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The purpose of this research is to solve a general job shop problem with alternative machine routings. We consider four performance measures: mean flow time, makespan, maximum lateness, and total absolute deviation from the due dates. We first develop mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulations for the problems. The MILP formulations can be used either to compute optimal solutions for small-sized problems or to test the performance of existing heuristic algorithms. In addition, we have developed a genetic algorithm that can be used to generate relatively good solutions quickly. Further, computational experiments have been performed to compare the solution of the MILP formulations with that of existing algorithms.  相似文献   

The quality of a product greatly depends on the quality of its components. This requires that manufacturing specifications have to be met in the manufacturing environment and as a consequence inspection stations are present in many manufacturing systems and inspection policies must be adopted. One problem, which has been widely investigated, concerns the detection of the inspection points in the hypothesis that the action to be taken is known when a defective part is detected. If different jobs are to be produced, then operation scheduling becomes yet another complex problem needing to be solved. And while the problem of scheduling has received a great amount of attention from researchers, to our knowledge the interaction between the two problems has not been treated in job-shop environment. In the present paper three different control policies are preliminarily examined: they differ both in terms of the number of operations that are inspected, and with regard to the type of intervention carried out on detection of a defect. Each control policy affects the optimal inspection locations, which, in their turn, influence operation scheduling. As will be shown in the present paper, a sequential decision process based on separate optimization steps can lead to very poor final results. For this reason, an integrated approach is proposed, in an attempt to identify an optimal solution using a genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

In complex manufacturing environments, meeting the due dates of the jobs and minimizing in process inventories are important performance metrics. One of the common characteristics of complex production systems is production-assembly network of operations. This paper presents an auction-based algorithm for simultaneous scheduling of all manufactured and assembled jobs in a dynamic environment, where the objective function is to minimize both the due date penalties associated with the final products and the inventory cost of the work in process. An auction-based approach using a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model to construct and evaluate the bids so that the auction mechanism mimics a Lagrangian relaxation-based subgradient optimization to ensure global optimality is proposed. The inner structure of the problem enables very efficient calculation of bids for each job or assembly. Using a full factorial experimental design the properties of the proposed algorithm are analyzed. Results show that the proposed auction based algorithm performs better than the popular dispatching rules and is more scalable than the MILP model or direct implementations of the subgradient algorithm. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm is designed to work in a dynamic environment.  相似文献   

The paper presents a genetic algorithm capable of generating optimised production plans in flexible manufacturing systems. The ability of the system to generate alternative plans following part-flow changes and unforeseen situations is particularly stressed (dynamic scheduling). Two contrasting objectives represented by the reduction of machine idle-times, thanks to dynamic scheduling computation and the reduction of the makespan, are taken into account by the proposed system. The key-point is the real-time response obtained by an optimised evolutionary strategy capable of minimising the number of genetic operations needed to reach the optimal schedule in complex manufacturing systems.  相似文献   

This paper aims to present a literature review and an analysis of research works in the field of economic lot scheduling problem (ELSP) based on the related articles published since 1958. Because of ELSP complexity, there are a noticeable number of studies that use algorithms based on different approaches in order to deliver a feasible solution. Therefore, the contribution of this paper is to introduce a taxonomic classification based on scheduling policies and solving methodologies proposed by authors. Also, a simple data analysis is carried out to understand the evolution of ELSP and to identify potential research areas for further studies. The results show that there is an increasing trend in this topic but there are still much needs from industrial manufacturing systems. This study is expected to provide a comprehensive list of references for other researchers, who are interested in ELSP research.  相似文献   

In this work, an approach for solving the job shop scheduling problem using a cultural algorithm is proposed. Cultural algorithms are evolutionary computation methods that extract domain knowledge during the evolutionary process. Additional to this extracted knowledge, the proposed approach also uses domain knowledge given a priori (based on specific domain knowledge available for the job shop scheduling problem). The proposed approach is compared with respect to a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP), a Parallel GRASP, a Genetic Algorithm, a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm, and a deterministic method called shifting bottleneck. The cultural algorithm proposed in this article is able to produce competitive results with respect to the two approaches previously indicated at a significantly lower computational cost than at least one of them and without using any sort of parallel processing.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with scheduling in flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) using a fuzzy logic (FL) approach. Four fuzzy input variables: machine allocated processing time, machine priority, due date priority and setup time priority are defined. The job priority is the output fuzzy variable, showing the priority status of a job to be selected for next operation on a machine. The model will first select the machines and then assign operations based on a multi-criteria scheduling scheme. The performance of the approach is compared against established methods reported in the literature. The performance measures considered average machine utilisation, meeting due dates, setup times, work in process and mean flow times. The test results demonstrate the superiority of the fuzzy logic approach in most performance measures.  相似文献   

Effective solutions to the cell formation and the production scheduling problems are vital in the design of virtual cellular manufacturing systems (VCMSs). This paper presents a new mathematical model and a scheduling algorithm based on the techniques of genetic algorithms for solving such problems. The objectives are: (1) to minimize the total materials and components travelling distance incurred in manufacturing the products, and (2) to minimize the sum of the tardiness of all products. The proposed algorithm differs from the canonical genetic algorithms in that the populations of candidate solutions consist of individuals of different age groups, and that each individual's birth and survival rates are governed by predefined aging patterns. The condition governing the birth and survival rates is developed to ensure a stable search process. In addition, Markov Chain analysis is used to investigate the convergence properties of the genetic search process theoretically. The results obtained indicate that if the individual representing the best candidate solution obtained is maintained throughout the search process, the genetic search process converges to the global optimal solution exponentially.

