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Sanda Midžić Kurtagić Irem Silajdžić Branko Vučijak 《Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy》2016,18(6):1827-1847
This paper aims to open the discussion about the possibility and economic feasibility of applying pollution prevention techniques in industrial enterprises with smaller production capacities than those specified in Directive 2010/75/EU. The work refers to countries with transition economies where low cost of environmental resources and pollution fees are present. The research is conducted on pilot sample of seven small- and medium-size enterprises belonging to the food and beverage sector. The enterprises have different characteristics in terms of company size, capacity levels, production processes employed, and status of the transition in terms of their ownership status. The selection of appropriate prevention techniques is done using newly developed Method for Identification of Prevention Techniques (“MIP”). The MIP method combines: (i) Minimization Opportunities Environmental Diagnosis methodology developed by Regional Activity Center for Sustainable Consumption and Production Barcelona and its approach to data collection, (ii) United Nation Industrial Development Organisation’s step-by-step approach to environmental diagnosis of industrial enterprises, (iii) Driving Forces, Pressure, State, Impact, Response Framework used by European Environmental Agency to facilitate problem–solution identification, (iv) Multicriteria ranking method for selection of best available techniques, and (v) Philosophy of Shewhart–Deming’s circle to introduce the system of planning, control, and correction and integrate prevention concept into business policy. This provided necessary flexibility corresponding to companies’ abilities to finance implementation. The results confirmed that the pollution prevention concept can be applied to small- and medium-sized companies of different production capacities and organization levels with both environmental and economic benefits. 相似文献
The successful implementation of software measurement programs is not an easy task. Software measurement program implementations sometimes fail, and this failure is frequently caused by their definition: the measurement program does not provide the required information, the data required are difficult to obtain and so on. The definition of measurement programs is even less encouraging in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), since most of the outstanding measurement program models are not suited to these types of companies. Additionally, the literature provides few cases of measurement program implementation, which could be used as a source of reference for good practices through which to successfully perform these activities. A measurement program definition framework suited to SMEs called MIS-PyME is used to implement a measurement program in the software development and maintenance department of a medium company. The result of this measurement program and the good practices detected from this experience are expounded, along with the benefits obtained using MIS-PyME in contrast to our previous experiences of using the goal question indicator metric. 相似文献
针对经验模态分解(empirical mode decomposition,EMD)的均值曲线采用三次样条拟合而容易引起包络过冲和不足等缺陷,相关学者提出了许多改进均值曲线的变种EMD方法,取得了一定的效果。广义经验模态分解(generalized EMD,GEMD)方法综合了多种改进EMD方法,通过定义不同的均值曲线对信号进行逐阶筛分,从得到的每一阶分量中选取最优作为最终的广义内禀模态函数(generalized intrinsic mode function,GIMF),由于每一阶的GIMF分量都是最优的,因此相较于EMD等单一均值曲线筛分方法,GEMD分解结果也是最优的。论文对GIMF分量准则进行了改进以及对GEMD性能进行了分析,并将GEMD应用于仿真和实测信号的分析,结论表明GEMD分解是完备的和正交的,有比EMD更强的分解能力,而且适合机械振动信号的处理和故障诊断。 相似文献
M. Oromaner 《Scientometrics》1981,3(2):73-84
A number of observers have commented that American sociology has recently experimenced a shift in its cognitive structure. In order to empirically investigate these observations, citations in the two most prominent sociological journals during 1955 and 1970 are examined. The data indicate that (a) various theory groups account for a relatively small percentage of authors cited during either period, (b) a number of the earlier theory groups are less prominent than they once were, and (c) there is evidence of the emergence of one new theory group. 相似文献
It has been consistently reported that many firms that have adopted advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) are failing to exploit the true flexibility potential of these systems. Since a firm's ability to improve flexibility is thought to be reliant on the flexibility of its people, it is often suggested that inadequate emphasis on people-centred implementation activities such as worker development are major contributors to many of these failures. The purpose of this study is to determine if differences in the level of effort exerted on several organizational development activities have any impact on a firm's time-based flexibility ability to respond quickly to changes in customer needs. Our analysis indicates that firms which expend higher levels of effort on worker development and functional integration strategies will achieve higher levels of time-based flexibility. 相似文献
食品企业实施HACCP体系的关键 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
HACCP(危害分析与关键控制点)是食品制造产业确认危害、对危害进行评估及建立控制方法的系统,旨在确保食品安全卫生,可用于由食品原料至最后消费这一食物链的整个过程。目前,HACCP管理体系被世界上公认为是最经济、最有效的一种食品安全控制体系,已有许多国家和地区采纳并实施,将其作为保障食品安全和保护消费者健康的有效措施。笔者作为一名HACCP管理体系的审核人员,在近年来的审核过程中,可喜地看到很多企业在实际生产中认真执行了体系要求,使HACCP体系在控制食品的安全、卫生等方面的的确确发挥了作用,规范了企业生产行为,在加工… 相似文献
