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The goal of the current study is to identify appropriate application domains of Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) in the area of dynamic job shop scheduling problem. The algorithm is tested in a shop floor scenario with three levels of machine utilisations, three different processing time distributions, and three different performance measures for intermediate scheduling problems. The steady-state performances of ACO in terms of mean flow time, mean tardiness, total throughput on different experimental environments are compared with those from dispatching rules including first-in-first-out, shortest processing time, and minimum slack time. Two series of experiments are carried out to identify the best ACO strategy and the best performing dispatching rule. Those two approaches are thereafter compared with different variations of processing times. The experimental results show that ACO outperforms other approaches when the machine utilisation or the variation of processing times is not high. 相似文献
This paper presents a hybrid Pareto-based local search (PLS) algorithm for solving the multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling problem. Three minimisation objectives are considered simultaneously, i.e. the maximum completion time (makespan), the total workload of all machines, and the workload of the critical machine. In this study, several well-designed neighbouring approaches are proposed, which consider the problem characteristics and thus can hold fast convergence ability while keep the population with a certain level of quality and diversity. Moreover, a variable neighbourhood search (VNS) based self-adaptive strategy is embedded in the hybrid algorithm to utilise the neighbouring approaches efficiently. Then, an external Pareto archive is developed to record the non-dominated solutions found so far. In addition, a speed-up method is devised to update the Pareto archive set. Experimental results on several well-known benchmarks show the efficiency of the proposed hybrid algorithm. It is concluded that the PLS algorithm is superior to the very recent algorithms, in term of both search quality and computational efficiency. 相似文献
The traditional flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP) considers machine flexibility but not worker flexibility. Given the influence and potential of human factors in improving production efficiency and decreasing the cost in practical production systems, we propose a mathematical model of an extended FJSP with worker flexibility (FJSPW). A hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm (HABCA) is presented to solve the proposed FJSPW. For the HABCA, effective encoding, decoding, crossover and mutation operators are designed, and a new effective local search method is developed to improve the speed and exploitation ability of the algorithm. The Taguchi method of Design of Experiments is used to obtain the best combination of key parameters of the HABCA. Extensive computational experiments carried out to compare the HABCA with some well-performing algorithms from the literature confirm that the proposed HABCA is more effective than these algorithms, especially on large-scale FJSPW instances. 相似文献
This paper proposes two new differential evolution algorithms (DE) for solving the job shop scheduling problem (JSP) that minimises two single objective functions: makespan and total weighted tardiness. The proposed algorithms aim to enhance the efficiency of the search by dynamically balancing exploration and exploitation ability in DE and avoiding the problem of premature convergence. The first algorithm allows DE population to simultaneously perform different mutation strategies in order to extract the strengths of various strategies and compensate for the weaknesses of each individual strategy to enhance the overall performance. The second algorithm allows the whole DE population to change the search behaviour whenever the solutions do not improve. This study also introduces a modified local mutation operation embedded in the two proposed DE algorithms to promote exploitation in different areas of the search space. In addition, a local search technique, called Critical Block (CB) neighbourhood, is applied to enhance the quality of solutions. The performances of the proposed algorithms are evaluated on a set of benchmark problems and compared with results obtained from an efficient existing Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) algorithm. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed DE algorithms yield promising results while using shorter computing times and fewer numbers of function evaluations. 相似文献
Kai Zhou Gao Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan Quan Ke Pan Mehmet Fatih Tasgetiren 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(19):5896-5911
