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This study investigates the performance of virtual cellular manufacturing (VCM) systems, comparing them with functional layouts (FL) and traditional, physical cellular layout (CL), in a dual-resource-constrained (DRC) system context. VCM systems employ logical cells, retaining the process layouts of job shops. Part family-based scheduling rules are applied to exploit the benefits of group technology while retaining the flexibility and functional synergies of the job shop. Past studies of VCM have been based entirely on single-resource-constrained (SRC) systems, i.e. as purely machine-limited systems, assuming that resources such as labour and tooling do not restrict the output. However, given the fact that labour forms a second major constraining resource, and many of the advantages associated with cellular manufacturing are derived from labour flexibility, it becomes necessary to extend the research to DRC systems. In this study, we assume several levels of labour flexibility in all three systems, in addition to other relevant factors such as lot size, set-up reduction, and labour assignment rules. It is shown that VCM can outperform efficiently operated FL and CL in certain parameter ranges, as preliminary research has shown so far. However, it is shown that CL tends to outperform both VCM and FL in the parameter ranges customarily advocated for CL, namely, low lot sizes, adequate levels of set-up reduction, cross training of workers, and worker mobility within cells.  相似文献   

The who-rule is a labour allocation rule used in labour and machine-limited dual resource constrained (DRC) systems. A who-rule selects one worker out of several workers to be transferred to a work centre. By means of a practical instance, the paper shows that the who-rule plays a role in the daily practice of worker assignment. Previous simulation studies, however, either have not mentioned the who-rule or have treated it as a fixed factor. The present study will explore the need of including the who-rule in simulation studies. It will describe in detail at what decision moments the who-rule needs to be applied in simulation. Further, it will explore the flow time effects of applying different who-rules in several DRC systems where labour flexibility is limited and workers differ with respect to task proficiencies, the number of skills they possess and the loads of work centres for which they are responsible. As with other labour allocation rules, the impact of the who-rule depends on the specific DRC shop modelled. The paper will show that the average labour utilization, and the types and extent of worker differences, determine the impact of the who-rule on shop performance.  相似文献   

This study evaluates operating policies for offering a near-perfect delivery performance for vital customers in dual resource-constrained (DRC) job shop environments. Prior studies have considered this problem in machine-limited settings, and shown that dispatching rules that help realise a near-perfect delivery performance for vital customers necessarily deteriorate delivery performance for other customers served by the shop. This study extends prior work, and considers additional tools that can be used by managers in DRC shops such as labour flexibility, and assignment rules that incorporate customer-based information to deploy workers to departments containing high-priority jobs. Results show that labour flexibility in conjunction with appropriate decision rules allows for enhanced delivery performance for both vital and normal priority customers. These results hold even under conditions where 80% of the shop's workload is compromised of high-priority orders.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the effect of cross-training workers in Dual Resource Constrained (DRC) systems with machines having different mean processing times. By means of queuing and simulation analysis, we show that the detrimental effects of pooling (cross-training) previously found in single resource constrained (SRC) heterogeneous systems are also apparent in DRC heterogeneous systems. Fully cross-training workers in DRC heterogeneous systems is only beneficial if the differences between mean processing times are not too large, otherwise cross-training should be pursued within homogeneous subgroups of machines. Due to the limited machine availability, DRC systems are unable to use some of the potential assignment flexibility from cross-trained workers (pooled queues) that can be used in SRC systems. However, it appears that this restriction in the DRC system may even improve the system mean flow (waiting) time performance compared to the SRC system for relatively large differences in processing time. Finally, in fully flexible multiple server queuing systems, restricting the assignment flexibility by applying a decentral when-rule (i.e. a commonly used labour assignment rule in practice and research) instead of a central when-rule also seems to improve the mean flow time performance under processing time differences.  相似文献   

The majority of research on labour flexibility in a DRC job-shop has focused on the situation where all workers are equally trained. In practice, it is likely that workers would not be trained equally and would possess different skills. In this paper, the situation where workers receive different levels of training across the various departments as well as possessing different levels of proficiency at each task is studied. Research results suggest that, even at the same level of shop flexibility, the mixture of cross training can have a significant impact on shop performance. Indeed, results suggest that it is better to have a mix of workers with no flexibility and some workers with very high flexibility rather than all workers with equal flexibility.  相似文献   

