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This paper presents a similarity coefficient based approach to the problem of machine-component grouping. The proposed method incorporates relevant production data such as part type production volume, routing sequence and unit operation time in the early stages of grouping decisions for cellular manufacturing. The algorithm also suggests a methodology for evaluating alternative solutions from different algorithms on a quantitative basis using a modified version of an existing coefficient. The modified quantitative measure is a comprehensive indicator for the goodness of a grouping solution. The algorithm then identifies bottleneck machines and corresponding cell candidates for their duplication using percentage utilization in each cell as a criterion. Finally, additional constraints can be applied to determine the best grouping solution among alternative solutions generated by the algorithm. A software package has been developed to verify the implementation.  相似文献   

The development and implementation of an integrated system for computer-aided process planning and cellular manufacturing design is described. A coding scheme is proposed for classifying parts according to the manufacturing processes required to produce them. The routeing data and the classification codes obtained from computer-aided process planning are then stored in a database. A heuristic algorithm has also been developed for designing manufacturing cells using the classification data stored in the process planning database. This algorithm is based on a new concept developed in this study called cellular similarity coefficient which considers the similarity between machine cells rather than individual machines, as in the case of other similarity coefficients.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, designing cellular manufacturing systems (CMS) still centres on assigning machines to machine cells and parts to part families. This task ends after assigning these part families to the appropriate machine cells. In the past, testing CMS was evaluated according to the efficiency of clustering, but actual testing of CMS after installation is still unexplored. Introducing one or more new parts (products) into CMS without any changes in the installation of the cells during processing of the current parts is a new concept to be considered and evaluated. Transferring these systems from traditional ideologues to advanced ideologues (agile systems) is highly desired. This concept can be considered as part (product) flexibility in CMS. To address this concept, a new similarity coefficient between the new part and the existing manufacturing cell will be created. New productivity and flexibility measurements in CMS will also be suggested. A new strategy for accepting a new part into CMS will be proposed based on machine utilization and flexibility in the cells, cell utilization and flexibility in the system, product flexibility (system flexibility), and similarity of this part with existing manufacturing cells. A complete analytical example will be presented.  相似文献   

For cellular manufacturing strategies to succeed, the productive system first has to be divided into highly independent cells. This means that a partition of the machines into machine groups, a partition of the parts into part families, and a matching between the machine groups and the part families have to be simultaneously determined. Mathematically, this question can be expressed as the problem of finding a near block diagonal permutation of the machine-part incidence matrix. Research on such grouping problems has primarily concentrated on the design of heuristics. Different grouping efficiency criteria have been proposed to express the quality of the groupings proposed by these heuristics. This paper is concerned with mathematical programming approaches to the formation of production cells. Existing models are reviewed and their features are briefly discussed. An alternative model is proposed, which allows for the formulation of various constraints and grouping efficiency criteria. Finally, some test problems are used to support the claim that this model may be adequate for the solution to optimality of the cell formation problem.  相似文献   

Cellular manufacturing is an effective alternative to batch-type production systems where different products are intermittently produced in small lot sizes with frequent setups, large in-process storage quantities, long production lead times, decreasing throughputs, and complex planning and control functions. An effective approach to forming manufacturing cells and introducing families of similar parts, consequently increasing production volumes and machine utilisation, is the use of similarity coefficients in conjunction with clustering procedures. In a similarity coefficients-based approach, the results of the clustering analysis depend on the minimum admissible level of similarity adopted for the generic group of clustered items. This is the so-called threshold value of group similarity. The aim of this paper is to identify effective values of the threshold value of group similarity to help practitioners and managers of manufacturing systems form machine groups and related part families. The proposed threshold values for a given similarity coefficient are based on calculation of the percentile of aggregations generated by the adopted clustering algorithm. The importance of the proposed measure of group similarity has been demonstrated by experimental analysis conducted on a large set of significant instances of the cell formation problem in the literature. This analysis can also support the best determination of this percentile-based cut value especially when the number of manufacturing cells is not known in advance.  相似文献   

