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To improve the convertibility of reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS), the concept of delayed reconfigurable manufacturing system (D-RMS) was proposed. RMS and D-RMS are both constructed around part family. However, D-RMS may suffer from ultra-long system problem with unacceptable idle machines using generic RMS part families. Besides, considering the complex basic system structure of D-RMS, machine selection of D-RMS should be addressed, including dedicated machine, flexible machine, and reconfigurable machine. Therefore, a system design method for D-RMS based on part family grouping and machine selection is proposed. Firstly, a part family grouping method is proposed for D-RMS that groups the parts with more former common operations into the same part family. The concept of longest relative position common operation subsequence (LPCS) is proposed. The similarity coefficient among the parts is calculated based on LPCS. The reciprocal value of the operation position of LPCS is adopted as the characteristic value. The average linkage clustering (ALC) algorithm is used to cluster the parts. Secondly, a machine selection method is proposed to complete the system design of D-RMS, including machine selection rules and the dividing point decision model. Finally, a case study is given to implement and verify the proposed system design method for D-RMS. The results show that the proposed system design method is effective, which can group parts with more former common operations into the same part family and select appropriate machine types.  相似文献   

One of the main critique on cellular manufacturing and its algorithms is their inability to handle dynamics events, especially dynamic changes in part spectrum. Unfortunately, there are not many efforts in the literature to overcome this problem. Agent oriented computing provides a marvellous opportunity to handle dynamic problems and to provide effective solutions, if carefully and intelligently implemented. In this paper, we have proposed a novel agent-based clustering algorithm for part family formation in cellular manufacturing by considering dynamic demand changes. However, it is not easy to directly compare the performance of the proposed algorithm with the literature results as there is no benchmark for dynamic cell formation problems. We attempt to compare the performance of the present algorithm on static test problems by dynamically introducing parts in these data-sets to our algorithm. Many results have been presented on these static data-sets by utilising several heuristics, meta-heuristics and optimisation-based algorithms. Although the proposed algorithm is not an optimisation-based algorithm and its operation is directed to handle dynamic changes in the problem domain through negotiation, we have shown that it has ability to provide very good results which are comparable to the best known solutions.  相似文献   

Intense global competition, dynamic product variations, and rapid technological developments force manufacturing systems to adapt and respond quickly to various changes in the market. Such responsiveness could be achieved through new paradigms such as Reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMS). In this paper, the problem of configuration design for a scalable reconfigurable RMS that produces different products of a part family is addressed. In order to handle demand fluctuations of products throughout their lifecycles with minimum cost, RMS configurations must change as well. Two different approaches are developed for addressing the system configuration design in different periods. Both approaches make use of modular reconfigurable machine tools (RMTs), and adjust the production capacity of the system, with minimum cost, by adding/removing modules to/from specific RMTs. In the first approach, each production period is designed separately, while in the second approach, future information of products’ demands in all production periods is available in the beginning of system configuration design. Two new mixed integer linear programming (MILP) and integer linear programming (ILP) formulations are presented in the first and the second approaches respectively. The results of these approaches are compared with respect to many different aspects, such as total system design costs, unused capacity, and total number of reconfigurations. Analyses of the results show the superiority of both approaches in terms of exploitation and reconfiguration cost.  相似文献   

Cellular manufacturing is an effective alternative to batch-type production systems where different products are intermittently produced in small lot sizes with frequent setups, large in-process storage quantities, long production lead times, decreasing throughputs, and complex planning and control functions. An effective approach to forming manufacturing cells and introducing families of similar parts, consequently increasing production volumes and machine utilisation, is the use of similarity coefficients in conjunction with clustering procedures. In a similarity coefficients-based approach, the results of the clustering analysis depend on the minimum admissible level of similarity adopted for the generic group of clustered items. This is the so-called threshold value of group similarity. The aim of this paper is to identify effective values of the threshold value of group similarity to help practitioners and managers of manufacturing systems form machine groups and related part families. The proposed threshold values for a given similarity coefficient are based on calculation of the percentile of aggregations generated by the adopted clustering algorithm. The importance of the proposed measure of group similarity has been demonstrated by experimental analysis conducted on a large set of significant instances of the cell formation problem in the literature. This analysis can also support the best determination of this percentile-based cut value especially when the number of manufacturing cells is not known in advance.  相似文献   