The proposed methodology is applied to design the manufacturing system of a company in China producing component parts for internal combustion engines. The performance of the proposed age-based genetic algorithm is compared with that of the conventional genetic algorithm based on this industrial case. The results show that the methodology proposed in this paper provides a simple, effective and efficient method for solving the manufacturing cell formation and production scheduling problems for VCMSs.  相似文献   

The flow shop problem as a typical manufacturing challenge has gained wide attention in academic fields. This article considers a bi-criteria no-wait flow shop scheduling problem (FSSP) in which weighted mean completion time and weighted mean tardiness are to be minimized simultaneously. Since a FSSP has been proved to be NP-hard in a strong sense, a new multi-objective scatter search (MOSS) is designed for finding the locally Pareto-optimal frontier of the problem. To prove the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, various test problems are solved and the reliability of the proposed algorithm, based on some comparison metrics, is compared with a distinguished multi-objective genetic algorithm (GA), i.e. SPEA-II. The computational results show that the proposed MOSS performs better than the above GA, especially for the large-sized problems.  相似文献   

Reliability-based and risk-informed design, operation, maintenance and regulation lead to multiobjective (multicriteria) optimization problems. In this context, the Pareto Front and Set found in a multiobjective optimality search provide a family of solutions among which the decision maker has to look for the best choice according to his or her preferences. Efficient visualization techniques for Pareto Front and Set analyses are needed for helping decision makers in the selection task.In this paper, we consider the multiobjective optimization of system redundancy allocation and use the recently introduced Level Diagrams technique for graphically representing the resulting Pareto Front and Set. Each objective and decision variable is represented on separate diagrams where the points of the Pareto Front and Set are positioned according to their proximity to ideally optimal points, as measured by a metric of normalized objective values. All diagrams are synchronized across all objectives and decision variables. On the basis of the analysis of the Level Diagrams, we introduce a procedure for reducing the number of solutions in the Pareto Front; from the reduced set of solutions, the decision maker can more easily identify his or her preferred solution.  相似文献   

The concept of group technology has been successfully applied to many production systems, including flexible manufacturing systems. In this paper we apply group technology principles to the economic lot scheduling problem, which has been studied for over 40 years. We develop a heuristic algorithm and a hybrid genetic algorithm for the group technology economic lot scheduling problem. Numerical experiments show that the developed algorithms outperform the existing heuristics.  相似文献   

There are many dynamic events like new order arrivals, machine breakdowns, changes in due dates, order cancellations, arrival of urgent orders etc. that makes static scheduling approaches very difficult. A dynamic scheduling strategy should be adopted under such production circumstances. In the present study an event driven dynamic job shop scheduling mechanism under machine capacity constraints is proposed. The proposed method makes use of the greedy randomised adaptive search procedure (GRASP) by also taking into account orders due dates and sequence-dependent set-up times. Moreover, order acceptance/rejection decision and Order Review Release mechanism are integrated with scheduling decision in order to meet customer due date requirements while attempting to execute capacity adjustments. We employed a goal programming-based logic which is used to evaluate four objectives: mean tardiness, schedule unstability, makespan and mean flow time. Benchmark problems including number of orders, number of machines and different dynamic events are generated. In addition to event-driven rescheduling strategy, a periodic rescheduling strategy is also devised and both strategies are compared for different problems. Experimental studies are performed to evaluate effectiveness of the proposed method. Obtained results have proved that the proposed method is a feasible approach for rescheduling problems under dynamic environments.  相似文献   

The paper at hand addresses the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem (ELSP), which is concerned with finding a feasible and cost-minimal production schedule for multiple items produced in lots on a single machine. The ELSP started to attract the attention of researchers in the 1950s, where the focus was primarily on the development of simple heuristics for solving the problem. Over the subsequent decades, this topic has frequently been addressed in the literature, with the subject of research being the development of new scheduling policies or solution procedures or extensions of the scope of the original model. To date, a large number of journal articles has been published on the ELSP and its model variants. To identify key research themes, publication patterns and opportunities for future research, the paper at hand applies a content analysis to a sample of 242 papers published on the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem. The results of the content analysis indicate that prior research on this topic had a strong focus on the development of solution methodologies, and that several aspects that are directly connected to lot sizing and scheduling have not attracted much attention in research on the ELSP yet, such as, for example, energy cost and sustainability.  相似文献   

