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In supply chain optimisation problems, determining the location and number of facilities is considered at a strategic level, while mid-term and short-term decisions such as those concerning assembly policy, inventory levels, lot sizes and scheduling are handled at the tactical and operational levels. However, considering these decisions simultaneously is almost always ignored during the optimisation of distribution/production processes. The aim of the study is to optimise the supply chain network (strategic level), including manufacturers, assemblers and customers, while simultaneously balancing the U-type assembly lines (tactical level) in assemblers. A nonlinear mixed integer mathematical model is proposed to minimise the total costs and the number of assembly stations while minimising the total fixed costs of stations. To show the validity and usefulness of the proposed model, a numerical example with different scenarios and sensitivity analyses is given and discussed.  相似文献   

In supply chain optimisation problems, determining the location, number and capacity of facilities is concerned as strategic decisions, while mid-term and short-term decisions such as assembly policy, inventory levels and scheduling are considered as the tactical and operational decision levels. This paper addresses the optimisation of strategic and tactical decisions in the supply chain network design (SCND) under demand uncertainty. In this respect, a two-stage stochastic programming model is developed in which strategic location decisions are made in the first-stage, while the second-stage contains SCND problem and the assembly line balancing as a tactical decision. In the solution scheme, the combination of sample average approximation and Latin hypercube sampling methods is utilised to solve the developed two-stage mixed-integer stochastic programming model. Finally, computational experiments on randomly generated problem instances are presented to demonstrate the performance and power of developed model in handling uncertainty. Computational experiments showed that stochastic model yields better results compared with deterministic model in terms of objective function value, i.e. the sum of the first-stage costs and the expected second-stage costs. This issue proved that uncertainty would be a significant and fundamental element of developed model and improve the quality of solutions.  相似文献   

Due to responding environmental issues, conforming governmental legislations and providing economic benefits, there has been a growing interest in recycling activities through the supply chains. Reverse supply chain (RSC) optimisation problem has a great potential as an efficient tactic to achieve this goal. While disassembly, one of the main activities in RSC, enables reuse and recycling of products and prevents the overuse, disassembly line balancing problem involves determination of a line design in which used products are partially/completely disassembled to obtain available components. The aim of this study is to optimise a RSC, involving customers, collection/disassembly centres and plants, that minimises the transportation costs while balancing the disassembly lines, which minimises the total fixed costs of opened workstations, simultaneously. A non-linear mixed-integer programming model, which simultaneously determines: (i) optimal distribution between the facilities with minimum cost, (ii) the number of disassembly workstations that will be opened with minimum cost, (iii) the cycle time in each disassembly centre and (iv) optimal assignment of tasks to workstations, is developed. A numerical example is given to illustrate the applicability of the proposed model. Different scenarios have been conducted to show the effects of sensitivity analyses on the performance measures of the problem.  相似文献   

Supply chain network design aims at the integration of the different actors of a supply chain within a single framework in order to optimise the total profit of the system. In this paper, we consider the integration of line balancing issues within the tactical decisions of the supply chain, and we offer a novel model and a solution approach for the problem. The new approach decomposes the problem into multiple line balancing problems and a mixed integer linear model, which is easier to solve than the previously available non-linear mixed integer formulation. The results show that the new method is able to solve previously studied models within a fraction of the reported running times, and also allows us to solve larger instances than those reported in earlier works. Finally, we also provide some analysis on the influence of the cost structure, the demand and the structure of the assembly process on the final configuration of the assemblies and the distribution network.  相似文献   

