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The interaction between nine dispatching and four next station selection rules in a relatively large dedicated FMS is investigated. The FMS contains 16 workstations with local buffers, nine load/unload stations, and produces six different part types. A simulation model is used, and analysed as a steady-state model. Flowtime is taken as the main criterion. It is found that WINQ (select the station whose input buffer contains the smallest amount of work) dominates, performing significantly better than the other next station selection rules considered across all dispatching rules, with few significant differences between dispatching rules when combined with WINQ. SIO/TOT (select the job with the smallest ratio obtained by dividing the processing time of the imminent operation by the total processing time for the part) performs marginally better than the other dispatching rules, particularly SIO (select the job with the shortest imminent processing time). Reasons for when a next station selection rule is more important than a dispatching rule, and vice versa, are discussed. 相似文献
The tool allocation problem in a flexible manufacturing system generally aims at (1) maximizing throughput (2) minimizing machining cost (3) minimizing system imbalance. This paper presents a heuristic approach of loading a set of tools to the different machining centres in the case of variable machining time. Concepts of fuzzy set theory to determine threshold machining time and a potency index (PI) to prioritize parts are used to solve the problem. 相似文献
Ulrich A.W. Tetzlaff 《IIE Transactions》1996,28(4):309-317
The analytical model in this paper allows the evaluation of the performance of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) with a tool management system. Design parameters such as the transportation time for tools to machines, as well as the number of transportation vehicles for tools, are explicitly considered. The part and the tool transportation system are modeled as two interacting closed queueing networks. The classical convolution algorithm is used to evaluate the part transportation system and mean value analysis approximation is applied to evaluate the tool transportation system. The resulting set of nonlinear equations allows then to estimate important system parameters such as the throughput of parts, the utilization of the tool transportation vehicles and the service interruptions caused by a tool supply order. 相似文献
U. A. W. TETZLAFF 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(4):877-892
The design of tool management systems for Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) is analysed. An algorithm is given, which allows performance evaluation of an FMS with its tool management system. The procedure applies queueing network theory in order to estimate important performance parameters. Of particular interest is the tool blocking time, which is defined as the time a machine is idle while it waits for the required tools. 相似文献
This paper presents a real-time scheduling methodology which uses simulation and dispatching rules for flexible manufacturing systems. We develop a scheduling mechanism in which job dispatching rules vary dynamically based on information from discrete event simulation that is used for evaluating candidate dispatching rules. In this paper, we improve and extend a previous research on simulation-based real-time scheduling by suggesting a more systematic framework for the scheduling mechanism through refinement of functions of modules in the mechanism, and by presenting and analysing various scheduling strategies used to operate the mechanism. The strategies are formed by combining two factors that might influence the performance of the mechanism: type of simulation model which is used in the mechanism and points of time when new dispatching rules are selected. In order to compare performance of the scheduling strategies, computational experiments are performed and results are reported. 相似文献
This paper presents a new approach to the loading problem in flexible manufacturing systems. It focuses on the existence of alternatives routes for each part type. Also, the optimal number of copies of each tool type to be loaded into each tool magazine is directly determined. Thus, the decision variables are the routing mix and the tool allocation. The loading objective is to balance machine workloads. Constraints on the number of available tools and on tool magazine capacities can be imposed. The problem is modelled as a mixed-integer linear program. Also, an extension of the model is formulated that includes part type selection. 相似文献
Nearly all of the literature on part type selection for flexible manufacturing systems has focused on maximizing throughput. We present an approach for part type selection in which meeting due dates is the primary objective. The approach is based on the idea of using information from the solution of an approximate, aggregate scheduling problem as the basis for determining release priorities. The need for the approximation and aggregation arises because the exact machine configuration (partitioning of identical machines into groups, and loading of tools) cannot be decided until the parts are selected. We develop and evaluate several different policies for setting release priorities in a context where the approximate, aggregate schedule is constructed using list scheduling (dispatching) rules. The results indicate that using information from such a schedule to set release priorities performs far better than using simpler procedures. 相似文献
