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Many real-world engineering design problems involve the simultaneous optimization of several conflicting objectives. In this paper, a method combining the struggle genetic crowding algorithm with Pareto-based population ranking is proposed to elicit trade-off frontiers. The new method has been tested on a variety of published problems, reliably locating both discontinuous Pareto frontiers as well as multiple Pareto frontiers in multi-modal search spaces. Other published multi-objective genetic algorithms are less robust in locating both global and local Pareto frontiers in a single optimization. For example, in a multi-modal test problem a previously published non-dominated sorting GA (NSGA) located the global Pareto frontier in 41% of the optimizations, while the proposed method located both global and local frontiers in all test runs. Additionally, the algorithm requires little problem specific tuning of parameters.  相似文献   

We consider the issues of tool path optimisation under constraints and formulate a mathematical problem of visiting megalopolises. The megalopolises model is the result of the discretisation of the tool path problem for CNC plate cutting machines. The order of visits is subject to precedence constraints. In addition, the cost functions depend on the set of pending tasks. The quality criterion is a variety of the additive criterion. The problem is established within the dynamic programming framework, however, a heuristic is proposed and implemented to solve practical problems of large dimensionality.  相似文献   

This paper presents results obtained from the implementation of a genetic algorithm (GA) to a simplified multi-objective machining optimization problem. The major goal is to examine the effect of crucial machining parameters imparted to computer numerical control machining operations when properly balanced conflicting criteria referring to part quality and process productivity are treated as a single optimization objective. Thus the different combinations of weight coefficient values were examined in terms of their significance to the problem's response. Under this concept, a genetic algorithm was applied to optimize the process parameters exist in typical; commercially available CAM systems with significantly low computation cost. The algorithm handles the simplified linear weighted criteria expression as its objective function. It was found that optimization results vary noticeably under the influence of different weighing coefficients. Thus, the obtained optima differentiate, since balancing values strongly affect optimization objective functions.  相似文献   

The development of a feature-based design environment that can be applied in the concept-to-manufacturing stages of the machining process is explained. It is broadly divided into four modules, namely, feature-based design (FBD) environment, virtual factory environment (VFE), operation-based feature mapping (OBFM) and optimization using genetic algorithms (GA). The feature-based design environment module is used for the design, modelling, synthesis, representation and validation of the components for machining application. It uses integrated features, which are predefined as feature templates in the feature library. While instancing these integrated features, they get/derive the information required for the design, modelling, process planning and manufacturing stages of the components as their attributes, from the user/knowledge base. After creating the component, integrated features present in it are validated with respect to its application, namely machining process. The VFE module defines the mathematical model of the factory in the computer, which provides the database for operations, machines, cutting tools, work pieces, etc. The knowledge base maps validated features of the component into operation sets in the first phase of the OBFM stage. Each operation in the operation sets can be carried out using different machines and cutting tools in the factory. All these possible choices are obtained in the second phase of OBFM. GA is used to find the optimal sequence of operations, machines and cutting tools for different criteria. Provisions are also available to generate NC codes for operations, which are to be carried out with NC or CNC machines, if selected. Thus, the optimal process plan for the selected criteria with respect to the given factory environment is found for the modelled component. The feature-based design system developed is built on existing CAD, programming and spread-sheet software tools, namely CATIA®, MS-Visual Basic® and MS-Excel®, which not only save developmental effort, but also make full use of the functionalities of these commercial softwares. This paper explains the developed system with a case study.  相似文献   

转子系统的临界转速是航空发动机设计过程中的重要参数。在临界转速远离工作转速时,转子系统才能安全可靠的工作。如何设计转子系统的结构使设计后的临界转速达到要求,而且结构改变量尽可能小,是转子动力学最优化设计研究的重点之一。在分析已有研究模型的基础上增加约束条件提出一种更完善的临界转速最优化设计模型,无需考虑设计变量个数和设计临界转速个数的关系,及预先给定的临界转速是否可在设计变量对应的临界转速空间内取到,均能找到满意的设计方案。针对该模型的最优化求解,设计出一种结合遗传算法和复合形方法的混合遗传算法,可以有效的提高搜索到全局最优解的搜索速度。对一转子系统进行临界转速优化设计,验证了该模型可以有效的取得满足设计要求的最优设计方案,适用于工程实际的转子系统临界转速最优化设计过程。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the optimization of composite sandwich panels subjected to low-velocity impact using advanced genetic algorithm (GA). Equivalent multi degree-of-freedom system is used to predict the contact force history and deformation response of the sandwich panels. Also, analytical solutions are used to determine the impact force and velocity at damage initiation. The GA's objective is to maximize the strength of panel by varying the ply angles of the facesheets. The results show that the stacking sequence of facesheets plays an important role in the strength of the composite sandwich panels subjected to impact loading.  相似文献   