To remain competitive in currently unpredictable markets, the enterprises must adapt their manufacturing systems to frequent market changes and high product variety. Reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMSs) promise to offer a rapid and cost-effective response to production fluctuations under the condition that their configuration is attentively studied and optimised. This paper presents a decision support tool for designing reconfigurable machining systems to be used for family part production. The objective is to elaborate a cost-effective solution for production of several part families. This design issue is modelled as a combinatorial optimisation problem. An illustrative example and computational experiments are discussed to reveal the application of the proposed methodology. Insight gained would be useful to the decision-makers managing the configuration of manufacturing systems for diversified products.  相似文献   

We consider a joint decision model of cell formation and task scheduling in cellular manufacturing system under dual-resource constrained (DRC) setting. On one hand, machines and workers are multi-functional and/or multi-skilled, and they are grouped into workstations and cells. On the other hand, there is a processing sequence among operations of the parts which needs to be dispatched to the desirable workstations for processing. Inter-cell movements of parts can reduce the processing times and the makespan but will increase the inter-cell material handling costs. The objective of the problem is to minimise the material handling costs as well as the fixed and operating costs of machines and workers. Due to the NP-hardness of the problem, we propose an efficient discrete bacteria foraging algorithm (DBFA) with elaborately designed solution representation and bacteria evolution operators to solve the proposed problem. We tested our algorithm using randomly generated instances with different sizes and settings by comparing with the original bacteria foraging algorithm and a genetic algorithm. Our results show that the proposed DBFA has better performance than the two compared algorithms with the same running time.  相似文献   

Cellular manufacturing (CM) is an important application of group technology in manufacturing systems. One of the crucial steps in the design of CM is the identification of part families and manufacturing cells. This problem is referred to as cell formation problem (CFP) in the literature. In this article, a solution approach is proposed for CFP, which considers many parameters such as machine requirement, sequence of operations, alternative processing routes, processing time, production volume, budget limitation, cost of machines, etc. Due to the NP-hardness of CFP, it cannot be efficiently solved for medium- to large-sized problems. Thus, a genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to solve the formulated model. Comparison of the results obtained from the proposed GA to the globally optimum solutions obtained by Lingo Software and those reported in the literature reveals the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The dynamic cellular facility layout problem (DCFLP) is a well-known NP-hard problem. It has been estimated that the efficient design of DCFLP reduces the manufacturing cost of products by maintaining the minimum material flow among all machines in all cells, as the material flow contributes around 10–30% of the total product cost. However, being NP hard, solving the DCFLP optimally is very difficult in reasonable time. Therefore, this article proposes a novel similarity score-based two-phase heuristic approach to solve the DCFLP optimally considering multiple products in multiple times to be manufactured in the manufacturing layout. In the first phase of the proposed heuristic, a machine–cell cluster is created based on similarity scores between machines. This is provided as an input to the second phase to minimize inter/intracell material handling costs and rearrangement costs over the entire planning period. The solution methodology of the proposed approach is demonstrated. To show the efficiency of the two-phase heuristic approach, 21 instances are generated and solved using the optimization software package LINGO. The results show that the proposed approach can optimally solve the DCFLP in reasonable time.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an effective two-phase p-median approach for the balanced cell formation (CF) in the design of cellular manufacturing system. In phase 1, the p-median mathematical model of machine CF, which adopts a linear integer programming formulation, is developed. Our formulation uses a new similarity coefficient based on the generalised nonbinary part-machine incidence matrix (PMIM) which incorporates realistic manufacturing aspects such as setup time, processing time, operation sequences and lot size of parts and duplicate machine types. In phase 2, a systematic part assignment procedure based on the new classification scheme of part types is established in pursuit of balancing the workload among machine cells. New efficiency measures for evaluating the quality of the binary and nonbinary PMIM-based block diagonal solutions are proposed to judge the degree of cell load imbalance. Computational experiments with moderately intermediate-sized data-sets selected from the literature show effectiveness of our two-phase p-median approach for the balanced CF.  相似文献   

