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Efficient planning of the section building process is important for European shipyards since delays in this process can disrupt the on-time delivery of a ship. Automatically generating production schedules of the section building process can result in higher quality schedules compared to those created manually. Recently, the production processes of European shipyards have shifted to focus heavily on outsourcing and outfitting, yet existing automatic planning methods for section building fail to sufficiently consider these factors. This paper develops a mathematical model of the section building process which includes the effects of outfitting and outsourcing. The objective of this model is to simultaneously minimise the fluctuations in workload and the number of outsourced man-hours. The mathematical model was solved by implementing the non-dominated sorting generic algorithm-II (NSGA-II) using a custom heuristic as the fitness function. Due to the multi-objective nature of the problem definition and solution approach, a Pareto front of optimal solutions is created instead of a single, best solution. A test case showed that gains in both objectives are achievable compared to the planning developed manually. Implementing the Section Building Planning methodology developed in this paper could potentially improve the efficiency and controllability of the overall shipbuilding process.  相似文献   

The multi-period multi-product (MPMP) production planning problems, generally, deal with matching production levels of individual products with fluctuated demands over planning horizon. The conventional MPMP optimisation models suffer from insufficient utilisation of available capacity of machines. This fallacy is due to inappropriate formulation of machine capacity and material handling constraints. In this study, a novel mathematical model is proposed to simultaneously optimise production quantities and provide information about managerial decisions such as subcontracting, carrying inventory/backordering, and also hiring/layoff personnel. The problem is then formulated as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model by applying appropriate linearisation of non-linear components. The objective is to minimise production costs comprising of production, storage, shortage, subcontracting costs and costs associated with hiring/dismissing labourers. Superiority of the proposed model over existing ones, has been initially evaluated by solving the case presented by Byrne and Bakir [Byrne, M.D. and Bakir, M.A., 1999. Production planning using a hybrid simulation-analytical approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 59 (1), 305–311], and then evaluated by comparing the results obtained from solving both the proposed and the conventional MPMP production planning models using a 100-randomly-generated-test-problem.  相似文献   

We present a new mixed integer linear programming approach for the problem of aggregate production planning of flowshop production lines in the automotive industry. Our model integrates production capacity planning and workforce flexibility planning. In contrast to traditional approaches, it considers discrete capacity adaptations which originate from technical characteristics of assembly lines as well as from work regulations and shift planning. In particular, our approach takes change costs into account and explicitly represents a working time account via a linear approximation. A solution framework containing different primal heuristics and preprocessing techniques is embedded into a decision support system. Finally, we present an illustrative case study and computational results on problem instances of practically relevant complexity.  相似文献   

Supplier selection is deemed as a crucial strategic decision-making activity in building a competitive edge. Firms prefer to operate with a few trusted suppliers, selected from a bigger pool of vendors. The chosen suppliers are the ones whose commitments are best oriented in realising the business goals of the company. At the same time enterprise targets cannot be achieved in the absence of cost-effective inventory management policies. This has created the inevitable need for aggregate production and distribution planning. Even more competitive strategy would be integrating procurement planning with production-distribution scheduling. We address the problem of integrated procurement, production and shipment planning for a supply chain, spanning over three echelons. Supplier order scheduling is combined with a production-shipment planning process to realise a minimum cost operations policy. Two recently developed swarm heuristics are employed to search for the near optimal solution of the mathematical model, which is developed to capture the aggregate planning problem.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new solution approach to the problem of aggregate production planning (APP). As identified by many researchers, the APP cost function is convex and piecewise. Thus, the convex optimisation approach can be applied to the APP problem. Solving the APP problem using convex optimisation is attractive since it leads to an improved solution over the classical solution methods and it can be applied to a wider range of functions. The classical Linear Decision Rule model of APP is solved using convex optimisation and the resulting solution is compared to three solution approaches which have been historically used to solve this model. The results suggest that convex optimisation may be an effective approach for solving certain types of planning models.  相似文献   

