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本文介绍了安同高速公路采用加筋陡坡路堤的原因及加筋陡坡路堤的施工工艺,并指出了施工中的控制要点和注意事项。  相似文献   

陈娆琪  雷丹 《江西建材》2013,(1):140-141
本文主要针对公路施工中路堤加筋技术施工工艺问题,对施工要点进行探讨,并指出施工过程中应注意的质量控制要点,以便同行指导与参考。  相似文献   

朱鹏城  张航 《广东建材》2020,(2):48-52,23
桩承加筋路堤可以提高地基的承载力、减小沉降和不均匀沉降,减小路基和路堤的侧向变形,提高桩土荷载分担比,降低工程成本,应用越来越广泛。本文使用非线性有限元软件ABAQUS进行了几何建模,对在路面荷载作用下的桩承式加筋路堤中加筋体拉应力、加筋体变形、路堤沉降、路堤侧向位移、桩身内力及桩身侧向位移的变化规律进行了分析。结果表明,桩承式加筋路堤的沉降区域主要集中在路堤正下方的加固区附近。加筋体的最大变形和最大拉力发生在桩帽边缘处;桩间条带区域是加筋体的主要受力区域。路堤最大侧向位移发生在坡脚处和其下方的地基土附近,容易使边桩承受很大的弯矩和剪力从而造成桩身的破坏。  相似文献   

文中采用有限元差分软件FLAC3D从加筋路堤的水平向峰值速度、水平峰值土压力两个角度,研究双向土工格栅和三向土工格栅在不同地震烈度作用下的动力性能。结果发现:地震烈度为7度时,双向格栅加筋土路堤的水平向峰值速度随着监测点高程的增加而增大,水平向峰值土压力随着监测点高程的增加而减小;同一高程处,三向土工格栅加筋路堤的水平向峰值速度和土压力比双向格栅加筋土路堤小很多。当地震烈度增大到8度时,三向格栅加筋路堤比双向格栅加筋路堤的上述现象更加明显,动力性能优于二向土工格栅。  相似文献   

利用通用软件ANSYS对加筋路堤结构进行了数值模拟,在相同荷载下对不同高度、不同边坡坡度、不同加筋间距、不同加筋位置均加筋路堤进行了沉降的对比分析,得出有益的结论.  相似文献   

本文依据河北省某高速公路高填方路堤的工程技术特性.通过土压力及沉降试验与观测.研究土工格栅加筋高填方路堤的变形规律.在土体参数和几何模型参数不变的情况下,基于FLAC3D数值模拟高填方路基不同埋置间距的格栅对防止沉降的效果.讨论适合高填方路基的最优的格栅埋置方式。  相似文献   

用解析法研究了加筋路堤上轨道系统在移动荷载作用下的三维动力响应问题。基于Biot多孔弹性介质的波动理论,建立了加筋路堤轨道系统分析模型。将钢轨简化为无限长弹性Euler梁,将枕木简化为连续质量块,将加筋路堤作为一横观各向同性层来考虑,将下卧土体考虑为由Biot?ǘ匠堂枋龅谋ズ桶肟占洹A⒐斓老低场⒓咏盥返毯拖挛酝撂宓亩Ψ匠蹋贔ourier变换域内求解荷载作用下钢轨位移和土体位移的表达式,将求得的表达式进行Fourier逆变换得到其在时域里的表达式。研究了列车移动速度、加筋路堤层的厚度、荷载幅值大小和加筋率等对路堤及轨道系统动力响应的影响。计算结果表明,钢轨竖向变形随着速度的增大呈现先增大后减小的趋势;加筋路堤上的钢轨竖向变形显著小于同厚度下未加筋路堤上的钢轨竖向变形;钢轨竖向变形随着荷载幅值的增大而增大;随着加筋率的增大而减小。  相似文献   

在综合考虑加筋路堤各种分析方法的基础上,利用ANSYS的APDL语言,建立了基于有限元法的加筋路堤参数化模型,编写了对加筋路堤进行稳定性分析的非线性有限元程序,并且综合各种影响因素对加筋路堤结构进行优化设计。ANSYS建模简单,使用方便,从计算实例看,计算结果较准确,取得了较好的效果,在工程实践中有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

基于ANSYS的土工格栅加筋路堤分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗得把  产启刚 《山西建筑》2007,33(33):282-283
从土工格栅加固土体的机理入手,结合ANSYS三维有限元技术进行数值模拟分析,最终得到土工格栅在加筋路堤中的一些重要影响因素以及对应的敏感性,从而为路基和路堤处理提供参考意见。  相似文献   

桩承式加筋路堤三维动力流固耦合分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究交通荷载作用下桩承式加筋路堤的动力特性,采用FLAC 3D软件建立了路堤的三维动力流固耦合分析模型,对无筋无桩、有筋无桩、无筋有桩、有筋有桩4种情况的路堤在动荷载作用下的竖向位移、水平位移、桩土应力比、超孔隙水压力、加速度等进行了计算分析,对比研究了4种情况下各自的特点,揭示了桩承式加筋路堤的作用机制.数值分析...  相似文献   

