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张伟  王照亮  徐明海 《热能动力工程》2012,27(4):429-433,513,514
分别以蒸馏水和无水乙醇为工质在闭式循环喷雾冷却系统上研究了喷雾流量、表面结构、喷雾工质对传热性能的影响。从对流换热和相变换热比例关系的角度对实验数据进行了整理。结果表明:随喷雾流量的增加,热流密度增加、相变换热份额降低。当水喷雾流量为227.1 g/min、表面温度为74.32℃时,热流密度达到6.8×105W/m2;表面温度对换热有较大影响,温度越高换热性能愈强,无水乙醇的换热始终强于蒸馏水,特别是表面温度较高时,强化换热效果更为明显;其相变份额同样始终大于蒸馏水,表面温度为50℃、流量同为27.52 g/min时,蒸馏水的相变换热份额仅为20.4%,而无水乙醇的达到55.5%。微结构表面虽然减弱了对流换热能力,但减薄了液膜厚度,增强相变换热能力,使换热效果大幅提升。给出了反映表面温度影响的无量纲准则方程。  相似文献   

应宇辰  赵建华 《节能》2019,(4):57-59
柴油机产生的高温废气是船舶红外信号的主要来源,红外成像系统可根据红外信号对船舶进行定位。选用气液两相流喷嘴,对柴油机排气喷雾冷却过程中的热负荷和所需水量进行了理论计算,以WD-615斯太尔柴油机试验平台为基础,将计算结果与实验数据进行对比分析,验证了柴油机排气系统喷雾冷却降温技术对柴油机排气的红外抑制效果。结果表明,该方法可有效降低柴油机排气温度,随着喷入水流量的增加,柴油机排气温度逐渐下降,下降速度由快及慢,当水量增加到一定程度时,用水量对排气温度再无影响。  相似文献   

为了解决传统空气冷却系统散热效率不足的问题,通过实验方法将喷雾蒸发过程与强制空气冷却相结合,强化电池热管理系统的散热效率。建立了基于热管阵列/喷雾冷却复合结构的电池组散热系统,对比了不同冷却措施的散热性能,研究了入口风速、喷雾频率及喷雾占空比对系统散热性能的影响规律。结果表明:复合温控结构在1 C倍率下可完全抑制电池组升温,在3 C倍率下可将电池组平均温度维持在41℃左右;采用10 s喷雾周期进行冷却可将电池组平均温度降低2℃,喷雾频率的增加可显著降低电池温度波动。  相似文献   

为了研究燃气轮机空气管道喷雾冷却过程中流场分布、雾滴运动轨迹及冷却效果,基于欧拉-拉格朗日粒子追踪模型开展了喷雾冷却的数值研究,探究了不同雾滴尺寸、喷水量条件下,进气管道内流场特性、温度分布以及压力损失。模型为实测L型进气管道,横截面尺寸为3 m■8 m,直管段长度为11.6 m,竖直段长度为6.9 m,在直管段的端部均匀布置3×8喷嘴阵列,雾化水温度为15℃,喷吹速度为60 m/s,管道空气流速为3 m/s。研究表明:喷嘴雾滴喷入量为零和100%时,出口平面的速度分布标准差分别为0.60和0.71,喷雾对流场分布未产生太大影响;雾滴直径越大在管道内的运动距离越远,汽化长度越长,雾滴直径为50μm时,完全汽化所需长度达14.05 m;喷雾冷却前后压损率分别为12.55%和8.59%,喷雾后总压损减小,流场改善;随喷水量增大,出口气体含湿量增大,出口温度降低,当喷水量为100%时,降温达12.43℃。  相似文献   

针对我国北方地区发电厂中冷却水塔冬季防冻问题,提出了循环冷却水塔快速喷雾结冰技术.通过与悬挂挡风板冷却塔的对比,论证了快速啧雾结冰技术在优化调节循环水温度及循环冷却水塔防寒防冻方面的明显优势.结果表明:采用快速喷雾结冰技术能够使冷却水塔在严寒季节或天气情况突变时安全运行,可以使机组循环水温度随着环境温度高低和机组负荷大小而自动调整,以达到最佳值,从而提高了机组的经济性.  相似文献   

设计搭建了喷雾冷却实验台,以去离子水为冷却工质,研究了喷雾高度和流量对光滑表面和方肋表面传热系数的影响。喷雾高度从29 mm降低到10 mm,喷雾流量的变化范围为20~32 L/h。实验结果表明:喷雾高度从29 mm降低到14 mm,表面传热系数增加72%,而从14 mm降低到10 mm,表面传热系数仅增加2.7%;喷雾流量从20 L/h增加到32 L/h,表面温度降低2.4 ℃,表面传热系数增加10.6%;在相同的实验工况下,方肋表面的传热系数始终大于光滑表面。  相似文献   

