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Ernesto G. Birgin 《工程优选》2013,45(10):1197-1208
The single machine scheduling problem with a common due date and non-identical ready times for the jobs is examined in this work. Performance is measured by the minimization of the weighted sum of earliness and tardiness penalties of the jobs. Since this problem is NP-hard, the application of constructive heuristics that exploit specific characteristics of the problem to improve their performance is investigated. The proposed approaches are examined through a computational comparative study on a set of 280 benchmark test problems with up to 1000 jobs. 相似文献
Effective performance of modern manufacturing systems requires integrating process planning and scheduling more tightly, which is consistently challenged by the intrinsic interrelation and intractability of these two problems. Traditionally, these two problems are treated sequentially or separately. Integration of process planning and scheduling (IPPS) provides a valuable approach to improve system performance. However, IPPS is more complex than job shop scheduling or process planning. IPPS is strongly NP-hard in that, compared to an NP-hard job shop scheduling problem with a determined process plan, the process plan for each job in IPPS is also to be optimised. So, an imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) is proposed to address the IPPS problem with an objective of makespan minimisation. An extended operation-based representation scheme is presented to include information on various flexibilities of process planning with respect to determined job shop scheduling. The main steps of the proposed ICA, including empires construction, assimilation, imperialistic competition, revolution and elimination, are elaborated using an illustrative example. Performance of the proposed ICA was evaluated on four sets of experiments taken from the literature. Computational results of the ICA were compared with that of some existing algorithms developed for IPPS, which validates the efficiency and effectiveness of the ICA in solving the IPPS problem. 相似文献
This paper studies the scheduling problem of minimising total weighted earliness and tardiness penalties on identical parallel machines against a restrictive common due date. This problem is NP-hard in the strong sense and arises in many just-in-time production environments. A fast ruin-and-recreate (FR&R) algorithm is proposed to obtain high-quality solutions to this complex problem. The proposed FR&R algorithm is tested on a well-known set of benchmark test problems that are taken from the literature. Computational results provide evidence of the efficiency of FR&R, which consistently outperform existing algorithms when applied to benchmark instances. This work provides a viable alternative approach for efficiently solving this practical but complex scheduling problem. 相似文献
We consider the permutation flow shop scheduling problem with earliness and tardiness penalties (E/T) and common due date for jobs. We show that the problem can be sub-divided into three cases: (i) the due date is such that all jobs are necessarily tardy; (ii) the due date is unrestricted; and (iii) the due date is between the two. Based on analytical results we provide partial characterisation of the optimal solution and develop a comprehensive approach for solving the problem over the entire range of due dates. Our approach, which draws upon the existing literature and results for the single machine problem, successfully exploits the properties of the optimal solution. Limited computational results indicate that the performance of the heuristic is reasonable and has the potential to significantly improve performance. This approach has been incorporated as part of the scheduling module of the production planning and scheduling system we developed for a medium-sized bulk drug manufacturer. 相似文献
This article addresses the problem of minimizing the sum of maximum earliness and tardiness on a single machine with unequal release times. It is proven that this problem is NP-hard in the strong sense and a branch-and-bound algorithm is developed as an exact method. In the proposed algorithm, modified dispatching rules based on different release times are proposed as the upper bound, while a procedure considering preemption assumption is used to obtain a good lower bound. Also, dominance rules based on no unforced idle time, adjacent pairwise interchanges in the base problem, and job blocks are used to fathom the nodes. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, 4,860 instances were randomly generated, varying from 7 to 1,000 jobs. It is shown that the branch-and-bound algorithm was capable of optimally solving 94.1% of the instances, showing its efficiency in solving all problem sizes. 相似文献
This paper deals with the two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem with minimisation of weighted sum of makespan and mean completion time as the objective. The problem is NP-hard, hence we proposed a meta-heuristic named imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) to solve it. Since appropriate design of the parameters has a significant impact on the algorithm efficiency, we calibrate the parameters of this algorithm using the Taguchi method. In comparison with the best algorithm proposed previously, the ICA indicates an improvement. The results have been confirmed statistically. 相似文献
This paper applied a novel evolutionary algorithm, imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA), for a group scheduling problem in a hybrid flexible flow shop with sequence-dependent setup times by minimising maximum completion time. This algorithm simulates a social-economical procedure, imperialistic competition. Initial population is generated randomly and evolution is carried out during the algorithm. Firstly individuals, countries, are divided into two categories: imperialists and colonies. Imperialist competition will occur among these empires. This competition will increase some empires authority by ruining a weak empire and dividing its colonies among others. Electromagnetic-like mechanism concepts are employed here to model the influence of the imperialist on their colonies. The algorithm will continue until one imperialist exists and possesses all countries. In order to prevent carrying out extensive experiments to find optimum parameters of the algorithm, we apply the Taguchi approach. The computational results are compared with the outstanding benchmark on the flow shop scheduling problem, random key genetic algorithms (RKGA), and it shows superiority of the ICA. 相似文献