Optimization problems could happen often in discrete or discontinuous search space. Therefore, the traditional gradient‐based methods are not able to apply to this kind of problems. The discrete design variables are considered reasonably and the heuristic techniques are generally adopted to solve this problem, and the genetic algorithm based on stochastic search technique is one of these. The genetic algorithm method with discrete variables can be applied to structural optimization problems, such as composite laminated structures or trusses. However, the discrete optimization adopted in genetic algorithm gives rise to a troublesome task that is a mapping between each strings and discrete variables. And also, its solution quality could be restricted in some cases. In this study, a technique using the genetic algorithm characteristics is developed to utilize continuous design variables instead of discrete design variables in discontinuous solution spaces. Additionally, the proposed algorithm, which is manipulating a fitness function artificially, is applied to example problems and its results are compared with the general discrete genetic algorithm. The example problems are to optimize support positions of an unstable structure with discontinuous solution spaces.  相似文献   

Grid computing system is different from conventional distributed computing systems by its focus on large-scale resource sharing and open architecture for services. The global grid technologies and the Globus Toolkit in particular, are evolving toward an open grid service architecture (OGSA) with which a grid system provides an extensible infrastructure so that various organizations can offer their own services and integrate their resources. Hence, this paper aims at solving the problem of optimally allocating services on the grid to maximize the grid service reliability. Since no existing study has analyzed the grid service reliability, this paper develops initial modeling and evaluation algorithms to evaluate the grid service reliability. Based on the grid service reliability evaluation, we present an optimization model for the grid service allocation problem and develop a genetic algorithm (GA) to effectively solve it. A numerical example is given to show the modeling procedures and efficiency of the GAs.  相似文献   

Trucks are the most popular transport equipment in most mega-terminals, and scheduling them to minimize makespan is a challenge that this article addresses and attempts to resolve. Specifically, the problem of scheduling a fleet of trucks to perform a set of transportation jobs with sequence-dependent processing times and different ready times is investigated, and the use of a genetic algorithm (GA) to address the scheduling problem is proposed. The scheduling problem is formulated as a mixed integer program. It is noted that the scheduling problem is NP-hard and the computational effort required to solve even small-scale test problems is prohibitively large. A crossover scheme has been developed for the proposed GA. Computational experiments are carried out to compare the performance of the proposed GA with that of GAs using six popular crossover schemes. Computational results show that the proposed GA performs best, with its solutions on average 4.05% better than the best solutions found by the other six GAs.  相似文献   

In an effort to optimize river-flow training structures, a study is undertaken to explore the utility of genetic algorithms. The study includes the development of a numerical procedure for optimization of a two-dimensional hydrofoil; the optimization of shape is performed using a genetic algorithm. A formula utilizing two Bezier splines for the construction of the foil shape is introduced. The search for the optimal shape is translated to one of determining the coordinates of the vertex points of the two Bezier splines which control the upper and lower surfaces of the foil. A genetic algorithm is employed as an optimization tool. The methodology developed is applied to the determination of hydrofoil shapes under three different objective functions. The shapes produced by the genetic algorithm all yield good performance with high lift and low drag, which are the desirable characteristics for river-flow training structures.  相似文献   

基于传统遗传算法的改进排爆机器人路径规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统遗传算法进化速度慢、容易陷入局部最优点等缺陷,提出了改进后新的路径规划算法。在判断路径中,基于闵科夫斯基原理对障碍物进行扩展;在构造路径中基于可视图原理进行改进,构造机器人的真正可行区域;在最短路径中对遗传算法中种群的初始化,个体的编码方法等问题做了详细的研究,并在选择算子中引入相似度的概念,大大扩大了初始种群的范围,避免进入局部最优点。最后通过仿真实验验证了此算法的可行性。  相似文献   

Drilling path optimization is one of the key problems in holes-machining. This paper presents a new approach to solve the drilling path optimization problem belonging to discrete space, based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. Since the standard PSO algorithm is not guaranteed to be global convergent or local convergent, based on the mathematical model, the algorithm is improved by adopting the method to generate the stop evolution particle once again to obtain the ability of convergence on the global optimization solution. Also, the operators are proposed by establishing the Order Exchange Unit (OEU) and the Order Exchange List (OEL) to satisfy the need of integer coding in drilling path optimization. The experimentations indicate that the improved algorithm has the characteristics of easy realization, fast convergence speed, and better global convergence capability. Hence the new PSO can play a role in solving the problem of drilling path optimization.  相似文献   

The species conservation technique described here, in which the population of a genetic algorithm is divided into several groups according to their similarity, is inspired by ecology. Each group with similar characteristics is called a species and is centred on a dominating individual, called the species seed. A genetic algorithm based on this species conservation technique, called the species-conserving genetic algorithm (SCGA), was established and has been proved to be effective in finding multiple solutions of multimodal optimization problems. In this article, the SCGA is used to solve engineering design optimization problems. Different distance measures (measures of similarity) are investigated to analyse the performance of the SCGA. It is shown that the Euclidean distance is not the only possible basis for defining a species and sometimes may not make sense in engineering applications. Two structural design problems are used to demonstrate how the choice of a meaningful measure of similarity will help the exploration for significant designs.  相似文献   