This study addresses flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP) with fuzzy processing time. The fuzzy or uncertainty of processing time is one of seven characteristics in remanufacturing. A discrete harmony search (DHS) algorithm is proposed for FJSP with fuzzy processing time. The objective is to minimise maximum fuzzy completion time. A simple and effective heuristic rule is proposed to initialise harmony population. Extensive computational experiments are carried out using five benchmark cases with eight instances from remanufacturing. The proposed heuristic rule is evaluated using five benchmark cases. The proposed DHS algorithm is compared to six metaheuristics. The results and comparisons show the effectiveness and efficiency of DHS for solving FJSP with fuzzy processing time. 相似文献
车间调度问题是典型的NP难题,也是一种完全耦合的复杂系统.基于公理设计思想对车间调度系统进行了解耦设计,给出了相应的解耦思路及解耦矩阵,提出并实现了一种车间调度算法,并对算法的复杂性进行了分析.以实际车间生产调度作为研究对象,针对实际生产中零件紧急程度不一的情况,为待加工零件赋予不同的权值,并优先考虑调度加工工时较长的零件;采用以解耦设计为总目标,在满足约束条件的情况下,尽量优化压缩加工时间.对算法的复杂性进行了分析,该算法属于三次多项式复杂级,较优于一般的算法.通过2个实例计算和对比,验证了本算法的实用性和有效性. 相似文献
A hybrid genetic algorithm and tabu search for a multi-objective dynamic job shop scheduling problem
In most real manufacturing environments, schedules are usually inevitable with the presence of various unexpected disruptions. In this paper, a rescheduling method based on the hybrid genetic algorithm and tabu search is introduced to address the dynamic job shop scheduling problem with random job arrivals and machine breakdowns. Because the real-time events are difficult to express and take into account in the mathematical model, a simulator is proposed to tackle the complexity of the problem. A hybrid policy is selected to deal with the dynamic feature of the problem. Two objectives, which are the schedule efficiency and the schedule stability, are considered simultaneously to improve the robustness and the performance of the schedule system. Numerical experiments have been designed to test and evaluate the performance of the proposed method. This proposed method has been compared with some common dispatching rules and meta-heuristic algorithms that have been widely used in the literature. The experimental results illustrate that the proposed method is very effective in various shop-floor conditions. 相似文献
The paper investigates the effects of production scheduling policies aimed towards improving productive and environmental performances in a job shop system. A green genetic algorithm allows the assessment of multi-objective problems related to sustainability. Two main considerations have emerged from the application of the algorithm. First, the algorithm is able to achieve a semi-optimal makespan similar to that obtained by the best of other methods but with a significantly lower total energy consumption. Second, the study demonstrated that the worthless energy consumption can be reduced significantly by employing complex energy-efficient machine behaviour policies. 相似文献
Overlapping in operations is an effective technology for productivity improvement in modern manufacturing systems. Thus far, however, there are still rare works on flexible job shop scheduling problems (FJSPs) concerning this strategy. In this paper, we present a hybrid artificial bee colony (hyABC) algorithm to minimise the total flowtime for a FJSP with overlapping in operations. In the proposed hyABC, a dynamic scheme is introduced to fine-tune the search scope adaptively. In view of poor exploitation ability of artificial bee colony algorithm, a modified migrating birds optimisation algorithm (MMBO) is developed and integrated into the search process for better balancing global exploration and local exploitation. In MMBO, a forward share strategy with one-job based crossover is designed to make good use of valuable information from behind solutions. Besides, an improved downward share scheme is adopted to increase diversification of the population, and thus alleviate the premature convergence. Extensive experiments based on benchmark instances with different scales are carried out and comparisons with other recent algorithms identify the effectiveness of the proposed hyABC. 相似文献
针对不确定条件下job shop调度问题的约束条件中含有灰色变量,提出用灰色机会约束规划方法解决不确定条件下job shop调度问题,建立了灰色机会约束规划调度模型.同时,使用灰色模拟的方法和手段解决了灰色机会约束规划问题.给出了如何使用灰色模拟技术处理复杂的灰色机会约束以及基于遗传算法的求最优解的过程,并提出用灰色模拟技术结合遗传算法求解生产调度问题中的灰色不确定规划问题.计算仿真结果表明,这种基于灰色机会约束规划的方法处理不确定条件下车间作业调度问题的模型是可行而有效的. 相似文献
In this paper, we address the flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSP) with release times for minimising the total weighted tardiness by learning dispatching rules from schedules. We propose a random-forest-based approach called Random Forest for Obtaining Rules for Scheduling (RANFORS) in order to extract dispatching rules from the best schedules. RANFORS consists of three phases: schedule generation, rule learning with data transformation, and rule improvement with discretisation. In the schedule generation phase, we present three solution approaches that are widely used to solve FJSPs. Based on the best schedules among them, the rule learning with data transformation phase converts them into training data with constructed attributes and generates a dispatching rule with inductive learning. Finally, the rule improvement with discretisation improves dispatching rules with a genetic algorithm by discretising continuous attributes and changing parameters for random forest with the aim of minimising the average total weighted tardiness. We conducted experiments to verify the performance of the proposed approach and the results showed that it outperforms the existing dispatching rules. Moreover, compared with the other decision-tree-based algorithms, the proposed algorithm is effective in terms of extracting scheduling insights from a set of rules. 相似文献
