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Fault-tolerant embedded system design and optimization considering reliability estimation uncertainty 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper, we model embedded system design and optimization, considering component redundancy and uncertainty in the component reliability estimates. The systems being studied consist of software embedded in associated hardware components. Very often, component reliability values are not known exactly. Therefore, for reliability analysis studies and system optimization, it is meaningful to consider component reliability estimates as random variables with associated estimation uncertainty. In this new research, the system design process is formulated as a multiple-objective optimization problem to maximize an estimate of system reliability, and also, to minimize the variance of the reliability estimate. The two objectives are combined by penalizing the variance for prospective solutions. The two most common fault-tolerant embedded system architectures, N-Version Programming and Recovery Block, are considered as strategies to improve system reliability by providing system redundancy. Four distinct models are presented to demonstrate the proposed optimization techniques with or without redundancy. For many design problems, multiple functionally equivalent software versions have failure correlation even if they have been independently developed. The failure correlation may result from faults in the software specification, faults from a voting algorithm, and/or related faults from any two software versions. Our approach considers this correlation in formulating practical optimization models. Genetic algorithms with a dynamic penalty function are applied in solving this optimization problem, and reasonable and interesting results are obtained and discussed. 相似文献
In supply chain optimisation problems, determining the location, number and capacity of facilities is concerned as strategic decisions, while mid-term and short-term decisions such as assembly policy, inventory levels and scheduling are considered as the tactical and operational decision levels. This paper addresses the optimisation of strategic and tactical decisions in the supply chain network design (SCND) under demand uncertainty. In this respect, a two-stage stochastic programming model is developed in which strategic location decisions are made in the first-stage, while the second-stage contains SCND problem and the assembly line balancing as a tactical decision. In the solution scheme, the combination of sample average approximation and Latin hypercube sampling methods is utilised to solve the developed two-stage mixed-integer stochastic programming model. Finally, computational experiments on randomly generated problem instances are presented to demonstrate the performance and power of developed model in handling uncertainty. Computational experiments showed that stochastic model yields better results compared with deterministic model in terms of objective function value, i.e. the sum of the first-stage costs and the expected second-stage costs. This issue proved that uncertainty would be a significant and fundamental element of developed model and improve the quality of solutions. 相似文献
Summary An Algorithm to minimize the number of bends in a production line is developed. This algorithm can be combined with existing methods to lay out industrial plants.
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Algorithmus entwickelt, der die Zahl von Biegungen in einem Fließband minimiert. Der Algorithmus kann mit vorhandenen Layoutplanungsmethoden kombiniert werden.相似文献
Reliability and cost optimization of electronic devices considering the component failure rate uncertainty 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4
The objective of this paper is to present an efficient computational methodology to obtain the optimal system structure of electronic devices by using either a single or a multiobjective optimization approach, while considering the constraints on reliability and cost. The component failure rate uncertainty is taken under consideration and it is modeled with two alternative probability distribution functions. The Latin hypercube sampling method is used to simulate the probability distributions. An optimization approach was developed using the simulated annealing algorithm because of its flexibility to be applied in various system types with several constraints and its efficiency in computational time. This optimization approach can handle efficiently either the single or the multiobjective optimization modeling of the system design. The developed methodology was applied to a power electronic device and the results were compared with the results of the complete enumeration of the solution space. The stochastic nature of the best solutions for the single objective optimization modeling of the system design was sampled extensively and the robustness of the developed optimization approach was demonstrated. 相似文献
A robust optimization approach for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with demand uncertainty 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《IIE Transactions》2008,40(5):509-523
In this paper we introduce a robust optimization approach to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with demand uncertainty. This approach yields routes that minimize transportation costs while satisfying all demands in a given bounded uncertainty set. We show that for the Miller-Tucker-Zemlin formulation of the VRP and specific uncertainty sets, solving for the robust solution is no more difficult than solving a single deterministic VRP. Our computational results on benchmark instances and on families of clustered instances show that the robust solution can protect from unmet demand while incurring a small additional cost over deterministic optimal routes. This is most pronounced for clustered instances under moderate uncertainty, where remaining vehicle capacity is used to protect against variations within each cluster at a small additional cost. We compare the robust optimization model with classic stochastic VRP models for this problem to illustrate the differences and similarities between them. We also observe that the robust solution amounts to a clever management of the remaining vehicle capacity compared to uniformly and non-uniformly distributing this slack over the vehicles. 相似文献
