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 应用QFD的思想,建立了顾客需求一绩效指标关系矩阵、绩效指标一过程关系矩阵,以此为基础获得了顾客需求过程关系矩阵从而建立了顾客需求与实现需求的过程的直接联系.提出了计算待改进过程优先度的方法,为识别出那些主要影响顾客需求的过程、确定过程管理的方向提供了可靠的依据.最后开展了案例研究.  相似文献   

Quality function deployment (QFD) is a methodology to ensure that customer requirements (CRs) are deployed through product planning, part development, process planning and production planning. The first step to implement QFD is to identify CRs and assess their relative importance weights. This paper proposes a nonlinear programming (NLP) approach to assessing the relative importance weights of CRs, which allows customers to express their preferences on the relative importance weights of CRs in their preferred or familiar formats. The proposed NLP approach does not require any transformation of preference formats and thus can avoid information loss or information distortion. Its potential applications in assessing the relative importance weights of CRs in QFD are illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

Growing food demand, environmental degradation, post-harvest losses and the dearth of resources encourage the decision makers from developing nations to integrate the economic and environmental aspects in food supply chain network design. This paper aims to develop a bi-objective decision support model for sustainable food grain supply chain considering an entire network of procurement centres, central, state and district level warehouses, and fair price shops. The model seeks to minimise the cost and carbon dioxide emission simultaneously. The model covers several problem peculiarities such as multi-echelon, multi-period, multi-modal transportation, multiple sourcing and distribution, emission caused due to various motives, heterogeneous capacitated vehicles and limited availability, and capacitated warehouses. Multiple realistic problem instances are solved using the two Pareto based multi-objective algorithms. Sensitivity analysis results imply that the decision makers should establish a sufficient number of warehouses in each producing and consuming states by maintaining the suitable balance between the two objectives. Various policymakers like Food Corporation of India, logistics providers and state government agencies will be benefited from this research study.  相似文献   

Supply chain managers across the globe are finding it difficult to manage the increasingly complex supply chains despite adopting a variety of risk mitigation strategies. Firms on the other hand have also been adopting various kinds of environmental and social sustainability practices in recent times to reduce carbon footprint and improve their image on the social front. However, very few studies in the extant literature have examined the impact of sustainability practices on supply chain risk. We address this important gap in literature by empirically testing this relationship, using primary data from six manufacturing sectors and 21 different countries including developed as well as emerging markets across the globe. Our findings indicate that risk mitigation strategies do not always reduce the actual supply chain risk experienced by firms, whereas sustainability efforts help reduce supply chain risk, especially in emerging market contexts. In addition, we find that, while reactive risk mitigation strategies on their own fail to reduce supply chain risk, they are effective when used in conjunction with sustainability efforts. We also find that preventive risk mitigation efforts are only effective in mature supply chains such as the OECD countries.  相似文献   

Whether from government policies, customer expectations or personal beliefs, there is increasing pressure on firms and their supply chains to adopt sustainable practices. Manufacturing companies are particularly targeted, for example, to reduce CO2 emissions, offer sustainable products, etc. Research in this field has significantly increased in recent years. Most research states the importance of collaboration with upstream and downstream entities as a critical success factor when aiming for a sustainable supply chain and proposes various collaborative mechanisms (CMs) to enable firms in the implementation of a sustainability-oriented initiative. The goal of this paper is to investigate the role of collaboration in these initiatives and explore the proposed CMs via a systematic literature review method. A total of 404 articles were reviewed and the multitude of CMs proposed in the literature were classified into seven categories: relationship management, contractual and economic practices, joint practices, technological and information sharing practices, governance practices, assessment practices, and supply chain design. This systematic mapping of the field provides an in-depth view of the current state of research as well as research gaps. It also intends to help practitioners by highlighting the role played by these mechanisms in four phases of sustainable supply chain deployment.  相似文献   

