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Unit-based pull systems control the throughput time of orders in a production system by limiting the number of orders on the shop floor. In production systems where orders can follow different routings on the shop floor, route-specific pull systems that control the progress of orders on the shop floor by placing limits on the number of orders in (parts of) a routing, have shown to be effective in controlling throughput times. This is because route-specific pull systems are able to create a balanced distribution of the amount of work on the shop floor, which leads to shorter and more reliable throughput times. The placement of limits on work-in-progress in a route-specific pull system determines to a large extent the workload balancing capability of such a system. This paper shows how the placement of work-in-progress limits affects the workload balancing capability and thereby the throughput time performance of a route-specific unit-based pull system, namely POLCA.  相似文献   

POLCA is a material control system designed for make-to-order or engineer-to-order companies. These firms have to cope with a high variety of customised products, and strong pressure to provide short throughput times. POLCA constrains the amount of work in progress on the shop floor in order to achieve a short average shop floor throughput time. Earlier work has shown that the POLCA system has the capability to reduce both the average shop floor throughput time and the average total throughput time, but it is only effective if the POLCA system has been appropriately designed. The design of the POLCA system is therefore being investigated and discussed in this paper. We give an extensive literature review and give attention to the authorisation mechanisms of POLCA, the design of control loops, the route-specific capacity signals (POLCA cards), and specific facilities needed to use the POLCA system in practice. Finally, we report on the design of a POLCA system in practice, the first complete implementation of POLCA in The Netherlands, and present the quick scan that was used in the design of the POLCA system for this SME.  相似文献   

Order release is where orders are released to the shop floor for processing. An Order Release Mechanism (ORM) can control order release, such that orders are selectively released so as to improve shop management and performance. This paper reports on the development of an ORM for a specific Flexible Flow System (FFS), where the primary criterion in running the system is flow time. The ORM determines what order to release when, and makes the routeing decisions for each order. Using a simulation model, the performance of the FFS with the ORM was compared to present practice without an ORM and an ‘off-the-shelf’ ORM from the literature, namely CONWIP. It is found that the ORM not only improves the mean time that orders spend in the shop under all load conditions, but also reduces the variance of this measure. It would be expected that the total time that orders spend in the system increases with the ORM, at least compared to immediate release, but at high load levels it is found that this measure also decreases. An analysis of variance suggests that the choice of ORM is more important than the choice of the dispatching rule used on the shop floor.  相似文献   

We extend the concept of CONWIP control to a job shop setting, in which multiple products with distinct routings compete for the same set of resources. The problem is to determine the fixed overall WIP level and its allocation to product types (WIP mix) to meet a uniformly high customer service requirement for each product type. We formulate an optimization problem for an open queuing network model in which customer orders pull completed products from the system. Then, assuming heavy demand, we derive a throughput target for each product type in a closed queuing network and provide a simple heuristic to find a minimum total WJP and WIP mix that will achieve an operating throughput close to this target. In numerical examples, the WIP mix suggested by this approach achieves the customer service requirement with a relatively low total WIP  相似文献   

Synchronous manufacturing aims at achieving the benefits of intermittent production lines in production situations that operate without lines. Benefits such as short and constant throughput times and predictable capacity loading can be acquired through an appropriate design of the synchronous manufacturing system and its control system. The order release mechanism is an essential part of this control system. It determines the sequence in which orders are released to the shop floor. As orders may differ in the amount and distribution of their capacity requirements over subsequent production stages, total capacity load may vary over time. If the available capacity per period is not flexible, capacity balancing becomes an issue in the order release decision. In practice, heuristics or rules of thumb are used to solve this problem, but their effectiveness is questioned. This paper examines the effectiveness of some new heuristics that are based on insights from assembly system design and work load control, and compare their performance with an optimal solution approach. The approaches are evaluated in a rolling schedule environment, and under different levels of capacity fluctuations and problem sizes. The results show that the performance of the heuristic solutions deteriorates if capacity fluctuations between the stages increase. If we measure both the amount and frequency of shortages over a long period of time in a rolling schedule environment, a quite simple rule that only takes the available capacity during the first stage into account outperforms more intelligent rules.  相似文献   

