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In condition-based maintenance (CBM) with periodic inspection, the item is preventively replaced if failure risk, which is calculated based on the information obtained from inspection, exceeds a pre-determined threshold. The determination of optimal replacement threshold is often based on minimisation of long-run average maintenance costs per unit time due to preventive and failure replacements. It is assumed that inspections are performed at equal time intervals and that the corresponding cost is negligible. However, in many practical situations where CBM is implemented, e.g. manufacturing processes, inspections require labours, specific test devices, and sometimes suspension of operations. Thus, when inspection cost is considerable, it is reasonable to inspect less frequently during the time the item is in healthier states, and, more frequently as time passes and/or the item degrades, namely, a condition-based inspection scheme. This paper proposes a novel two-phase approach for determination of replacement threshold and a condition-based inspection scheme for CBM. First, it takes into account failure and preventive replacement costs to determine the optimal replacement threshold assuming that inspections are performed at equal time intervals with no cost. This assumption is, then, relaxed and its consequences on total average cost are evaluated using a proposed iterative procedure to obtain a cost-effective condition-based inspection scheme. The proposed approach can be utilised in many CBM applications. For the sake of simplicity of presentation, the approach is illustrated through a simplified case study already reported by some researchers referenced in the paper.  相似文献   

In condition-based maintenance (CBM), replacement policy is often defined as a rule for replacement or leaving an item (or a system) in operation until the next inspection, depending on monitoring results. The criterion for determining the optimal threshold for replacement, also known as optimal control limit, is to minimise the average maintenance costs per unit time due to preventive and failure replacements over a long time horizon. On the one hand, higher frequency of inspections provides more information about the condition of the system and, thus, maintenance actions are performed more effectively, namely, unnecessary preventive replacements are avoided and the number of replacements due to failure is reduced. Consequently, the cost associated to failure and preventive replacements are decreased. On the other hand, in many real cases, inspections require labour, specific test devices, and sometimes suspension of the operations and, thus, as the number of inspections increase, the inspection cost also increases. In this paper, preventive and failure replacement costs as well as inspection cost are taken into account to determine the optimal control limit and the optimal inspection interval simultaneously. The proposed approach is illustrated through a numerical example.  相似文献   

Unavailability and cost rate functions are developed for components whose failures can occur randomly but they are detected only by periodic testing or inspections. If a failure occurs between consecutive inspections, the unit remains failed until the next inspection. Components are renewed by preventive maintenance periodically, or by repair or replacement after a failure, whichever occurs first (age-replacement). The model takes into account finite repair and maintenance durations as well as costs due to testing, repair, maintenance and lost production or accidents. For normally operating units the time-related penalty is loss of production. For standby safety equipment it is the expected cost of an accident that can happen when the component is down due to a dormant failure, repair or maintenance. The objective of maintenance optimization is to minimize the total cost rate by proper selection of two intervals, one for inspections and one for replacements. General conditions and techniques are developed for solving optimal test and maintenance intervals, with and without constraints on the production loss or accident rate. Insights are gained into how the optimal intervals depend on various cost parameters and reliability characteristics.  相似文献   

A model is proposed to study the inspection and maintenance policy of systems whose failures can be detected only by periodic tests or inspections. Using predictive techniques, the time of the system failure can be predicted for some failure modes. If the system is found failed in an inspection, a corrective maintenance action is carried out. If the system is in a good condition but the predictive test diagnoses a failure in the period until the next inspection, then the system is replaced. The cost rate function is obtained for general distribution function of the signal time of a future failure and for one specific distribution function recently proposed. An algorithm is presented to find the optimal time between inspections and predictive tests and the optimal system replacement times for an age replacement policy. Numerical experiments illustrate the model.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of optimally integrating production quality and condition-based maintenance in a stochastically deteriorating single- product, single-machine production system. Inspections are periodically performed on the system to assess its actual degradation status. The system is considered to be in ‘fail mode’ whenever its degradation level exceeds a predetermined threshold. The proportion of non-conforming items, those that are produced during the time interval where the degradation is beyond the specification threshold, are replaced either via overtime production or spot market purchases. To optimise preventive maintenance costs and at the same time reduce production of non-conforming items, the degradation of the system must be optimally monitored so that preventive maintenance is carried out at appropriate time intervals. In this paper, an integrated optimisation model is developed to determine the optimal inspection cycle and the degradation threshold level, beyond which preventive maintenance should be carried out, while minimising the sum of inspection and maintenance costs, in addition to the production of non-conforming items and inventory costs. An expression for the total expected cost rate over an infinite time horizon is developed and solution method for the resulting model is discussed. Numerical experiments are provided to illustrate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper considers a condition-based maintenance policy for a two-unit deteriorating system. Each unit is subject to gradual deterioration and is monitored by sequential non-periodic inspections. It can be maintained by good as new preventive or corrective replacements. Every inspection or replacement entails a set-up cost and a component-specific unit cost but if actions on the two components are combined, the set-up cost is charged only once. A parametric maintenance decision framework is proposed to coordinate inspection/replacement of the two components and minimize the long-run maintenance cost of the system. A stochastic model is developed on the basis of the semi-regenerative properties of the maintained system state and the associated cost model is used to assess and optimize the performance of the maintenance model. Numerical experiments emphasize the interest of a control of the operation groupings.  相似文献   