为研究柴油机受限空间燃烧室内喷雾液滴撞壁特性,采用流体体积法,并考虑传热及接触热阻作用,建立了液滴撞壁模型,并开展液滴撞壁数值研究,揭示了液滴撞壁微细流动传热机理。结果表明:液滴直径越大,液滴最大铺展系数越大,但液滴达到最大铺展系数所需无量纲时间与液滴直径不相关;液滴铺展系数与接触角不相关,且液滴达到最大铺展系数所需无量纲时间与接触角不相关;液滴最大铺展系数与液滴直径的平方近似线性递增;液滴最大铺展系数与雷诺数和韦伯数近似线性递增。  相似文献   

循环冷却水塔快速喷雾结冰技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了循环冷却水塔快速喷雾结冰技术的产生背景、基本原理、组成部分及优点,以在辽宁东方发电有限公司1号机组循环冷却水塔上的成功应用为例,与常规悬挂挡风板防冻法进行了对比,论证了其在优化调整循环水温度及循环水塔防寒防冻方面的明显优势,并对该项技术的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

利用PLIEF技术研究超高压燃油喷雾雾化和混合过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用复合激光诱导荧光(PLIEF)技术,对燃烧室内自由发展阶段超高压喷雾的贯穿距离、锥角及气液相浓度分布情况进行了研究.实验中喷油压力从160 MPa升高到220 MPa,环境气体密度由3.7 kg/m3变化到7.4 kg/m3.研究发现,随着喷油压力升高,气相喷雾不均匀度在喷油定时T=42°CA RTDC时减小了36.7%,而在喷油定时T=-6°CA BTDC时仅减小28.4%.同时,气、液相喷雾锥角显著增大,贯穿距离小幅度减小.根据实验数据,提出了一个喷雾贯穿距离修正公式.研究还发现,当L/d0≥90时,喷雾已得到充分发展,比传统压力研究结果小很多.  相似文献   

刘绍谦  李海英 《节能》2023,(12):19-22
针对固体激光设备、电子设备以及能源系统热管理系统热流密度过高、换热效率较低以及耗能较大的难题,提出两相流喷雾冷却新方案。利用控制变量法,通过模拟与实验研究喷雾冷却过程中热沉表面温度变化趋势、热沉表面温度分布规律、换热系数变化规律。研究表明:气液两相流喷雾可以实现快速均匀的冷却;热沉表面温度随被冷却物体底面热流密度的增加而增加,底面的热流密度为20 W/cm2时,热沉表面温度最低,为35.6℃;热沉表面的换热系数随被冷却物体底面热流密度值的增加而增大,底面的热流密度为90 W/cm2时,热沉表面换热系数最高,为13 165.9 W/(m2·K)。  相似文献   

In this study, a test system for spray cooling, in which the heating surface temperatures were simultaneously measured by thermocouples and an infrared imager, was set up. A mathematical model of spray cooling heat transfer characteristics was presented based on the fundamentals of dynamics and heat transfer. The temperature distribution on the heating surface was investigated by the experimental and theoretical methods, the surface temperature non-uniformity and its influencing factors were analyzed. The predictions by the model coincided with the experimental results well, and a comparison was demonstrated with a deviation below 10%. It can be concluded that the surface temperature non-uniformity is influenced by the spray characteristics, nozzle-to-surface distance, inlet pressure, heat flux, spray angle and the system pressure. In the case of the same heat flux, the surface temperature non-uniformity can be reduced by the small spray angle, low system pressure, low nozzle-to-surface distance, and the high inlet pressure.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of droplet velocity non-uniformity, SMD (Sauter mean diameter) distribution non-uniformity, droplet number non-uniformity, and heating power on the fluid film thickness, fluid film velocity, and surface temperature distribution were investigated, and then the surface temperature non-uniformity correlations in non-boiling regime and nucleate boiling regime were correlated. The results show that: with the decreasing of the spray parameters non-uniformity, the fluid film thickness on the heating surface becomes more uniform, and the fluid film velocity increases, thus the surface temperature non-uniformity decreases. The highest surface temperature appears in the centre of the heating surface, and the lowest is nearby the position where the fluid film appears. The droplet number non-uniformity contributes the largest portion of impact on the surface temperature non-uniformity, followed by the droplet velocity non-uniformity. The effect of droplet SMD non-uniformity is the minimal. Finally, the surface temperature non-uniformity correlations in non-boiling regime and nucleate boiling regime were correlated with a mean absolute error of 20%.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to study the effects of enhanced surfaces on heat transfer performance during water spray cooling in non-boiling regime. The surface enhancement is straight fin. The structures were machined on the top surface of heated copper blocks with a cross-sectional area of 10 mm×10 mm. The spray was performed using Unijet full cone nozzles with a volumetric flux of 0.044–0.053 m3/(m2·s) and a nozzle height of 17 mm. It is found that the heat transfer is obviously enhanced for straight fin surfaces relative to the flat surface. However, the increment decreases as the fin height increases. For flat surface and enhanced surfaces with a fin height of 0.1 mm and 0.2 mm, as the coolant flux increases, the heat flux increases as well. However, for finned surface with a height of 0.4 mm, the heat flux is not sensitive to the coolant volumetric flux. Changed film thickness and the form of water/surface interaction due to an enhanced surface structure (different fin height) are the main reasons for changing of the local heat transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