The workload control concept is known as a robust shop floor control concept. It is especially suited for the dynamic environment of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within the make-to-order sector. Before orders are released to the shop floor, they are collected in an ‘order pool’. To make the release decision, information regarding the actual situation on the shop floor is required. Within SMEs, this information is often incomplete, incorrect or delayed. However, the workload control approaches discussed in the literature assume precise feedback information. The paper discusses the opportunities for information feedback from the shop floor for centralized order release within SMEs and analyses the information requirements of workload control approaches. These approaches are adapted based on more realistic assumptions regarding information supply within SMEs. The different approaches are compared and assessed by a simulation study. Results show that additional investments in more accurate information supply lead to decreasing marginal improvements in overall shop performance. Additionally, they indicate that the choice of the right workload control approach might have important effects on performance.  相似文献   

This paper studies the performance of constant work-in-process (CONWIP) assembly system with multi-loop in mass production, multi-products and low volume and one-of-a-kind production (OKP) environments using simulation. We propose five basic design patterns of CONWIP loop and develop eight control policies of CONWIP loop based on the design pattern for standard assembly system. The performance of developed loop policies is evaluated in three production environments. In particular, control policies of CONWIP loop in OKP environment provide a valuable reference for OKP shop floor controlling. A heuristic algorithm of searching work-in-process (WIP) upper bound, the deadlock phenomenon in CONWIP assembly system and suggestion are introduced specifically. The summary of CONWIP installation guidelines in the mixed assembly system can apply CONWIP theory to practise.  相似文献   

Although a significant amount of research exists on the implementation of the CONstant Work In Process (CONWIP) production control strategy in different types of manufacturing environments, the challenge posed by the complex flow of multiple products through the case manufacturing system of this work necessitates defining a unique type of item release rule to operate with the CONWIP control. The case system is a chair cover production line, which has sets of cross-trained teams that can process its different product models with different levels of efficiency. This work focusses on the CONWIP control strategy, but with the introduction of a new item release rule for prioritising items for release into the system. Results from simulation experiments show that operating CONWIP with an item release rule that is synchronised with the work rate of each of the system's cross-trained teams improves its performance. In comparison with a First in First out (FIFO) rule, this item release rule shortens the system throughput time. It also increases the chances of items being processed by the team most suitable for them, thereby minimising the quality and efficiency issues that might occur in systems that consist of teams with varying levels of proficiency for processing the different product models. Irrespective of the item release rule that is applied, CONWIP achieves a better distribution of workload amongst the teams than a Push control achieves.  相似文献   

The workload control literature highlights the importance of balancing the shop floor workload, but also acknowledges that this can conflict with processing the most urgent orders – hence, there is a trade-off. In practice, shops contain many complexities, e.g. simultaneous batching and sequence-dependent set-up times that may conflict with processing the most urgent orders and require other solutions than workload balancing to avoid capacity losses. This adds to the trade-off dilemma, which traditionally only considers timing and balancing. This paper develops a framework that determines whether to address a complexity through order release or dispatching. It comprises two dimensions: (i) the typical position of a complexity in the routing of an order and (ii) the criticality of the complexity. A case study is presented, which demonstrates the framework’s utility and illustrates the development of specific solutions designed to handle the complexities. Most complexities present in the case require handling at the order release stage. The challenges of handling multiple complexities at this decision level are evaluated. Finally, the implications for managers and future research are outlined.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe and classify different pull production systems. The production control systems kanban and CONWIP are then analysed with respect to production rate and average W1P. We examine single product flow lines with exponential service time distributions and unlimited demand at the final buffer (saturated lines). We show that the distribution of cards (kanbans) has a significant effect on the performance of kanban systems. Different types of kanban control mechanisms show equivalent performance data, if the distribution pattern is adapted accordingly. Our research shows that the kanban system is more flexible with respect to a given objective than the CONWIP system, because in addition to the total card number the card distribution is a control parameter. Moreover for a given production rate the average WIP is lower in a kanban system than in a CONWIP system. We identify the average WIP in the interstage buffers as important parameter and describe the ‘WIP bowl phenomenon’ as result of optimum card distributions. Concluding remarks and directions for future research conclude the paper.  相似文献   

