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首先简要介绍了建立弹塑性本构模型的热力学方法,它不仅具有紧凑的数学结构,而且自动满足热力学定律.基于砂土变形的微观力学机制,将砂土的塑性体积应变增量分 为"应力诱发的体积应变增量"和"剪切应变诱发的塑性体积应变增量"(即Reylonds剪胀)两部分,自然地将与Reylonds剪胀相关的零功约束引入到弹塑性土体模型的热力学超塑性公式中,建立了包含Reynolds剪胀的砂土热力学模型.基于前人的试验结果与理论分析,建立了固结压力与应力诱发的剪胀角的硬化定律,通过对两种砂土试验数据与预测结果的对比分析,验证了模型的有效性.  相似文献   

砂土的可逆性和不可逆性剪胀规律   总被引:27,自引:9,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
基于对较高精度的砂土扭剪试验成果的分析,表明砂土的剪胀是由一个完全可逆的体应变分量和一个不可逆的体应变分量构成的。前者取决于现时剪应变的大小,后者则主要取决于剪切作用的历史。砂土剪胀的可逆性与剪切过程中相对滑移机制以及颗粒转动引起的砂粒集合平均定向率的可逆变化有关,而砂土剪胀的不可逆性则可能是剪切过程中砂颗粒破碎、平均孔隙率减少及大孔隙消失的结果,它们分别服从不同的剪胀规律。  相似文献   

为了研究饱和砂土的剪胀剪缩特性及其对抗剪强度的影响,选取滹沱河细砂,利用空心圆柱扭剪仪较系统地开展了一系列不同初始密度、不同固结压力条件下的排水与不排水纯扭剪试验研究,在总应力保持不变的情况下研究了砂土的剪胀剪缩特性,着重探讨了在排水与不排水试验中,不同密度和不同有效围压的砂土在单调剪切荷载作用下的应力-应变关系、硬化与软化、土体的剪胀剪缩以及强度等特性。结果表明:砂土密度和固结压力对砂土剪胀剪缩特性具有显著的影响;砂土的剪胀剪缩特性对砂土的排水、不排水强度以及应力-应变关系产生显著的影响;由于剪胀剪缩特性的影响,砂土的不排水抗剪强度甚至可能高于排水抗剪强度;研究成果可为今后砂土的本构模型和数值模拟提供试验资料。  相似文献   

黄琼 《浙江建筑》2014,(10):18-20
介绍了砂土剪胀特性,先从砂土所处的密实状态出发分析了饱和砂土的剪胀机理,进而引入了剪胀方程。并结合试验研究分析了不同主应力方向对砂土剪胀特性影响。  相似文献   

钙质砂的剪胀特性受应力路径和颗粒破碎的共同影响.为了探讨钙质砂在不同应力路径下的剪胀特性,进行了一系列不同固结压力和应力路径组合的排水三轴压缩试验.结果表明:应力路径和颗粒破碎对钙质砂的剪胀特性有重要影响.不同应力路径下钙质砂的剪胀比与应力比的关系存在显著差异.相同应力比下的剪胀比,等围压试验的最大,等轴向应力试验的最...  相似文献   

不均匀地层中超静孔压的扩散、重分布过程会导致孔隙水集中渗流累积至局部区域,导致该区域土体强制吸水,从而引发剪胀性砂土边坡地震后侧向流动变形甚至失稳。通过分析边坡流动变形过程中砂土的应力路径特征及强制吸水条件下的体变平衡条件,指出预测剪胀性砂土边坡流动变形的关键是描述砂土保持常剪应力和当前峰值应力比时的剪胀特性和震后再固结体变特性。通过常偏应力下的三轴剪切吸水试验,观察了砂土在流动变形过程中的吸水量与剪应变发展的关系,给出了基于强制吸水体变预测流动剪应变的状态剪胀模型。基于剪切后再固结试验,得出了再固结体变的变化规律和数学描述。基于所提出的机制和数学描述,给出了基于有限差分法的边坡流动变形发展过程直至失稳破坏的模拟方法。  相似文献   

砂土的剪胀理论及其本构模型的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经典的应力剪胀理论被广泛应用于土体弹塑性本构模型的建立,较好地模拟了黏性土的变形特性。最新的研究表明:由于应力剪胀理论中忽略了土体内部状态参量对剪胀的影响,而使得该理论应用于砂土时发生了困难。近来一些学者纷纷将土的密度作为变量引入剪胀方程,提出了状态相关剪胀理论,成功地模拟了砂土的各种变形特性。本文就砂土的状态及其描述、剪胀理论的发展、砂土本构模拟等方面进行介绍。  相似文献   

通过引入能够较好反映非饱和土弹塑性变形特性的Barcelona模型并结合能够较好反映砂土剪胀特性的Lade模型,进行了3种不同应力路径的三轴试验,给出了能反映非饱和含黏砂土应力应变特性的非饱和弹塑性模型,并讨论了吸力和净围压对弹性应变、塑性应变、塑性功和屈服函数的影响。推导出了总体积变形的表达式,该式同试验结果变化规律符合较好,说明该理论适合于非饱和含黏砂土。同时,由试验数据可以得出含黏砂土的体变峰值点、剪胀特性同净围压和吸力的变化有密切的关系。  相似文献   