Condition based maintenance (CBM) uses the operating condition of a component to predict a failure event. Compared to age based replacement (ABR), CBM usually results in higher availability and lower maintenance costs, since it tries to prevent unplanned downtime and avoid unnecessary preventive maintenance activities for a component. However, the superiority of CBM remains unclear in multi‐component systems, in which opportunistic maintenance strategies can be applied. Opportunistic maintenance aims to group maintenance activities of two or more components in order to reduce maintenance costs. In a serial system, this may also result in less downtime of the production line. The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of opportunistic maintenance on the effectiveness of CBM. We simulate a small system consisting of three components in series and vary the number of components under a CBM policy, the length of the opportunistic maintenance zone, the cost benefits of grouping maintenance activities, and the chance of a failure occurrence within a preventive maintenance (PM) interval. The results show that within the current experimental settings, CBM remains cost effective in the multi‐component serial system, but is less effective than ABR in grouping maintenance activities. When the chance of failure is small and the length of the opportunistic maintenance zone is large, ABR may even be a better option if line productivity is important.  相似文献   

Condition-based maintenance (CBM) is generally considered an attractive maintenance policy for a single component: it uses the operating condition of the component to predict a failure event and therefore tries to avoid any unplanned downtime and unnecessary maintenance activities. However, operations managers tend to be much more interested in optimising the performance of the entire asset-system, where the grouping of maintenance activities and the availability of maintenance workers may play a role. Therefore, this paper focuses on the impact of using either CBM or age-based replacement (ABR) in serial and parallel multi-component systems (1) without worker constraints, (2) with a single internal maintenance worker, and (3) with external maintenance workers with a significant response time. With an internal maintenance worker, the sequential execution of maintenance activities prevents efficiency gains in the serial configuration and here CBM performs better. Also in the parallel configurations, the efficiency under CBM is generally better than under ABR. However, with external maintenance workers, CBM is not able to group maintenance activities as well as ABR, which results in a lower efficiency in the serial configuration. CBM performs better than ABR with respect to total maintenance costs, while ABR results in a smoother maintenance plan.  相似文献   

This paper presents an adaptive maintenance model for equipment that can be adjusted (minor preventive maintenance, imperfect state) or replaced (major preventive maintenance, as good as new) at specific scheduled times based on degradation measurements. An initial reliability law that uses a degradation‐based model is built from the collection of hitting times of a failure threshold. Inspections are performed to update the reliability, the remaining useful life, and the optimum time for preventive maintenance. The case of both as good as new replacements and imperfect adjustments is considered. The proposed maintenance model is based on the optimization of the long‐term expected cost per unit of time. The model is then tested on a numerical case study to assess its effectiveness. This results in an improvement for the occurrences of maintenance tasks that minimizes the mean cost per unit of time as well as an optimized number of adjustments that can be considered before replacing an item. The practical application is a decision aid support to answer the 2 following questions: Should we intervene now or wait for the next inspection? For each intervention, should we adjust or replace the item of equipment? The originality is the presence of 2 criteria that help the maintainer to decide to postpone or not the preventive replacement time depending on the measured degradation and to decide whether the item should be adjusted or replaced.  相似文献   