High accuracy of dimensions and strength in design requirements are required to produce reliable automotive components with consistent strength distribution. For example, a V-belt pulley is widely used to transmit power between rotational mechanical elements. However, due to defects from the manufacturing process and heterogeneity of materials, different kinds of failure damage may occur in pulleys of identical shape and material. Common applications in the automotive industry include crankshafts, water pumps, air-conditioner compressors and power steering pumps. Although the shape and the usage of pulleys are very simple, evaluating the pulley design is difficult because the loading conditions and installation environment are complicated. This paper focuses on the clutch pulley in the A/C compressor system of automotives and cause of failure was investigated. The applied stress distribution of the pulley under high-tension and torque was obtained by using finite element analysis (FEA) and based on theses results, the life of the pulley with variation in fatigue strength was estimated with a durability analysis simulator. The results for failure probabilities of 50% and 1% were compared with the fatigue life. Incidentally, the purpose of this study was to optimize the fatigue life of vehicle components from the stochastic point of view. The fatigue life was obtained by an approximation function, and the optimum design was verified by fatigue tests considering durability and validity. The design optimization of a V-belt pulley was performed using an approximation function, which improved the fatigue life. A new shape optimization procedure was presented to improve the fatigue life of the pulley in automotive applications and the shape control concept was introduced to reduce the shape design variables. Design of experiment (DOE) was employed to evaluate the design sensitivity of fatigue life with respect to shape design variables. 相似文献
This paper investigates the problem of designing cellular manufacturing systems with multi-period production planning, dynamic system reconfiguration, operation sequence, duplicate machines, machine capacity and machine procurement. An important aspect of this problem is the introduction of routing flexibility in the system by the formation of alternate contingency process routings in addition to alternate main process routings for all part types. Contingency routings serve as backups so as to effectively address the reality of part process routing disruptions (in the main routings) owing to machine breakdowns and allow the cellular manufacturing system to operate in a continuous manner even in the event of such breakdowns. The paper also provides in-depth discussions on the trade-off between the increased flexibility obtained versus the additional cost to be incurred through the formation of contingency routings for all parts. Some sensitivity analysis is also performed on some of the model parameters. The problem is modelled and solved through a comprehensive mixed integer programming formulation. Computational results presented by solving some numerical examples show that the routing and process flexibilities can be incorporated within the cellular manufacturing system design without significant increase in the system cost. 相似文献
An integrated emergency ordering and production planning optimization model with demand and yield uncertainty 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper proposes an integrated emergency ordering and production planning scheme for a multi-item, multi-product problem in which each product is composed of several ingredients. Each item can be supplied from both cheap unreliable suppliers prone to yield uncertainty and expensive reliable suppliers. A two-stage decision-making process is proposed in which orders are placed to the unreliable suppliers during the first stage and an emergency order can be placed in the second stage. In addition, a flexible backup ordering contract between the buyer and emergency supplier is proposed. A similar two-stage decision-making process is considered for production planning, where in the first stage, the main production plan is determined and in the second stage, the decision about a limited increase in the production plan is made as an emergency decision. An integrated ordering and production planning decision process is proposed for the problem. The value of emergency decisions, including the value of emergency ordering and the value of emergency production planning evaluates the effectiveness of the emergency decisions. Due to the staggering size of the problem, sample average approximation method is used to solve the problem. 相似文献
C. J. Luis Pérez 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(10):2245-2268