Organisational and managerial decisions are influenced by corporate sustainability pressures. Organisations need to consider economic, environmental and social sustainability dimensions in their decisions to become sustainable. Supply chain decisions play a distinct and critical role in organisational good and service outputs sustainability. Sustainable supplier selection influences the supply chain sustainability allowing many organisations to build competitive advantage. Within this context, the social sustainability dimension has received relatively minor investigation; with emphasis typically on economic and environmental sustainability. Neglecting social sustainability can have serious repercussions for organisational supply chains. This study proposes a social sustainability attribute decision framework to evaluate and select socially sustainable suppliers. A grey-based multi-criteria decision-support tool composed of the ‘best-worst method’ (BWM) and TODIM (TOmada de Decisão Interativa e Multicritério – in Portuguese ‘Interactive and Multicriteria Decision Making’) is introduced. A grey-BWM approach is used to determine social sustainability attribute weights, and a grey-TODIM method is utilised to rank suppliers. This process is completed in a group decision setting. A case study of an Iranian manufacturing company is used to exemplify the applicability and suitability of the proposed social sustainability decision framework. Managerial implications, limitations, and future research directions are introduced after the application of the model.  相似文献   

Globalisation of supply chains makes their management and control more difficult. Blockchain technology, as a distributed digital ledger technology which ensures transparency, traceability, and security, is showing promise for easing some global supply chain management problems. In this paper, blockchain technology and smart contracts are critically examined with potential application to supply chain management. Local and global government, community, and consumer pressures to meet sustainability goals prompt us to further investigate how blockchain can address and aid supply chain sustainability. Part of this critical examination is how blockchains, a potentially disruptive technology that is early in its evolution, can overcome many potential barriers. Four blockchain technology adoption barriers categories are introduced; inter-organisational, intra-organisational, technical, and external barriers. True blockchain-led transformation of business and supply chain is still in progress and in its early stages; we propose future research propositions and directions that can provide insights into overcoming barriers and adoption of blockchain technology for supply chain management.  相似文献   


Supply chains are becoming increasingly complex, and many companies and researchers are looking to nature for finding solutions. In this paper, we provide a narrative synthesis and systematic review to explore state-of-the-art, and identify key areas for exploration of nature inspired solutions in the supply chain area. We consider strategic, tactical, and operational decisions within supply chains and identify analogies between biological systems and supply chains to create a new research agenda. Our findings show that the majority of the research in nature inspired supply chains from the systemic perspective focuses on closed loop supply chains. In contrast, similar systemic solutions such as industrial symbiosis, circular economy, and industrial ecology have not been explored as frequently. Reducing production waste (industrial symbiosis) in addition to end-of-life product waste (closed loop supply chains), optimising raw material use and extending the life of used resources (circular economy), investigating the interactions between biosphere and technosphere (industrial ecology), and seeking solutions to industrial problems from nature (biomimicry) are all possible paths for reaching a zero-waste economy. These systemic solutions have a considerable impact on the supply chains at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels, which need to be explored to identify efficient and effective solutions.  相似文献   

《Quality Engineering》2012,24(3):436-443

Quality function deployment (QFD) is methodology designed to improve customer satisfaction by increasing the quality of new products and services. Unlike traditional quality methods that focus on solving existing, known problems to achieve “zero defect,” QFD is driven by the voice of the customer to explore high-priority spoken and unspoken needs that must be met for a new product or service to be accepted. To achieve this first-time quality, developers must know what problems the customer has, how important those problems are to helping the customer do their job better, and what level of improvement is necessary for the customer to accept it in place of their current practice. Thus, QFD is highly dependent on the customer and their business, the industry of the product or service, and what competitive alternatives the customer has access to. This article will discuss how these same methods are used to write the QFD standard itself.  相似文献   

Resilience to disruptions and sustainability are both of paramount importance to supply chains. However, the interactions between the two have not been thoroughly explored in the academic literature. We attempt to contribute to this area by presenting a hybrid methodology for the design of a sustainable supply network that performs resiliently in the face of random disruptions. A stochastic bi-objective optimisation model is developed that utilises a fuzzy c-means clustering method to quantify and assess the sustainability performance of the suppliers. The proposed model determines outsourcing decisions and resilience strategies that minimise the expected total cost and maximise the overall sustainability performance in disruptions. Important managerial insights and practical implications are obtained from the model implementation in a case study of plastic pipe industry.  相似文献   