Through the use of an effective simulated annealing algorithm, this paper presents an extensive computational investigation concerning the performance evaluation of non-permutation vs. permutation schedules for the flowline manufacturing cell with sequence dependent setup times. The results show that there are significant improvements made by using non-permutation schedules over permutation schedules regarding completion-time based and due-date based criteria. It is suggested that practitioners could adopt non-permutation schedules to improve their operational efficiency within a reasonable amount of computational effort.  相似文献   

One-piece flow is a design rule that entails production in manufacturing cells on a ‘make one, check one, and move-on one’ basis (Black, J.T., 2007. Design rules for implementing Toyota Production System. International Journal of Production Research, 45 (16), 3639–3664), which reduces manufacturing lead time significantly. This paper proposes a sequential methodology comprised of a mathematical model and a heuristic approach (HA) for the design of a hybrid cellular manufacturing system (HMS), to facilitate one-piece flow practice. The mathematical model is employed in the cases of small- and medium-sized problems, and it attempts to minimise the total number of exceptional operations, while considering machine capacities and alternative machines. The machine-part matrix achieved by the mathematical model is input into the flow line design stage of the HA, where backflow within the cells is eliminated. However, for industrial problems, the proposed HA is utilised. After the formation of the cells by clustering, the HA attempts to eliminate exceptional operations of a given cellular configuration together with a functional structure by employing alternative machines, based on the decision rules developed. Later, unidirectional flow within the cells is achieved and the capacity and budget constraints are satisfied. A medium-sized problem is solved by using both of the approaches, namely, the model integrated with the flow-line design stage of the HA and the complete HA. The results are discussed and the limitations are explained.  相似文献   

We propose a systematic approach to determine the optimal maintenance policy for an automated manufacturing system which includes a flexible manufacturing cell (FMC) and several automated machine shops. The systematic approach combines simulation, fractional factorial design, noise or outer array of Taguchi design, regression metamodelling, and classical queueing analysis. A useful expression of the fractional utilization of the manufacturing system is derived and incorporated into formulating and solving the corresponding decision problem. The systematic approach provides an effective implementation procedure to handle practical maintenance problems found in a complex manufacturing environment. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

考虑车间资源负荷比率的制造单元设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用了基于相似系数的整数规划和考虑车间资源负荷分配比率的二次规划相结合的方法,分两步得到了零件族和设备组.在基于Matlab的软件平台上,分别利用其优化工具箱和遗传工具箱对生产过程中的实例进行了仿真和应用.  相似文献   

The fractal manufacturing system (FrMS) is based on the concept of autonomously cooperating agents referred to as fractals. A fractal is a set of self-similar agents whose goal can be achieved through cooperation, coordination, and negotiation among the agents for themselves. A fractal has fractal-specific characteristics (e.g. self-similarity, self-organization, self-optimization, goal-orientation, and dynamics), and it also has the characteristics of an agent (e.g. autonomy, mobility, intelligence, cooperation, and adaptability) at the same time. In the FrMS, a goal can be regarded as the status which the system aspires to be in. The goal-formation process (GFP) in the FrMS is a process of generating goals and modifying them by coordination between agents. In the GFP, conflicts may occur between goals, which can drive a system to become inefficient. In this paper, a conflict resolution mechanism via agent-based negotiation is proposed for facilitating the GFP. The scheme deals with non-fixed goals. The mobile agent-based negotiation process (MANPro), in which a mobile agent is used for information-exchanging and problem-solving, is used for negotiations in this scheme. The proposed mechanism is illustrated with a goal formation scenario in an exemplary FrMS.  相似文献   

Some of the important planning problems that need realistic modelling and a quicker solution, especially in automated manufacturing systems, have recently assumed greater significance. In real-life industrial applications, the existing models considering deterministic situations fail as the true language adopted by foremen and technicians are fuzzy in nature. Thus, to map the situation on the shop floor to arrive at a real-time solution of this kind of tactical planning problem, it is essential to adopt fuzzy-based multi-objective goals so as to express the target desired by the management of business enterprises. This paper presents a fuzzy goal-programming approach to model the machine tool selection and operation allocation problem of flexible manufacturing systems. The model is optimized using an approach based on artificial immune systems and the results of the computational experiments are reported.  相似文献   

