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为了对双渠道供应链中互相独立的不同渠道零售商的决策进行分析,从考虑顾客对不同购买渠道的心理偏好角度出发,构建出在Hotelling线性城市模型基础上加以改进的博弈模型。在前往不同渠道购买的产品存在成本差异,产品对网络渠道适用性不同这两个条件的约束下,分析了互相独立的不同渠道零售商之间博弈均衡价格、市场份额和利润的变化趋势。研究说明,随着产品网络渠道适用性的增大,不同渠道零售商的博弈均衡价格差异、均衡市场份额差异均会随之减小,同时,传统零售商利润也会随之减小,而电子渠道零售商利润会随之增大。网络渠道的适用性确定时,对网络适用性好的产品会受到不同渠道购买成本的影响,导致不同渠道零售商的定价和市场份额占比不同。  相似文献   

The study investigates two dynamic pricing strategies, namely posterior price matching (PM) and delay posterior price matching (DPM). These strategies are used by sellers to consider consumer behaviour in a market with several types of consumers. We analyze reduction season price, purchasing equilibrium and regular selling season price using equilibrium theory and backward induction method. A comparison of these two strategies indicates that both PM and DPM enable sellers to increase price in a regular selling season. Hassle cost and valuation differences between high- and low-end consumers influence the profits and decisions of the seller. PM is the best choice when valuations of low- and high-end consumers vary significantly. When the strategic consumer delaying fraction is small, the advantages of PM are more evident than those of DPM. However, DPM is the best choice when the difference between the valuations of low- and high-end consumers is small, and the strategic consumer delaying fraction is large. An increase in hassle cost also affects the seller’s strategy choice and profits; this effect decreases as strategic consumer delaying fraction increases.  相似文献   

消费者网络购物对运费的认知和商家的偏好存在差异。通过消费者的购买行为分析和效用函数的刻画,研究网络零售商在进行产品与运费联合定价时捆绑定价和分割定价的优化决策问题。讨论商家之间价格竞争的组合形式,提出最优定价存在的情形选项,论证价格决策的边界和适用条件,揭示商家之间采用捆绑定价的对称竞争均衡具有稳定性,及其不同均衡条件下商家利润的相对大小规律。研究结论表明,价格决策的选项取决于商家的产品成本高低,在产品成本给定的条件下,每种价格决策的边界依赖于市场中消费者的属性特征,即运费存怀疑的消费者比例,以及消费者对商家的偏好程度。  相似文献   

根据网上渠道不同销售模式的特征,构建制造商网上直销、网上分销和网上代销3种供应链定价模型,引入渠道成本参数并分析制造商如何进行产品定价和渠道选择。研究表明,在3种渠道结构中,代销模式下产品价格最低,直销模式和分销模式下的价格受到渠道偏好的影响;随着线上或线下渠道成本增加,制造商会降低该渠道产品的批发价格,而零售价格与自身渠道成本正相关;此外,当制造商自建网上平台成本较低时,制造商选择直销模式最优;当制造商自建网上平台成本较高,且代销平台服务效率较低时,制造商应选择分销模式,否则制造商选择代销模式更优。  相似文献   

We study risk pooling via unidirectional lateral transshipments between two locations under local decision-making. Unidirectional transshipments can be applicable when cost structures and/or capabilities differ between locations, and it is also a common practice in dual channel supply chains with online and offline sales channels. We show that such a system cannot be coordinated only with varying transshipment prices. The transshipment receiver orders more and the transshipment giver orders less than the respective optimal centralised order quantities. In order to remove this discrepancy, we suggest horizontal coordination mechanisms by introducing a leftover subsidy for the location providing the transshipments or a shortage subsidy for the location receiving transshipments as well as a combination of shortage and leftover subsidy. Further, we evaluate the impact of network structure by comparing the equilibrium order quantities and profits under the uni- and bidirectional systems as well as a system without transshipments. Since demand correlation is a critical aspect in risk pooling we provide a detailed numerical study to discuss its impact on our findings.  相似文献   

分析碳交易政策下企业考虑进行渠道拓展时制造/再制造生产的决策问题。分别建立了传统渠道模型及2种不同的渠道拓展模型,分析消费者偏好及碳政策对企业再制造生产决策的影响及不同渠道拓展策略下的最优生产决策。研究发现,只有适当的碳价格才能促进再制造的生产;在消费者线上购买偏好较高时,线上销售再制造产品线下销售新产品可以同时达到企业利润及环境成本最优,实现企业与环境的双赢。  相似文献   

We look at a Bertrand model in which each firm may be unreliable with random yield, so the total quantity brought into market is uncertain. Under mild conditions, the Bertrand model with random yield has a unique Nash equilibrium, in which the prices and production quantities are determined by each firm’s production cost and reliability. In the case of symmetric firms, we compare Bertrand competition with Cournot competition by numerical examples, and find that Bertrand competition yields lower prices and less profits than Cournot competition. Furthermore, in the case of symmetric firms with 0–1 yields, we explicitly show that Bertrand competition yields lower prices and less profits than Cournot competition, and the comparison between the quantities of Bertrand and Cournot competition is dependent on the value of reliability. When the reliability is high, Cournot competition yields less quantities than Bertrand competition. Otherwise, the other hand holds.  相似文献   