Recently, the mixed-model assembly line (MMAL) has been widely studied by many researchers. In fact, there are two basic problems, namely balancing and sequencing problems, which have been investigated in a lot of studies separately, but few researchers have solved both problems simultaneously. Regarding this, the best results in minimising total utility work have been gained by developing a co-evolutionary genetic algorithm (Co-GA) so far. This paper provides a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model to jointly solve the problems. Because of NP-hardness, an evolution strategies (ES) algorithm is presented and evaluated by the same test problems in the literature. Two main hypotheses, namely simultaneous search and feasible search, are tested in the proposed algorithm to improve the quality of solutions. To calibrate the algorithm, a Taguchi design of experiments is employed. The proposed ES is compared with the modified version of Co-GA and the MILP model results. According to numerical experiments and statistical proving, the proposed ES outperformed the modified Co-GA from two points of view: the objective function and the computational time. Additionally, the meta-heuristic algorithms are examined in terms of other well-known criteria in MMAL. Finally, the contribution of each hypothesis in accounting for this superiority is analysed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we advise to perform assembly line balancing simultaneously with decision-making on parts feeding. Such integrated planning may open additional potential to reduce labour costs. Additional planning flexibility gained with the integrated planning may be used to mitigate ergonomic risks at workplaces. We formulate the integrated assembly line balancing and parts feeding planning problem, propose a mixed-integer model and compare integrated planning to a common hierarchical planning approach in a detailed case study on the assembly of a self-priming pump. Our case study illustrates that workplaces with high ergonomic risks may emerge even in productions that involve handling parts and workpieces of low weights and avoid static and awkward postures. We also show that the proposed integrated planning approach may eliminate excessive ergonomic risks and improve productivity indicators simultaneously.  相似文献   

The classic assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) basically consists of assigning a set of tasks to a group of workstations while maintaining the tasks’ precedence relations. When the objective is to minimise the number of workstations m for a given cycle time CT, the problem is referred to as ALBP-1; if the objective is to minimise CT given m, then the problem is called ALBP-2. The only objective in ALBP-2 is to minimise CT, i.e., the workload of the most heavily loaded workstation (the bottleneck). However, considering the second-biggest, third-biggest, etc. workloads, can be important. Distributing a workload among six workstations as 10, 10, 10, 4, 3, 3, is not the same as distributing it as 10, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6. The CT value is the same, but the second distribution is beyond question more reliable and balanced. In this paper, we present and formalise a new assembly line balancing problem: the lexicographic bottleneck assembly line balancing problem (LB-ALBP). The LB-ALBP hierarchically minimises the workload of the most heavily loaded workstation (CT), followed by the workload of the second most heavily loaded workstation, followed by the workload of the third most heavily loaded workstation, and so on. We present two mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) models designed to solve the LB-ALBP optimally, together with three heuristic procedures based on these MILPs.  相似文献   

U-type and two-sided assembly lines are two types of design having advantages over traditional straight assembly lines. In this paper, a new line design hybrid of U-type and two-sided lines is presented. A bi-objective 0-1 integer programming model is developed to solve the line balancing problem of the proposed design. Zoning constraints are also considered for the proposed design. A number of test problems from the literature with up to 65 tasks are solved. Benefits of two-sided U-type lines are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper documents a study carried out on the problem of designing an integrated assembly line when many workers with a variety of skills are employed. This study addresses the problem of selecting multi-functional workers with different salaries to match their skills and of assigning tasks to work stations when there are precedence restrictions among the tasks. The objective of this study is to minimise the total annual work station costs and the annual salary of the assigned workers within a predetermined cycle time. A mixed integer linear program is developed with a genetic algorithm in order to address the problem of resource restrictions related to integrated assembly line balancing. Numerical examples demonstrate the efficiency of the developed genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

Within U-shaped assembly lines, the increase of labour costs and subsequent utilisation of robots has led to growing energy consumption, which is the current main expense of auto and electronics industries. However, there are limited researches concerning both energy consumption reduction and productivity improvement on U-shaped robotic assembly lines. This paper first develops a nonlinear multi-objective mixed-integer programming model, reformulates it into a linear form by linearising the multiplication of two binary variables, and then refines the weight of multiple objectives so as to achieve a better approximation of true Pareto frontiers. In addition, Pareto artificial bee colony algorithm (PABC) is extended to tackle this new complex problem. This algorithm stores all the non-dominated solutions into a permanent archive set to keep all the good genes, and selects one solution from this set to overcome the strong local minima. Comparative experiments based on a set of newly generated benchmarks verify the superiority of the proposed PABC over four multi-objective algorithms in terms of generation distance, maximum spread, hypervolume ratio and the ratio of non-dominated solution.  相似文献   

