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One of the key functions of Workload Control is order release. Jobs are not released immediately onto the shop floor – they are withheld and selectively released to create a mix of jobs that keeps work-in-process within limits and meet due dates. A recent implementation of Workload Control’s release method highlighted an important issue thus far overlooked by research: How to accommodate re-entrant flows, whereby a station is visited multiple times by the same job? We present the first study to compare the performance of Workload Control both with and without re-entrant flows. Simulation results from a job shop model highlight two important aspects: (i) re-entrant flows increase variability in the work arriving at a station, leading to a direct detrimental effect on performance; (ii) re-entrant flows affect the release decision-making process since the load contribution of all visits by a job to a station has to fit within the norm. Both aspects have implications for practice and our interpretation of previous research since: (i) parameters given for work arriving may significantly differ from those realised; (ii) increased workload contributions at release mean that prior simulations may have been unstable, leading to some jobs never being released.  相似文献   

Order release is a key component of the Workload Control concept. Jobs do not enter the shop floor directly – they are retained in a pre-shop pool and released in time to meet due dates while keeping work-in-process within limits or norms. There are two important groups of release methods: continuous methods, for which the workload falling to a specified level can trigger a release at any moment in time; and, periodic release methods, for which releases take place at fixed intervals. Continuous release methods in general have been shown to outperform periodic release methods. Yet, there is incongruence in the results presented in the literature on the relative performance of the various continuous release methods. We use a job shop simulation model to examine the performance of continuous release methods from the literature and find that the contradictory results are explained by the different rules applied to sequence jobs in the pool – a factor neglected in previous work. Finally, a new breed of continuous release methods has recently emerged, but these have not been compared with prior approaches. Therefore, we also examine these methods and show that they significantly improve overall performance, although this is to the detriment of jobs with large processing times.  相似文献   

Recent research has highlighted the potential impact of pool sequencing on order release performance but it suffered from two shortcomings. First, arguably the best release solution for workload control in practice combines periodic with continuous release. Although the two types of releases serve different functions, recent work assumed the same sequencing rule should be used for both. Here, the use of different sequencing rules for periodic and continuous releases is evaluated. Using a job-shop simulation, we demonstrate that the rule applied during continuous releases has only a negligible impact on performance. Therefore, jobs can be pulled intermediately from the pool by workers using a more straightforward sequencing rule than the one applied for periodic release. Second, it was assumed that all jobs in the pool are sequenced and then a subset is selected for release. But for some load-oriented sequencing rules, the priority value used for sequencing jobs should be updated after each job selection from the pool. Our simulation results show that although this may improve load balancing at release, it does not in fact improve overall shop performance. Therefore, the greedy heuristic of first sequencing and then selecting jobs can be maintained, which allows the release decision-making process to retain its simplicity. The work has important implications for the use of sequencing rules in practice.  相似文献   

The workload control literature highlights the importance of balancing the shop floor workload, but also acknowledges that this can conflict with processing the most urgent orders – hence, there is a trade-off. In practice, shops contain many complexities, e.g. simultaneous batching and sequence-dependent set-up times that may conflict with processing the most urgent orders and require other solutions than workload balancing to avoid capacity losses. This adds to the trade-off dilemma, which traditionally only considers timing and balancing. This paper develops a framework that determines whether to address a complexity through order release or dispatching. It comprises two dimensions: (i) the typical position of a complexity in the routing of an order and (ii) the criticality of the complexity. A case study is presented, which demonstrates the framework’s utility and illustrates the development of specific solutions designed to handle the complexities. Most complexities present in the case require handling at the order release stage. The challenges of handling multiple complexities at this decision level are evaluated. Finally, the implications for managers and future research are outlined.  相似文献   

Setting short yet reliable Due Dates (DDs) is an important early production planning and control task. The majority of job-shop research on DD setting assumes simple product structures without assembly operations. However, in practice, product structures are often complex, and multiple final assembly operations may be required. This paper evaluates the performance of DD setting rules in the context of complex product structures, considering two scenarios: two-level assembly job shops, where orders converge on one final assembly operation; and two-level multi-stage job shops, where a series of assembly operations are undertaken. New rules are proposed which are substantially simpler and more suitable for practical use than those in the literature. These rules are only outperformed by a more sophisticated rule from the wider literature, newly introduced into the context of assembly and multi-stage job shops. Which rule to apply in practice depends on whether a manager considers the improvement in performance more important than the loss of simplicity. Future research should investigate how jobs can be planned and controlled effectively when some or all DDs are set externally by customers rather than internally using a DD setting rule.  相似文献   