In this research, missed due date in terms of mean absolute lateness (MAL) and mean square lateness (MSL) has been considered as a performance criterion and a scheduling study has been performed to improve the missed due date performance in dynamic, stochastic, multi machine job shop environments. In the study, a new due date assignment model was proposed and a new dynamic dispatching rule was developed. The results indicate that the proposed due date assignment model is very successful for improving the missed due date performance and the developed dispatching rule is also very successful for meeting the assigned due dates. 相似文献
In this paper, we describe a new heuristic method for simulating and supporting the operations scheduling process in assembly job shop systems. The method is based on the assumption that the improvement in operations synchronisation at fabrication and assembly stations brings forth better achievement of due dates. The method implements two scheduling approaches: a backward approach satisfying due date completely and a forward approach satisfying capacity restrictions completely. The two approaches work iteratively within two different simulation models of the production system – one deterministic and the other probabilistic – in searching for operations synchronisation improvement and due date achievement. The method intends to be integrative, i.e., to be able to integrate effectively three fundamental enterprise systems: order processing, production scheduling, and manufacturing activity control. An experimental study was conceived to evaluate the suitability of the method to support scheduling decision making. As results demonstrate, the method proves to be suitable for this objective. As a co-product, results show the method is better than the single-pass procedure/rules tested on average and is as good as the best single-pass procedure/rule tested. 相似文献
In this article, the multi-objective flexible flow shop scheduling problem with limited intermediate buffers is addressed. The objectives considered in this problem consist of minimizing the completion time of jobs and minimizing the total tardiness time of jobs. A hybrid water flow algorithm for solving this problem is proposed. Landscape analysis is performed to determine the weights of objective functions, which guide the exploration of feasible regions and movement towards the optimal Pareto solution set. Local and global neighbourhood structures are integrated in the erosion process of the algorithm, while evaporation and precipitation processes are included to enhance the solution exploitation capability of the algorithm in unexplored neighbouring regions. An improvement process is used to reinforce the final Pareto solution set obtained. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested with benchmark and randomly generated instances. The computational results and comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. 相似文献
One of the most commonly used methods to schedule manufacturing systems is to use priority dispatching rules (pdrs). It is frequently desired to distinguish the behaviour of pdrs with regard to tardiness-based performance measures. However, the relation among these performance measures is generally not obvious even for simple scheduling strategies such as pdrs. In this paper, we first focus on the maximum tardiness, which is a very interesting performance measure for the decision-maker on the shop floor. However, because of its singularity, it is not trivial to assess. We conducted a simulation study on a benchmark model of a dynamic job-shop system to evaluate the relative performance of a set of pdrs chosen either because they are used extensively or because they exhibit very good performance. Based upon the distribution of the maximum tardiness of these benchmark pdrs, we identify two sub-sets of pdrs. From this, we conducted experiments on the root-mean-square tardiness, which is used to distinguish a system with a few very tardy jobs from a system with a lot of less tardy jobs. The experiments show a positive correlation between maximum tardiness and root-mean-square tardiness. Because of the fact that the root-mean-square tardiness is an aggregate measure, it is much easier to assess than the maximum tardiness. This provides an opportunity to predict the relative performance of pdrs with regard to the maximum tardiness as well as the width of the tardiness by evaluating the root-mean-square tardiness only. 相似文献
Flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP) has been extensively investigated and objectives are often related to time. Energy-related objective should be considered fully in FJSP with the advent of green manufacturing. In this study, FJSP with the minimisation of workload balance and total energy consumption is considered and the conflicting between two objectives is analysed. A shuffled frog-leaping algorithm (SFLA) is proposed based on a three-string coding approach. Population and a non-dominated set are used to construct memeplexes according to tournament selection and the search process of each memeplex is done on its non-dominated member. Extensive experiments are conducted to test the search performance of SFLA and computational results show the conflicting between two objectives of FJSP and the promising advantages of SFLA on the considered FJSP. 相似文献