The paper examines new strategies for the implementation of genetic algorithms in a decomposition-based approach for design. In this approach, the design problem is decomposed into smaller-sized sub-problems, the solutions for which are obtained through co-evolution. The emphasis resides in evaluating methods for exchanging design information relevant to coordinating solutions of temporarily decoupled sub-problems. Methods based on modification of genetic makeup through experiential inheritance (exposure to another species), and through inter-species migration are investigated in this work. Different forms of design problem coupling are investigated, ranging from coupling through constraints only, to coupled objective and constraint functions. The proposed strategies are validated through implementation in representative algebraic and structural design problems.  相似文献   

Uncertain and lumpy demand forces capacity planners to maximize the profit of individual factory by simultaneously taking advantage of outsourcing to and/or being outsourced from its supply chain and even competitors. This study develops a resource-planning model of a large manufacturer with two profit-centered factories. The proposed model enables a collaborative integration for resource and demand sharing which is highly attractive to the high-tech industries against the challenges of short product life cycle, intensive capital investment and decreasing marginal profit. Each of the individual factories applies an economic resource-planning model and a genetic algorithm to improve its objective while purchasing extra capacity requirement from its peer factory or selling extra capacity of resources to the others through a negotiation algorithm. This study makes a contribution in successfully building a mutual negotiation model for a set of customer tasks to be realized by the negotiating parties, each with private information regarding company objectives, cost and price. Experimental results reveal that near-optimal solutions for both of the isolated (a single factory) and negotiation-based (between two factories) environments are obtained.  相似文献   

A new genetic algorithms-based method is applied for the optimization of cutting conditions and the selection of cutting tools in multi-pass turning operations. A new methodology for the allocation of total depth of cut in multi-pass turning operations is also developed. A comprehensive optimization criterion for multi-pass turning operations is developed and used as the objective function integrating the contributing effects of all major machining performance measures in all passes. The effect of progressive tool wear in optimization processes for multi-pass turning operations is included. Presented case studies demonstrate the application of the new methodology for optimal allocation of total depth of cut as well as optimization of cutting conditions and the selection of cutting tool inserts, and offer a comparison between optimization processes with and without the effect of tool wear in all passes.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的家用保安机器人路径规划方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将领域知识与遗传算法相结合,提出了一种针对家用保安机器人的路径规划方法.该算法采用改进的栅格化方法来描述家庭环境,重新定义了路径适应度函数的评价方法,并设计有效的路径遗传算子.仿真结果表明了该算法的正确性和有效性.利用该算法实现了在实际家庭环境下保安机器人的路径规划与动态避障.  相似文献   

This research aims to establish an optimal design method of filament wound structures under internal pressure. So far, most design and manufacturing of filament wound structures have been based on manufacturing experiences, and there is no established design rule. In this research, the semi-geodesic path algorithm was used to calculate possible winding patterns taking into account the windability and slippage between the fiber and the mandrel surface. In addition, finite element analyses using commercial code, ABAQUS, were performed to predict the behavior of filament wound structures. On the basis of the semi-geodesic path algorithm and the finite element analysis method, a filament wound structure was designed using the genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

A novel method based upon multiobjective genetic algorithms is presented for simultaneously minimizing the amount of scrap and the number of turns in a three-dimensional guillotine cutting. The concept of best orientation between two cuboids has been used to improve the efficiency of the minimization process. Two different evolutionary algorithms have been used and also compared for effectiveness.  相似文献   

This paper investigates optimum path planning for CNC drilling machines for a special class of products that involve a large number of holes arranged in a rectangular matrix. Examples of such products include boiler plates, drum and trammel screens, connection flanges in steel structures, food-processing separators, as well as certain portions of printed circuit boards. While most commercial CAD software packages include modules that allow for automated generation of the CNC code, the tool path planning generated from the commercial CAD software is often not fully optimised in terms of the tool travel distance, and ultimately, the total machining time. This is mainly due to the fact that minimisation of the tool travel distance is a travelling salesman problem (TSP). The TSP is a hard problem in the discrete programming context with no known general solution that can be obtained in polynomial time. Several heuristic optimisation algorithms have been applied in the literature to the TSP, with varying levels of success. Among the most successful algorithms for TSP is the ant colony optimisation (ACO) algorithm, which mimics the behaviour of ants in nature. The research in this paper applies the ACO algorithm to the path planning of a CNC drilling tool between holes in a rectangular matrix. In order to take advantage of the rectangular layout of the holes, two modifications to the basic ACO algorithm are proposed. Simulation case studies show that the average discovered path via the modified ACO algorithms exhibit significant reduction in the total tool travel distance compared to the basic ACO algorithm or a typical genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

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