Surface finish tends to be decisive in a large number of applications and, in general, it must be corrected by means of finishing operations. It is also highly important that the characteristics required from the products obtained should be determined beforehand, and on this basis the operating conditions that most closely suit the materials to be employed and their characteristics should be chosen. Factorial design will be employed to study the effects of these operating conditions. Although factorial design is a known technique for analysing the effect of variables over an objective function, the uncertainty of these variables is often ignored. This means that the true behaviour of the objective function cannot be explained. Most of the previous investigators have studied the effect of cutting variables on surface roughness and many different models have been proposed, but they do not take uncertainty in the measurements into accountand this uncertainty is often ignored - in order to perform the regression analysis. In this paper, a development of models that would allow us to determine the surface quality of parts, obtained by turning processes, is carried out, using the response surface methodology and considering the uncertainty due to the process and the measuring instruments. In addition, a methodology for determining the capability of manufacturing processes is presented. 相似文献
The pull-type manufacturing system is known for its need for a frozen schedule, balanced work load and inability to handle fluctuations in demand. But today research and development are addressing ways to handle a pull-type system to accommodate greater fluctuations. One approach is to design the system with machines that have a greater routing flexibility in what work they can perform. However, most of the existing literature dealing with routing flexibility has primarily been devoted to the push-type production systems. This research examined the effects of routing flexibility for a multi-stage kanban-controlled pull-type system. 相似文献
To meet the requirement of greening transportation in poor traffic condition, vehicle routing problem (VRP) with consideration of fuel consumption and congestion is studied. We formulated a time-dependent green vehicle routing problem (TD-GVRP) model with minimised total cost as the objective function which includes fuel consumption cost, and the measurement of fuel consumption is based on the Comprehensive Modal Emissions Model (CMEM). In the model, the situation of waiting at customer nodes to avoid bad traffic is defined. To solve this model, a Response Surface Method (RSM)-based hybrid algorithm (HA) that combines genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimisation (PSO) is constructed. Finally, using instances from PRPLIB database, the following experiments are carried out and the corresponding conclusions are drawn. (i) Comparison of the proposed objective and traditional VRP objectives shows that fuel consumption can be greatly reduced by introducing fuel consumption factor into the objective function. (ii) Sensitivity analysis of congestion duration provides the influence of congestion duration on fuel consumption and travel time. (iii) Experiments based on different waiting time reveal that the optimisation of departure time can reduce fuel consumption and total cost to some extent. 相似文献
Yachao Dong Christos T. Maravelias Norman F. Jerome 《Optimization and Engineering》2018,19(4):937-976
We study a maritime inventory routing problem, in which shipments between production and consumption nodes are carried out by a fleet of vessels. The vessels have specific capacities and can be chartered under different agreements. The inventory levels of all consumption nodes and some production nodes should be maintained within specified bounds; for the remaining production nodes, orders should be picked up within pre-defined time windows. We propose a discrete-time mixed-integer programming model. In the face of new information and uncertainty, this optimization model has to be re-solved, as the horizon is rolled forward. We discuss how to account for different sources of uncertainty. We present a rolling-horizon reoptimization framework that allows us to study different policies that impact the quality of the implemented solution, so we can identify the optimal set of policies. 相似文献
Leo W. T. Ng Karen E. Willcox 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2014,100(10):746-772
It is important to design robust and reliable systems by accounting for uncertainty and variability in the design process. However, performing optimization in this setting can be computationally expensive, requiring many evaluations of the numerical model to compute statistics of the system performance at every optimization iteration. This paper proposes a multifidelity approach to optimization under uncertainty that makes use of inexpensive, low‐fidelity models to provide approximate information about the expensive, high‐fidelity model. The multifidelity estimator is developed based on the control variate method to reduce the computational cost of achieving a specified mean square error in the statistic estimate. The method optimally allocates the computational load between the two models based on their relative evaluation cost and the strength of the correlation between them. This paper also develops an information reuse estimator that exploits the autocorrelation structure of the high‐fidelity model in the design space to reduce the cost of repeatedly estimating statistics during the course of optimization. Finally, a combined estimator incorporates the features of both the multifidelity estimator and the information reuse estimator. The methods demonstrate 90% computational savings in an acoustic horn robust optimization example and practical design turnaround time in a robust wing optimization problem. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Aerospace applications of optimization under uncertainty 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The Multidisciplinary Optimization (MDO) Branch at NASA Langley Research Center develops new methods and investigates opportunities
for applying optimization to aerospace vehicle design. This paper describes MDO Branch experiences with three applications