Literature suggests that more supply chain (SC) integration increases of SC performance. However, recent research shows that contextual factors affect the effectiveness of SC integration efforts. Specifically, the location of the customer order decoupling point (CODP) might be such a factor, but there is limited empirical evidence. This study explores the impact of the location of the CODP on SC integration. It empirically investigates upstream, internal and downstream SC integration efforts in twelve metal parts producing Dutch companies to offer a comprehensive view of the effects of the location of the CODP on SC integration. Our results show a clear relationship between SC integration and the location of the CODP. Specifically, make-to-order (MTO), assemble-to-order (ATO) and make-to-stock (MTS) companies show relatively high levels in upstream, internal and downstream SC integration, respectively. Moreover, MTO companies mainly share forecast information and engage in joint R&D with their suppliers, ATO companies focus on internal SC integration using information systems and planning, while MTS companies interact with their customers intensively to exchange forecast information. Our study adds to the insight on the application of SC integration in different situations and offers initial evidence for the effects of the location of the CODP on SC integration.  相似文献   

QFD方法是实现产品需求用户化的有力工具.本文以PDM为基础形成逻辑统一平台,分析并建立纺织企业质量屋,完成了系统的构成和各项功能模块的设计,开发出的QFD系统与纺织企业相适应,运行效果良好.  相似文献   

This paper proposes supply chain (SC) risk readiness and resiliency measures and formulates a model for planning and controlling select internal business factors to create desired risk resiliency in order to avert potential risks and mitigate their after-effect. SCs may be exposed to events that affect their business operations, and primarily impact the production processes (i.e. production-related risks), or events (such as natural calamities or terrorism) that affect the way the business interacts with the market, and primarily impact the transportation and distribution processes (i.e. market-related risks). Although a business cannot control such disasters as natural calamities or terrorism, it is possible to identify and control the factors that are responsible for production-related risks and that influence several market-related risks or disasters. The proposed model and the measures will guide SCs through the process of identification, planning and controlling the internal factors that make the chain resilient to these various risks. The resiliency measures and the mixed integer programming model will also enable SCs to conduct what-if analyses of cost and performance trade-off options. A numerical example illustrates the planning in typical scenarios.  相似文献   

Faced with the challenges associated with sustainably feeding the world’s growing population, the food industry is increasingly relying on operations research (OR) techniques to achieve economic, environmental and social sustainability. It is therefore important to understand the context-specific model-oriented applications of OR techniques in the sustainable food supply chain (SFSC) domain. While existing food supply chain reviews provide an excellent basis for this process, the explicit consideration of sustainability from a model-oriented perspective along with a structured outline of relevant SFSC research techniques are missing in extant literature. We attempt to fill this gap by reviewing 83 related scientific journal publications that utilise mathematical modelling techniques to address issues in SFSC. To this end, we first identify the salient dimensions that include economic, environmental and social issues in SFSC. We then review the models and methods that use these dimensions to solve issues that arise in SFSC. We identify some of the main challenges in analytical modelling of SFSC as well as future research directions.  相似文献   

Quick response strategy (QRS) has been widely adopted in a supply chain where members collect timely market information for better forecasting, and then respond promptly to the market changes by adjusting initial inventory decision. After adopting the QRS, sustainability issues such as greenhouse gas emission and energy waste may be more serious as production lead time is shorter. In this study, due to this dilemma, we develop a two-stage quick response supply chain with cleaner technology, where the manufacturer determines the cleaner technology investment and afterwards the retailer decides the ordering quantity. Based on Bayesian theory, we depict an information updating process for the QRS with cleaner technology. First, we find that the inventory service level significantly affects both manufacturer’s and retailer’s performance under the QRS with cleaner technology. Moreover, our analytical results indicate that the performance of centralised supply chain system is always better than the decentralised one. As a result, we propose two supply chain contracts, minimum ordering quantity (MOQ) and MOQ with buyback (MOQ-BB) to achieve supply chain coordination. Comparing with the MOQ, the MOQ-BB is more flexible to allow better allocation of the ‘additional’ expected profit between the channel members through the buyback price negotiation.  相似文献   