This paper proposes using a genetic algorithm as a tool to solve the fault diagnosis problem. The fault diagnosis problem is based on a cause and effect analysis which is formally described by fuzzy relations. Fuzzy relations are formed on the basis of expert assessments. Application of expert fuzzy relations to restore and identify the causes through the observed effects requires the solution to a system of fuzzy relational equations. In this study this search for a solution amounts to solving a corresponding optimization problem. An optimization algorithm is based on the application of genetic operations of crossover, mutation and selection. The genetic algorithm suggested here represents an application in expert systems of fault diagnosis and quality control.  相似文献   

This paper presents a distributed scheduling procedure for a large-scale single-machine problem with precedence constraints, and identifies phenomena using large-scale distributed decision-making for a decomposable and distributed situation. The approach proposed exhibits efficient computational performance over a large-sized work load (23,000 jobs and 2,209,536 precedence constraints) in a distributed computing environment. We highlight three findings: (1) the communication burden originating from the large-scale problem can lead to performance loss while distributed agents collaborate to solve the problem, but after a threshold the computational gain by distribution offsets the loss; (2) when the problem size is sufficiently large, the real computation gain outperforms the expected gain by the number of agents (super-linear effect); and (3) when the number of precedence constraints of each agent differs, the slowest agent processing the largest number of precedence constraints restrains the computational performance (load imbalance). We believe that our research is the first distributed decision-making model that meets the requirements of distributed information, distributed decision authority, and distributed computation in a large-scale single-machine scheduling situation with precedence constraints.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on the two-stage assembly flow shop scheduling problem for minimising the weighed sum of maximum makespan, earliness and lateness. There are m machines at the first stage, each of which produces a component of a job. A single machine at the second stage assembles the m components together to complete the job. A novel model for solving the scheduling problem is built to optimise the maximum makespan, earliness and lateness simultaneously. Two optimal operation sequences of jobs are determined and verified. As the problem is known to be NP-hard, a hybrid variable neighbourhood search – electromagnetism-like mechanism (VNS-EM) algorithm is proposed for its handling. To search beyond local optima for a global one, VNS algorithm is embedded in each iteration of EM, whereby the fine neighbourhood search of optimum individuals can be realised and the solution is thus optimised. Simulation results show that the proposed hybrid VNS-EM algorithm outperforms the EM and VNS algorithms in both average value and standard deviation.  相似文献   

In most real manufacturing environments, schedules are usually inevitable with the presence of various unexpected disruptions. In this paper, a rescheduling method based on the hybrid genetic algorithm and tabu search is introduced to address the dynamic job shop scheduling problem with random job arrivals and machine breakdowns. Because the real-time events are difficult to express and take into account in the mathematical model, a simulator is proposed to tackle the complexity of the problem. A hybrid policy is selected to deal with the dynamic feature of the problem. Two objectives, which are the schedule efficiency and the schedule stability, are considered simultaneously to improve the robustness and the performance of the schedule system. Numerical experiments have been designed to test and evaluate the performance of the proposed method. This proposed method has been compared with some common dispatching rules and meta-heuristic algorithms that have been widely used in the literature. The experimental results illustrate that the proposed method is very effective in various shop-floor conditions.  相似文献   

We study the problem of minimising the total weighted tardiness and total distribution costs in an integrated production and distribution environment. Orders are received by a manufacturer, processed on a single production line, and delivered to customers by capacitated vehicles. Each order (job) is associated with a customer, weight (priority), processing time, due time, and size (volume or storage space required in the transportation unit). A mathematical model is presented in which a number of weighted linear combinations of the objectives are used to aggregate both objectives into a single objective. Because even the single objective problem is NP-hard, different heuristics based on a genetic algorithm (GA) are developed to further approximate a Pareto-optimal set of solutions for our multi-objective problem.  相似文献   

The spatial scheduling problem that arises in hull block assembly shops occurs when scheduling and spatial allocation of the blocks must be considered simultaneously. We present a two-stage approach to this type of problem. The first stage aims to reduce the number of blocks. The second stage optimises the scheduling and spatial allocation of blocks using nonlinear mixed integer programming (NMIP) methods. The procedure proposed in this paper uses an agglomeration algorithm (AA) for the blocks. This procedure is based on the space–time coupling mechanism. The AA is a three-dimensional classification used to cluster blocks linked closely in time and space into virtual blocks. Extensive computational results from real cases are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, demonstrating a significant improvement over results obtained from existing methods.  相似文献   

This study addresses flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP) with fuzzy processing time. The fuzzy or uncertainty of processing time is one of seven characteristics in remanufacturing. A discrete harmony search (DHS) algorithm is proposed for FJSP with fuzzy processing time. The objective is to minimise maximum fuzzy completion time. A simple and effective heuristic rule is proposed to initialise harmony population. Extensive computational experiments are carried out using five benchmark cases with eight instances from remanufacturing. The proposed heuristic rule is evaluated using five benchmark cases. The proposed DHS algorithm is compared to six metaheuristics. The results and comparisons show the effectiveness and efficiency of DHS for solving FJSP with fuzzy processing time.  相似文献   

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