Elementary flux modes (EFMs) are a concept from Systems Biology, where they serve as an indicator of component relevance in metabolic networks. An elementary flux mode is a functionally relevant, non-decomposable path through a given network. In this paper, we apply elementary flux mode analysis to manufacturing systems, with the aim of using the number of EFMs as a predictor for resource significance in the manufacturing system. For this, we formulate a network representation of a manufacturing process, which allows us to define the manufacturing equivalent of a stoichiometric matrix to draw an analogy between metabolic and manufacturing systems. This, in turn, allows the computation of EFMs, which we conduct in a case-study for a real manufacturing system. We further show that the change of EFMs under resource breakdown is a good indicator of the average order lateness in the manufacturing system. In this way, EFMs provide insight into the relationship of network structure and function in manufacturing.  相似文献   

Remanufacturing has acquired importance in recent years because of the increasing environmental concerns of manufacturing processes that deplete the Earth's resources. Some examples of remanufactured products are automobile parts, furniture, photocopiers, and computer printers. In a remanufacturing setup, raw materials are drawn from two sources: (i) ‘cores’, which are obtained from recycled products, and (ii) ‘non-recycled’ or unused materials, which are produced from minerals freshly mined from the earth. An important decision for the manager is to select material optimally from these two sources. Using cores has environmental benefits, and because they are cheap, they reduce manufacturing costs. However, their use generally increases the production time, because of the additional pre-processing usually needed, which can negatively impact service levels. When the supply of finished products is running low, to satisfy service levels, it makes sense to use unused material. This research focuses on identifying an optimal strategy of switching between the two sources of material. A reinforcement learning algorithm is used to solve the switching problem. The switching algorithm produced encouraging results, showing up to 65% cost improvements over a policy that uses only unused materials.  相似文献   

根据制造企业选择ASP服务提供商的业务流程,采用TOPSIS方法构造评价函数,建立了ASP平台软件系统评价指标体系;采用Delphi法确定评价指标的权重系数,求解评价函数最优解作为评价目标的最优解,最后举例进行了验证.结果表明,采用TOPSIS和Delphi相结合的方法对制造企业ASP平台软件系统进行选型,可以有效地减少ASP平台选型的主观盲目性,提高平台选型的科学性.  相似文献   

In this research, a comprehensive heuristic solution is evolved to include all the three segments of a machine loading problem of flexible manufacturing systems. These are part type sequence determination, operation allocation on machines and reallocation of part types. The machine loading problem has been formulated keeping in view two well-known objective functions, namely minimization of system unbalance and maximization of throughput. In addition to constraints related to machine time and tool slots availability, this research considers one more constraint related to material handling, i.e. number of AGVs available in the system. The part type sequence determination has been carried out by evaluating the contribution of part type to characteristics such as batch size, total processing time, and the AGV movement. Decisions pertaining to operation allocation are taken based on the enumeration of priority index. An iterative reallocation procedure has been devised to ensure minimum positive system unbalance and maximum throughput. A test problem is simulated to represent the real shop floor environment and the same has been solved using various steps of the proposed algorithm. Extensive computational experiments have been carried out to assess the performance of the proposed heuristic and validate its relevance to solve the real shop floor problems.  相似文献   

In this competitive world cost and lead time reduction are of prime concern for manufacturing firms. To achieve this objective manufacturing entities are adopting several management philosophies such as Total Quality Management (TQM), just-in-time (JIT), and theory of constraints (TOC). The present paper addresses the advanced computer-aided process planning (ACAPP) problem in a distributed manufacturing supply chain environment and aims at cost and lead times reduction under several technological constraints. To deal with the complexity of the problem the constraint based fast simulated annealing (CBFSA) algorithm has been explored in this article. Extensive computations have been performed over the well-known benchmarks of advanced planning problems and the results obtained prove the superiority of the proposed algorithm over the prior approaches.  相似文献   

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