This study aims at improving the effectiveness of Quality function deployment (QFD) in handling the vague, subjective and limited information. QFD has long been recognised as an efficient planning and problem-solving tool which can translate customer requirements (CRs) into the technical attributes of product or service. However, in the traditional QFD analysis, the vague and subjective information often lead to inaccurate priority. In order to solve this problem, a novel group decision approach for prioritising more rationally the technical attributes is proposed. Basically, two stages of analysis are described: the computation of CR importance and the prioritising the technical attributes with a hybrid approach based on a rough set theory (RST) and grey relational analysis (GRA). The approach integrates the strength of RST in handling vagueness with less priori information and the merit of GRA in structuring analytical framework and discovering necessary information of the data interactions. Finally, an application in industrial service design for compressor rotor is presented to demonstrate the potential of the approach.  相似文献   

Food supply chains are confronted with increased consumer demands on food quality and sustainability. When redesigning these chains the analysis of food quality change and environmental load of new scenarios is as important as the analysis of efficiency and responsiveness requirements. Simulation tools are often used for supporting decision-making on supply chain (re)design when logistic uncertainties are in place, building on their inherent modelling flexibility. Mostly, the underlying assumption is that product quality is not influenced by or does not influence chain design. Clearly, this is not true for food supply chains, as quality change is intrinsic to the industry. We propose a new integrated approach towards logistics, sustainability and food quality analysis, and implement the approach by introducing a new simulation environment, ALADIN?. It embeds food quality change models and sustainability indicators in discrete event simulation models. A case example illustrates the benefits of its use relating to speed and quality of integrated decision making, but also to creativity in terms of alternative solutions.  相似文献   

Sustainable procurement is steering today’s supply chains towards responsible business practices. This research aims to examine the trend in the sustainability performance of large enterprises for supplier selection across supply chain tiers and geographic locations. Secondary data on 83 global, large enterprises discussing sustainable procurement practices are analysed using hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Dynamic capabilities view and stakeholder theory are utilised to develop the hypotheses. The results show that sustainable procurement performance for large enterprises varies across supply chain tiers and increases in the direction of the end customer. Due to standardisation of regulations and dynamic capabilities of global, large enterprises, no significant difference is observed across geographic regions.  相似文献   

基于QFD的汽车造型设计特性优先度评价方法   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
目的为了客观准确地获取设计前期汽车造型设计的重点方向,提出一种改进的QFD质量屋矩阵评价方法,进行汽车造型设计特性优先度分析。方法在该方法中,运用访谈、问卷调研、数理分析方法获取顾客满意需求及重要度,并采用Cronbachα系数进行信度检测,确保数据结果的可靠性,依据汽车形态特征群确立其造型设计特性。通过顾客需求与汽车造型设计特性关系矩阵计算出设计特性分值。结论确立了汽车造型设计特性优先度,从而证明了方法的可行性。  相似文献   

In recent years, numerous scandals concerning working conditions in Asia have threatened the reputation of large companies like Wal-Mart and Inditex. Since such scandals call attention to activities harmful to sustainable development, it is very important to study the relationships between concerns for sustainable supply chain management (SSCM), sustainability, and organisations’ market value. The added value of our study is, first, to explore SSCM controversies as drivers of or pressures for adopting and applying sustainability practices; and, second, to contribute to the recent but growing literature that analyses the channels through which SSCM and sustainability practices influence the firm’s value. We introduce sustainability environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices as a mediator between SSCM controversies and market value to examine whether SSCM controversies with firms’ stakeholders lead to improvements in the ESG dimensions of organisational sustainability. We also examine the relationships between the ESG dimensions and market value, measured as Tobin’s Q ratio. The results confirm both the positive relationships of SSCM controversies to the ESG dimensions two years later and a positive relationship of the dimension of governance to Tobin’s Q. We also confirm a negative and significant relationship of the social dimension to Tobin’s Q, and a non-significant relationship of the environmental dimension to Tobin’s Q.  相似文献   

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