Ying Yan 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(2):499-515
This study focuses on the dynamic scheduling problem of a re-entrant production line, in which all of the parts are assumed to have the same processing routes and be processed on every machine. A two-layer dynamic scheduling method is proposed for the dynamic scheduling of the re-entrant line with the objective of minimising total earliness and tardiness. This method consists of two layers. The top layer is to select the appropriate scheduling policy, and the bottom layer is to generate the scheduling by using the policy selected in the top layer. In the top layer, three different rules are constructed for selecting scheduling policies, namely the lateness comparison rule, the lateness variation comparison rule, and the equal interval switching rule. In the bottom layer, three different scheduling policies are proposed to generate the real-time scheduling for manufacturing, namely the FCFS (first come first service) scheduling policy, the PI (proportional-integral) scheduling policy, and the fuzzy PI scheduling policy. Considering that the real-time status of manufacturing changes constantly, it is necessary to switch among different scheduling policies to adapt to this change. Numerical experiments are performed in the situations with and without urgent jobs. The results show that the proposed two-layer dynamic scheduling method outperforms any single scheduling policy (e.g., the FCFS policy, the PI policy and the fuzzy PI policy) for the dynamic scheduling of a re-entrant production line. 相似文献
This paper considers a scheduling problem for a single burn-in oven in the semiconductor manufacturing industry where the
oven is a batch processing machine with restricted capacity. The batch processing time is set by the longest processing time
among those of all the jobs contained in the batch. All jobs are assumed to have the same due date. The objective is to minimize
the sum of the absolute deviations of completion times from the due date (earliness–tardiness) of all jobs under the constraint
that the maximum tardiness should be less than or equal to the maximum allowable time value. We suggest several two-phase
heuristic algorithms for this problem. In the first phase, some heuristic algorithms are developed without maximum allowable
tardiness constraint. If the schedule from the first phase violates the maximum tardiness constraint, then the schedule is
changed to satisfy maximum allowable tardiness constraint in the second phase. The suggested heuristics are based on genetic
algorithms and dominance properties of optimal schedules. We present the results of computational experiments that clearly
show the solution quality obtained by the suggested heuristics. 相似文献
This paper addresses preemption in just-in-time (JIT) single–machine-scheduling problem with unequal release times and allowable unforced machine idle time as realistic assumptions occur in the manufacturing environments aiming to minimise the total weighted earliness and tardiness costs. Delay in production systems is a vital item to be focussed to counteract lost sale and back order. Thus, JIT concept is targeted including the elements required such as machine preemption, machine idle time and unequal release times. We proposed a new mathematical model and as the problem is proven to be NP-hard, three meta-heuristic approaches namely hybrid particle swarm optimisation (HPSO), genetic algorithm and imperialist competitive algorithm are employed to solve the problem in larger sizes. In HPSO, cloud theory-based simulated annealing is employed with a certain probability to avoid being trapped in a local optimum. Taguchi method is applied to calibrate the parameters of the proposed algorithms. A number of numerical examples are solved to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated in terms of relative percent deviation and computational time where the computational results clarify better performance of HPSO than other algorithms in quality of solutions and computational time. 相似文献
This paper considers a two-stage assembly flow shop problem where m parallel machines are in the first stage and an assembly machine is in the second stage. The objective is to minimise a weighted sum of makespan and mean completion time for n available jobs. As this problem is proven to be NP-hard, therefore, we employed an imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) as solution approach. In the past literature, Torabzadeh and Zandieh (2010) showed that cloud theory-based simulated annealing algorithm (CSA) is an appropriate meta-heuristic to solve the problem. Thus, to justify the claim for ICA capability, we compare our proposed ICA with the reported CSA. A new parameters tuning tool, neural network, for ICA is also introduced. The computational results clarify that ICA performs better than CSA in quality of solutions. 相似文献
Minimisation of earliness and tardiness is known to be critical to manufacturing companies because it may induce numerous tangible and intangible problems, i.e. extra storage cost, spacing, risk of damages, penalty, etc. In literature, earliness and tardiness is usually determined based on order due date, generally regarded as the time of delivering the finished products to the customers. In many papers, delivery time and cost required are usually simplified during the production scheduling. They usually assume that transportation is always available and unlimited. However, transportation usually constructs a critical portion of the total lead time and total cost in practice. Ignoring that will lead to an unreliable schedule. This is especially significant for electronic household appliances manufacturing companies as the studied company in this paper. In general, they usually rely on sea-freight transportation because of the economic reasons. As different sea-freight forwarders have different shipments to the same destination but with different shipping lead time, cost and available time. Adequately considering this shipping information with the production scheduling as an integrated model can minimise the costs induced by earliness and tardiness and the reliability of the schedule planned. In this paper, a two-level genetic algorithm (TLGA) is proposed, which is capable of simultaneously determining production schedule with shipping information. The optimisation reliability of the proposed TLGA is tested by comparing with a simple genetic algorithm. The results indicated that the proposed TLGA can obtain a better solution with lesser number of evolutions. In addition, a number of numerical experiments are carried out. The results demonstrate that the proposed integrated approach can reduce the tardiness, the storage cost, and shipping cost. 相似文献