A multistage algorithm is proposed that will solve the scheduling problem in a flexible manufacturing system by considering the interrelated subproblems of processing time control, tool allocation and machining conditions optimization. The main objective of the proposed algorithm is to minimize total production cost consisting of tooling, operational and tardiness costs. The proposed integrated approach recognizes an important trade-off in automated manufacturing systems that has been largely unrecognized, and which is believed can be effectively exploited to improve production efficiency and lead to substantial cost reductions. 相似文献
This paper reports the results of an experimental investigation of scheduling decision rules for a dedicated flexible manufacturing system. A simulation model of an existing flexible manufacturing system (FMS) comprised of 16 computer numerical controlled machines (CNC) was constructed using actual operation routings and machining times to evaluate the performance of various part loading and routing procedures. The results indicate that FMS performance is significantly affected by the choice of heuristic parts scheduling rules. 相似文献
This paper discusses the scheduling problem of a particular flexible manufacturing system (FMS). The two main components of the FMS are a CNC turret lathe and a CNC machining centre. In the system a wide range of different jobs has to be processed. Each job consists of one or more processing operations on one or both machines. Important characteristics of the scheduling problem are sequence-dependent change-over times (on the turret lathe) and transfer times (on both machines and between the machines). The change-over times are caused by the need to exchange tools in the turret when a new part is going to be processed. The transfer times reflect the time needed to perform manual transportation and clamping activities between two subsequent processing (machining) operations of a part. In this paper a branch and bound algorithm is described based on an active schedule strategy. Solutions are compared to results obtained by a simple dispatching rule 相似文献
In this paper the machine loading and tool allocation problem of an FMS is discussed, A mathematical model is developed to determine the routings of parts through the machines and to allocate appropriate cutting tools to each machine to achieve minimum overall machining cost. Computational experience with this model is presented under various system and operation parameter values. Computational refinements based on lagrangean relaxation are also discussed. 相似文献
Materials-handling systems are an integrating component of manufacturing operations and as such must be considered within a common framework in manufacturing systems design. This work proposes a first approach to the simultaneous consideration of the operation allocation and the materials-handling system selection problems in a flexible manufacturing system. The objective of the operation allocation model is to select a group of machines where the operations of the part types will be performed and then to assign those operations to the selected machines. The operation allocation model interfaces with the materials-handling system selection model by providing input data in the form of the manufacturing operations to be performed at each machining centre. The selection of the materials-handling system is centred on the matching of the parts visiting a machining centre to perform a manufacturing operation and the abilities of the handling equipment to perform the required materials handling functions of those part types. The objective is to select an optimal group of materials-handling equipment to be assigned to a cell. 相似文献
This paper investigates static and dynamic tooling policies in a general flexible manufacturing system (GFMS). The GFMS environment is characterized by the presence of a large product variety and small unit volume exogenous demand. Such an environment is typically found in Japanese manufacturing facilities, and is distinctly different from the small product variety and moderate to large part volume environments found in dedicated FMSs existing in many US firms. Little guidance is available for managing such GFMS systems, even as more firms in US are moving towards implementing them with the strategic objective of increasing their product and process flexibility. Results from our study show that machine breakdowns, the presence of duplicate tooling, and tooling policy all affect performance. In addition, the adverse impact of product mix lumpiness can generally be managed by dynamically tooling the machines on a daily basis. Thus different tooling approaches are needed for the GFMS environment, whereby more emphasis should be placed on understanding the tradeoff between spreading the movement of parts and movement of tools. Several recommendations for managing such GFMSs are provided, along with future research directions in this area. 相似文献
JEFFREY L. FUNK 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(7):1065-1080
Although many companies have found JIT manufacturing to be a very effective manufacturing strategy, few models have been developed which can help direct JIT efforts. This article discusses some of the problems with modelling JIT manufacturing, it describes some simple models of inventory costs in a JIT system and it uses these models to evaluate alternative inventory-cost reduction strategies in a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly system. 相似文献