Various mixed-integer programming models have been proposed for solving the capacitated multi-level lot sizing problem with linked lot sizes. It would be of value for researchers and practitioners to know which of these models is the most efficient under different circumstances. To investigate the comparative efficiencies associated with these models, this paper therefore demonstrates theoretically the relationships between these models when the integrality requirement is relaxed for any subset of binary setup and setup-carryover variables, shows the relative effectiveness of these models in obtaining lower bound solutions associated with linear programming relaxations, and evaluates the relative computational resources and the time needed when using these models through intensive computational tests. These theoretical and numerical results are expected to provide significant guidelines for choosing an effective formulation for different situations.  相似文献   

In the small- and medium-sized shipbuilding companies, the skid system, which is a kind of slips located on flat seashore, is widely used. To improve the productivity of the skid, many shipbuilders adopt the semi-tandem system, under which a number of ships can be built on a skid simultaneously. The focus of the research reported in this paper is to develop an efficient spatial schedule for the skid system that uses the semi-tandem system. First, we develop a length-time, two-dimensional packing model for this problem and propose a heuristic algorithm to use the skid efficiently when the launching schedule for ships is given. Then, by combining this heuristic and the GA (genetic algorithm), we develop a hybrid GA algorithm to determine the launching schedule of ships as well as the spatial schedule for the skid, which maximises the number of ships that can be built on the skid and minimises delayed or early launching of each ship. Through performing a series of computational experiments, we finally show that the proposed algorithm can provide solutions of good quality very efficiently.  相似文献   

In a one-of-a-kind production (OKP) company, the operation routing and processing time of an order are usually different from the others due to high customisation. As a result, an OKP company needs to dynamically adjust the production resources to keep the production lines reconfigurable. Through a proper assignment of operators in different sections of a production line, bottlenecks and operator re-allocation during production can be reduced effectively. In this paper, a mathematical model is introduced for optimal operator allocation planning on a reconfigurable production line in OKP. The optimisation objectives are to minimise the total number of the operators, total job earliness and tardiness, and the average work-in-process storage. A branch-and-bound algorithm with efficient pruning strategies is developed to solve this problem. The proposed model and the algorithm are empirically validated by using the data of a windows and doors manufacturing company. A software system based on the proposed approach has been implemented in the company.  相似文献   

Production planning of final assembly systems is a challenging task, as the often fluctuating order volumes require flexible solutions. Besides, the calculated plans need to be robust against the process-level disturbances and stochastic nature of some parameters like manual processing times or machine availability. In the paper, a simulation-based optimisation method is proposed that utilises lower level shop floor data to calculate robust production plans for final assembly lines of a flexible, multi-stage production system. In order to minimise the idle times when executing the plans, the capacity control that specifies the proper operator–task assignments is also determined. The analysed multi-stage system is operated with a pull strategy, which means that the production at the final assembly lines generates demands for the preceding stages providing the assembled components. In order to guarantee the feasibility of the plans calculated for the final assembly lines, a decomposition approach is proposed to optimise the production plan of preceding stages. By this way, the robust production can be ensured resulting in reduced losses and overall production costs even though the system is exposed to changes and disturbances.  相似文献   

The soluble solids content in the tomato fruit, also known as ‘brix’, and the crop yield are the most relevant uncertain parameters to determine technical and economic performance in the tomato processing industry. This paper presents a linear programming model and three robust optimisation models to deal with data uncertainty in the analysis of crop, logistics and industrial tactical planning in this industry. We focused the analysis on the production and logistics costs due to the impacts of unfavourable disturbances on the amount of soluble solids and the quantity of tomatoes processed in the system. A typical industry in this sector collaborated with this study by providing real data of its production, logistics and crop plans and with in-depth discussions. From the results, some general conclusions were outlined and we discuss the benefits of adopting the robust optimisation approach instead of a deterministic one. The robust approach proved to be a powerful tool for elaborating scenarios for uncertainty analysis in medium-term decisions, as described in this study, and clearly has potential to be employed in real contexts.  相似文献   