The simple assembly line balancing problem (SALBP) has been extensively examined in the literature. Various mathematical programs have been developed to solve SALBP type-1 (minimising the number of workstations, m, for a given cycle time, ct) and SALBP type-2 (minimising ct given m). Usually, an initial pre-process is carried out to calculate the range of workstations to which a task i may be assigned, in order to reduce the number of variables of task–workstation assignment. This paper presents a more effective mathematical program than those released to date to solve SALBP-1 and SALBP-2. The key idea is to introduce additional constraints in the mathematical program, based on the fact that the range of workstations to which a task i may be assigned depends either on the upper bound on the number of workstations or on the upper bound on the cycle time (for SALBP-1 and SALBP-2, respectively). A computational experiment was carried out and the results reveal the superiority of the mathematical program proposed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a beam search-based method for the stochastic assembly line balancing problem in U-lines. The proposed method minimizes total expected cost comprised of total labour cost and total expected incompletion cost. A beam search is an approximate branch and bound method that operates on a search tree. Even though beam search has been used in various problem domains, this is the first application to the assembly line balancing problem. The performance of the proposed method is measured on various test problems. The results of the computational experiments indicate that the average performance of the proposed method is better than the best-known heuristic in the literature for the traditional straight-line problem. Since the proposed method is the first heuristic for the stochastic U-type problem with the total expected cost criterion, we only report its results on the benchmark problems. Future research directions and the related bibliography are also provided in the paper.  相似文献   

Assembly lines can be employed successfully in sheltered work centres to better include persons with disabilities in the labour market as well as to improve production efficiency. The optimal assignment of a heterogeneous workforce is known as the assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem (ALWABP). These assembly lines are characterised not only by a heterogeneous workforce, but also by high levels of absenteeism, which makes it more difficult to obtain stable and efficient line balancing solutions. In this paper, an extension of the ALWABP to minimise the expected cycle time under uncertain worker availability is proposed. We model this problem as a two-stage mixed integer program, and propose local search heuristics for solving it. Computational experiments show that stochastic modelling can help to improve the line’s efficiency and that the proposed heuristics produce good results for instances of practical size.  相似文献   

In this study, a mixed integer programming model for the parallel two-sided assembly line balancing problem is developed. Several extensions such as a cost-oriented model, a model with time and space constraints and a model with assignment restrictions which considers characteristics of parallel lines are also presented. The model has been tested on a number of test problems from the literature. The results for different objective functions are analysed on the test problems.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider balancing problems of one- and two-sided assembly lines with real-world constraints like task or machine incompatibilities. First, we study the one-sided assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) with a limited number of machine types per workstation. Using a genetic algorithm (GA), we find optimal results for real-world instances. A set of larger test cases is used to compare two well-established solution approaches, namely GA and tabu search (TS). Additionally, we apply a specific differential evolution algorithm (DE), which has recently been proposed for the considered ALBP. Our computational results show that DE is clearly dominated by GA. Furthermore, we show that GA outperforms TS in terms of computational time, if capacity constraints are tight. Given the algorithm’s computational performance as well as the fact that it can easily be adapted to additional constraints, we then use it to solve two-sided ALBP. Three types of constraints and two different objectives are considered. We outperform all previously published methods in terms of solution quality and computational time. Finally, we are the first to provide feasible test instances as well as benchmark results for fully constrained two-sided ALB.  相似文献   

