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Gynecomastia is one of the common symptoms of feminizing syndrome in males. Causes of feminizing syndrome are considered the increase of serum level of estrogen, prolactin, LH and hCG and testosterone deficiency. The condition of gynecomastia was commonly silent. Gynecomastia is classified three groups those are physiological, pathological and ideopathic gynecomastia. Physiological gynecomastia was reported to break out healthy males. Ideopathic gynecomastia is the main cause in medicine. Characterization of pathological gynecomastia are known side effect of drugs, testosterone deficiency and increased estrogen production. Gynecomastia is making satisfactory progress by treatment of the causes, but long term of the history merely have need resection.  相似文献   

A case of primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the male breast is reported. The patient was a 76-year-old Japanese with a history of bilateral gynecomastia. After the patient had received sex hormone treatment for the gynecomastia, rapid growth of a tumor in the right breast was noted, with regression of a contralateral breast lesion. Clinically, inflammatory breast cancer was suspected, and right mastectomy with ipsilateral axillary lymph node dissection was performed after intraarterial infusion chemotherapy using a cis-platinum derivative. The histology of the surgical specimen was non-Hodgkin malignant lymphoma of the diffuse large cell type, with focal tumor necrosis. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells showed a B-cell nature. The patient is currently well without disease 39 months after surgery.  相似文献   

Constipation is a common complaint that physicians encounter. Understanding the patient's definition of constipation and focusing the history and physical examination provide clues to the underlying cause. Initially, an empiric treatment trial is recommended. For patients with warning symptoms or those in whom treatment fails, a limited diagnostic work-up is suggested. Tests of physiologic function are reserved for patients whose condition is refractory to therapy. Fecal impaction can be considered extreme constipation. The pathophysiologic features of fecal impaction are discussed, and recommendations are provided for treatment and prevention.  相似文献   

The accumulation of 99mTc(V)-DMSA in bilateral breasts was recognized in a 60-year-old male with drug-induced gynecomastia. There are some reports describing 99mTc(V)-DMSA accumulation in normal female breast, fibrous dysplasia of the breast and metastatic lesions of breast carcinoma, but to my knowledge, there have been no reports describing 99mTc(V)-DMSA accumulation in gynecomastia.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal surgical problems often mimic symptoms and signs of nonsurgical conditions that occur during pregnancy. This mimicry presents a particular challenge to diagnosis because avoiding a delay in treatment is critical to successful management. Some of these conditions, such as acute appendicitis and biliary colic, are common in younger women; however, the anatomic and physiologic changes of pregnancy can alter their usual manner of presentation. Many elective and urgent operations can be performed during pregnancy with minimal risk to the mother and fetus. The mother's condition should always take priority because her proper treatment usually benefits the fetus as well.  相似文献   

This is a case report of a patient who prematurely terminated two previous magnetic resonance imaging procedures because of his highly claustrophobic condition. The patient was induced into a hypnotic trance twice before his third magnetic resonance imaging examination and he was given posthypnotic suggestions for decreased anxiety and increased physiologic control. Using a communication device with headphones on the patient, he was induced into a trance as he entered the magnet. This patient was successfully able to cope with this procedure and reported great satisfaction with treatment.  相似文献   

Although the carpal tunnel is open at both ends, it has the physiologic properties of a closed compartment bounded by synovium proximally and distally. When the intracarpal canal interstitial pressure rises above a critical threshold pressure, capillary blood flow is reduced below the level required for median nerve viability. Acute carpal tunnel syndrome is recognized frequently as occurring secondary to wrist trauma and infrequently due to a variety of infectious, rheumatologic, and hematologic disorders. This condition warrants prompt recognition and the treatment is early carpal tunnel release.  相似文献   