of optimization under uncertainty: (1) improved impact dynamics for airframes, (2) transonic airfoil optimization for low
drag, and (3) coupled aerodynamic and structures optimization of a 3-D wing. For each case, a brief overview of the problem
and references to previous publications are provided. The three cases are aerospace examples of the challenges and opportunities
presented by optimization under uncertainty. The present paper will illustrate a variety of needs for this technology, summarize
promising methods, and uncover fruitful areas for new research. 相似文献
文章以随机规划中的机会约束思想为指导,根据随机参数的概率分布情况,提出了两种鲁棒性条件约束,并在此基础上建立了一种新的鲁棒优化模型,使模型的可行解控制在一定的鲁棒性指标的范围内。该模型不但可处理约束两端同时含有随机参数的情况,还可以方便地推广到非线性模型中。仿真实例说明了模型的有效性。 相似文献
F. Hooshmand Khaligh 《国际生产研究杂志》2016,54(2):579-590
In this study, a multistage stochastic programming (SP) model is presented for a variant of single-vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands from a dynamic viewpoint. It is assumed that the actual demand of a customer becomes known only when the customer is visited. This problem falls into the category of SP with endogenous uncertainty and hence, the scenario tree is decision-dependent. Therefore, nonanticipativity of decisions is ensured by conditional constraints making up a large portion of total constraints. Thus, a novel approach is proposed that considerably reduces the problem size without any effect on the solution space. Computational results on some test problems are reported. 相似文献
Deniz Koşucuoğlu 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(22):6530-6552
This study exploits machining and routing flexibility to effectively deal with the material handling requirements resulting from a frequently changing demand mix in a manufacturing system where material handling is a bottleneck. For this purpose, the objective function of the operation and tool loading problem is selected as the minimisation of the total distance traveled by parts during their production. Versatile machines and the flexible process plans offer full routing flexibility that enable the same workpiece to be processed using alternative sequences of operations on alternative machines. Three mathematical programming (MP) models and a genetic algorithm (GA) are proposed to solve this problem. The proposed MP formulations include a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model and two mixed-integer programming (MIP) models, which offer different representations for the flexible process plans. The GA is integrated with linear programming for fitness evaluation and incorporates several adaptive strategies for diversification. The performances of these solution methods are tested through extensive numerical experiments. The MP models are evaluated on the basis of the exact solutions they yield as well as how they lend themselves for GA fitness evaluation. The GA–LP integration works successfully for this hard-to-solve problem. 相似文献
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) have gained consideration due to their ability to produce customised and an increasing variety of products with shorter life cycles. A considerable amount of research has been done on manufacturing flexibility from different angles. There are many different types of manufacturing flexibility being reported in the literature, and routing flexibility is one of them. The paper focuses on the study of routing flexibility in a flexible system of integrated manufacturing (FSIM) from the view of real-time control strategies. However, flexibility incurs cost hence a judicious decision is required for implementing the right level of flexibility under a different operating environment. The paper studies the impact of routing flexibility and control strategies on the performance of FSIM. The application of discrete event simulation and Taguchi's method is applied to study the various factors contributing to FSIM performance and identifies the vital parameters for improving performance. Furthermore, the most significant factor is determined by using the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result shows that increasing routing flexibility cannot be treated as a key role in system improvement. It is also found that there is the influence of control strategies on the performance of FSIM. Finally, it is observed that, the impact on the system performance due to the system load condition is the largest, and that of the number of pallets is the smallest. 相似文献
The multi-period multi-product (MPMP) production planning problems, generally, deal with matching production levels of individual products with fluctuated demands over planning horizon. The conventional MPMP optimisation models suffer from insufficient utilisation of available capacity of machines. This fallacy is due to inappropriate formulation of machine capacity and material handling constraints. In this study, a novel mathematical model is proposed to simultaneously optimise production quantities and provide information about managerial decisions such as subcontracting, carrying inventory/backordering, and also hiring/layoff personnel. The problem is then formulated as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model by applying appropriate linearisation of non-linear components. The objective is to minimise production costs comprising of production, storage, shortage, subcontracting costs and costs associated with hiring/dismissing labourers. Superiority of the proposed model over existing ones, has been initially evaluated by solving the case presented by Byrne and Bakir [Byrne, M.D. and Bakir, M.A., 1999. Production planning using a hybrid simulation-analytical approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 59 (1), 305–311], and then evaluated by comparing the results obtained from solving both the proposed and the conventional MPMP production planning models using a 100-randomly-generated-test-problem. 相似文献