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Machines and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) scheduling problems are two essential issues that need to be addressed for the efficiency of the overall production system. The purpose of this paper is to study the simultaneous scheduling problem of machines and AGVs in a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) since the global optimum cannot be reached by considering each of them individually. In this paper, a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model is developed with the objective of makespan minimisation. The MILP model consists of the following two constraint sets: machines and AGVs scheduling sub-problems. As both sub-problems are known to be NP-hard, a heuristic algorithm based on tabu search (TS) is proposed to get optimal or near to optimal solution for large-size problems within reasonable computation time. The proposed algorithm includes a novel two-dimensional solution representation and the generation of two neighbour solutions, which are alternately and iteratively applied to improve solutions. Moreover, an improved lower bound calculation method is introduced for the large-size problems. Computational results show the superior performance of the TS algorithm for the simultaneous scheduling problem.  相似文献   

Researchers have indicated that a permutation schedule can be improved by a non-permutation schedule in a flowshop with completion time-based criteria, such as makespan and total completion time. This study proposes a hybrid approach which draws on the advantages of simulated annealing and tabu search for the non-permutation flowshop scheduling problem, in which the objective function is the makespan of the schedule. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid approach, computational experiments are performed on a set of well-known non-permutation flowshop scheduling benchmark problems. The result shows that the performance of the hybrid approach is better than that of other approaches, including ant colony optimisation, simulated annealing, and tabu search. Further, the proposed approach found new upper bound values for all benchmark problems within a reasonable computational time.  相似文献   

The problem that we consider in this article is a flexible job shop scheduling problem issued from the printing and boarding industry. Two criteria have to be minimised, the makespan and the maximum lateness. Two tabu search algorithms are proposed for finding a set of non-dominated solutions: the first is based on the minimisation of one criterion subject to a bound on the second criterion (ε-constraint approach) and the second is based on the minimisation of a linear combination of criteria. These algorithms are tested on benchmark instances from the literature and the results are discussed. The total tardiness is considered as a third criterion for the second tabu search and results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

It has been well established that to find an optimal or near-optimal solution to job shop scheduling problems (JSSPs), which are NP-hard, one needs to harness different features of many techniques, such as genetic algorithms (GAs) and tabu search (TS). In this paper, we report usage of such a framework which exploits the diversified global search and the intensified local search capabilities of GA and TS, respectively. The system takes its input directly from the process information in contrast to having a problem-specific input format, making it versatile in dealing with different JSSP. This framework has been successfully implemented to solve industrial JSSPs. In this paper, we evaluate its suitability by applying it on a set of well-known job shop benchmark problems. The results have been variable. The system did find optimal solutions for moderately hard benchmark problems (40 out of 43 problems tested). This performance is similar to, and in some cases better than, comparable systems, which also establishes the versatility of the system. However for the harder benchmark problems it had difficulty in finding a new improved solution. We analyse the possible reasons for such a performance.  相似文献   

A tabu search algorithm for the pallet loading problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a new heuristic algorithm for the pallet loading problem, the problem of packing the maximum number of identical rectangular boxes onto a rectangular pallet. The problem arises in distribution and logistics and has many practical applications. We have developed a tabu search algorithm based on new types of moves. Instead of moving individual boxes, we propose moving blocks, sets of boxes with the same orientation. We have tested our algorithm on the whole sets Cover I and Cover II, usually taken as a reference for this problem, and we obtain excellent results in very short computing times.This complete issue was revised and published online in November 2004. The previous version contained a false date. Correspondence to: R. Alvarez-ValdesThis paper has been partially supported by the Project PBC-02-002, Consejeria de Ciencia y Tecnologia, JCCM, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, DPI2002-02553 and the Valencian Science and Technology Agency, GRUPOS03/174  相似文献   

Peng Guo  Wenming Cheng 《工程优选》2013,45(11):1564-1585
This article considers the parallel machine scheduling problem with step-deteriorating jobs and sequence-dependent setup times. The objective is to minimize the total tardiness by determining the allocation and sequence of jobs on identical parallel machines. In this problem, the processing time of each job is a step function dependent upon its starting time. An individual extended time is penalized when the starting time of a job is later than a specific deterioration date. The possibility of deterioration of a job makes the parallel machine scheduling problem more challenging than ordinary ones. A mixed integer programming model for the optimal solution is derived. Due to its NP-hard nature, a hybrid discrete cuckoo search algorithm is proposed to solve this problem. In order to generate a good initial swarm, a modified Biskup–Hermann–Gupta (BHG) heuristic called MBHG is incorporated into the population initialization. Several discrete operators are proposed in the random walk of Lévy flights and the crossover search. Moreover, a local search procedure based on variable neighbourhood descent is integrated into the algorithm as a hybrid strategy in order to improve the quality of elite solutions. Computational experiments are executed on two sets of randomly generated test instances. The results show that the proposed hybrid algorithm can yield better solutions in comparison with the commercial solver CPLEX® with a one hour time limit, the discrete cuckoo search algorithm and the existing variable neighbourhood search algorithm.  相似文献   

Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a metaheuristic that takes inspiration from the foraging behaviour of a real ant colony to solve the optimization problem. This paper presents a multiple colony ant algorithm to solve the Job-shop Scheduling Problem with the objective that minimizes the makespan. In a multiple colony ant algorithm, ants cooperate to find good solutions by exchanging information among colonies which are stored in a master pheromone matrix that serves the role of global memory. The exploration of the search space in each colony is guided by different heuristic information. Several specific features are introduced in the algorithm in order to improve the efficiency of the search. Among others is the local search method by which the ant can fine-tune their neighbourhood solutions. The proposed algorithm is tested over set of benchmark problems and the computational results demonstrate that the multiple colony ant algorithm performs well on the benchmark problems.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a tabu search (TS) algorithm to solve an NP-hard cyclic robotic scheduling problem. The objective is to find a cyclic robot schedule that maximises the throughput. We first formulate the problem as a linear program, provided that the robot move sequence is given, and reduce the problem to searching for an optimal robot move sequence. We find that the solution space can be divided into some specific subspaces by the maximal number of works-in-process. Then, we propose a TS algorithm to synchronously perform local searches in each subspace. To speed up our algorithm, dominated subspaces are eliminated by lower and upper bounds of the cycle time during the iterations. In the TS, a constructive heuristic is developed to generate initial solutions for each subspace and a repairing procedure is proposed to maintain the feasibility of the solutions generated in the initialisation stage and the neighbours search process. Computational comparison both on benchmark instances and randomly generated instances indicates that our algorithm is efficient for the cyclic robotic scheduling problem.  相似文献   

We study and compare synchronous parallelization strategies for tabu search. We identify the most promising parallelization approaches, and evaluate the impact on performance and solution quality of some important algorithmic design parameters: length of the synchronization steps, number of processors, handling of exchanged information, etc. Parallelization approaches are implemented and compared by using a tabu search algorithm for multicommodity location-allocation problems with balancing requirements.  相似文献   

When seeking near-optimal solutions for complex scheduling problems, meta-heuristics demonstrate good performance with affordable computational effort. This has resulted in a gravitation towards these approaches when researching industrial use-cases such as energy-efficient production planning. However, much of the previous research makes assumptions about softer constraints that affect planning strategies and about how human planners interact with the algorithm in a live production environment. This article describes a job-shop problem that focuses on minimizing energy consumption across a production facility of shared resources. The application scenario is based on real facilities made available by the Irish Center for Manufacturing Research. The formulated problem is tackled via harmony search heuristics with random keys encoding. Simulation results are compared to a genetic algorithm, a simulated annealing approach and a first-come-first-served scheduling. The superior performance obtained by the proposed scheduler paves the way towards its practical implementation over industrial production chains.  相似文献   

This article explores the quay crane scheduling problem at an indented berth. The indented berth is known as an innovative implementation in the container terminals to tackle the challenge from the emergence of more and more mega-containerships. A mixed integer programming model by considering the non-crossing and safety distance constraints is formulated. A Tabu search heuristic is developed to solve the proposed problem. The computational results from this research indicate that the designed Tabu search is an effective method to handle the quay crane scheduling problem at an indented berth.  相似文献   

In this paper, a genetic algorithm (GA) with local search is proposed for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with the objective of minimising the maximum completion time (makespan). We propose a simple chromosome structure consisting of random key numbers in a hybrid genetic-local search algorithm. Random key numbers are frequently used in GAs but create additional difficulties when hybrid factors are implemented in a local search. The best chromosome of each generation is improved using a local search during the algorithm, but the better job sequence (which might appear during the local search operation) must be adapted to the chromosome that will be used in each successive generation. Determining the genes (and the data in the genes) that would be exchanged is the challenge of using random numbers. We have developed an algorithm that satisfies the adaptation of local search results into the GAs with a minimum relocation operation of the genes’ random key numbers – this is the main contribution of the paper. A new hybrid approach is tested on a set of problems taken from the literature, and the computational results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents constraint programming models that aim to solve scheduling and tool assignment problems in parallel machine environments. There are a number of jobs to be processed on parallel machines. Each job requires a set of tools, but limited number of tools are available in the system due to economic restrictions. The problem is to assign the jobs and the required tools to machines and to determine the schedule so that the makespan is minimised. Three constraint programming models are developed and compared with existing methods described in the literature.  相似文献   

