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Lot streaming is the process of splitting a given lot or job to allow the overlapping of successive operations in flowshops or multi-stage manufacturing systems to reduce manufacturing lead time. Recent literature shows that significant lead time improvement is possible if variable sublots, instead of equal or consistent sublots, are used when production setup time is considered. However, lot streaming problems with variable sublots are difficult to solve to optimality using off-shelf optimisation packages even for problems of small and experimental sizes. Thus, efficient solution procedures are needed for solving such problems for practical applications. In this paper, we develop a mathematical programming model and a hybrid genetic algorithm for solving n-job m-machine lot streaming problems with variable sublots considering setup times. The preliminary computational results are encouraging.  相似文献   

This paper presents several procedures for scheduling a permutation flow shop with family setups when the objective is to minimise total tardiness. These procedures are tested on several problem sets with varying numbers of families, jobs, and machines, three setup time distributions, and various levels of due date tightness and variability. The results show that variable greedy algorithms are effective when solving small problems, but a neighbourhood search procedure that includes searches with a neighbourhood defined by the sequence of batches of jobs belonging to the same setup family is more effective when solving large problems. Results are also presented, showing that significant reductions in total tardiness can be obtained if the time required to perform the family setups is reduced.  相似文献   

Lotsizing in capacitated pure flow shop with sequence-dependent setups has been considered in this paper. An exact formulation of the problem is provided as a mixed-integer program. It is well known that the capacitated lotsizing and scheduling problem (CLSP) is NP-hard. The introduction of serially arranged machines and sequence-dependent setups makes the problem even more complicated. Five MIP-based heuristics based on iterative procedures are provided. The first three heuristics are based on the original model but to solve non-small instances of problem, the last two heuristics are based on permutation flow shop problem which ignores the majority of combinations. To test the accuracy of heuristics, two lower bounds are developed and compared against the optimal solution. The trade-offs between solution quality and computational times of heuristics are also provided.  相似文献   

Most of the literature dealing with the determination of cyclic part input sequences in a flexible flow system is restricted in that it only searches for input sequences that are permutations of the minimal part set (MPS). This study is unique in that it investigates input sequences generated by integer programming (IP) formulations that balance or unbalance machine workloads to help maximize overall machine utilization (Stecke 1992). Also, this study integrates the input sequence determination decision with the part mix ratio determination, within the overall framework of a flexible approach to FMS operation over time. A simulation model of a flexible flow system was designed to study the effects on overall machine utilizations caused by utilizing alternative part mix ratios to help determine input sequences. The procedures used to determine the part mix ratios include IP formulations and those that are generated randomly, including the MPS mix ratios. Three different experimental settings are used to test these effects as well as (I) the robustness of the part input sequences that can be derived from the IP generated mix ratios, and (2) the relative importance of the part mix ratio decision in relation to the part input sequence determination. A new FMS physical design that can also be easily modelled to capture look-ahead capability proved to be simple and effective. Several significant conclusions regarding part mix ratios, pan input sequences, and look-ahead capability are revealed. These include: (1) the determination of the part mix ratios proved to be more significant in improving FMS performance than the determination of part input sequences; (2) the robust nature of the IP formulations was demonstrated; and (3) look-ahead capability provides equally high overall machine utilizations at lower levels of work-in-process. Future research areas are presented that would help validate and extend the observations found in this study.  相似文献   

We consider lot streaming problem in a job shop with consistent sub-lots and transportation, in which each lot is regarded as an individual job to reduce management complexity. A modified artificial bee colony (MABC) algorithm is proposed to minimise makespan. An effective two-phase decoding procedure is applied, in which a schedule is first built and then transportation tasks are dispatched. A swap and an insertion are used in the employed bee phase and the onlooker bee phase respectively to produce new solutions. No scouts are considered and the worst solution is replaced with the elite solution every certain cycles to enhance the diversity of the swarm. The testing results and the comparisons of MABC with some methods show that MABC performs better than the chosen algorithms on the considered problem.  相似文献   

Lot streaming is a technique of splitting production lots into smaller sublots in a multi-stage manufacturing system so that operations of a given lot can overlap. This technique can reduce the manufacturing makespan and is an effective tool in time-based manufacturing. Research on lot streaming models and solution procedures for flexible jobshops has been limited. The flexible jobshop scheduling problem is an extension of the classical jobshop scheduling problem by allowing an operation to be assigned to one of a set of eligible machines during scheduling. In this paper we develop a lot streaming model for a flexible jobshop environment. The model considers several pragmatic issues such as sequence-dependent setup times, the attached or detached nature of the setups, the machine release date and the lag time. In order to solve the developed model efficiently, an island-model parallel genetic algorithm is proposed. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the features of the proposed model and compare the computational performance of the parallel genetic algorithm with the sequential algorithm. The results are very encouraging.  相似文献   