Back-to-back Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls are commonly used for embankments approaching bridges. However, available design guidelines for this wall system are limited. The distance between two opposing walls is a key parameter used for determining the analysis methods in FHWA Guidelines. Two extreme cases are identified: (1) reinforcements from both sides meet in the middle or overlap, and (2) the walls are far apart, independent of each other. However, existing design methodologies do not provide a clear and justified answer how the required tensile strength of reinforcement and the external stability change with respect to the distance of the back-to-back walls. The focus of this paper is to investigate the effect of the wall width to height ratio on internal and external stability of MSE walls under static conditions. Finite difference method incorporated in the FLAC software and limit equilibrium method (i.e., the Bishop simplified method) in the ReSSA software were used for this analysis. Parametric studies were carried out by varying two important parameters, i.e., the wall width to height ratio and the quality of backfill material, to investigate their effects on the critical failure surface, the required tensile strength of reinforcement, and the lateral earth pressure behind the reinforced zone. The effect of the connection of reinforcements in the middle, when back-to-back walls are close, was also investigated.  相似文献   

This study analyses two full-scale model tests on mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls. One test was conducted with a rigid and one with a flexible wall face. Other parameters were the same in these two tests, like the number and type of geogrid layers, the vertical distance between the layers and the soil type. The loads and strains on the reinforcement are measured as function of the horizontal and vertical earth pressure and compared with analytical models. Specifics regarding the behavior of the geogrids under the compaction load during the construction of the model and under strip footing load are included in the study. Results are compared with AASHTO and the empirical K-stiffness method. In this study, an analytical method is developed for the MSE walls taking into account the facing panel rigidity both after backfill construction and after strip footing load. There is good agreement between the proposed analytical method and the experimental results considering the facing panel rigidity. The results indicate that the tensile force on reinforcement layers for rigid facing is less than the flexible facing. The maximum strains in the reinforcement layers occurred in the upper layers right below the strip footing load. The maximum wall deflection for the flexible facing is more than for the rigid facing. The maximum deflection was at the top of the wall for the rigid facing and occurred at z/H?=?0.81 from top of the wall for the flexible facing.  相似文献   

短加筋土挡墙是一种在既有稳定墙体/陡坡前修建的短加筋土挡墙,但目前缺乏对短加筋土挡墙与稳定墙体/陡坡间连接形式及其作用的统一认识,对其工作机理的研究也有待深入。利用离心模型试验,结合系统的监测数据,对不同连接形式的模型墙顶沉降、墙面水平位移、土压力分布等规律进行了分析,探讨了短加筋土挡墙的行为特征以及墙后机械连接的作用。研究发现:短加筋土挡墙的竖向沉降和水平位移均较常规加筋土挡墙大且分布不均匀,墙后连接形式对短加筋土挡墙的变形存在明显的影响;短加筋土挡墙和其后稳定墙体/陡坡之间的压力远小于理论水平土压力值,稳定墙体/陡坡与短加筋土挡墙之间仅存在接触压力;短加筋土挡墙墙后设置机械连接可以显著提高整体稳定性,减小差异沉降,控制水平变形,而不设连接时短加筋土挡墙变形较大且易于垮塌破坏。  相似文献   

The limit equilibrium (LE) analysis has been used to design MSE walls. Presumably, the deflection of MSE walls can be limited to an acceptable range by ensuring sufficient factors of safety (FOSs) for both external and internal stabilities. However, unexpected ground movements, such as movements induced by excavations, volume changes of expansive soils, collapse of sinkholes, and consolidations of underlying soils, can induce excessive differential settlements that may influence both the stability and the serviceability of MSE walls. In this study, a numerical model, which was calibrated by triaxial tests and further by a specially-designed MSE wall tests, investigated the behavior of an MSE wall as well as the influence of various factors on the performance of the MSE wall when the wall facing settled relatively to the reinforced zone. The numerical results showed that the differential settlement would cause substantial vertical and horizontal movements for the MSE wall, as well as an increase in lateral earth pressure and geosynthetic reinforcement strain. The maximum horizontal movement and increase of the lateral earth pressure occurred at about 1.0 m above the toe. The differential settlement resulted in a critical plane that coincided with the plane of 45°+?/2. The maximum increase of the strain for each geogrid layer occurred in that plane, and the bottom layer had the greatest strain increase among all layers of reinforcement. The study further indicated that the surcharge, backfill friction angle, tensile stiffness of geogrid, reinforcement length and MSE wall height had noticeable influences on horizontal and vertical movements, and strain in geosynthetics. According to the results, the MSE wall that had a higher factor of safety would have less movements and geosynthetic strain increase. In contrast, only the friction angle, tensile stiffness and MSE wall height showed some degree of influence on the lateral earth pressure due to differential settlements.  相似文献   