One-of-a-kind production is a new manufacturing paradigm for producing customised products based on the requirements of individual customers while maintaining the quality and efficiency of mass production. This research addresses the issues in optimal concurrent product design and process planning based on the requirements of individual customers. In this work, a hybrid AND-OR graph is developed to model the variations of design configurations/parameters and manufacturing processes/parameters in a generic product family. Since different design configurations and parameters can be created from the same customer requirements, and each design can be further achieved through alternative manufacturing processes and parameters, co-evolutionary genetic programming and numerical optimisation are employed to identify the optimal product design configuration/parameters and manufacturing process/parameters. A case study is introduced to identify the optimal design configuration/parameters and manufacturing process/parameters of custom window products of an industrial company to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed method.  相似文献   

Material transportation scheduling problems concerning scheduling optimisation have been extensively investigated by researchers in such fields as industrial engineering and management science. Various algorithms have been proposed to solve such problems. However, the majority of these algorithms cannot be applied to a block transportation problem when a shipyard that uses a transporter, a large vehicle employed for moving weight, is considered. In this study, a hybrid optimisation algorithm is proposed for solving a block transportation problem when multiple transporters are used. With regards to the transporters, a minimisation of the travel distance without loading of and interference between the transporters is considered. A block transportation scheduling system is then developed based on the proposed algorithm. The developed system is applied to an actual block transportation scheduling problem of a shipyard. From the attained results, we demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has the ability to effectively solve the block transportation scheduling problems of a shipyard.  相似文献   

This paper deals with an integrated bi-objective optimisation problem for production scheduling and preventive maintenance in a single-machine context with sequence-dependent setup times. To model its increasing failure rate, the time to failure of the machine is subject to Weibull distribution. The two objectives are to minimise the total expected completion time of jobs and to minimise the maximum of expected times of failure of the machine at the same time. During the setup times, preventive maintenance activities are supposed to be performed simultaneously. Due to the assumption of non-preemptive job processing, three resolution policies are adapted to deal with the conflicts arising between job processing and maintenance activities. Two decisions are to be taken at the same time: find the permutation of jobs and determine when to perform the preventive maintenance. To solve this integrated problem, two well-known evolutionary genetic algorithms are compared to find an approximation of the Pareto-optimal front, in terms of standard multi-objective metrics. The results of extensive computational experiments show the promising performance of the adapted algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a bi-objective mixed-integer linear programming (BOMILP) model for planning an inspection process used to detect nonconforming products and malfunctioning processors in a multi-stage serial production system. The model involves two inter-related decisions: (1) which quality characteristics need what kind of inspections (i.e. which-what decision) and (2) when the inspection of these characteristics should be performed (i.e. when decision). These decisions require a trade-off between the cost of manufacturing (i.e. production, inspection and scrap costs) and the customer satisfaction. Due to inevitable variations in manufacturing systems, a global robust BOMILP (RBOMILP) is developed to tackle the inherent uncertainty of the concerned parameters (i.e. production and inspection times, errors type I and II, misadjustment and dispersion of the process). In order to optimally solve the presented RBOMILP model, a meta-heuristic algorithm, namely differential evolution (DE) algorithm, is combined with the Taguchi and Monte Carlo methods. The proposed model and solution algorithm are validated through a real industrial case from a leading automotive industry in France.  相似文献   

The hierarchical structure of production planning has the advantage of assigning different decision variables to their respective time horizons and therefore ensures their manageability. However, the restrictive structure of this top-down approach implying that upper level decisions are the constraints for lower level decisions also has its shortcomings. One problem that occurs is that deterministic mixed integer decision problems are often used for long-term planning, but the real production system faces a set of stochastic influences. Therefore, a planned utilisation factor has to be included into this deterministic aggregate planning problem. In practice, this decision is often based on past data and not consciously taken. In this paper, the effect of long-term forecast error on the optimal planned utilisation factor is evaluated for a production system facing stochastic demand and the benefit of exploiting this decision’s potential is discussed. Overall costs including capacity, backorder and inventory costs, are determined with simulation for different multi-stage and multi-item production system structures. The results show that the planned utilisation factor used in the aggregate planning problem has a high influence on optimal costs. Additionally, the negative effect of forecast errors is evaluated and discussed in detail for different production system environments.  相似文献   