Ali Elyasi 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(8):2352-2362
This paper considers two different due date assignment and sequencing problems in single machine where the processing times of jobs are random variables. The first problem is to minimise the maximum due date so that all jobs are stochastically on time. It is shown that sequencing the jobs in decreasing service level (DSL) order optimally solves the problem. The results are then extended for two special cases of flow shop problem. The other problem is to minimise a total cost function which is a linear combination of three penalties: penalty on job earliness, penalty on job tardiness, and penalty associated with long due date assignment. The assignment of a common due date and distinct due dates are investigated for this problem. It is shown that the optimal sequence for the case of common due date is V-shaped. 相似文献
This paper studies the single machine scheduling problem for minimising the expected total weighted deviations of completion times from random common due date. Jobs have exponentially distributed processing times and the common due date is a generalised Erlang distribution. The optimal schedules are shown to be ∧-shaped. Moreover, we give the optimal schedules when the machine is subject to stochastic breakdowns with independent and exponentially distributed uptimes and downtimes. 相似文献
This paper focuses on an identical parallel machine scheduling problem with minimising total tardiness of jobs. There are two major issues involved in this scheduling problem; (1) jobs which can be split into multiple sub-jobs for being processed on parallel machines independently and (2) sequence-dependent setup times between the jobs with different part types. We present a novel mathematical model with meta-heuristic approaches to solve the problem. We propose two encoding schemes for meta-heuristic solutions and three decoding methods for obtaining a schedule from the meta-heuristic solutions. Six different simulated annealing algorithms and genetic algorithms, respectively, are developed with six combinations of two encoding schemes and three decoding methods. Computational experiments are performed to find the best combination from those encoding schemes and decoding methods. Our findings show that the suggested algorithm provides not only better solution quality, but also less computation time required than the commercial optimisation solvers. 相似文献
In recent years, a new type of tardiness cost, called stepwise tardiness, has received attention. To the authors’ knowledge, only a few studies have investigated this type of tardiness in the scheduling problem. This study considered the single machine total stepwise tardiness problem with release dates, which is strongly NP hard. Because of the essential complexity of the problem, heuristics were first developed to quickly generate initial solutions. Subsequently, a new electromagnetism-like mechanism (EM), which is a novel metaheuristic, was proposed to improve the solution quality. The new EM includes a natural encoding scheme, a new distance measure between solutions, and effective attraction and repulsion operators. Comparisons with a current EM and other metaheuristics were performed to verify the proposed EM. The computational results show that the proposed EM exhibits good performance for the considered problem. 相似文献
This note considers single machine scheduling and due date assignment in which a job’s processing time depends on its position in a sequence. The objective functions include the cost of changing the due dates, the total cost of discarded jobs that cannot be completed by their due dates and the total earliness of the scheduled jobs. We analyse these problems with three different due date assignment methods. We provide a generic polynomial-time dynamic programming algorithm to solve the problems. 相似文献
This paper considers the problem of scheduling jobs in a permutation flow shop with the objective of minimising total earliness and tardiness. A genetic algorithm is proposed for the problem. This procedure and five other procedures were tested on problem sets that varied in terms of number of jobs, machines and the tightness and range of due dates. It was found that the genetic algorithm procedure was consistently effective in generating good solutions relative to the other procedures. 相似文献
Efficient reservoir management requires the implementation of generalized optimal operating policies that manage storage volumes and releases while optimizing a single objective or multiple objectives. Reservoir operating rules stipulate the actions that should be taken under the current state of the system. This study develops a set of piecewise linear operating rule curves for water supply and hydropower reservoirs, employing an imperialist competitive algorithm in a parameterization–simulation–optimization approach. The adaptive penalty method is used for constraint handling and proved to work efficiently in the proposed scheme. Its performance is tested deriving an operation rule for the Dez reservoir in Iran. The proposed modelling scheme converged to near-optimal solutions efficiently in the case examples. It was shown that the proposed optimum piecewise linear rule may perform quite well in reservoir operation optimization as the operating period extends from very short to fairly long periods. 相似文献