An experimental study of a closed-loop impingement spray cooling system to cool a 1 kW 6U electronic test card has been conducted. The system uses R134a as working fluid in a modified refrigeration cycle. The spray from four vapor assisted nozzles is arranged to cover a large ratio of the heated area of the card. Investigations are currently focused on effects of mass flow rate, nozzle inlet pressure and spray chamber pressure. Experimental results are promising with a stable average temperature of around 23 °C being maintained at the heated surface, and maximum temperature variation of about 2 °C under suitable operating conditions. Heat transfer coefficients up to 5596 W/m2 K can be achieved with heat flux input around 50,000 W/m2 in this study. It is found that cooling performance improved with increasing mass flow rate, nozzle inlet pressure and spray chamber pressure, whereas uniformity of the heated surface temperature can only be improved with higher mass flow rate and nozzle inlet pressure. The mechanisms for the enhanced performance are also presented.  相似文献   

Capillary ceiling radiant cooling panel is a high temperature cooling system, which could pose low energy consumption to meet thermal comfort requirements. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation study on heat transfer of chilled water flow in the capillary of ceiling radiant cooling panel was performed to attain surface temperature distributions and cooling capacities. Six influencing factors included chilled water inlet parameters, conditions of gypsum plaster and capillary mats structural parameters were considered to obtain the complicated relationships between capillary radiant panel conditions and heat transfer performance. The index of temperature non-uniformity coefficient was proposed to evaluate temperature profiles of ceiling panel surface. The results of the simulation were compared with the values depicted in ASHRAE Handbook and good agreement had been achieved. The average difference between simulation results and the values reported by ASHRAE handbook was within the region of 15%. The research results showed that temperature non-uniformity coefficient was negatively correlated with temperature of chilled inlet water (linear correlation), water velocity (correlation coefficient R = −0.85), and pipe diameter (correlation coefficient R = −0.93), but positively and linearly correlated with tube spacing. Cooling capacity was found to have negative linear correlation with temperature of chilled inlet water, covering thickness and tube spacing.  相似文献   

Optimal spray characteristics in water spray cooling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The dependence of the efficiency of liquid usage (η) at CHF on spray parameters was experimentally investigated for subcooled water spray cooling. A spray can be characterized by three independent parameters (droplet Sauter-mean diameter, d32, droplet velocity, V, and droplet flux, N). In this study, each of these parameters was varied with the other two kept constant by using a combination of spray nozzles, operating pressures, and distance between the nozzle exit and the heater surface. It was found that η varies with N−2/3, and V1/4, respectively, when two of the three spray parameters are kept nearly constant. It was also found that CHF varies with N1/6 and V1/4 and is relatively independent of d32. It is concluded that to achieve the maximum possible CHF while using the minimum quantity of water, it is desirable to select nozzles that produce as small a droplet diameter with as high a velocity as possible.  相似文献   

A hybrid technique of the Laplace transform and finite-difference methods in conjunction with the least-squares method and experimental temperature data inside the test material is applied to investigate the spray cooling of a hot surface. In this study, the unknown surface temperature and heat flux will be predicted. Their functional forms are unknown a priori in the present study and are assumed to be the functions of time before performing the inverse calculation. The whole time domain is divided into several analysis sub-time intervals and then these unknown estimates on each analysis interval can be predicted. In order to validate the accuracy of the present inverse method, comparisons between the present estimates and previous estimated results are made. The results show that the present estimates of the unknown temperature at various measurement locations agree with the previous estimated results and experimental temperature data. However, the present estimates of the unknown surface heat flux deviate from the previous estimated results for larger times.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted with PF-5052 liquid sprays impacting a 1.0 × 1.0 cm2 heated test surface at different inclination angles, flow rates, and subcoolings. Inclination angle had no noticeable effect on the single-phase or two-phase regions of the boiling curve. Maximum CHF was always achieved with the spray impinging normal to the test surface; increasing angle of inclination away from the normal decreased CHF appreciably. Video analysis showed inclined sprays produced lateral liquid film flow towards the farthest downstream region of the test surface. The film liquid provided partial resistance to dryout despite the weak volumetric spray flux in the downstream region. A new theoretical model of the spray’s impact area and volumetric flux proves this decrease is the result of a sharp reduction in the fraction of the test surface area that is directly impacted by the spray. Combining the model and video results with a previous point-based CHF correlation for normal sprays is shown to accurately predict the effects of orientation angle on CHF for different nozzles and operating conditions.  相似文献   

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