We present a three-stage procedure for configuring machines into manufacturing cells, and assigning the cells to process specific sets of jobs. First, operations are assigned, with the objective of minimizing the deviation between available capacity and the workload assigned to each machine. We then extended King's algorithm to group machines based on similarities of operations. Finally a direct-search algorithm for defining the composition of manufacturing ceils is offered. A comprehensive example is also included.  相似文献   

A methodology for designing flexible cellular manufacturing systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cell formation in cellular manufacturing deals with the identification of machines that can be grouped to create manufacturing cells and the identification of part families to be processed within each cell. Dynamic and random variations in part demands can negatively impact cell performance by creating unstable machine utilizations. The purpose of this paper is to introduce and illustrate an interactive cell formation method that can be used to design 'flexible' cells. Flexibility in this context refers to routing flexibility (i.e., the ability for the cellular system to process parts within multiple cells) and demand flexibility (i.e., the ability of the cell system to respond quickly to changes in part demand and part mix). Through an experimental analysis using multiple data sets, we also validate the procedure and provide guidelines for parameter settings depending upon the type of flexibility of interest to the user. Finally, trade-offs and interdependences between alternative types of flexibility in the context of cellular systems are illustrated.  相似文献   

This paper analyses and evaluates six of the promising cell formation techniques by comparing and contrasting them in relation to the scores of efficiency indices of the exceptional elements and inner-cell densities, work-load balance, and under-utilizations in different scenarios. Accordingly, all six are more or less altered with proper extensions to realize a broader capability. Effectiveness of the suggested efficiency measures in the evaluation is also illustrated. Each technique seems to have a favourite operating area of its own considering a variety of factors.  相似文献   

The first step in creating a cellular manufacturing system is to identify machine groups and form part families. Clustering and data organization (CDR) algorithms (such as the bond energy algorithm) and array sorting (ARS) methods (such as the rank order clustering algorithm) have been proposed to solve the machine and part grouping problem. However, these methods do not always produce a solution matrix that has a block diagonal structure, making visual identification of machine groups and part families extremely difficult. This paper presents a ‘close neighbour algorithm’ to solve this problem. The algorithm overcomes many deficiencies of the CDR and ASM methods. The algorithm is tested against ten existing algorithms in solving test problems from the literature. Test results show that the algorithm is very reliable and efficient.  相似文献   

In this paper, a hybrid cellular manufacturing (HCM) system is presented in which the main sources of uncertainty, e.g. the demands of parts and unit costs are treated as fuzzy numbers in the form of possibilistic distributions. The basic concept of HCM is that high variation in demand might disturb cell efficiency, so forming cells with only those parts that have stable demand, will profit. Thus, to design stable and robust manufacturing cells, a two-phase method is proposed in which a fuzzy adaptive ranking method is first applied to identify those parts with low and non-repetitive demands (i.e. the special parts) which will then be assigned to a functional cell. Afterwards, an interactive possibilistic programming model is applied to cell formation of remaining regular parts while considering both part sequences and multiple routes. To show the capability and usefulness of the proposed method, an illustrative example is also provided. Finally, concluding remarks are reported.  相似文献   

A two-stage procedure for the design of a cellular manufacturing system is proposed. The first stage forms the part families. The use of clustering techniques with a new proximity measure is advocated for this stage. The proximity measure uses the manufacturing operations and the operations' sequences. The second stage forms the machine cells. An integer programming model is proposed for this stage. The solution of this model will specify the type and the number of machines in each cell and the assignment of the part families to the cells. The relevance of this approach in the design of flexible manufacturing systems is discussed.  相似文献   

P K ARORA  A HALEEM  M K SINGH 《Sadhana》2013,38(3):421-428
Cellular manufacturing system has been proved a vital approach for batch and job shop production systems. Group technology has been an essential tool for developing a cellular manufacturing system. The paper aims to discuss various cell formation techniques and highlights the significant research work done in past over the years and attempts to points out the gap in research.  相似文献   

