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On a dynamic preventive maintenance policy for a system under inspection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this article is to propose both state and time-dependent preventive maintenance policy for a multi-state deteriorating system, which is equipped with inspection equipment(s) connected to a computer center. After the system being identified as state x at nd through computation by the computer center after inspection (or measurement) via equipment(s), one maintenance action with the minimum expected total cost since nd till Nd (where N=n+K for a fixed integer 0<K<∞) will be chosen from the set Ax of alternatives also with the help of the computer center. In real case, the expected total costs since nd till Nd will be time-dependent and so is the maintenance action chosen at nd. A numerical example is given to illustrate such a maintenance policy for a Markovian deteriorating system to describe its state dependent aspect only for simplicity reason. Due to the fact that both equipment measurement and computer computation take time, the preventive maintenance policy for a sufficiently small d may be used in fact as the one under continuous inspection.  相似文献   

Optimal periodic preventive maintenance policy for leased equipment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
For leased equipment the lessor incurs penalty costs for failures occurring over the lease period and for not rectifying such failures within a specified time limit. Through preventive maintenance actions the penalty costs can be reduced but this is achieved at the expense of increased maintenance costs. The paper looks at a periodic preventive maintenance policy which achieves a tradeoff between the penalty and maintenance costs.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a multi-phase preventive maintenance (PM) policy for leased equipment by combining the advantages of both periodic PM and sequential PM. The lease period of the equipment is divided into multiple PM phases. The PM activities within each phase are performed periodically with the convenience of implementation, while the frequency of PM for each phase is different and it gives a gradual increase because of the imperfect effect of PM. A multi-phase PM model is built up based on the age reduction method for imperfect PM with the penalty for equipment failures and overtime of repair involved. The optimal PM intervals for every PM phases are achieved by minimising the cumulative maintenance cost throughout the lease period from the perspective of the lessor. Numerical example shows that the cumulative maintenance cost under the proposed multi-phase PM policy is lower than that under periodic PM policy.  相似文献   

This study proposes a state-dependent maintenance policy Ri,j(T,N,α) for a multi-state continuous-time Markovian deteriorating system subject to aging and fatal shocks and with states 0 (new state) <1<2<…<L (failed-state). Under Ri,j(T,N,α), the system is inspected at each kT for k=1,2,3… to identify the current state as, say a, and then do-nothing, repair and replacement are taken immediately according to 0≤ai−1, iaj−1 and jaL−1, respectively in case i<j. Additionally, the replacement is carried out whenever L occurs due to fatal shocks. This policy includes numerous maintenance policies in the literature as special cases and can be applied quite generally. We then try to determine the optimal i*, j* and T* such that the expected long-run cost rate is minimized. A numerical example is given to evaluate the performance of the policy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider randomly failing equipment leased several times during their life cycle with a given warranty period. A mathematical model is developed to determine the optimal efficiency levels of preventive maintenance (PM) to be performed on the equipment between successive lease periods, maximising the expected total profit of the lessor over the equipment life cycle. The model considers the expected leasing revenue as well as the equipment acquisition cost and the average PM and repair costs. PM actions allow reducing the age of the equipment to a certain extent with a corresponding cost depending on the PM level adopted. The efficiency of the PM is determinant of the expected revenue during the next lease period. Given a set of K possible PM levels and the number of lease periods n over the equipment life cycle, Kn?1 PM strategies are possible. A genetic algorithm is proposed in order to obtain nearly optimal policies in situations where the number of possibilities Kn?1 is very high. Obtained numerical results are discussed. Small- and big-size instances of the problem are considered in the case of a service company in the oil and gas industry specialised in leasing specific equipment such as separators, to oil companies for production activities with a limited duration of several months like well testing or short production tests.  相似文献   

This paper considers a condition-based maintenance policy for a two-unit deteriorating system. Each unit is subject to gradual deterioration and is monitored by sequential non-periodic inspections. It can be maintained by good as new preventive or corrective replacements. Every inspection or replacement entails a set-up cost and a component-specific unit cost but if actions on the two components are combined, the set-up cost is charged only once. A parametric maintenance decision framework is proposed to coordinate inspection/replacement of the two components and minimize the long-run maintenance cost of the system. A stochastic model is developed on the basis of the semi-regenerative properties of the maintained system state and the associated cost model is used to assess and optimize the performance of the maintenance model. Numerical experiments emphasize the interest of a control of the operation groupings.  相似文献   