Workload Control (WLC) seeks to align capacity with demand, where capacity is typically assumed to be restricted by a single constraint – machine capacity. In practice, however, shops are often restricted by dual resource constraints: labour and machines. This study, therefore, uses simulation to investigate the performance of WLC in Dual Resource Constrained (DRC) high-variety shops with fully interchangeable labour. By considering several environmental factors and different labour assignment and dispatching rules, it is demonstrated that the order release function of WLC maintains its positive impact on performance in a DRC shop under different staffing levels. The positive effect of considering labour availability at release, as proposed in previous research, could not, however, be confirmed. Thus, the original release method can be applied if labour is fully interchangeable. In terms of labour assignment, we show that a distinct assignment pattern that differs between upstream and downstream stations improves performance if the routing is directed. Meanwhile, dispatching plays a less important role but creates important interaction effects with the assignment rule. Finally, the results suggest that increasing the service rate is a better response to the reduction in capacity that results from labour absenteeism than lowering the input frequency of work.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that in a cellular shop that benefits from learning due to repetitive processing, limitations attributable to routing flexibility can be more than offset. Moreover, the shop can respond more quickly to changes in demand than a job shop. This study examines the impact of labour assignments in a dual constrained cellular shop in which processing times decrease with operator task repetition. Results indicate that in the presence of operator learning, shop performance is significantly affected by the flexibility permitted in labour assignments. Moreover, the sensitivity of performance to labour assignments is significantly impacted by staffing levels and the magnitude of learning effects.  相似文献   

This research applies agent-based modelling (ABM) to study volume flexibility in a dual resource constrained (DRC) assembly flow shop environment. The simulation experiment evaluated system and human effects of varying DRC system staffing levels according to design (i.e., workforce, distance and buffer capacity), sensitivity (i.e. coefficient of variation) and operating (i.e. when rule and where rule) factors. Results showed that the rule by which workers are assigned to workstations affects WIP and flow time performances more than production rates. Furthermore per-worker productivity was found to increase, compared to the fully staffed system, particularly where the downstream movement rule was applied. Using the downstream rule when changing stations after completing current tasks reduced flow time (?15%) and WIP (?10%). If another where rule is chosen then it may be preferable for workers to move only after completing all jobs in the station (decentralised rule). For utilisation rates and mean hourly switching of work (human effects), the model shows complex relationships depending on almost all evaluated factors. The novel ABM approach used here enabled the evaluation of emergent system behaviours and showed potential to help firms understand both human and performance effects of operational choices in efforts to achieve volume flexibility.  相似文献   

The performance of cellular manufacturing (CM) systems in a variable demand and flexible workforce environment has been examined using simulation modelling. Discrepancies between academicians and practitioners’ findings with respect to flexibility and uneven machine utilization in CM systems are discussed. The views of two parties were incorporated in simulation models to rectify the existing discrepancies. While the results of this study confirm the previous findings of academicians regarding the deterioration of the performance of CM in a variable product mix situation, it appears that those results may be significantly influenced by considering a flexible workforce. The simulation results show that the practice of using flexible crossed-trained operators can improve the flexibility of CM in dealing with an unstable demand and can reduce load imbalance inherent in machine dedication in manufacturing cells.  相似文献   

A Review of the Dual Resource Constrained System Research   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper reviews the recent dual resource constrained (DRC)system literature. The DRC system research has gained new significance through the emphasis being placed on cross-training by Just-In-Time (JIT) system advocates. Cross-training is the key to labor flexibility-one of the key issues in the DRC system research. This review covers over twenty-five articles about DRC systems and should be helpful in familiarizing potential DRC system researchers with the field. The DRC system research and results, categorized into design and operating decisions, are summarized and suggestions for future research are provided. A table which summarizes the characteristics of the DRC systems modeled, decision rules examined, statistical analysis methods employed, and the performance criteria used in each study is also provided. An appendix is used to highlight characteristics that are common to many of the models employed in the studies surveyed.  相似文献   

