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This paper deals with imperfect preventive maintenance (PM) optimisation problem. The system to be maintained is typically a production system assumed to be continuously monitored and subject to stochastic degradation. To assess such degradation, the proposed maintenance model takes into account both corrective maintenance (CM) and PM. The system undergoes PM whenever its reliability reaches an appropriate value, while CM is performed at system failure. After a given number of maintenance actions, the system is preventively replaced by a new one. Both CM as well as PM are considered imperfect, i.e. they bring the system to an operating state which lies between two extreme states, namely the as bad as old state and as good as new state. The imperfect effect of CM and PM is modelled on the basis of the hybrid hazard rate model. The objective of the proposed PM optimisation model consists on finding the optimal reliability threshold together with the optimal number of PM actions to maximise the average availability of the system. A mathematical model is then proposed. To solve this problem an algorithm is provided. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the proposed maintenance optimisation model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider randomly failing equipment leased several times during their life cycle with a given warranty period. A mathematical model is developed to determine the optimal efficiency levels of preventive maintenance (PM) to be performed on the equipment between successive lease periods, maximising the expected total profit of the lessor over the equipment life cycle. The model considers the expected leasing revenue as well as the equipment acquisition cost and the average PM and repair costs. PM actions allow reducing the age of the equipment to a certain extent with a corresponding cost depending on the PM level adopted. The efficiency of the PM is determinant of the expected revenue during the next lease period. Given a set of K possible PM levels and the number of lease periods n over the equipment life cycle, Kn?1 PM strategies are possible. A genetic algorithm is proposed in order to obtain nearly optimal policies in situations where the number of possibilities Kn?1 is very high. Obtained numerical results are discussed. Small- and big-size instances of the problem are considered in the case of a service company in the oil and gas industry specialised in leasing specific equipment such as separators, to oil companies for production activities with a limited duration of several months like well testing or short production tests.  相似文献   

Maintenance-related costs are one of the main components of overhead costs and constitute an important part of a product’s actual cost. Therefore, making proper efforts to reduce and optimise maintenance costs could be one way of gaining competitive advantages. A major part of maintenance-related costs is the salaries paid to the workforce in the maintenance department. This paper seeks the optimal assignment of human resources to the maintenance department to reduce the related costs. First, we model the maintenance department using fuzzy queue models. Then, a cost function is proposed which includes the costs of workforce shortage and workforce overload. The optimal size of workforce is obtained by considering different numbers and choosing the one which minimises the total costs. Some parameters are fuzzy outputs of the queue models, which make fuzzy results of the cost function. In order to find the minimum fuzzy cost function, we use Lee and Li fuzzy ranking method. Finally, our model is tested in a spiral-tube company and a sensitivity analysis is performed.  相似文献   

Selective maintenance is regarded as a type of profit‐generating maintenance policy, playing an important role in balancing limited maintenance resources with system performance. Since 1988, increasing interest has been focused on this research area. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, there is a lack of critical reviews of selective maintenance. This paper is the first systematic review focusing on this relevant topic. In this work, a definition and some specific features of selective maintenance are elaborated. Based on these features, a set of criteria that have been considered in selective maintenance optimization are summarized into 3 categories: system characteristics, maintenance characteristics, and mission profile characteristics. Based on these criteria, a comprehensive literature review on selective maintenance is undertaken. The solution approaches, as well as a general procedure for selective maintenance optimization, are discussed. Finally, some possible directions for further research are provided.  相似文献   