王刚  张建民  魏星 《岩土工程学报》2016,38(7):1345-1350
剪胀性砂土流滑现象与自然排水条件下孔压重分布导致的局部土体强制吸水有关,须放在具体边值问题中来阐释。同时考虑孔隙水压力扩散、转移以及吸水剪切下饱和砂土应力应变行为的流动变形简化分析方法,研究了相对不透水层的位置、地基土体的渗透系数对边坡地震后延迟变形的影响特征和规律。地震后延迟侧向变形总是集中发生在孔隙水渗流被阻滞的界面,界面处砂土强制吸水量越大,发生的侧向位移量就越大;设置穿透相对不透水层的排水通道可有效减小边坡的侧向变形。地震后侧向流动变形的发展过程取决于孔隙水扩散、转移的速度,是由具体边值问题中土体的渗透系数决定的,饱和土体的黏滞特性对于变形发展过程的影响可以忽略。  相似文献   

微生物固化能有效提高砂土的强度,但同样会导致土体破坏时呈现明显的脆性。为了平衡微生物固化砂土脆性破坏的不利影响,提出纤维加筋与微生物固化相结合的改性方法,即将质量分数为0%,0.05%,0.15%,0.25%和0.30%的聚丙烯纤维与石英砂均匀混合,然后基于微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积(MICP)技术对土样进行固化,并开展了一系列无侧限抗压试验,同时采用酸洗法测定了各组试样中的碳酸钙含量,进一步分析了试样的微观结构及纤维–土颗粒之间的界面作用特征。结果表明:①在微生物固化砂土中掺入纤维,能极大提高土样的无侧限抗压强度和残余强度,并能显著改善土样破坏时的韧性;②纤维掺量对微生物固化砂土的力学特性有重要影响,无侧限抗压强度随纤维掺量总体上呈先增加后减小的趋势,最优纤维掺量为0.15%,峰后残余强度与纤维掺量呈单调正相关关系;③纤维加筋使微生物固化砂土的峰后应力–应变曲线呈阶梯式下降模式,局部存在波浪式起伏特征;④纤维加筋能够提高微生物诱导碳酸钙的沉积效率和产量,与此同时,碳酸钙的胶结作用对纤维加筋效果具有促进作用。纤维加筋技术与MICP技术相结合能够实现优势互补,对提高工程结构的安全性与稳定性具有积极意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to present a constitutive model for prediction of the mechanical behavior of fiber-reinforced cemented sand. For this purpose, a generalized plasticity constitutive model of sandy soil is selected and the parameters of the model are determined for three types of sandy soils using the results of triaxial tests. Next, the proposed model is developed using the existing models based on the physico-mechanical characteristics of fiber-reinforced cemented sand. The elastic parameters, flow rule and hardening law of the base model are modified for fiber-reinforced cemented sand. To verify the proposed model, the predicted results are compared with those of triaxial tests performed on fiber-reinforced cemented sand. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed model is studied at different confining pressures, and cement and fiber contents.  相似文献   

A series of unconfined compression tests were carried out to examine the effect of fiber reinforcement and distribution on the strength of fiber-reinforced cemented sand (FRCS). Nakdong River sand, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber, cement and water were mixed and compacted into a cylindrical sample with five equal layers. PVA fibers were randomly distributed at a predetermined layer among the five compacted layers. The strength of the FRCS increases as the number of fiber inclusion layers increases. A fiber-reinforced specimen, where fibers were evenly distributed throughout the five layers, was twice as strong as a non-fiber-reinforced specimen. Using the same amount of fibers to reinforce two different specimens, a specimen with five fiber inclusion layers was 1.5 times stronger than a specimen with one fiber inclusion layer at the middle of the specimen. The fiber reinforcement and distribution throughout the entire specimen resulted in a significant increase in the strength of the FRCS.  相似文献   

The problem of static liquefaction of sand is nowadays a classical soil mechanics subject. Using a ring-shear apparatus, we explore the possibility of fiber reinforcement as a new method to improve the liquefaction resistance of sand. In order to understand the effect of the fiber content and sand density on the static liquefaction behavior of fiber-reinforced sand, a series of undrained ring-shear tests were carried out on saturated samples with different fiber content and sand density, and the test results and mechanisms of fiber reinforcement were then analyzed. The results indicate that the undrained shear behavior of fiber-reinforced loose samples is not greatly influenced by the presence of fiber, but for medium dense and dense samples, the presence of fiber clearly affects their undrained behavior. Untreated specimens showed a continuous decrease in shear resistance after failure, while the specimens treated with fiber showed fluctuations even after shear failure, and these fluctuations become stronger with increasing fiber content. The peak shear strength increases with the fiber content, especially in dense specimens. After shearing, all the fiber-reinforced and untreated dense samples maintained structural stability, while the unreinforced loose samples showed a completely collapse of structure. The presence of fibers may thus limit or even prevent the occurrence of lateral spreading that is often observed in unreinforced sand.  相似文献   