Shored mechanically stabilized earth (SMSE) walls have been increasingly applied in embankment widening projects because of their good mechanical performance, simple construction, low cost, and low site requirements. In this paper, several large-scale model tests were conducted to explore the mechanical behavior of the composite structures with different connection forms and relative densities, and the wall deformation, earth pressure, reinforcement strain, potential failure surface and the effects of the connection forms behind SMSE walls were also analyzed. The results show that the deformation of SMSE walls is mainly concentrated on the upper middle part, showing a “bulging” failure trend. The deformation of the SMSE walls can be effectively controlled by improving the relative density and adopting a “sandwich” connection behind the walls. The horizontal earth pressure against the SMSE wall facing shows a “K”-shaped distribution, and the vertical earth pressure is large in the upper part and small in the lower part. The potential failure surface originated at the junction of the old and new retaining walls, forming a “double-line” failure surface. For a “sandwich” connection, the failure surface moves forward and occurs where the primary and secondary reinforcements overlap, and this connection form is recommended in engineering practice.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of the peak acceleration, the loading duration, and the strip length on the dynamic behavior of steel-strip reinforced soil walls (SSWs), in terms of the dynamic reinforcement load distribution and the dynamic lateral earth pressure behind the surface, a series of 1-g shaking table tests was performed on five reduced-scale reinforced soil wall models. It was observed that the maximum axial force of the strips (Tmax) is mobilized at the intersection of the failure plane with strips in all rows. It was also discovered that, in the upper half of the walls, the Tmax values decrease with a decreasing strip length, while this trend is reversed in the lower half of the walls. Additionally, a proper convergence was found between the Tmax/H·γs·SV·SH and L/H′ ratio at different levels of acceleration and duration, so that Tmax/H·γs·SV·SH can be defined as a function of the L/H′ ratio and the seismic parameters for different rows of strips. On the other hand, it was observed that the values of earth pressure predicted by conventional methods under static and seismic conditions are too conservative and these methods predict the position of the resultant lateral force higher than the actual point.  相似文献   

Mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining walls are popular for highway bridge structures. They have precast concrete panels attached to earth reinforcement. The panels are designed to have some lateral movement. However, in some cases, excessive movement and even complete dislocation of the panels have been observed. In this study, 3-D numerical modeling involving an existing MSE wall was undertaken to investigate various wall parameters. The effects of pore pressure, soil cohesion, earth reinforcement type and length, breakage/slippage of reinforcement and concrete strength, were examined. Results showed that the wall movement is affected by soil pore pressure and reinforcement integrity and length, and unaffected by concrete strength. Soil cohesion has a minor effect, while the movement increased by 13–20 mm for flexible geogrid reinforced walls compared with the steel grid walls. The steel grid stresses were below yielding, while the geogrid experienced significant stresses without rupture. Geogrid reinforcement may be used taking account of slippage resistance and wall movement. If steel grid is used, non-cohesive soil is recommended to minimize corrosion. Proper soil drainage is important for control of pore pressure.  相似文献   

Traditional techniques for treatment of waste rubber, such as burning, generate some highly non-degradable synthetic materials that cause unrepairable environmental damages by releasing heavy metals, such as arsenic, chromium, lead, manganese and nickel. For this, scrap tires are used as lightweight alternative materials in many engineering applications, such as retaining wall backfilling. In the present study, 90 laboratory models were prepared to evaluate the stability of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls with plate anchors. Then, the bearing capacity and horizontal displacements of the retaining walls were monitored by exerting a static loading to investigate the effects of adding different contents (5 wt%, 10 wt%, 15 wt% and 20 wt%) of recycled crumb rubber (RCR) to the fill of a mechanically stabilized retaining wall with plate anchors. To visualize the critical slip surface of the wall, the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique was employed. Results showed that the circular anchor plates almost continually provided a higher bearing capacity and wall stability than the square plates. Moreover, the backfill with 15 wt% RCR provided the maximum bearing capacity of the wall. Increasing the weight percentage of RCR to 20 wt% resulted in a significant reduction in horizontal displacement of the wall, which occurred due to the decrease in lateral earth pressure against the whole walls. An increase in RCR content resulted in the decrease in the formation of failure wedge and the expansion of the wall slip surface, and the failure wedge did not form in the sand mixtures with 15 wt% and 20 wt% RCRs.  相似文献   

在地震作用下,返包式加筋土挡墙作为一种柔性结构常因侧向变形较大或局部产生破坏而影响其正常使用。为解决该问题,提出了预应力返包式加筋土挡墙结构。为完善预应力返包式加筋土挡墙的设计理论,运用拟动力法和附加应力法理论,以预应力返包式加筋土挡墙作为研究对象,结合现有的加筋土挡墙侧向动土压力和侧向位移计算理论,提出了一套用于计算预应力返包式加筋土挡墙侧向动土压力和侧向位移的理论公式。结合室内振动台模型试验验证了所提理论方法的可行性和合理性。该方法计算简洁,适用性广,能够较好地计算预应力返包式加筋土挡墙的侧向动土压力和侧向位移,对完善预应力返包式加筋土挡墙的设计理论具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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