Models and optimisation approaches are developed for a flexible job shop scheduling problem with lot streaming and lot sizing of the variable sublots. A two-stage optimisation procedure is proposed. First, the makespan value is minimised with the smallest sublots defined for the problem instance. This makes it possible to shorten the makespan significantly, because each sublot is transferred separately to the next operation of a job. In the second stage, the sizes of the sublots are maximised without increasing the obtained makespan value. In this way, the quantity of sublots and transport activities is limited together with the related manufacturing cost. Two objectives are defined for the second stage. The first one is the maximisation of the sum of the sublot sizes of all operations, the second one is the maximisation of the number of the operations which do not need to be split at all. Mixed-integer linear programming, constraint programming and graph-based models are implemented for the problem. Two optimisation approaches are developed and compared in computational experiments for each stage and objective, one approach is based on a third-party solver, and the second one on an independent own implementation, namely a tabu search and a greedy constructive heuristic.  相似文献   

Much of the research on operations scheduling problems has either ignored setup times or assumed that setup times on each machine are independent of the job sequence. Furthermore, most scheduling problems that have been discussed in the literature are under the assumption that machines are continuously available. Nevertheless, in most real-life industries a machine can be unavailable for many reasons, such as unanticipated breakdowns (stochastic unavailability), or due to scheduled preventive maintenance where the periods of unavailability are known in advance (deterministic unavailability). This paper deals with hybrid flow shop scheduling problems in which there are sequence-dependent setup times (SDSTs), and machines suffer stochastic breakdowns, to optimise objectives based on the expected makespan. With the increase in manufacturing complexity, conventional scheduling techniques for generating a reasonable manufacturing schedule have become ineffective. An immune algorithm (IA) can be used to tackle complex problems and produce a reasonable manufacturing schedule within an acceptable time. In this research, a computational method based on a clonal selection principle and an affinity maturation mechanism of the immune response is used. This paper describes how we can incorporate simulation into an immune algorithm for the scheduling of a SDST hybrid flow shop with machines that suffer stochastic breakdowns. The results obtained are analysed using a Taguchi experimental design.  相似文献   

In production planning in the glass container industry, machine-dependent setup times and costs are incurred for switch overs from one product to another. The resulting multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem has sequence-dependent setup times and costs. We present two novel linear mixed-integer programming formulations for this problem, incorporating all the necessary features of setup carryovers. The compact formulation has polynomially many constraints, whereas the stronger formulation uses an exponential number of constraints that can be separated in polynomial time. We also present a five-step heuristic that is effective both in finding a feasible solution (even for tightly capacitated instances) and in producing good solutions to these problems. We report computational experiments.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of computer technology and related softwares for mathematical models, mathematical modelling of scheduling problems is receiving growing attention from researchers. In this work, the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with unrelated parallel machines (HFSP-UPM) with the objective aimed to minimise the makespan is studied. According to the characteristics of the HFSP-UPM, eight mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models are formulated in order to obtain optimal solutions based on different modelling ideas. Then, these models are extended to solve HFSP-UPM with sequence-dependent setup times (HFSP-UPM-SDST), no-wait HFSP-UPM (HFSP-UPM-NW) and HFSP-UPM with blocking (HFSP-UPM-B). All the proposed models and the existing model are detailedly compared and evaluated under three aspects namely modelling process, size complexity and computational complexity. Numerical experiments show that MILP models dependent on diverse modelling ideas perform very differently. The model developed based on stage precedence is the best one and should be given preference in future applications. In addition, the proposed models of HFSP-UPM-NW and HFSP-UPM-B improve several best known solutions for the test instances in the existing literature.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the manufacturing model that has a common machine at stage one and two parallel dedicated machines at stage two. All jobs need to be processed on the stage-one common machine. After the stage-one processing, the jobs of type 1 (type 2) will route to the first (second) dedicated machine at stage two. We first elaborate several published works on makespan minimisation which are not known to other streams of recent works. While the minimisation of maximum lateness is strongly NP-hard, we develop a linear-time algorithm to solve the case where two sequences of the two job types are given a priori.  相似文献   