This paper presents an adaptive maintenance model for equipment that can be adjusted (minor preventive maintenance, imperfect state) or replaced (major preventive maintenance, as good as new) at specific scheduled times based on degradation measurements. An initial reliability law that uses a degradation‐based model is built from the collection of hitting times of a failure threshold. Inspections are performed to update the reliability, the remaining useful life, and the optimum time for preventive maintenance. The case of both as good as new replacements and imperfect adjustments is considered. The proposed maintenance model is based on the optimization of the long‐term expected cost per unit of time. The model is then tested on a numerical case study to assess its effectiveness. This results in an improvement for the occurrences of maintenance tasks that minimizes the mean cost per unit of time as well as an optimized number of adjustments that can be considered before replacing an item. The practical application is a decision aid support to answer the 2 following questions: Should we intervene now or wait for the next inspection? For each intervention, should we adjust or replace the item of equipment? The originality is the presence of 2 criteria that help the maintainer to decide to postpone or not the preventive replacement time depending on the measured degradation and to decide whether the item should be adjusted or replaced.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the selective maintenance problem for a multi-component system performing consecutive missions separated by scheduled breaks. To increase the probability of successfully completing its next mission, the system components are maintained during the break. A list of potential imperfect maintenance actions on each component, ranging from minimal repair to replacement is available. The general hybrid hazard rate approach is used to model the reliability improvement of the system components. Durations of the maintenance actions, the mission and the breaks are stochastic with known probability distributions. The resulting optimisation problem is modelled as a non-linear stochastic programme. Its objective is to determine a cost-optimal subset of maintenance actions to be performed on the components given the limited stochastic duration of the break and the minimum system reliability level required to complete the next mission. The fundamental concepts and relevant parameters of this decision-making problem are developed and discussed. Numerical experiments are provided to demonstrate the added value of solving this selective maintenance problem as a stochastic optimisation programme.  相似文献   

Machine line is a type of manufacturing system in which machines are connected in series or in parallel. It is significant to ensure the reliability as well as to reduce the total cost of maintenance and failure losses in the maintenance programs of such systems. Cost‐based selective maintenance decision‐making, which is the best method for a selected group of machines in machine line is presented under limited maintenance durations. Fault losses and maintenance costs of a single machine under different maintenance actions i.e. minimal repair, preventive maintenance and overhaul on the fault rate of the machine are calculated. An algorithm combining the heuristic rules and tabu search is proposed to solve the presented selective maintenance model. Finally, a case study on the maintenance decision‐making problem of a connecting rod machining line in the automobile engine workshop is presented to illustrate the applicability of the proposed method. The end result shows that the fault losses can be further reduced by the optimization of maintenance interval and maintenance duration. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Considering the characteristics of the stochastic shift of the machine state and the uncertainty of the product quality of production, in this paper, we develop an optimisation decision of economic production quantity model for an imperfect manufacturing system under hybrid maintenance policy with shortages and partial backlogging. We assume that the production process is imperfect stemming from the machine reliability and the probability of out-of-control, a hybrid maintenance policy combined of emergency maintenance and preventive maintenance is executed during each production run. Three decision models based on the scenarios of machine breakdown and repair time are developed. The optimal production quantity and maintenance inspection number during each production run are solved with minimising the expected average cost of the system. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the model. Sensitivity analysis is conducted to analyse the impacts of key parameters on the optimal decision. Some implications related to the effective and economical execution of maintenance policy for practitioners are derived.  相似文献   

In problems of maintenance optimization, it is convenient to assume that repairs are equivalent to replacements and that systems or objects are, therefore, brought back into an as good as new state after each repair. Standard results in renewal theory may then be applied for determining optimal maintenance policies. In practice, there are many situations in which this assumption cannot be made. The quintessential problem with imperfect maintenance is how to model it. In many cases it is very difficult to assess by how much a partial repair will improve the condition of a system or object and it is equally difficult to assess how such a repair influences the rate of deterioration. In this paper, a superposition of renewal process is used to model the effect of imperfect maintenance. It constitutes a different modelling approach than the more common use of a virtual age process.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of determining the optimal maintenance and operation policies for a multi-state, multi-stage machine maintenance problem is considered. This problem has been formulated in the literature as a Partially Observed Markov Decision Process (POMDP). A new formulation that explicitly ties maintenance, operation, and quality within the POMDP framework is provided. The new formulation maximises Overall Systems Effectiveness for an n-state system with multiple speed and maintenance actions. The model provides, for each time epoch, a set of optimal maintenance and production-rate actions. The decision-maker (controller) can select the optimal policy depending on the system state occupancy vector (belief state). A realistic numerical model is presented to demonstrate the model utility.  相似文献   