闵杰  杨冉  欧剑  曹宗宏 《工业工程》2021,24(4):36-44
考虑市场需求受产品的绿色水平、宣传力度和价格等因素影响,采用Stackelberg博弈方法,研究制造商的绿色水平投入成本和零售商的宣传成本相互分担契约下的绿色供应链运营策略。结果表明,双向成本分担契约不仅可以提升供应链成员和供应链整体的绩效,而且优于单向成本分担契约;在双向成本分担契约中,制造商通过提高产品批发价格来提高自身利润,从而导致产品零售价格提高,降低消费者效用;当消费者对产品的绿色水平、宣传力度敏感时,供应链成员通过提高产品的绿色水平与宣传力度来增加产品需求,从而达到提升供应链成员利润以及供应链整体利润的目的。  相似文献   

This paper studies a periodic review inventory system for perishable products with correlated demand on a finite horizon. In this system, a fixed quantity of products from the supplier is received in each period. This quantity must be determined before the first period and cannot be changed thereafter. The inventory level can be adjusted through purchasing and selling products in an electronic marketplace at the beginning of each period. The available supply and demand quantities in the electronic marketplace depend on the prices offered by the retailer. The retailer’s optimal purchasing and selling quantities, and respective prices in the electronic marketplace are computed, and the expected total cost is shown to be convex with respect to the order quantity from the supplier, which enables an efficient algorithm in obtaining the optimal order quantity. Numerical experiments show that greater cost savings from electronic marketplace are obtained when demands in different periods are strongly correlated and greatly differ from each other.  相似文献   

如何将多年努力积累的线下消费者信任转移为对在线产品的良好感知是推动线下企业拓展线上渠道的关键问题。基于线上线下消费者感知风险不同,研究了渠道间信任传递及其定价问题。以渠道拓展的线上消费者信任为对象,构造了感知风险、线上信任程度影响下的消费者效用函数,建立了Stackelberg博弈模型,讨论了渠道定价与线上信任程度的关系以及渠道间信任传递的主要决定因素。研究结果表明,线上信任程度增加导致线下定价降低,线下需求减少且线上需求增加,制造商利润增加而零售商利润下降。此外,制造商对线上渠道信任传递的努力随线下产品绩效波动的增加而减少,随信任传递成本系数的增加而减少,随线下线上成本差的增加而增加。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical model for sellers with finite capacity to optimise their price and maximum deal size limit on group-buying websites. For the general demand functions that satisfy some mild regularity conditions, the optimal strategies and the corresponding deal parameters are characterised. The optimal strategies demonstrate that deep online discounts (selling products below the cost or even selling products for free) can be optimal if the maximum deal size is used strategically. Moreover, deep discounts can be beneficial even if the capacity is tight, which explains the use of deep discounts commonly observed in practice. Our results also provide the operators of group-buying websites with useful suggestions on how to induce sellers to offer deep discounts. Sensitivity analysis with regard to the minimum deal size and capacity is provided. Our analysis shows that counter-intuitively selling out capacity may not always be optimal, even if the amount of capacity cannot satisfy the unconstrained optimal sales quantity online. Finally, we extend the model to consider offline prices being sellers’ decisions and discuss the robustness of the optimal strategies when the demand is stochastic.  相似文献   

考虑网络服务水平对农产品供应链网络分销渠道模式选择的影响,提出了直销网店和代理网店两种供应链网络分销渠道,及分别构建了直销网店模式和代理网店销模式的博弈模型,得到了农业生产企业收益最大化角度下网络分销渠道模式选择策略,并对比分析了供应链收益最大化角度下网络分销渠道模式选择策略。研究发现, 当线上销售价格与线下销售价格的比值低于一定值时,无论网店的网络服务成本有多低,农业生产企业都不会开展线上销售业务; 当直销网店的网络服务成本系数适中时,农业生产企业收益最大化角度下分销渠道模式选择策略将不利于供应链整体效率的提升;网络分销渠道市场占潜在市场规模百分比能正向影响对直销网店模式的选择。  相似文献   

研究了由两个竞争性网络零售商组成3种市场下的供应链最优决策问题。考虑零售商对自营产品销售的努力水平,得出制造商和零售商之间的均衡策略。若联营产品价格低于自营产品,平台模式可以消除“双重边际效应”的负面影响;若联营产品需求接近于自营产品,则网络零售商偏好平台模式;若联营产品需求较小或适中,则网络零售商偏好自营模式。结果表明,由网络零售商选择销售模式大多时候符合制造商利益,市场均衡结构与制造商偏好均衡结构发生冲突是由于制造商存在“搭便车”行为。  相似文献   