The objective of condition based maintenance (CBM) is typically to determine an optimal maintenance policy to minimize the overall maintenance cost based on condition monitoring information. The existing work reported in the literature only focuses on determining the optimal CBM policy for a single unit. In this paper, we investigate CBM of multi-component systems, where economic dependency exists among different components subject to condition monitoring. The fixed preventive replacement cost, such as sending a maintenance team to the site, is incurred once a preventive replacement is performed on one component. As a result, it would be more economical to preventively replace multiple components at the same time. In this work, we propose a multi-component system CBM policy based on proportional hazards model (PHM). The cost evaluation of such a CBM policy becomes much more complex when we extend the PHM based CBM policy from a single unit to a multi-component system. A numerical algorithm is developed in this paper for the exact cost evaluation of the PHM based multi-component CBM policy. Examples using real-world condition monitoring data are provided to demonstrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

The objective of the work presented in this paper is the determination of an optimal age-based maintenance strategy for wheel motor armatures of a fleet of Komatsu haul trucks in a mining application in Chile. For such purpose, four years of maintenance data of these components were analyzed to estimate their failure distribution and a model was created to simulate the maintenance process and its restrictions. The model incorporates the impact of successive corrective (on-failure) and preventive maintenance on necessary new component investments. The analysis of the failure data showed a significant difference in failure distribution of new armatures versus armatures that had already undergone one or several preventive maintenance actions. Finally, the model was applied to calculate estimated costs per unit time for different preventive maintenance intervals. From the resulting relationship an optimal preventive maintenance interval was determined and the operational and economical consequences and effects with respect to the actual strategy were quantified. The application of the model resulted in the optimal preventive maintenance interval of 14,500 operational hours. Considering the failure distribution of the armatures, this optimal strategy is very close to a run-to-failure scenario.  相似文献   

This paper presents a special case of integration of the preventive maintenance into the repair/replacement policy of a failure-prone system. The machine of the considered system exhibits increasing failure intensity and increasing repair times. To reduce the failure rate and subsequent repair times following a failure, there is an incentive to perform preventive maintenance on the machine before failure. When a failure occurs, the machine can be repaired or replaced by a new one. Thus the machine's mode at any time can be classified as either operating, in repair, in replacement or in preventive maintenance. The decision variables of the system are the repair/replacement switching age or number of failures at the time of the machine's failure and the preventive maintenance rate. The problem of determining the repair/replacement and preventive maintenance policies is formulated as a semi-Markov decision process and numerical methods are given in order to compute optimal policies which minimise the average cost incurred by preventive maintenance, repair and replacement over an infinite planning horizon. As expected, the decisions to repair or to replace the machine upon a failure are modified by performing preventive maintenance. A numerical example is given and a sensitivity analysis is performed to illustrate the proposed approach and to show the impact of various parameters on the control policies thus obtained.  相似文献   

The semi-Markov decision model is a powerful tool in analyzing sequential decision processes with random decision epochs. In this paper, we have built the semi-Markov decision process (SMDP) for the maintenance policy optimization of condition-based preventive maintenance problems, and have presented the approach for joint optimization of inspection rate and maintenance policy. Through numerical examples, the improvement of this method is compared with the scheme, which optimizes only over the inspection rate. We also find that under a special case when the deterioration rate at each failure stage is the same, the optimal policy obtained by SMDP algorithm is a dynamic threshold-type scheme with threshold value depending on the inspection rate.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a model to help a maintenance decision making situation of a given equipment. We propose a novel model to determine optimal life-cycle duration and intervals between overhauls by minimizing global maintenance costs. We consider a situation where the costumer, which owns the equipment, may negotiate a better warranty contract by offering an improved preventive maintenance program for the equipment. The equipment receives three kind of actions: repairs, overhauls, and replacement. An overhaul represents an imperfect maintenance action, that is, the failure rate is improved but not a point that the equipment is as good as new. Corrective maintenance actions are minimal, in the sense that the failure rate after each repair is the same as before the failure. The proposed strategy surpasses others seen in the literature since it considers at the same time the warranty negotiation situation and the optimal life-cycle duration under imperfect preventive actions. We also propose a simplified approach that facilitates the task of implementing the method in standard solvers.  相似文献   