Hot standby redundancy maintains the working order of a system, repairs offer restoration in case of failure, and preventive maintenance (PM) prevents trouble. Warranties provide assurance to customers, and a superior warranty signifies higher product quality. The running costs of redundancy, maintenance and warranties influence decisions during product manufacture. Therefore, this paper presents an economic production quantity (EPQ) model for a parallel system with maintenance, production, and free-repair warranty (FRW) programmes. The production system begins with a basic unit and produces conforming items. PM is performed after the production run period and is classified as imperfect or perfect. If the basic unit fails, it is repaired and returned to operation after perfect PM; the spare unit is online only during the repair time of the basic unit. The spare will produce some number of defective goods, which are reworked in the same inventory cycle. The hot spare is minimally repaired if it fails in its standby or online mode. In this study, an inferior item is defined as one that satisfies specifications on inspection and is usable but is likely to incur postsale servicing costs when sold under an FRW. The total cost of this EPQ model includes setup, holding, PM, restoration, minimal repair, and warranty costs. The optimal production runtime is determined by minimising the total cost. Several cases are discussed in this paper, and the proposed model is illustrated using a numerical example and sensitivity.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a model to help a maintenance decision making situation of a given equipment. We propose a novel model to determine optimal life-cycle duration and intervals between overhauls by minimizing global maintenance costs. We consider a situation where the costumer, which owns the equipment, may negotiate a better warranty contract by offering an improved preventive maintenance program for the equipment. The equipment receives three kind of actions: repairs, overhauls, and replacement. An overhaul represents an imperfect maintenance action, that is, the failure rate is improved but not a point that the equipment is as good as new. Corrective maintenance actions are minimal, in the sense that the failure rate after each repair is the same as before the failure. The proposed strategy surpasses others seen in the literature since it considers at the same time the warranty negotiation situation and the optimal life-cycle duration under imperfect preventive actions. We also propose a simplified approach that facilitates the task of implementing the method in standard solvers.  相似文献   

In this paper, integrated planning of production, imperfect maintenance and process inspections in a multi-machine system is investigated. This system consists of parallel machines which deteriorate with time and they may shift from a primarily in-control state to a degraded state with a higher defective rate or to a failed state. Maintenance scheduling corresponds to a discrete time age-based imperfect maintenance with a large number of maintenance alternatives. Process inspections are considered to detect the current state of the system. Detecting a deteriorated condition initiates the quality check of the related sub-lots, rework of defective items and a process adjustment that brings the machine in its normal conditions. Production planning includes a capacitated lot-sizing problem with multiple products. We propose a joint approach that coordinates the decisions of the three functions, where the objective function minimises the total cost. Evaluation of costs and interacting factors is presented and two heuristic methods are proposed to solve the problem. The results of the joint model are compared to a non-integrated method and a sensitivity analysis is conducted.  相似文献   

This paper develops reliability and maintenance models for a single‐unit system subject to hard failures under random environment of external shocks. Motivated by the observations of shot‐noise process in practice, the impact of shock damage on system failure behavior is characterized by random hazard rate increments. To remove such negative impact, imperfect preventive repair is performed periodically, and preventive replacement is performed after several repairs. Considering the joint effects of both random shocks and imperfect repair on the system hazard rate, we derive recursive equations for the system reliability function. Furthermore, we investigate the optimal maintenance policy that minimizes the expected cost per unit time of the system. The applicability of the reliability and maintenance model is validated by a case study on a wind turbine system.  相似文献   

Optimal major and minimal maintenance policies for deteriorating systems   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
We present a maintenance model for a multi-state semi-Markovian deteriorating system. Our model allows one of three maintenance decisions (do-nothing, minimal maintenance or replacement) to be taken at each state of the system. We use control limit policy and the policy-iteration algorithm to find the optimal maintenance policies that minimizes the expected long-run cost rate of the system. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the proposed policies.  相似文献   