In the context of equipment leasing, maintenance service is usually bundled with the leased equipment and offered by the lessor as an integrated package under a lease contract. The lessor is then responsible to prescribe an effective maintenance policy to keep the equipment operational in an economical way. This paper investigates upgrade and preventive maintenance (PM) strategies for industrial equipment during successive usage-based lease contracts with consideration of a warranty period, from the lessor's perspective. The accelerated failure time model and age reduction model are adopted to capture the effect of usage rate and imperfect PM/upgrade on the equipment reliability, respectively. More importantly, since equipment usage rates may vary across different lease contracts, this study develops an age correspondence framework to characterise usage rate shifts between successive lease periods. The optimal upgrade degree and the optimal number and level of PM actions are progressively updated for each upcoming lease period to minimise the total expected lease servicing cost, by considering the usage rate and maintenance implementation history. Numerical studies show that under given cost structures, periodical PM activities within each lease period tends to outperform the pre-leasing upgrade actions, though both of them can reduce the lease servicing cost.  相似文献   

A cost model for optimal reliability improvement of warranted second-hand production equipment is developed. The second-hand production equipment of age x is subjected to an upgrade action of a certain level u before it is sold with a Free Repair Warranty. We look at determining the optimal upgrade level when not performing and when performing periodic preventive maintenance (PM) during the warranty period. Two different PM strategies are considered: (a) periodic PM actions having the same efficiency level; (b) periodic multi-phase PM actions with a maintenance efficiency level which varies according to the phase. The proposed model aims at helping the dealer to find the optimal upgrade level to perform before selling the second-hand equipment, and to assess whether performing PM actions during the warranty period, according to a specific maintenance strategy, is worthwhile in terms of cost reduction. Numerical experimentations considering each PM scenario are performed in order to investigate how each PM strategy impacts the improvement level to be performed and the associated total expected cost. The obtained results showed that the expected total cost incurred by the dealer is governed by a sensitive trade-off between the warranty servicing cost and the costs associated with the reliability improvement, and with the PM performed during the warranty period. It is also found that the proposed new periodic multi-phase PM policy with an increasing maintenance efficiency level yields lower upgrade levels, inducing lower costs for the dealer.  相似文献   

针对恶劣工况环境下复杂矿用设备状态监测与预测性维护困难等问题,结合状态监测、故障预警和预测维护等多种综合建模与分析预测技术,提出了一种基于数字孪生的预测性维护系统。首先,介绍了复杂矿用设备数字孪生体的设计流程与构建原理,并在搭建数字孪生体的过程中实现了预测性维护系统的功能;然后,研究了基于LabVIEW、MySQL和Unity3D的状态数据获取方法,利用Unity3D开发引擎搭建了三维可视化复杂矿用设备状态监测平台,并通过虚拟空间可视化展示设备当前状态;最后,分析了优化BP(back propagation,反向传播)神经网络在复杂矿用设备故障预警中的适用性,同时利用MATLAB软件建立了复杂矿用设备关键零部件的预测性维护模型,并将预警结果通过MySQL数据库传输至Unity3D开发引擎,以驱动和部署预设维护流程,实现设备状态实时监测下的关键零部件故障预警。根据采煤机液压系统的实际维修流程,制定了混合现实(mixed reality, MR)预测性维护策略,并以采煤机摇臂部液压柱塞泵为实验对象开展有效性验证。结果表明,所构建的预测性维护系统的故障预测准确率高于90%,且故障预警结果可驱动HoloLens眼镜实现虚拟指导的维修交互,验证了该系统预测性维护功能的有效性。研究结果可为复杂矿用设备的预测性维护提供新思路。  相似文献   

