secure against a chosen-keyword attack under a random oracle model. In addition, our empirical study using a real-world dataset demonstrated the efficiency and feasibility of the proposed scheme in practice.  相似文献   

With the prevalence of cloud computing, data owners are motivated to outsource their databases to the cloud server. However, to preserve data privacy, sensitive private data have to be encrypted before outsourcing, which makes data utilization a very challenging task. Existing work either focus on keyword searches and single-dimensional range query, or suffer from inadequate security guarantees and inefficiency. In this paper, we consider the problem of multidimensional private range queries over encrypted cloud data. To solve the problem, we systematically establish a set of privacy requirements for multidimensional private range queries, and propose a multidimensional private range query (MPRQ) framework based on private block retrieval (PBR), in which data owners keep the query private from the cloud server. To achieve both efficiency and privacy goals, we present an efficient and fully privacy-preserving private range query (PPRQ) protocol by using batch codes and multiplication avoiding technique. To our best knowledge, PPRQ is the first to protect the query, access pattern and single-dimensional privacy simultaneously while achieving efficient range queries. Moreover, PPRQ is secure in the sense of cryptography against semi-honest adversaries. Experiments on real-world datasets show that the computation and communication overhead of PPRQ is modest.  相似文献   

随着云计算技术的迅速发展,云存储的数据安全和隐私保护问题受到了人们密切关注。为了保护用户的隐私数据,云端一般是以密文形式存储文件,给检索带来了不便。为了解决云环境中使用关键字查找密文文件的问题,有必要构建支持隐私保护的安全云存储系统。基于MRSE方案并引入了TF-IDF规则,给出了云环境下动态模糊多关键字排行搜索方案。并将第三方审计机制加入到系统当中,进行文件可持有性验证和密钥管理。  相似文献   

Outsourcing of personal health record (PHR) has attracted considerable interest recently. It can not only bring much convenience to patients, it also allows efficient sharing of medical information among researchers. As the medical data in PHR is sensitive, it has to be encrypted before outsourcing. To achieve fine-grained access control over the encrypted PHR data becomes a challenging problem. In this paper, we provide an affirmative solution to this problem. We propose a novel PHR service system which supports efficient searching and fine-grained access control for PHR data in a hybrid cloud environment, where a private cloud is used to assist the user to interact with the public cloud for processing PHR data. In our proposed solution, we make use of attribute-based encryption (ABE) technique to obtain fine-grained access control for PHR data. In order to protect the privacy of PHR owners, our ABE is anonymous. That is, it can hide the access policy information in ciphertexts. Meanwhile, our solution can also allow efficient fuzzy search over PHR data, which can greatly improve the system usability. We also provide security analysis to show that the proposed solution is secure and privacy-preserving. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

为高效利用交通资源,在线网约出行(ORH)服务整合车辆供给和乘客请求信息,派遣符合条件的车辆提供非巡游的出行服务。人们在享受ORH服务带来的便利时,也面临着严重的隐私泄露风险。为此,许多研究利用密码学技术设计隐私保护的ORH服务。首先,本文介绍了隐私保护的ORH服务主要面临的城市动态场景下高效计算密态行程开销、实时动态规划密态行程、安全共享不同ORH服务的运力资源等挑战。然后,回顾了欧式距离、路网距离和行驶时间三类行程开销的安全计算方法,其中,欧式距离计算效率高,但误差大,现有路网距离和行驶时长的安全计算方法多数面向静态路网场景,针对城市动态路网场景的安全计算方法有待进一步研究。分析了面向司机、乘客、ORH平台的行程规划问题的求解方法,现有研究往往仅针对司机、乘客或ORH平台的单一目标进行行程规划,事实上行程规划不但要考虑ORH平台自身收益,更要同时兼顾乘客和司机的用户体验。综述了隐私感知的行程预处理方法,单车单客模式、单车多客模式的行程安全共享方法,并总结了其不足与启示。多车单客、多车多客动态模式的行程安全共享有待进一步研究。最后,从城市动态路网下高效的密态行程开销的安全计算与比较、...  相似文献   

With widespread development of biometrics, concerns about security and privacy are rapidly increasing. Homomorphic encryption enables us to operate on encrypted data without decryption, and it can be applied to construct a privacy-preserving biometric system. In this article, we apply two homomorphic encryption schemes based on ideal-lattice and ring-LWE (Learning with Errors), which both have homomorphic correctness over the ring of integers of a cyclotomic field. We compare the two schemes in applying them to privacy-preserving biometrics. In biometrics, the Hamming distance is used as a metric to compare two biometric feature vectors for authentication. We propose an efficient method for secure Hamming distance. Our method can pack a biometric feature vector into a single ciphertext, and it enables efficient computation of secure Hamming distance over our packed ciphertexts.  相似文献   

基于同态加密的可信云存储平台   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于全同态加密技术的数据检索方法可以直接对加密的数据进行检索,不但能保证被检索的数据不被统计分析,还能对被检索的数据做基本的加法和乘法运算而不改变对应明文的顺序,既保护了用户的数据安全,又提高了检索效率。文章就是针对上述问题提出的一个系统级解决方案,主要致力于解决云存储系统中信息的安全存储与管理问题。为实现此目标,该方案采用了同态加密算法,以及在这种算法基础上提出的一种密文检索算法,既保证了用户数据的安全性,又保证了服务器能够对存储的用户密文直接进行操作,实现了对密文的直接检索,平衡了云存储系统中保证用户数据的安全性和服务于云计算之间的关系。  相似文献   

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