本文研究有价格波动时,商品动态价格的数学模型、物价稳定性与宏观调控问题。首先,在价格有波动时,建立了商品动态价格(与时间和销售量都有关)的数学模型,并给出动态价格最优的条件;其次,通过理论上比较动态价格和政府指导价(称为“稳定价格”)的销售利润,得到保持物价稳定和进行宏观调控的理论依据;最后,提出了商品的预期利润与销售量之间关系的一个二维微分方程模型,并通过分析模型给出需求最大价格和利润增长价格的下限估计。  相似文献   

魏杰  王玉超  田晨 《工业工程》2021,24(5):47-54
为了研究供应商与平台商的最优捆绑策略及销售模式选择问题,基于单个供应商通过电商平台以转销或代销模式销售互补产品的供应链,构建4个Stackelberg博弈模型,分析互补程度和佣金费率对渠道成员均衡价格和利润的影响。结果表明,分开销售时,供应商与平台商的利润随着产品间互补程度的增大而降低;代销捆绑销售对供应商更有利,而转销捆绑销售对平台商更有利;此外,只有当佣金费率大到一定程度时,平台商才倾向于采用代销模式。  相似文献   

李豪  高祥  杨茜 《工业工程》2019,22(2):10-18
在市场需求不确定且顾客具有策略行为时,研究易逝品厂商动态定价和价格承诺策略。通过建立厂商和顾客的不完全信息博弈模型,分析了两竞争厂商在2种定价策略下的精炼贝叶斯均衡,求得了均衡定价和期望收益。利用数值分析进一步比较2种定价策略的最佳适用范围,并讨论了需求预期、顾客策略程度和顾客购买意愿对均衡结果的影响。研究表明,在动态定价策略下,当市场处于适度竞争时,顾客策略程度越大,厂商收益越大;顾客购买意愿适中时,动态定价策略更优;顾客策略程度适中,或顾客策略程度较大且需求预期也较大时,价格承诺策略更优。  相似文献   

We consider two-tier serial supply chains with multiple entrants at each tier and investigate the existence of an equilibrium under a general consumer utility function corresponding to a general inverse price-demand function. In the case of a polynomial inverse price-demand function, we obtain closed-form expressions for the equilibrium prices, the production quantities and the profits of the supply chain entrants. We conclude that the quantity of finished goods supplied to the market, the maximum total operating profit accrued by all supply chain entrants, and the elasticity of the (imputed) demand are all sensitive to the elasticity of slope of the polynomial inverse price-demand function. We then extend our analysis to two-tier assembly supply chains and conclude that most of our results extend to them as well.  相似文献   

甄烨  王文利 《工业工程》2021,24(1):52-58
考虑需求不确定下,新创企业和在位企业两条异质供应链竞争对供需匹配策略的影响,运用Bertrand模型比较新创企业供应链实施应急采购和饥饿营销两种策略下的均衡价格和均衡销量,以及供应链的期望利润随市场基本需求和产品替代系数的变化情况。研究发现,当实现的需求不确定性小时,饥饿营销策略下需求响应时间不会影响新创企业供应链的均衡价格和均衡销量;而当实现的需求不确定性大时,实施饥饿营销策略的新创企业供应链里零售商的最优定价会高于应急采购策略的均衡价格,而最终的销量会低于应急采购策略的均衡销量。即使应急采购的额外成本为零,新创企业供应链的期望利润在实施了饥饿营销策略之后,也会比应急采购策略下的期望利润大,并且期望利润的增加率随市场基本需求单调递增,随产品替代系数单调递减。这也意味着新创企业供应链可以有效实施饥饿营销策略。  相似文献   

考虑制造商生产成本呈线性和非线性2种情形,探究不同生产成本结构下的制造商对线上销售模式的选择策略。构建制造商和电商平台的Stackelberg博弈模型,运用逆向归纳法得出双方不同策略下的最优利润,进而得到双方实现共赢的条件。研究发现,无论制造商生产成本结构如何,制造商对销售模式的偏好均与佣金比例有关,当佣金比例较低时,制造商选择网上代销模式;当佣金比例较高时,制造商选择网上分销模式。而且,制造商和电商平台的利益并不总是对立的,当佣金比例适中或较高时,双方可以实现共赢。此外,在规模不经济情况下,2种销售模式的消费者剩余和社会福利均与规模不经济系数负相关,网上代销模式受规模不经济系数影响的程度更大。  相似文献   

在一个含有线上直销渠道的双渠道供应链中,考察当消费者注重产品体验时,信息不披露和信息披露两种模式下制造商、零售商两周期的定价策略。研究发现:消费者对产品体验为高的概率和信息披露对提升制造商和零售商的议价能力都存在正向的作用;信息披露使实体店第二期的需求对前期需求更加敏感,而对第二期价格及成本的敏感性下降;不论信息是否披露,第一期实体店定价总高于网店定价,但当消费者体验产品为高的概率足够大时,网店在第二期可以采用高于实体店的定价策略,且信息披露可以使网店在第二期有更多的可能制定高于实体店的定价;信息披露使得制造商在两期内都可以获得更高的收益,而零售商的收益变化与披露成本有关,且零售商在第一期受益的可能性更高。  相似文献   

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