Claire Bell 《World Patent Information》2000,22(4):325
The Patent Information Service of Birmingham Central Library was re-assessed in the light of changing customer requirements and new opportunities to better meet those needs. A substantial funding injection enabled research to be carried out and the results put into practice, e.g., in expanding the range of services – with particular emphasis on helping small and medium enterprise (SME) businesses, and in positive marketing of the services, rather than the previous passive provision of services. The resulting integrated business and intellectual property service was then re-branded as ‘Business Insight' and given wide promotion in the Birmingham area. 相似文献
Nuria González Álvarez 《Industry and innovation》2019,26(2):158-175
ABSTRACTInvestment in R&D is essential for the survival and growth of organizations. Recent literature has focused on the study of effects of R&D on the growth of private companies. However, there is no research studying the effects of R&D on the growth of Latin American public companies. This paper estimates, using an endogenous growth model, the effect of investments in R&D on sales growth in public enterprises of Ecuador. Data corresponding to a sample of 86 public companies have been taken from the Survey of Activities of Science and Technology (ACTI) of Ecuador for the period 2012 to 2014. These data are estimated by OLS. The results show that there is a statistically significant positive relation between investment in research and development and the growth of sales in public companies. 相似文献
Naomi Fukuzawa 《Scientometrics》2014,99(3):785-809
This paper provides an analysis of the relationship between research performance and individual characteristics (e.g., career path information) of researchers, based on information provided in the curriculum vitaes of 565 excellent researchers within the life sciences and medical sciences fields in Japan. I specifically analyzed the relationship between the experiences of practical physicians and research performance. As a result, I found that the experience as a practical physician had a statistically positive relationship with the number of research papers, but there was not a significant relationship with the number of citations. Moreover, the diversity of a researcher’s career related significantly to the number of citations and patents. An employment experience at a young age with a company or independent administrative agency had a significant and positive relationship with number of coauthors. However, a significant relationship between work experience in a foreign country and research performance was not observed. 相似文献
We empirically examine the impacts of the product category, the auction format, the 2008 global financial crisis, the group purchasing, the contract type, the platform ownership, and the number of participating suppliers on the buyer surplus obtained from e-auctions. To this end, we collect a unique dataset from a purchasing organisation that offers e-auction solutions to its corporate customers. By using a standard Tobit model, we show that the product categories, the auction type, and the number of participating suppliers have significant effects on the decrease in the procurement prices with respect to the minimum of the initial submitted bids. It is observed that the 2008 global financial crisis led to an increase in the buyer surplus. We classify the product categories into three groups based on their impacts on the average of the decrease in the procurement prices. We show that the average decrease in procurement prices is higher for the group purchasing option than for the individual buying option. It is concluded that the types of contract between buyers and auctioneer and the platform ownership have no statistically significant effects on the average decrease in procurement prices. 相似文献
N. V. Chertova 《Technical Physics Letters》2003,29(1):78-80
The wave structure of a defect field in a viscoplastic medium is studied in terms of equations of defect field theory. It
is established that waves in the defect field characterized by tensors of the defect density and the defect flux density possess
a transverse character. A relation between the two quantities in a plane harmonic wave is determined. Partial cases of media
with strongly and weakly decaying waves are considered. 相似文献
Rapid industrial modernisation and economic reform have been features of the Korean economy since the 1990s, and have brought with it substantial environmental problems. In response to these problems, the Korean government has been developing approaches to promote cleaner production technologies. Green supply chain management (GSCM) is emerging to be an important approach for Korean enterprises to improve performance. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of GSCM CSFs (critical success factors) on the BSC (balanced scorecard) performance by the structural equation modelling, using empirical results from 249 enterprise respondents involved in national GSCM business in Korea. Planning and implementation was a dominant antecedent factor in this study, followed by collaboration with partners and integration of infrastructure. However, activation of support was a negative impact to the finance performance, raising the costs and burdens. It was found out that there were important implications in the implementation of GSCM. 相似文献