In most real manufacturing environments, schedules are usually inevitable with the presence of various unexpected disruptions. In this paper, a rescheduling method based on the hybrid genetic algorithm and tabu search is introduced to address the dynamic job shop scheduling problem with random job arrivals and machine breakdowns. Because the real-time events are difficult to express and take into account in the mathematical model, a simulator is proposed to tackle the complexity of the problem. A hybrid policy is selected to deal with the dynamic feature of the problem. Two objectives, which are the schedule efficiency and the schedule stability, are considered simultaneously to improve the robustness and the performance of the schedule system. Numerical experiments have been designed to test and evaluate the performance of the proposed method. This proposed method has been compared with some common dispatching rules and meta-heuristic algorithms that have been widely used in the literature. The experimental results illustrate that the proposed method is very effective in various shop-floor conditions.  相似文献   

Tabu search for the job-shop scheduling problem with multi-purpose machines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we study the following generalization of the job-shop scheduling problem. Each operation can be performed by one machine out of a set of machines given for this operation. The processing time does not depend on the machine which has been chosen for processing the operation. This problem arises in the area of flexible manufacturing. As a generalization of the jobshop problem it belongs to the hardest problems in combinatorial optimization. We show that an application of tabu search techniques to this problem yields excellent results for benchmark problems.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Project JoP-TAG  相似文献   

A problem of a line-cutting procedure is discussed for ship hull construction. This procedure includes five steps: stock arrangement, piece arrangement, marking, cutting and special processes, and delivering the work. The line-cutting procedure will be optimized when two objectives are considered: minimizing the total trim loss and keeping the working efficiency of the cutting procedure. The developed way for the discussed problem is to optimize the stock arrangement associated with a proposed rule-based piece arrangement where the former is optimized for minimizing the total trim loss and the latter for keeping the working efficiency. A tabu search is chosen for the optimization of stock arrangement. In addition, two proposed replacement moves, the aggregative and the breaking, are adopted to improve the effectiveness of the tabu search. Two real cases and some random instances are used for test and comparison. The results show that the stock arrangement was optimized satisfyingly by the tabu search and the rule-based piece arrangement is capable of keeping the working efficiency as usual. In addition, the effectiveness of the tabu search was apparently improved by two proposed replacement moves.  相似文献   

Most machine scheduling models assume that either the machines are available all the time, or the time of their unavailability is fixed as a constraint. In this paper, we study the problem that neither the unavailability length nor the start time of machine unavailability is fixed. Instead, they would be determined in order to minimise the total cost involved with the completion time and the unavailable time. This model could represent a more realistic and complex situation, in which jobs and machines’ availability operations should be optimised simultaneously. After the model is formulated, some properties of the problem are presented. Then a branch and bound algorithm based on column generation approach is proposed to solve the problem. The computation results show that, within a reasonable computation time, the proposed algorithm can solve medium sized problems optimally.  相似文献   

This work proposes a high-performance algorithm for solving the multi-objective unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem. The proposed approach is based on the iterated Pareto greedy (IPG) algorithm but exploits the accessible Tabu list (TL) to enhance its performance. To demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed Tabu-enhanced iterated Pareto greedy (TIPG) algorithm, its computational results are compared with IPG and existing algorithms on the same benchmark problem set. Experimental results reveal that incorporating the accessible TL can eliminate ineffective job moves, causing the TIPG algorithm to outperform state-of-the-art approaches in the light of five multi-objective performance metrics. This work contributes a useful theoretical and practical optimisation method for solving this problem.  相似文献   

In this paper a scheduling method based on variable neighbourhood search (VNS) is introduced to address a dynamic job shop scheduling problem that considers random job arrivals and machine breakdowns. To deal with the dynamic nature of the problem, an event-driven policy is selected. To enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the scheduling method, an artificial neural network with a back propagation error learning algorithm is used to update parameters of the VNS at any rescheduling point according to the problem condition. The proposed method is compared with some common dispatching rules that have been widely used in the literature for the dynamic job shop scheduling problem. Results illustrate the high efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed method in a variety of shop floor conditions.  相似文献   

D. Lei  Z. Wu 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(19):4035-4047
Both a similarity coefficient method (SCM)-based algorithm and meta-heuristics have been widely applied to various cell formation problems; however, few studies have explored the combination of the two methods. This paper addresses a hybrid algorithm, in which, based on the initial solution produced by a new SCM-based hierarchical clustering method, a fast and effective tabu search approach is presented to solve cell formation in group technology (GT). The proposed algorithm is applied to several problems from literature and a group of the randomly generated instances with alternative process plans and compared with simulated annealing (SA) and other TS; the results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is available and efficient for cell formation in generalized GT.  相似文献   

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