The initial stage in the facilities design of cellular manufacturing systems involves the identification of part families and machine groups and forming cells possessing specific manufacturing capabilities. A new heuristic for the part family/machine group formation (PF/MGF) problem is presented in this paper. The distinguishing feature of this heuristic is its consideration of several practical criteria such as within-cell machine utilization, work load fractions, maximum number of machines that are assigned to a cell, and the percentage of operations of parts completed within a single cell. Computational results, based on several examples from the literature, show that this heuristic performs well with respect to more than one criteria. The heuristic also clarifies the source of various arguments in the literature concerning the ‘goodness’ of the solutions obtained by other researchers. An application of the heuristic to a large sample of industrial data involving 45 workcentres composed of 64 machines, and 305 parts is given, and the usefulness of the heuristic for trading-off several objectives is illustrated.  相似文献   

Instead of using expensive multiprocessor supercomputers, parallel computing can be implemented on a cluster of inexpensive personal computers. Commercial accesses to high performance parallel computing are also available on the pay-per-use basis. However, literature on the use of parallel computing in production research is limited. In this paper, we present a dynamic cell formation problem in manufacturing systems solved by a parallel genetic algorithm approach. This method improves our previous work on the use of sequential genetic algorithm (GA). Six parallel GAs for the dynamic cell formation problem were developed and tested. The parallel GAs are all based on the island model using migration of individuals but are different in their connection topologies. The performance of the parallel GA approach was evaluated against a sequential GA as well as the off-shelf optimization software. The results are very encouraging. The considered dynamic manufacturing cell formation problem incorporates several design factors. They include dynamic cell configuration, alternative routings, sequence of operations, multiple units of identical machines, machine capacity, workload balancing, production cost and other practical constraints.  相似文献   

Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a prominent approach to ensure personalized recommendations to active online users. An efficient CF is the memory-based strategy that finds nearest neighbours to an active user using conventional similarity measures. Most such measures deal with a co-rated item rated by a pair of users and hence they are not appropriate to provide an effective recommendation to a sparse dataset having less co-rated items. This study proposes a novel similarity measure, Matusita coefficient in CF (MCF), which considers all ratings given by a user to estimate nearest neighbours. MCF considers local and global rating information provided by users on different rating scales. The performance of the proposed measure is examined and checked by comparing it to conventional measures using popular benchmark datasets like MovieLens and Netflix. The recommendation results demonstrate that the proposed measure outperforms conventional similarity measures on various performance metrics like Mean Absolute Error, Root Mean Squared Error, accuracy, precision, recall and coverage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare a focused cellular manufacturing environment with traditional cellular manufacturing, and job shop environments. We define focused cellular manufacturing as a configuration scheme that groups components by end-items and forms cells of machines to fabricate and assemble end-items. In addition, this research includes three levels of batch sizes and two levels of set-up times in its performance criteria which few researchers in this area have done. The results indicate that the focused cellular manufacturing scheme has a batching advantage. This advantage dominated the balanced machine utilization benefit of the job shop configuration scheme and out weighed the set-up time reduction advantage of the cellular manufacturing scheme for average end-item completion times and average work-in-process inventory levels. The cellular manufacturing and job shop schemes overcame the batch size advantage only when batch sizes were small or set-up times were large.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the static and dynamic operator allocation problems in cellular manufacturing systems (CMS). An assembly environment is considered where each component going into the final product is manufactured in an individual cell. There are m such cells and it is required to manufacture n varieties of products where n > m . Algorithms for static and dynamic allocation of operators to the cells to balance workload and to minimize makespan are developed and tested.  相似文献   

Recently, some stochastic neural network models have been presented for the purpose of overcoming the defect that the deterministic neural network models do not have the ability to escape from a local optimal solution. However, the specification of the values of various parameters and weights in these stochastic neural network models is more complicated than that in the deterministic neural network models. In this paper, a new stochastic neural network model is proposed in order to reduce the complication of specifying the values of parameters and weights. For a practical purpose, the proposed model is applied to the problem of grouping parts and tools in flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs).  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of assigning operations of part types to one or more machines in a cellular manufacturing system. We develop a mixed integer linear model considering trade-off between refixturing and material handling movement. Examples are included to illustrate the applications of the models developed.  相似文献   

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