Simulation has demonstrated that the workload control (WLC) concept can improve performance in job shops, but positive empirical results are scarce. A key reason for this is that the concept has not been developed to handle a number of practical considerations, including sequence-dependent set-up times. This paper investigates the influence of sequence-dependent set-up times on the performance of a workload-controlled job shop. It introduces new set-up-oriented dispatching rules and assesses the performance impact of controlled order release. Simulation results demonstrate that combining an effective WLC order release rule with an appropriate dispatching rule improves performance over use of a dispatching rule in isolation when set-up times are sequence dependent. The findings improve our understanding of how this key implementation challenge can be overcome. Future research should investigate whether the results hold if set-up time parameters are dynamic and set-up times are not evenly distributed across resources.  相似文献   

Workload Control (WLC) seeks to align capacity with demand, where capacity is typically assumed to be restricted by a single constraint – machine capacity. In practice, however, shops are often restricted by dual resource constraints: labour and machines. This study, therefore, uses simulation to investigate the performance of WLC in Dual Resource Constrained (DRC) high-variety shops with fully interchangeable labour. By considering several environmental factors and different labour assignment and dispatching rules, it is demonstrated that the order release function of WLC maintains its positive impact on performance in a DRC shop under different staffing levels. The positive effect of considering labour availability at release, as proposed in previous research, could not, however, be confirmed. Thus, the original release method can be applied if labour is fully interchangeable. In terms of labour assignment, we show that a distinct assignment pattern that differs between upstream and downstream stations improves performance if the routing is directed. Meanwhile, dispatching plays a less important role but creates important interaction effects with the assignment rule. Finally, the results suggest that increasing the service rate is a better response to the reduction in capacity that results from labour absenteeism than lowering the input frequency of work.  相似文献   

Although there is a broad literature on capacity management, there has been only limited attention on how to support short-term capacity control decisions, especially in high-variety make-to-order shops. While finite loading has been identified as a potential means of guiding capacity adjustments, the actual performance impact of this solution has not been adequately assessed. Using a simulation model of a make-to-order job shop, we compare the performance impact of four different forward and backward finite loading methods and a load trigger method recently presented in the literature. Results confirm the potential of finite loading to improve performance when compared to a general capacity increase. Yet all four methods are outperformed by the load trigger method. The capacity adjustments made under finite loading methods are determined by individual jobs and their properties. This may lead to no adjustments despite an overload period (e.g. if a job has a long due date but only one overload station in its routing) or to unnecessary adjustments when there is no overload (e.g. if a large job has a tight due date). This finding draws into question the use of finite loading altogether and reinforces the importance of the load trigger method.  相似文献   

An important scheduling function of manufacturing systems is controlled order release. While there exists a broad literature on order release, reported release procedures typically use simple sequencing rules and greedy heuristics to determine which jobs to select for release. While this is appealing due to its simplicity, its adequateness has recently been questioned. In response, this study uses an integer linear programming model to select orders for release to the shop floor. Using simulation, we show that optimisation has the potential to improve performance compared to ‘classical’ release based on pool sequencing rules. However, in order to also outperform more powerful pool sequencing rules, load balancing and timing must be considered at release. Existing optimisation-based release methods emphasise load balancing in periods when jobs are on time. In line with recent advances in Workload Control theory, we show that a better percentage tardy performance can be achieved by only emphasising load balancing when many jobs are urgent. However, counterintuitively, emphasising urgency in underload periods leads to higher mean tardiness. Compared to previous literature we further highlight that continuous optimisation-based release outperforms periodic optimisation-based release. This has important implications on how optimised-based release should be designed.  相似文献   

Workload control (WLC) has been developed as a production planning and control approach for job shop manufacturing. By balancing loads across work centres, WLC anticipates the fact that multiple work centres may become potential bottlenecks in the short term. This approach is generally tested in job shop models that assume equal utilisation levels for all work centres, which will create maximum bottleneck shiftiness. However, job shop practice clearly shows differences in utilisation levels, which means that some work centres can be seen as non-bottlenecks, having protective capacity. This study investigates the effect of different levels of protective capacity on the performance of state-of-the-art WLC release methods. More in detail, it shows how the level of protective capacity interacts with the influence of workload norms at work centres. Despite the fact that WLC has been developed for highly balanced utilisations, results indicate that WLC could also be effective in unbalanced situations. However, norm setting requires careful attention. Disregarding the norms of non-bottleneck work centres, a common sense approach, might strongly deteriorate performance when the level of protective capacity is not sufficiently high. Contrarily, tighter norms for non-bottleneck work centres are shown to perform better in this situation.  相似文献   