In the ramp-up phase, or time to volume of new products, pronounced learning effects are observed. They are present especially on assembly lines producing mass-goods because of a high number of repetitions of the tasks. Shortening the ramp-up phase and reaching the steady-state production as soon as possible generates main advantages for firms that introduce new products. Moreover, a careful planning of the ramp-up stage is getting even more important in view of shorter product life cycles and a growing importance of the ‘time to payback’ financial indicators. Former studies on incorporation of learning effects into assembly line balancing have limited applicability, because they rely on unrealistic assumptions. We model learning effects, based on general and realistic assumptions, as an extension of the Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem. We propose exact and heuristic solution procedures and perform extensive computational tests. We found that for instances similar to the problems, which arise in firms, the duration of the learning stage can be reduced by up to 10% if our specialised methods are applied.  相似文献   

The general assembly line balancing problem with setups (GALBPS) was recently defined in the literature. It adds sequence-dependent setup time considerations to the classical simple assembly line balancing problem (SALBP) as follows: whenever a task is assigned next to another at the same workstation, a setup time must be added to compute the global workstation time, thereby providing the task sequence inside each workstation. This paper proposes heuristic procedures, based on priority rules, for solving GALBPS, many of which are an improvement upon heuristic procedures published to date.  相似文献   

Automation in an assembly line can be achieved using robots. In robotic U-shaped assembly line balancing (RUALB), robots are assigned to workstations to perform the assembly tasks on a U-shaped assembly line. The robots are expected to perform multiple tasks, because of their capabilities. U-shaped assembly line problems are derived from traditional assembly line problems and are relatively new. Tasks are assigned to the workstations when either all of their predecessors or all of their successors have already been assigned to workstations. The objective function considered in this article is to maximize the cycle time of the assembly line, which in turn helps to maximize the production rate of the assembly line. RUALB aims at the optimal assignment of tasks to the workstations and selection of the best fit robot to the workstations in a manner such that the cycle time is minimized. To solve this problem, a particle swarm optimization algorithm embedded with a heuristic allocation (consecutive) procedure is proposed. The consecutive heuristic is used to allocate the tasks to the workstation and to assign a best fit robot to that workstation. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using a wide variety of data sets. The results indicate that robotic U-shaped assembly lines perform better than robotic straight assembly lines in terms of cycle time.  相似文献   

In order to increase flexibility and reduce costs, several companies adopt mixed-model assembly lines whose output products are variations of the same basic model with specific and distinctive attributes. Unfortunately, such attributes typically lead to variations in the task process times. In the case of un-paced buffered assembly lines, these variations are smoothed by buffers with consequences in terms of work-in-progress, costs, space utilisation and lower productivity control. To face such weaknesses, some companies adopt paced un-buffered assembly lines where the cycle time is controlled by the continuous/synchronous moving of the products from the first to the last assembly station. In such contexts, the possibility of assembling different models with different assembly times can be managed through the use of supplementary flexible workforce. This article introduces an innovative balancing and sequencing hierarchical approach for paced mixed-model assembly lines using supplementary flexible workforce called ‘jolly operators’. The goals are to minimise the number of jolly operators and to limit the occurrence of work-overloads, which typically result in out-of-the-line assembly completion. The proposed approach is preliminary validated and applied to a case study from an Italian company assembling industrial air-dryers.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel stochastic two-sided U-type assembly line balancing (STUALB) procedure, an algorithm based on the genetic algorithm and a heuristic priority rule-based procedure to solve STUALB problem are proposed. With this new proposed assembly line design, all advantages of both two-sided assembly lines and U-type assembly lines are combined. Due to the variability of the real-life conditions, stochastic task times are also considered in the study. The proposed approach aims to minimise the number of positions (i.e. the U-type assembly line length) as the primary objective and to minimise the number of stations (i.e. the number of operators) as a secondary objective for a given cycle time. An example problem is solved to illustrate the proposed approach. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, test problems taken from the literature are used. The experimental results show that the proposed approach performs well.  相似文献   

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