In today's fiercely competitive marketplace, firms are looking for ways to improve their profitability. Computer simulation studies comparing group technology/cellular manufacturing (GT/CM) to job-shop layouts addressed this topic. However, each study ignored some of the most basic operating conditions said to give GT/ CM its advantages: this simulation study incorporates some of those operating conditions like human resource issues, such as learning and labour constraints, in a comprehensive setting. The results indicate that GT/CM significantly outperforms the job shop layout in almost every environmental setting.  相似文献   

Worker flexibility is an attractive option for enhancing manufacturing performance, since it provides several strategic advantages, and also allows the firm to buffer against uncertainty. In this paper, we investigate issues related to acquiring a flexible work-force in those dual resource constrained (DRC) job-shops that have high learning costs and the presence of worker attrition. Our results show that significant improvement in traditional shop related measures can be attained at even very high attrition rates by incrementally training each worker in one additional department. However, this improvement comes at the expense of productivity losses which shop managers may not be willing to accept. The nature of the tradeoffs that exist in acquiring this incremental worker flexibility are addressed. Two strategies for improving shop performance, based on incrementally training workers or reducing attrition rates, are also recommended for the DRC shop modelled in our study. Conditions under which either of these two strategies should be pursued by the shop managers are also identified.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the manufacturing strategies for the manufacturing systems in the context of 3D printing, referring to ecosystem-based manufacturing systems, rather than firm-based and network-based ones. A case study approach was adopted for this research, as the data was mainly collected via semi-structured interviews with staff members of companies in China. Besides the elements of strategic choices and manufacturing capabilities identified in the extant literature, this research verified three additional strategic choice elements (functional role, platform and solution) and identified two factors (platform openness and solution diversity) to classify an ecosystem-based manufacturing system. Meanwhile, four manufacturing capabilities of the ecosystem-based manufacturing system have been identified: collaborative manufacturing flexibility, rapid thriftiness ability, self-customisation and co-evolved design capability. The research results contribute to the area of manufacturing strategy via expanding its view from the firm and network levels to the ecosystem level. Meanwhile, the research results present operations managers with an understanding of the strategic choices and manufacturing capabilities of an ecosystem-based manufacturing system in the context of 3D printing.  相似文献   

The main purpose of adopting cellular manufacturing (CM) is to achieve a preferred compromise between flow-line efficiency and job-shop flexibility. This paper presents a bicriterion approach to seek such a preferred design compromise in converting functional manufacturing systems into focused CM systems. The problem is formulated as a bicriterion nonlinear-integer programming model. The number of part types accommodated into the focused cells is employed as a measure of system flexibility and the average system similarity level is used as a measure of system efficiency. A heuristic algorithm, consisting of seeding, grouping, and inserting modules, is then proposed to solve the model. Finally, an example problem is included to illustrate the application of the model and solution procedure.  相似文献   

This paper provides investigative insights into the impact of routeing flexibility, machine flexibility, and product-mix flexibility on the performance of a manufacturing plant. The study employs simulation modelling as the primary tool. The facility modelled is an automobile engine assembly plant consisting of a FMS (flexible manufacturing systems), job shop, and assembly line. A variety of experiments, with the FMS exhibiting one or more of the above three flexibilities at different levels, were simulated on the model. In each experiment the manufacturing performance as given by flow time and work-in-process inventory was tracked. The experiments focused first on the FMS itself, and then on the entire plant. Measures for the three flexibilities are introduced. The simulation results are analysed in detail. The results indicate significant performance benefits in context of the FMS, but little in context of the overall plant  相似文献   

A distinct feature of process industries such as food, chemical and consumer packaged goods is the blending of intermediates into finished goods. In the context of such manufacturing systems the levels of different inputs that can be blended to process a final good define the range of flexibility. Likewise, the cost for using (blending) different inputs defines the mobility element of flexibility. In this paper, we investigate capacity investment and the value of flexibility in the presence of such product blending constraints. We are motivated by recent case studies of food manufacturers, in particular, those manufacturers that seek to increase flexibility via blending of intermediates. We analyse stochastic programs under demand uncertainty of such manufacturing systems. We provide analytical insights into trade-offs when range and mobility are interdependent. Our analytical work gives structural insights into subtle complementarity and substitution effects between dedicated and shared resources in the presence of blending. We analytically show that there is a degradation in the cost performance of such systems with an increase in correlation. We characterise the optimal blending fraction that balances the benefits of higher range with higher costs (lower mobility). Our numerical work shows that a moderate level of blending can significantly improve flexibility and that well-known guidelines for designing limited flexibility change in the presence of blending. For example, blending, even if optimally designed, weakens the appeal of chaining configurations. Overall our work guides resource configuration in industries where product blending is an integral part of the production process.  相似文献   