To overcome space restriction and to increase productivity, some shipbuilding companies use floating-docks on the sea instead of dry-docks on the land. In that case, a floating-crane that is capable of lifting very heavy objects (up to 3600?tons) is used to handle the blocks which are the basic units in shipbuilding processes, and therefore, very large blocks (also called mega-blocks) can be used to build a ship, but because there are some positional restrictions under which the mega-block assembly yard can be constructed, the space is the scarcest resource in the process. The focus of the research reported in this paper is to develop an efficient spatial schedule for the mega-block assembly yard. First, we develop a length-time two-dimensional packing model for this problem. Since the optimisation model cannot be solved using an analytical method, we propose a GA-based heuristic algorithm using computational geometry theory. Through performing a series of computational experiments, we finally show that the proposed spatial scheduling algorithm can provide solutions of good quality very efficiently.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a robust possibilistic and multi-objective mixed-integer linear programming mathematical model to concurrently plan part quality inspection and Preventive Maintenance (PM) activities for a serial multi-stage production system. This system contains the deteriorating stages and faces the uncertainty about estimated cost components and demand amount. The integrated model reaches two significant decisions which are the right time and place for performing the part quality inspection and PM. These decisions are made while the model is to simultaneously optimise the implied system productivity and total cost. To measure the implied system productivity, a new piecewise utility function for the ratio of produced conforming products to input workpieces is developed. A real case study and a numerical example are explored to validate and verify the developed model. The results prove the significance and effectiveness of considering the uncertainty and conflicting practical objectives for the problem.  相似文献   

Wafers are produced in an environment with uncertain demand and failure-prone machines. Production planners have to react to changes of both machine availability and target output, and revise plans appropriately. The scientific community mostly proposes WIP-oriented mid-term production planning to solve this problem. In such approaches, production is planned by defining targets for throughput rates and buffer levels of selected operations. In industrial practice, however, cycle time-oriented planning is often preferred over WIP-oriented planning. We therefore propose a new linear programming formulation, which facilitates cycle time-oriented mid-term production planning in wafer fabrication. This approach plans production by defining release quantities and target cycle times up to selected operations. It allows a seamless integration with the subordinate scheduling level. Here, least slack first scheduling translates target cycle times into lot priorities. We evaluate our new methodology in a comprehensive simulation study. The results suggest that cycle time-oriented mid-term production planning can both increase service level and reduce cycle time compared to WIP-oriented planning. Further, it requires less modelling effort and generates plans, which are easier to comprehend by human planners.  相似文献   

Remanufacturing has been widely studied for its potential to achieve sustainable production in recent years. In the literature of remanufacturing research, process planning and scheduling are typically treated as two independent parts. However, these two parts are in fact interrelated and often interact with each other. Doing process planning without considering scheduling related factors can easily introduce contradictions or even infeasible solutions. In this work, we propose a mathematical model of integrated process planning and scheduling for remanufacturing (IPPSR), which simultaneously considers the process planning and scheduling problems. An effective hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (HMEA) is presented to solve the proposed IPPSR. For the HMEA, a multidimensional encoding operator is designed to get a high-quality initial population. A multidimensional crossover operator and a multidimensional mutation operator are also proposed to improve the convergence speed of the algorithm and fully exploit the solution space. Finally, a specific legalising method is used to ‘legalise’ possible infeasible solutions generated by the initialisation method and mutation operator. Extensive computational experiments carried out to compare the HMEA with some well-known algorithms confirm that the proposed HMEA is able to obtain more and better Pareto solutions for IPPSR.  相似文献   

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