In classical scheduling problems, it is often assumed that the machines are available during the whole planning horizon, while in realistic environments, machines need to be maintained and therefore may become unavailable within production periods. Hence, in this paper we suggest a joint production and maintenance scheduling (JPMS) with multiple preventive maintenance services, in which the reliability/availability approach is employed to model the maintenance aspects of a problem. To cope with the suggested JPMS, a mixed integer nonlinear programming model is developed and then a population-based variable neighbourhood search (PVNS) algorithm is devised for a solution method. In order to enhance the search diversification of basic variable neighbourhood search (VNS), our PVNS uses an epitome-based mechanism in each iteration to transform a group of initial individuals into a new solution, and then multiple trial solutions are generated in the shaking stage for a given solution. At the end of the local search stage, the best obtained solution by all of the trial solutions is recorded and the worst solution in population is replaced with this new solution. The evolution procedure is continued until a predefined number of iterations is violated. To validate the effectiveness and robustness of PVNS, an extensive computational study is implemented and the simulation results reveal that our PVNS performs better than traditional algorithms, especially in large size problems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider common due-window assignment and scheduling problems with general position-dependent processing times involving deteriorating and compressible maintenance activity on a single machine. Two models associated with maintenance activity are examined in this article, in which the maintenance length is assumed to be either time-dependent and compressible or position-dependent and compressible. The objective is to find jointly the location and size of due-window, position of maintenance as well as resource amount allocated to it, and job sequence to minimise a total cost function based on earliness, tardiness, window location, window size and resource cost. We show that the problem considered in each of the two models’ setting can be optimally solved with polynomial time algorithm by reducing to assignment problem. Finally, two examples are provided to illustrate the solution procedures.  相似文献   

Predictive maintenance (PdM) is an effective means to eliminate potential failures, ensure stable equipment operation and improve the mission reliability of manufacturing systems and the quality of products, which is the premise of intelligent manufacturing. Therefore, an integrated PdM strategy considering product quality level and mission reliability state is proposed regarding the intelligent manufacturing philosophy of ‘prediction and manufacturing’. First, the key process variables are identified and integrated into the evaluation of the equipment degradation state. Second, the quality deviation index is defined to describe the quality of the product quantitatively according to the co-effect of manufacturing system component reliability and product quality in the quality–reliability chain. Third, to achieve changeable production task demands, mission reliability is defined to characterise the equipment production states comprehensively. The optimal integrated PdM strategy, which combines quality control and mission reliability analysis, is obtained by minimising the total cost. Finally, a case study on decision-making with the integrated PdM strategy for a cylinder head manufacturing system is presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The final results shows that proposed method achieves approximately 26.02 and 20.54% cost improvement over periodic preventive maintenance and conventional condition-based maintenance respectively.  相似文献   

Burn-in and preventive maintenance (PM) are effective approaches to reduce the number of warranty claims and warranty cost during post-sale support. With harsher burn-in settings, early product defects can be removed, but at the same time product degradation is accelerated and more wear-out failures may be introduced. PM actions within warranty alleviate these negative effects. This paper proposes an optimal burn-in strategy for repairable products sold with a two-dimensional base warranty (BW) and an optional extended warranty (EW). Both performance-based and cost-based models incorporating PMs are developed to obtain optimal burn-in settings, including the burn-in duration and the burn-in usage rate, so as to minimise the expected number of warranty claims and total cost respectively. The impacts of different accelerated coefficients and PM degrees on the optimal burn-in strategy are analysed. In view of the performance and cost structures, we conduct numerical examples to illustrate the applicability of the proposed models. Practical implications from a sensitivity analysis for key parameters are also elaborated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a special case of integration of the preventive maintenance into the repair/replacement policy of a failure-prone system. The machine of the considered system exhibits increasing failure intensity and increasing repair times. To reduce the failure rate and subsequent repair times following a failure, there is an incentive to perform preventive maintenance on the machine before failure. When a failure occurs, the machine can be repaired or replaced by a new one. Thus the machine's mode at any time can be classified as either operating, in repair, in replacement or in preventive maintenance. The decision variables of the system are the repair/replacement switching age or number of failures at the time of the machine's failure and the preventive maintenance rate. The problem of determining the repair/replacement and preventive maintenance policies is formulated as a semi-Markov decision process and numerical methods are given in order to compute optimal policies which minimise the average cost incurred by preventive maintenance, repair and replacement over an infinite planning horizon. As expected, the decisions to repair or to replace the machine upon a failure are modified by performing preventive maintenance. A numerical example is given and a sensitivity analysis is performed to illustrate the proposed approach and to show the impact of various parameters on the control policies thus obtained.  相似文献   

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