The design of engineering systems like airports, communication infrastructures, and real estate projects today is growing in complexity. Designers need to consider socio-technical uncertainties, intricacies, and processes in the long-term strategic deployment and operations of these systems. Flexibility in engineering design provides ways to deal with this complexity. It enables engineering systems to change in the face of uncertainty to reduce impacts from downside scenarios (e.g., unfavorable market conditions) while capitalizing on upside opportunities (e.g., new technology). Many case studies have shown that flexibility can improve anticipated lifecycle performance (e.g., expected economic value) compared to current design and evaluation approaches. It is a difficult process requiring guidance and must be done at an early conceptual stage. The literature offers little guidance on procedures helping designers do this systematically in a collaborative context. This study investigated the effects of two educational training procedures on flexibility (current vs. explicit) and two ideation procedures (free undirected brainstorming vs. prompting) to guide this process and improve anticipated lifecycle performance. Controlled experiments were conducted with ninety participants working on a simplified engineering systems design problem. Results suggest that a prompting mechanism for flexibility can help generate more flexible design concepts than free undirected brainstorming. These concepts can improve performance significantly (by up to 36 %) compared to a benchmark design—even though users did not expect improved quality of results. Explicit training on flexibility can improve user satisfaction with the process, results, and results quality in comparison with current engineering and design training on flexibility. These findings give insights into the crafting and application of simple, intuitive, and efficient procedures to improve lifecycle performance by means of flexibility and performance that may be left aside with existing design approaches. The experimental results are promising toward further evaluation in a real-world setting.  相似文献   

The striving for market-oriented production has resulted in increased needs for flexibility in the production process. In many cases it is the final value-adding component (i.e. assembly) in the manufacturing chain that has the largest pressures for flexibility. However, the internal and external vendors can restrict the flexibility of a nominally flexible assembly plant. Without the necessary flexibility in earlier production stages a total flexibility will only be achieved through large inventories and other trade-offs. In this paper based on an empirical study carried out in cooperation with a large Swedish manufacturer, the authors show that total flexibility in a multi-stage production chain primarily depends on capacity levels and work organization. It is concluded in the case presented here that large investments must be made in labour education and organizational adaptation in order to exploit the full potentials of a highly mechanized final assembly department  相似文献   

It has been consistently reported that many firms that have adopted advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) are failing to exploit the true flexibility potential of these systems. Since a firm's ability to improve flexibility is thought to be reliant on the flexibility of its people, it is often suggested that inadequate emphasis on people-centred implementation activities such as worker development are major contributors to many of these failures. The purpose of this study is to determine if differences in the level of effort exerted on several organizational development activities have any impact on a firm's time-based flexibility ability to respond quickly to changes in customer needs. Our analysis indicates that firms which expend higher levels of effort on worker development and functional integration strategies will achieve higher levels of time-based flexibility.  相似文献   

A hierarchical methodology for the design of manufacturing cells is proposed, which includes labour-grouping considerations in addition to partmachine grouping. It is empirically driven and designed for an interactive decision environment, with an emphasis on fast execution times. The method synthesizes the capabilities of neural network methods for rapid clustering of large partmachine data sets, with multi-objective optimization capabilities of mathematical programming. The procedure includes three phases. In Phase I, part families and associated machine types are identified through neural network methods. Phase II involves a prioritization of part families identified, along with adjustments to certain load-related parameters. Phase III involves interactive goal programming for regrouping machines and labour into cells. In machine grouping, factors such as capacity constraints, cell size restrictions, minimization of load imbalances, minimization of intercell movements of parts, minimization of new machines to be purchased, provision of flexibility, etc. are considered. In labour grouping, the functionally specialized labour pools are partitioned and regrouped into cells. Factors such as minimization of hiring and cross-training costs, ensuring balanced loads for workers, minimization of intercell movements of workers, providing adequate levels of labour flexibility, etc. are considered in a pragmatic manner.  相似文献   

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