Highly reliable products are widely used in aerospace, automotive, integrated manufacturing and other fields. With increasing market demand and competition, product classification for different segment market segments has become more and more critical. Leading manufacturers are always searching and designing classification policies for highly reliable products. On the other hand, preventive maintenance can improve the operation efficiency of the product, extend the service life and reduce enormous losses brought by failures. These two factors are taken into account by many large enterprises when making sound economical and operational decisions. Therefore, this research proposes a joint multi-level classification and preventive maintenance model (JMCPM model) under age-based maintenance. Different preventive maintenance policies are developed for corresponding level units. Accordingly, the optimal joint policy of multi-level classification and preventive maintenance can be obtained by JMCPM. In this model, degradation-based burn-in is utilised to eliminate defective units and collect degradation data. The degradation data are the basis of classification and can be used to estimate the residual life. Then, for making full use of these data, linear discriminant analysis is employed to design classification rules. The objective of the JMCPM model is to minimise the average cost per unit time by properly choosing the settings of classification and preventive maintenance intervals simultaneously. Finally, a simulation study is carried out for evaluating the performance of the JMCPM model. For an illustration of the proposed model and the methods of inference developed here, a real case involving degradation data from electrical connectors is analysed.  相似文献   

Wheelsets absorb a significant part of the maintenance budget of any train operating company. Although wheel wear has been an extensively discussed topic in the literature, wear rates are very rarely characterized by using degradation data in a real-world case study aimed at identifying optimal maintenance policies including both degradation and recovery modeling. Furthermore, wheel defects, which impose an additional challenge to the modeling of the lifecycle of the wheels, are usually considered separately in the literature. In this study, conducted at a Portuguese train operating company, 17 years of inspection data are used to estimate wheel wear rates and survival curves, which are further incorporated into a Markov decision process (MDP) model. A bidimensional framework considering discrete intervals of wheel diameter along with a quantitative variable (kilometers since last turning/renewal) is used to represent the possible wheel states, while the probability of a defect interfering with the wheel maintenance schedule is modeled by contemplating survival curves derived from a Cox proportional-hazards model. Optimal results in terms of minimal cost policy are discussed in the context of the MDP, but a more realistic and easy-to-implement policy fixing one of the parameters is compared with the optimal policy. Results showed that in practice train operating companies might benefit from using the easy-to-implement policy, which has an associated long-run average cost only about 1% higher than the one suggested by the optimal decision map.  相似文献   

The performance of a production system depends on the breakdown-free operation of equipment and processes. Maintenance and quality control play an important role in achieving this goal. In addition to deteriorating with time, equipment may experience a quality shift (i.e. process moves to out-of-control state), which is characterised by a higher rejection rate and a higher tendency to fail. This paper develops an integrated model for joint optimisation of preventive maintenance interval and control parameters incorporating the Taguchi loss function. We consider two types of maintenance policies: minimal corrective maintenance that maintains the state of the equipment without affecting the age and imperfect preventive maintenance that upgrades the equipment in between ‘as good as new’ and ‘as bad as old’ condition. The proposed model enables the determination of the optimal value of each of the four decision variables, i.e. sample size (n), sample frequency (h), control limit coefficient (k), and preventive maintenance interval (t PM) that minimises the expected total cost of the integration per unit time. A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the effect of the cost parameters on the joint economic design of preventive maintenance and process quality control policy. The sensitivity of the various parameters is also examined.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a robust possibilistic and multi-objective mixed-integer linear programming mathematical model to concurrently plan part quality inspection and Preventive Maintenance (PM) activities for a serial multi-stage production system. This system contains the deteriorating stages and faces the uncertainty about estimated cost components and demand amount. The integrated model reaches two significant decisions which are the right time and place for performing the part quality inspection and PM. These decisions are made while the model is to simultaneously optimise the implied system productivity and total cost. To measure the implied system productivity, a new piecewise utility function for the ratio of produced conforming products to input workpieces is developed. A real case study and a numerical example are explored to validate and verify the developed model. The results prove the significance and effectiveness of considering the uncertainty and conflicting practical objectives for the problem.  相似文献   

Considering the characteristics of the stochastic shift of the machine state and the uncertainty of the product quality of production, in this paper, we develop an optimisation decision of economic production quantity model for an imperfect manufacturing system under hybrid maintenance policy with shortages and partial backlogging. We assume that the production process is imperfect stemming from the machine reliability and the probability of out-of-control, a hybrid maintenance policy combined of emergency maintenance and preventive maintenance is executed during each production run. Three decision models based on the scenarios of machine breakdown and repair time are developed. The optimal production quantity and maintenance inspection number during each production run are solved with minimising the expected average cost of the system. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the model. Sensitivity analysis is conducted to analyse the impacts of key parameters on the optimal decision. Some implications related to the effective and economical execution of maintenance policy for practitioners are derived.  相似文献   

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