The production scheduling problem is to find simultaneously the lot sizes and their sequence over a finite set of planning periods. This paper studies a single-stage production scheduling problem subject to controllable process times and sequence-dependent setups for deteriorating items. The paper formulates the problem by minimising two objectives of total costs and total variations in production volumes simultaneously. The problem is modelled and analysed as a mixed integer nonlinear program. Since it is proved that the problem is NP-hard, a problem-specific heuristic is proposed to generate a set of Pareto-optimal solutions. The heuristic is investigated analytically and experimentally. Computational experiences of running the heuristic and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-I over a set of randomly generated test problems are reported. The heuristic possesses at least 56.5% (in the worst case) and at most 94.7% (in the best case) of total global Pareto-optimal solutions in ordinary-size instances.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to develop intelligent search heuristics to solve n-jobs, m-machines lot streaming problem in a flow shop with equal size sub-lots where the objective is to minimise makespan and total flow time independently. Improved sheep flock heredity algorithm (ISFHA) and artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithms are applied to the problem above mentioned. The performance of these algorithms is evaluated against the algorithms reported in the literature. The computational analysis shows the better performance of ISFHA and ABC algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper considers a two-stage hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with dedicated machines at stage 2. The objective is to minimise the makespan. There is one machine at stage 1 and two machines at stage 2. Each job must be processed on the single machine at stage 1 and, depending upon the job type, the job is processed on either of the two machines at stage 2. We first introduce this special type of the two-stage hybrid flow shop scheduling problem and present some preliminary results. We then present a counter example to the known complexity proof of Riane et al. [Riane, F., Artiba, A. and Elmaghraby, S.E., 2002. Sequencing a hybrid two-stage flowshop with dedicated machines. International Journal of Production Research, 40, 4353–4380.] Finally, we re-establish the complexity of the problem.  相似文献   

A production scheduling problem originating from a real rotor workshop is addressed in the paper. Given its specific characteristics, the problem is formulated as a re-entrant hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with machine eligibility constraints. A mixed integer linear programming model of the problem is provided and solved by the Cplex solver. In order to solve larger sized problems, a discrete differential evolution (DDE) algorithm with a modified crossover operator is proposed. More importantly, a new decoder addressing the machine eligibility constraints is developed and embedded to the algorithm. To validate the performance of the proposed DDE algorithm, various test problems are examined. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is compared with two other algorithms modified from the existing ones in the literatures. A one-way ANOVA analysis and a sensitivity analysis are applied to intensify the superiority of the new decoder. Tightness of due dates and different levels of scarcity of machines subject to machine eligibility restrictions are discussed in the sensitivity analysis. The results indicate the pre-eminence of the new decoder and the proposed DDE algorithm.  相似文献   

Lot streaming is the process of splitting a production lot into sublots, and then processing the sublots on different machines in an overlapping manner. In this paper, we study the use of lot streaming for processing a lot in a two-machine flow shop when a sublot-attached setup time is incurred before the processing of each sublot. The objective is to determine number of sublots and sublot sizes and minimize makespan. We also consider the case when the effect of learning is observed in processing times, sublot-attached setup times, or, both. We present closed-form expressions for optimal sublot sizes and efficient search schemes to determine optimal number of sublots.  相似文献   

This paper investigates an integrated bi-objective optimisation problem with non-resumable jobs for production scheduling and preventive maintenance in a two-stage hybrid flow shop with one machine on the first stage and m identical parallel machines on the second stage. Sequence-dependent set-up times and preventive maintenance (PM) on the first stage machine are considered. The scheduling objectives are to minimise the unavailability of the first stage machine and to minimise the makespan simultaneously. To solve this integrated problem, three decisions have to be made: determine the processing sequence of jobs on the first stage machine, determine whether or not to perform PM activity just after each job, and specify the processing machine of each job on the second stage. Due to the complexity of the problem, a multi-objective tabu search (MOTS) method is adapted with the implementation details. The method generates non-dominated solutions with several parallel tabu lists and Pareto dominance concept. The performance of the method is compared with that of a well-known multi-objective genetic algorithm, in terms of standard multi-objective metrics. Computational results show that the proposed MOTS yields a better approximation.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a simulated annealing-based meta-heuristic to minimise makespan in a flowshop manufacturing cell with sequence-dependent family setup times. To escape from local minima, Cauchy function?–?rather than the Boltzmann function?–?is used during the annealing process. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed simulated annealing-based meta-heuristic is compared against the existing heuristics on a benchmark problem dataset used in earlier studies. These computational results show that the proposed simulated annealing-based meta-heuristic is highly effective as compared to the state-of-the-art meta-heuristics for this problem on the same benchmark instances.  相似文献   

We address a problem that often arises in industry, the multi-item capacitated-lot-sizing and scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times and costs. Powerful commercial solvers fail to solve even medium-sized instances of this NP-hard problem, therefore we employ a tabu search and a variable neighbourhood search meta-heuristic to solve it and compare the performance of these meta-heuristics over time. In contrast to the majority of the literature on this topic, the solution representation explicitly considers production quantities and setup variables, which enables us to develop fast search heuristics. A comprehensive set of computational experiments shows the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approaches in solving medium- to large-sized problems.  相似文献   

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