An important goal of Production Planning and Control systems is to achieve short and predictable flow times, especially where high flexibility in meeting customer demand is required, while maintaining high output and due-date performance. One approach to this problem is the workload control (WLC) concept. Within WLC research two directions have been developed, largely separately, over time: Rule based and optimisation-based models. If a company intends to introduce an order release concept based on WLC it first has to decide which of these two approaches should be applied. Therefore, this paper compares two of the most widely used and considered best performing periodic order release models out of both streams: the LUMS (rule based) and the clearing function model (optimisation based). The parameters of both approaches are set using simulation optimisation. The performance is compared using a simulation study of a hypothetical job shop in a rolling horizon setting. The results show that the optimisation model outperforms the rule-based mechanism in all instances with stochastic demand (exponential inter-arrival times), but is outperformed in aggregate cost of backorders and inventory holding and balancing measures by the LUMS approach for scenarios with high utilisation and seasonal demand.  相似文献   

Workload Control is a production control concept for high-variety shops built on the principle of input/output control. The literature, however, has argued that input/output control overemphasises throughput improvements to the detriment of the timing of individual orders and, consequently, that it needs to be supplemented by a preceding customer enquiry stage where due dates are set. Yet, although there are broad separate literature streams on due date setting, order release, and output control, there is a lack of research on the three functions together. In response, this study uses simulation to assess the combined performance effect of all three functions. Results show that each control function can be related to a specific performance objective. The degree of emphasis that should be placed on each function, therefore, depends on a company’s specific performance needs. Due date setting and capacity adjustments (output control) are shown to support each other as they address different performance objectives. Meanwhile, order release (input control) is effective in reducing work-in-process and can play a role in making throughput improvements when capacity adjustments are not possible. Findings enhance existing literature on the diagnosis of delivery reliability performance in high-variety shops, with important implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

Workload control (WLC) is a well-established production control concept for job shops that put primary emphasis on load-based order release. Recent advances in load-based order release research have led to an improved delivery performance at reduced shop floor workloads. But although order release is the primary focus of WLC research, it must be coupled with priority dispatching on the shop floor if order progress is to be regulated. Prior simulation research suggests that load-based order release methods should only be coupled with simple dispatching rules because other, more powerful rules can conflict with the functioning of the release method. Yet, recent empirical research suggests that powerful priority dispatching rules – such as due date-oriented dispatching rules – are in fact needed for a high level of delivery performance to be obtained in practice. This paper focuses on overcoming the conflict between order release and dispatching, so load-based order release can be combined with due date-oriented dispatching. Preliminary analysis reveals that part of the conflict is because existing due date-oriented dispatching rules overcompensate for schedule deviations that occur when orders are either released earlier or later than planned. Two alternative new dispatching rules based on an improved method of determining operation due dates are then developed to better account for schedule deviations and overcome the conflict with load-based order release. Further improvements in delivery performance are obtained, while the large workload reductions achieved by recently developed load-based order release methods are retained.  相似文献   

Kanban systems are simple yet effective means of controlling production. Production control is decentralised or exercised locally on the shop floor, i.e. a downstream station signals to an upstream station that an item is needed. If items are always the same and known, then demands can be satisfied instantaneously from stock; but if items differ and are unknown, demands must first be propagated backwards from station to station before being satisfied. The former is defined as an inventory control problem and the latter as an order control problem. Handling the order control problem via kanban involves a decentralised card acquisition process (during which information is propagated from station to station) that is separated from the actual production process. COBACABANA (control of balance by card-based navigation), an alternative card-based solution, shares kanban’s control structure but centralises the card acquisition process. Evaluating the two systems therefore provides a unique opportunity to compare decentralised and centralised control. Using simulation, we demonstrate that it is specifically the centralised card acquisition process that allows COBACABANA to balance the workload across resources and thus to outperform kanban in an order control problem. This has major implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

This paper deals with improving the lead-time performance of a large crystal manufacturer that uses a state-of-the-art commercial Enterprise Resource Planning system. Since the company encountered some limitations of the standard production planning and control (PPC) system it sought for improvements by implementing an order release mechanism based on workload control (WLC). WLC employs certain rules for releasing orders in order to maintain a certain level of work in process to achieve a certain utilisation of the production system and thus control the flow times in order to meet the required due dates of the orders. We describe the successful implementation of an order release mechanism based on the WLC concept in this make-to-stock company. The paper describes the implemented order release mechanism, the implementation process and its impact on the company’s performance. We show that the core function of WLC – the order release mechanism – can be integrated successfully into an existing PPC system. Furthermore, this study highlights the applicability of WLC to a wider range of companies, especially to make-to-stock manufacturers.  相似文献   