This research presents a new reactive scheduling methodology for job shop, make-to-order industries. An integer linear programming formulation previously developed by the authors to schedule these types of industries is extended to address the problem of inserting new orders in a predetermined schedule, which is important in order-driven industries. A reactive scheduling algorithm is introduced to iteratively update the schedules. Numerical results on realistic examples of job shops of different sizes illustrate the effectiveness of the approach. In each case, different alternatives for inserting a set of new orders in an initial schedule are optimally generated, enabling the user to choose the most convenient one. Solutions are characterised by measures of scheduling efficiency as well as stability measures that assess the impact of rescheduling operations in a previously defined scheduling solution. 相似文献
This paper studied two-stage permutation flow shop problems with batch processing machines, considering different job sizes and arbitrary arrival times, with the optimisation objective of minimising the makespan. The quantum-inspired ant colony optimisation (QIACO) algorithm was proposed to solve the problem. In the QIACO algorithm, the ants are divided into two groups: one group selects the largest job in terms of job size as the initial job for each batch and the other group selects the smallest job as the initial job for each batch. Each group of ants has its own pheromone matrix. In the computational experiment, our novel algorithm was compared with the hybrid discrete differential evolution (HDDE) algorithm and the batch-based hybrid ant colony optimisation (BHACO) algorithm. Although the HDDE algorithm has a shorter run time, the quality of the solution for large-scale jobs is not good, while the BHACO algorithm always obtains a better solution but requires a longer run time. The computational results show that the QIACO algorithm embedded in the quantum information has advantages in terms of both solution quality and running time. 相似文献
Xiao-Qin Wan 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(6):1746-1760
The problems of integrated assembly job shop (AJS) scheduling and self-reconfiguration in knowledgeable manufacturing are studied with the objective of minimising the weighted sum of completion cost of products, the earliness penalty of operations and the training cost of workers. In AJS, each workstation consists of a certain number of teams of workers. A product is assumed to have a tree structure consisting of components and subassemblies. The assembly of components, subassemblies and final products are optimised with the capacity of workstations simultaneously. A heuristic algorithm is developed to solve the problem. Dominance relations of operations are derived and applied in the development of the heuristic. A backward insertion search strategy is designed to locally optimise the operation sequence. Once the optimal schedule is acquired, the teams are reconfigured by transferring them from workstations of lower utilisation to those of higher utilisation. Effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is tested by a number of numerical experiments. The results show that the proposed algorithm promises lower total cost and desirable simultaneous self-reconfiguration in accordance with scheduling. 相似文献
Much of the research on operations scheduling problems has either ignored setup times or assumed that setup times on each machine are independent of the job sequence. Furthermore, most scheduling problems that have been discussed in the literature are under the assumption that machines are continuously available. Nevertheless, in most real-life industries a machine can be unavailable for many reasons, such as unanticipated breakdowns (stochastic unavailability), or due to scheduled preventive maintenance where the periods of unavailability are known in advance (deterministic unavailability). This paper deals with hybrid flow shop scheduling problems in which there are sequence-dependent setup times (SDSTs), and machines suffer stochastic breakdowns, to optimise objectives based on the expected makespan. With the increase in manufacturing complexity, conventional scheduling techniques for generating a reasonable manufacturing schedule have become ineffective. An immune algorithm (IA) can be used to tackle complex problems and produce a reasonable manufacturing schedule within an acceptable time. In this research, a computational method based on a clonal selection principle and an affinity maturation mechanism of the immune response is used. This paper describes how we can incorporate simulation into an immune algorithm for the scheduling of a SDST hybrid flow shop with machines that suffer stochastic breakdowns. The results obtained are analysed using a Taguchi experimental design. 相似文献