This paper discusses pertinent issues in applying CONstant Work-In-Process (CONWIP) principles to control shop floor operations in a manufacturing environment characterized by several product families processed along different routes in several production cells. The approach we take is to simultaneously answer two major questions: (1) what is the best WIP level? and (2) how to arrange the backlog list for a given system? The problem is posed as a mathematical programming model and solved via a simulated annealing heuristic. We design an experiment that captures essential elements of the systems under investigation. We then execute an extensive simulation to evaluate the effectiveness of various control schemes in a multi-cell, multi-family production environment. Specifically, we compare two variants of CONWIP control, one where containers are restricted to stay within given cells all the time and the other where containers are allowed to move through the entire system. We demonstrate the superiority of the latter in all the simulated scenarios.  相似文献   

Releasing mechanisms are the set of rules which determine when matured orders i.e. those confirmed orders for which materials and tools are available, are dispatched to the shop floor so that processing can commence. This paper presents a simulation in which three such mechanisms are compared with a scenario in which matured orders are automatically released. Two of the mechanisms assume that the set of jobs to be released is given and that capacity cannot be adjusted. In contrast, the third rule allows capacity to be adjusted both as new jobs enter the system and as they are released to the shop floor. The simulation study shows that the latter rule is the best releasing rule under delivery performance and workload measures, but is slightly worse under the workload balance measure. This high performance is achieved at a relatively low cost in terms of increased capacity. In comparison with a scenario in which mature orders are automatically released to the shop, the latter rule performs better under all criteria except the proportion of tardy orders. It is concluded that further research is needed to show whether order release mechanisms can improve all delivery criteria as well as workload criteria.  相似文献   

The recently developed alternatives to traditional production planning and control systems such as material requirement planning (MRP) and Kanban are the drum–buffer–rope (DBR) and CONWIP (CONstant Work In Process) systems. Each system is best described as a combination push (like an MRP)/pull (like a Kanban) logistical procedure. Materials are pulled into the shop via the appropriate logic, and once released, materials are then pushed to subsequent workcentres. The performance of the DBR and CONWIP control policies are analysed and compared in a three-stage unbalanced tandem production line. Using a continuous Markov process model, steady-state probability distributions for the systems are derived, and then the performance measures of the systems can be evaluated. To compare the two systems, an optimization model for each system is proposed. From sensitivity analyses for the optimization models, the proposed models are validated, the differences of the two systems are investigated, and it is found that DBR is better than CONWIP under the proposed performance measures.  相似文献   

This paper describes an implementation of JIT concepts in a medium-sized make-to-order manufacturing company. We develop a hybrid production control system for the company based on separating jobs with high production volumes following a standard routeing from relatively low-volume jobs with more complex routeings. The machines processing the high-volume standard-routeing jobs are treated as a virtual flow shop and controlled by a hybrid push/pull system, while the remainder of the floor is managed as a job shop. Initial tests have shown that this system can significantly improve throughput and simplify the production scheduling task. We believe that the system can be applied to a wide range of industries with similar characteristics. We also describe the testing of the system and the circumstances under which its implementation was discontinued, which indicate some of the difficulties faced by small manufacturers in implementing such systems.  相似文献   

This study considers serial production systems with exponential processing times. The systems are balanced, i.e. all resources have the same production rate capacity. Preceding the system there is a 'gate' set to regulate the flow of material into the system. A control strategy directs each resource when to work or stay idle. The trade-off is between throughput (TP) and work-in-process (WIP). G-MaxWIP is a production control strategy allowing resources, except for the gate, to work unconstrained. The gate 'shuts' once the system's WIP reaches a maximum allowable level. We study the properties of G-MaxWIP and compare it to 'simple pull' and CONWIP. Our main findings are: G-MaxWIP is superior to simple pull. For any simple pull system operating a fixed set of resources it is possible to find G-MaxWIP systems that operate the same resources with less WIP while maintaining the same (or higher) TP. G-MaxWIP is superior to CONWIP. For any CONWIP system operating a fixed set of resources it is possible to find G-MaxWIP systems that operate the same resources with less WIP while maintaining the same (or higher) TP.  相似文献   