The problems of integrated assembly job shop (AJS) scheduling and self-reconfiguration in knowledgeable manufacturing are studied with the objective of minimising the weighted sum of completion cost of products, the earliness penalty of operations and the training cost of workers. In AJS, each workstation consists of a certain number of teams of workers. A product is assumed to have a tree structure consisting of components and subassemblies. The assembly of components, subassemblies and final products are optimised with the capacity of workstations simultaneously. A heuristic algorithm is developed to solve the problem. Dominance relations of operations are derived and applied in the development of the heuristic. A backward insertion search strategy is designed to locally optimise the operation sequence. Once the optimal schedule is acquired, the teams are reconfigured by transferring them from workstations of lower utilisation to those of higher utilisation. Effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is tested by a number of numerical experiments. The results show that the proposed algorithm promises lower total cost and desirable simultaneous self-reconfiguration in accordance with scheduling.  相似文献   

Workload control concepts are advocated as one of the new production planning and control methods. In its elaborated form, workload control includes three major decision levels: job entry, job release and priority dispatching. In each decision level, several decision points which have significant impact on the effectiveness of the production planning and control are defined (i.e., acceptance/rejection, due date assignment, etc.). Workload control systems should consider all of these decision points simultaneously in order to improve the effectiveness of production planning and control. In addition to these decision levels, flexibility of the shop can also be included as the fourth decision level which allows the shop capacity to be adjusted as new orders enter the system and as they are released to the shop floor. In this study, simulation models which enable the effect of each decision level within a workload control concept to be explored are developed and tested. The results reveal that simultaneous consideration of decision levels is critical and can improve the effectiveness of production planning and control.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a new heuristic method for simulating and supporting the operations scheduling process in assembly job shop systems. The method is based on the assumption that the improvement in operations synchronisation at fabrication and assembly stations brings forth better achievement of due dates. The method implements two scheduling approaches: a backward approach satisfying due date completely and a forward approach satisfying capacity restrictions completely. The two approaches work iteratively within two different simulation models of the production system – one deterministic and the other probabilistic – in searching for operations synchronisation improvement and due date achievement. The method intends to be integrative, i.e., to be able to integrate effectively three fundamental enterprise systems: order processing, production scheduling, and manufacturing activity control. An experimental study was conceived to evaluate the suitability of the method to support scheduling decision making. As results demonstrate, the method proves to be suitable for this objective. As a co-product, results show the method is better than the single-pass procedure/rules tested on average and is as good as the best single-pass procedure/rule tested.  相似文献   

The workload control (WLC) concept has received much attention in the past three decades; however, a comprehensive literature review has not been presented. In response, this article provides a systematic review of the conceptual, analytical, empirical and simulation-based WLC literature. It explores the evolution of WLC research, determines the current state-of-the-art and identifies key areas for further study. The research finds that the field has evolved substantially. Early research focused on theoretical development and experimental testing of order release strategies; order release was then integrated with other planning stages, e.g., the customer enquiry stage, making the concept more suitable for customised manufacturing and leading to a comprehensive concept which combines input and output control effectively; recent attention has focused on implementing the resulting concept in practice and refining theory. While WLC is well placed to meet the needs of producers of customised products, future research should include: conducting further action research into how WLC can be effectively implemented in practice; studying human factors that affect WLC; and feeding back empirical findings to simulation-based WLC research to improve the applicability of WLC theory to real-life job shops.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of lot splitting in the context of workload control (WLC). Past studies on WLC assumed that jobs released to the shop floor proceed through the different stages of processing without being split. However, in practice, large jobs are often split into smaller transfer sublots so that they can move more quickly and independently through the production process and allow operations overlapping relating to the same job. This paper assesses the performance of different lot splitting policies for job release and dispatching strategies under lot splitting. A new dispatching rule was designed to specifically take advantage of lot splitting and operations overlapping in the context of WLC. Discrete-event simulation is used to assess system performance in relation to the ability to provide shorter delivery times and on time deliveries. Results highlight the importance of releasing the sublots of the same job together and demonstrate that combining an effective lot splitting policy with an appropriate dispatching rule can enhance the performance of production systems.  相似文献   

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