纤维改性沥青混合料老化后性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过直剪试验和劈裂试验研究了纤维类型及老化时间等对纤维沥青混合料抗老化性能的影响.选取路面原材料,设计.了无纤维、木纤维、钢纤维混合料对比试验,获取了混合料粘聚力、摩擦角、劈裂强度、劲度模量随老化时间的变化规律,发现随着老化时间增长,添加不同纤维的试样粘聚力差异大,掺入纤维的混合料劈裂强度提高明显,钢纤维具有桥接阻裂作用,更适合于长期重载交通路面的抗老化.  相似文献   

浒泊机制砂与河砂混凝土力学性能的对比研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
李溪 《山西建筑》2005,31(8):112-113
针对山西存在的严重缺砂问题,对太谷浒泊人工机制砂与河砂混凝土的力学性能进行了对比研究,研究表明,太谷浒泊人工机制砂在C30及以下的混凝土中应用是可行的。  相似文献   

Fiber reinforcement effects on sand considering a wide cementation range   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes laboratory drained standard triaxial tests conducted on artificially cemented Osorio sand specimens reinforced with randomly oriented discrete extensible polypropylene fibers. Cemented specimens were prepared with cement contents varying from 0% to 10% by weight of dry sand and cured for seven days. Fiber length and diameter were 24 mm and 0.023 mm, respectively, in the contents of 0% and 0.5% by weight of dry sand–cement mixture. Test results indicated that the addition of cement to sand increases stiffness, peak strength and brittleness. Both cement and fiber insertions affect dramatically the stress–dilatancy behavior of the sand. The fiber reinforcement increases peak strength just up to a certain cement content (up to about 5% in the present study), increases ultimate strength, decreases stiffness and changes the cemented sand brittle behavior to a more ductile one. The triaxial peak strength increase due to fiber inclusion is more effective for smaller amounts of cement, while the increase in ultimate strength is more efficacious when fiber is added to sand improved with higher cement contents. Peak strength envelopes indicate that the friction angle is about 46° for fiber-reinforced specimens containing up to 7% cement content, reaching 51.5° for higher cement contents. Cohesion intercept is drastically affected due to fiber addition to all cement contents, increasing for cement contents up to 4% and reducing for higher cement contents. It is important to make clear that the trends observed herein are relevant for the soil, cement and fiber type used in the present research and that further studies are necessary to generalize such findings.  相似文献   

土工合成材料加筋砂土三轴试验研究   总被引:62,自引:2,他引:62       下载免费PDF全文
本文以 5种国产土工合成材料为加筋材料 ,它们分别是针刺无纺土工织物、涤纶纤维经编土工格栅、玻璃纤维土工格栅、聚丙烯双向土工格栅和聚乙烯土工网 ,用三轴试验比较各种土工合成材料对砂土的加筋效果 ,得到一些有益的结论 ,可指导土工合成材料的优选和研究加筋机理 ,同时指出部分国产土工合成材料产品的不足。  相似文献   

在轻骨料混凝土中掺入不同量的仿钢纤维,研究仿钢纤维轻骨料混凝土的表观密度、弹性模量、抗压强度、劈裂强度、抗折强度、韧性等物理力学性能以及对比钢纤维混凝土的力学性能,结果表明,仿钢纤维的掺入能提高轻骨料混凝土力学性能,显著改善轻骨料混凝土的弯曲韧性,在实际工程中应用,仿钢纤维可取代钢纤维作为混凝土的增强增韧材料,并可较大降低成本。  相似文献   

The results from laboratory model tests on strip footings supported by geocell reinforced sand beds with additional planar reinforcement are presented. The test results show that a layer of planar geogrid placed at the base of the geocell mattress further enhances the performance of the footing in terms of the load-carrying capacity and the stability against rotation. The beneficial effect of this planar reinforcement layer becomes negligible at large heights of geocell mattress.  相似文献   

当前,机制砂是代替天然河砂最普遍的材料,但机制砂存在级配不均匀、石粉含量过高、生产过程消耗能源和污染环境等问题。该文结合我国西部地区沙漠砂资源丰富的情况,开展了沙漠砂+机制砂混凝土(Desert sand + Machine-made sand Concrete, DMC)的力学性能试验,分析了不同沙漠砂替代率对混凝土强度和弹性模量的影响规律:DMC的强度与弹性模量随龄期逐渐增长,养护14d和28d时DMC轴心抗压强度随着沙漠砂替代率的增加呈现出先增大后减小的趋势,当沙漠砂替代率为20%时达到峰值。试验发现,DMC抗压强度受沙漠砂替代率的影响要大于弹性模量的影响。基于混凝土可压缩堆积理论,考虑沙漠砂和机制砂混合后堆积密度的变化及机制砂与沙漠砂在外观几何形状上的差异,并将混凝土二元混合料堆积模型扩展到细骨料堆积物理参数的分析中,建立了DMC抗压强度预测模型,模型精度较高。通过案例分析,在保证车站结构材料具有较好的力学性能前提下,当采用20%DMC时,由于减少了细骨料中机制砂的使用,案例的材料碳排放较低。  相似文献   

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