Recent technological developments have allowed a new concept of a part program to execute the machining operations that remove the software constraints introduced by the numerical control of machining centres. This change allows machines executing a part program to be structured as a net of operations and not linearly as normally happens in shop floors. The main advantage of using the network part program in numerically controlled machines is that it gives the system more flexibility by increasing the number of alternatives that machines can follow during work. In such a way, machines select their path in the network part program taking into account the dynamic state of resources (e.g. spindles, tools, carriers, pallets, etc.). The paper contains a study on the flexibility related to network part program exploitation in numerically controlled machines. Easy-to-calculate indicators are also defined. They estimate the potential flexibility of a network part program related to a particular product. The study has allowed the definition of a new tool management rule to be used in a flexible manufacturing system where the tools are shared dynamically among machines. The numerical results carried out on two different real cases demonstrate the validity of the new concept by quantifying the advantages in terms of throughput increment and machine idle-time reduction. 相似文献
In this work we describe the design of a tool management system of a flexible manufacturing facility operating in the avionics components industry, The design included several modifications to the existing system. While previously the tool handling devices were used only to perform machine setup, the modifications allowed the tools to be shared among machines. This allowed a full exploitation of the flexibility of the system. In the work we thoroughly report on the procedures implemented for the determination of tools to be duplicated, for part routeing and scheduling, and for tool movements synchronization. 相似文献
In Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs). a cutting tool is frequently used for different operations and on different part types to minimize tool change-overs and the number of tools required, and to increase part-routing flexibility. In such situations, the tools become shared resources and work in job-dependent, changeable and nonhomogeneous conditions. It is well known that the tool failure rate depends on both age and machining conditions and that tool reliability is a function of the duration, machining conditions, and the sequence of the operations in FMS. The objective of this paper is to obtain a schedule of the optimal preventive replacement times for the cutting tools over a finite time horizon in a flexible manufacturing system. We assume that the tool will be replaced either upon failure during an operation or preventively after the completion of each operation, incurring different replacement costs. A standard stochastic dynamic programming approach is taken to obtain the optimal tool replacement times. The optimal schedule is obtained by minimizing the total expected cost over a finite time horizon for a given sequence of operations. A computational algorithm is developed and a numerical example is given to demonstrate the procedure. 相似文献
This paper examines the problem of master scheduling for an FMS in Scotland containing six CNC horizontal boring machines. A multiple criteria approach is used to choose the compatible subset of candidate orders for processing by this FMS, subject to resource constraints and potentially conflicting performance objectives. A structured framework for conflict resolution is described and compromise solutions are obtained using standard mathematical programming software. 相似文献
Flexible Manufacturing Systems represent a significant investment and their introduction involves a major project for a company. This paper refers to the introduction of FMS in a company. It discusses various management aspects of the project, and its main subject is the simulation modelling of the system. The objectives of the simulation studies are given and the model described. Results are given and commented on, whereby certain capacity limitations were identified. As a result of the studies, weaknesses in the supplier's control software were highlighted and modifications made. 相似文献
This paper describes an intelligent decision support system (IDSS) for real time control of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS). The controller is capable of classifying symptoms in developing the control policies on FMSs with flexibility in operation assignment and scheduling of multi-purpose machining centres which have different tools with their own efficiency. The proposed system is implemented by coupling of rule-based IDSS, simulation block and centralised simulation optimiser for elicitation of shop floor control knowledge. This posteriori adaptive controller uses a new bilateral mechanism in simulation optimiser block for offline training of IDSS based on multi-performance criteria simulation optimisation. The proposed intelligent controller receives online information of the FMS current state and trigger appropriate control rule within real-time simulation data exchange. Finally the FMS intelligent controller is validated by a benchmark test problem. Application of this adaptive controller showed that it could be an effective approach for real time control of various flexible manufacturing systems. 相似文献