The paper presents a method for determining the optimal interval for preventive maintenance/replacement using either an age-based or diagnostic-based renewal strategy. For the case of a finite-time horizon, for which the computations are complicated, a simple formula is proposed for modifying the commonly used inifinite-time solution so that it gives a good approximation to the exact finite-time solution. Examples demonstrate that the method is sufficiently accurate and simple in practice for typical engineering components with Weibull life distributions and for a reasonable range of the cost factor (ratio of unit corrective to unit preventive maintenance costs). This paper investigates the problem of the accuracy of the results compared to the exact, finite-time solution for a selected matrix of time-to failure Weibull shape parameters and cost factors commonly occurring in technical practice. Applications offer substantial benefits to both manufacturer and user of technical equipment.  相似文献   

Operation and maintenance are significant contributors to the cost of energy for offshore wind turbines. Optimal planning could rationally be based on Bayesian pre-posterior decision theory, and all costs through the lifetime of the structures should be included. This paper contains a study of a generic case where the costs are evaluated for a single wind turbine with a single component. Costs due to inspections, repairs, and lost production are included in the model. The costs are compared for two distinct maintenance strategies, namely with and without inclusion of periodic imperfect inspections. Finally the influence of different important parameters, e.g. failure rate, reliability of inspections, inspection interval, and decision rule for repairs, is evaluated.  相似文献   

The paper generalizes a replacement schedule optimization problem to multi‐state systems, where the system and its components have a range of performance levels—from perfect functioning to complete failure. The multi‐state system reliability is defined as the ability to satisfy a demand which is represented as a required system performance level. The reliability of system elements is characterized by their lifetime distributions with hazard rates increasing in time and is specified as expected number of failures during different time intervals. The optimal number of element replacements during the study period is defined as that which provides the desired level of the system reliability by minimum sum of maintenance cost and cost of unsupplied demand caused by failures. To evaluate multi‐state system reliability, a universal generating function technique is applied. A genetic algorithm (GA) is used as an optimization technique. Examples of the optimal replacement schedule determination are demonstrated. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Age replacement is a common maintenance policy when wear-out failures occur, and it is characterised by periodic replacement of components. Data on time to failure (TTF), often modelled with the Weibull function, are necessary for estimating optimal replacement intervals to minimise the total maintenance costs. In many cases, such as new components, new machines or new installations, no TTF data are available, so the Weibull parameters and optimal replacement interval cannot be estimated. To overcome this problem, these parameters can be assessed from the experience of the maintenance engineers and technicians. The aim of this study is investigating the relationship between the error in parameter estimation and additional maintenance costs related to this error. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multifactorial analysis are carried out for investigating the influence of these estimations on the final costs. Economic decision maps are introduced for supporting maintenance engineering in defining the maintenance policy with minimal additional cost in the case of no data being available. The analysis shows that, when no data are available, the application of the age replacement policy can result in a global saving of more than 50% compared with corrective maintenance.  相似文献   

The maintenance of a single unit system that alternates operating and idle periods is studied. In the former case the failures are detected as soon as they occur and only by special testing or inspection in the latter. This paper aims at minimizing the cost per unit of time for an infinite time span by selection of a unique interval, for both inspection and maintenance. A special feature of this model is the possibility of a less than perfect testing as the inspections may fail and give a wrong result. It is further assumed that both preventive and corrective maintenance make the unit as good as new with the durations of inspections and maintenances being negligible. The existence of an optimum interval and how it depends on both the cost parameters and the reliability characteristics of the unit is discussed.  相似文献   

System maintenance and spare parts are two closely related logistics activities since maintenance generates the demand for spare parts. Most studies on integrated models of preventive replacement and inventory of spare parts have focused on age replacement scheduling, while random replacement policy, which is sensible and necessary in practice, is rarely discussed and applied. The purpose of this paper is to present a generalised age replacement policy for a system which works at random time and considers random lead time for replacement delivery. To model an imperfect maintenance action, we consider that the system undergoes minimal repairs at minor failures and corrective replacements at catastrophic failures. Before catastrophic failures, the system is replaced preventively at age T or at the completion of a working time, whichever occurs first. The main objective is to determine an optimal schedule of age replacement that minimises the mean cost rate function of the system in a finite time horizon. The existence and uniqueness of optimal replacement policy are derived analytically and computed numerically. It can be seen that the proposed model is a generalisation of the previous works in maintenance theory.  相似文献   

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