The paper reviews ‘classic approaches’ to Production Planning and Control (PPC) such as Kanban, Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) and Theory of Constrains (TOC), and elaborates upon the emergence of techniques such as Workload Control (WLC), Constant Work In Process (CONWIP), Paired cell Overlapping Loops of Cards with Authorization (POLCA) and web- or e-based Supply Chain Management (SCM) solutions. A critical assessment of the approaches from the point of view of various sectors of the Make-To-Order (MTO) Industry is presented. The paper considers factors such as the importance of the customer enquiry stage, company size, degree of customization and shop floor configuration and shows them to play a large role in the applicability of planning and control concepts. The paper heightens the awareness of researchers and practitioners to the PPC options, aids managerial system selection decision-making, and highlights the importance of a clear implementation strategy. WLC emerges as the most effective Job Shop solution; whilst for other configurations there are several alternatives depending on individual company characteristics and objectives. The paper outlines key areas for future research, including the need for empirical research into the use of Workload Control in small and medium sized MTO companies.  相似文献   

Upon receiving emergency orders, managers often expedite the orders when inventories are insufficient to fulfil orders from current stocks. These practices not only disrupt production flow on the shop floor, but also complicate capacity planning because of unexpected set-ups. While the use of safety stock is a clear option that can be used to overcome the impact of emergency orders, the effectiveness of the option needs to be examined. We compare the performance of push and pull systems with explicit consideration of order-expediting and capacity constraints. Using service level, operating costs, and delivery time for late orders as relevant performance measures, we provide insights for managers who suffer from uncertain demand.  相似文献   

Workload control concepts are advocated as one of the new production planning and control methods. In its elaborated form, workload control includes three major decision levels: job entry, job release and priority dispatching. In each decision level, several decision points which have significant impact on the effectiveness of the production planning and control are defined (i.e., acceptance/rejection, due date assignment, etc.). Workload control systems should consider all of these decision points simultaneously in order to improve the effectiveness of production planning and control. In addition to these decision levels, flexibility of the shop can also be included as the fourth decision level which allows the shop capacity to be adjusted as new orders enter the system and as they are released to the shop floor. In this study, simulation models which enable the effect of each decision level within a workload control concept to be explored are developed and tested. The results reveal that simultaneous consideration of decision levels is critical and can improve the effectiveness of production planning and control.  相似文献   

There has been extensive research on workload and input–output control with the objective of improving manufacturing operations in job-shops. In this paper, a multiple decision-making scheme is proposed to plan and control operations in a general job-shop, and to improve delivery and workload related performance measures. The job-shop characteristics reinforce the need for designing a global system that controls both the jobs entering (order acceptance, due date setting and job release) and the work-in-process (dispatching), leading to an improvement of operational measures. Previous research has concentrated on scheduling a set of orders through the shop floor, according to some decision mechanism, in order to optimise some measure of performance (usually total lead time). This means that, since only a part of the decision-making system is being optimised, the resulting decision may be sub-optimal. In this paper it is shown that the performance of the different decision rules changes when they are considered simultaneously. Hence, a higher level approach, where the four decisions (order acceptance, due date setting, job release and dispatching) are considered at the same time, should be adopted to improve job-shop operational performance.  相似文献   

A planning procedure to set the constant level of Work-In-Process (WIP) for each product type in a job shop operated under CONWIP control is developed. We model the job shop as a single chain multiple class closed queuing network. Given a specified product mix and a total WIP, a nonlinear program bounds the throughput of the network and optimizes the WIP mix. We identify the minimum total WIP that is guaranteed to yield throughput near the maximum possible for the specified product mix and set individual WIP levels by multiplying the optimal WIP mix proportions by the minimum total WIP. Numerical examples illustrate how these individual product WIP levels achieve the goal of high throughput consistent with the specified product mix.  相似文献   

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