A case of orthostatic syncope with tachycardia and hypertension is described. Initially the condition was interpreted as a dysfunction in the neurovascular orthostatic regulation, but extensive physiologic examinations failed to give a comprehensive explanation. A psychiatric examination demonstrated the condition eventually to be hysteriform and the patient was completely cured by psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Fecal incontinence is a physically and psychologically disabling condition that affects millions of Americans, especially those over the age of 65 years. The pathophysiology is often multifactorial, with decreased anorectal sensation, reduced rectal compliance. anal sphincter dysfunction, altered stool consistency and immobility playing significant roles. A detailed history and a thorough physical examination are always necessary in patients with fecal incontinence and physiologic tests, including anorectal manometry, cinedefecography and electromyography, may be required for proper diagnosis and treatment. In most patients fecal incontinence is initially treated with conservative measures, such as biofeedback training or alteration of the stool consistency (if appropriate). If conservative management fails, surgical intervention, such as sphincteroplasty or gracilis muscle transposition, may be considered.  相似文献   

A case of bronchogenic carcinoma accompanied with gynecomastia was reported. The enlargement of bilateral breasts was discovered for 3 months before admission with continuous low grade fever, dyspnea and weight loss. The patient was a heavy smoker and had chronic bronchitis. Physical examination revealed bilateral enlargement of breasts, the diameter of each breast was 12 cm and the height was 6 cm. Serum human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) was > 2000 miu/ml, prolactin (PRL) 41.5 ng/ml, luteinizing hormone (LH) > 200 miu/ml. The chest X-ray film showed scattered nodular shadows in both lung fields. Tumor cells were found in the lung tissue obtained by biopsy after death suggesting of adenocarcinoma. The pathogenesis of gynecomastia was discussed.  相似文献   

The condition of the fetus during pregnancy was assessed by 1,763 antepartum cardiotocograms made in 386 patients with the use of fetal movements and physiologic uterine contractions. There appeared to be a significant correlation between the cardiotocograms and the obstetric outcome.  相似文献   

This report followed the management of a 56-year-old female suffering from TMD caused by trauma to her temporal head area. The management consisted of occlusal devices until her condition stabilized followed by prosthodontic rehabilitation to obtain and maintain a physiologic maximum intercuspation.  相似文献   

Because impotence has both physiologic and psychologic components, it seems that impotent patients might benefit from a holistic approach to treatment that includes a medical regimen for physiologic factors as well as treatment for social and psychologic factors. The spousal relationship is one social and/or psychological factor. Often, a male experiences his sexual dysfunction as profoundly stressful while the partner finds it annoying or disturbing, but not threatening to the overall bond between them (Rust, Golombok, & Collier, 1988). This study was conducted to explore patient perception of the spousal (partner) relationship during admission to an erectile dysfunction clinic.  相似文献   

A male Macaca arctoides imported as an adult in 1966, has demonstrated bilateral galactorrhea since 1973. The animal has not shown any clinical signs of gynecomastia, ill health, or reproductive failure. A sample of the secretion expressed from his nipples contained 2-5% lactose.  相似文献   

Klinefelter's syndrome is characterized by hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, 47,XXY karyotype, gynecomastia, azoospermia and testicular atrophy with hyalinization of seminiferous tubules and hyperplasia of Leydig cells. Some cases of Klinefelter's syndrome with unexplainably low levels of gonadotropins have been reported in the literature. Two additional cases of Klinefelter's syndrome with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and absence of Leydig cells are described.  相似文献   

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory condition that may affect any part of the gastrointestinal system and multiple extraintestinal organs. Although its exact pathogenesis remains unknown, increasing evidence suggests an abnormality in the control of "physiologic" inflammation caused by bacterial and other antigens. Diagnosis starts with a careful history and physical examination, and confirmation rests with radiologic and histologic studies. Newer treatments are more specifically targeting the cascade of cytokine-mediated events that perpetuate inflammation.  相似文献   

It is estimated that there are up to 14 to 15 million diabetics in the United States and that many are unaware of their condition. Millions of women will become pregnant each year, although many will take oral contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. Thousands of patients are prescribed chronic doses of glucocorticoid medications every year. Many of these patients can be expected to seek some degree of dental care. The dentist must have a basic understanding of the physiologic changes associated with each of these endocrinological conditions to provide safe and appropriate dental care.  相似文献   

A prospective study of 66 consecutive patients with cardiac wounds seen over a 27-month period is reported. No patient was excluded. Patients were stratified by injury mechanism and by physiologic scoring at admission using the cardiovascular-respiratory elements of the Trauma Score (CVRS). Admission cardiac rhythm was obtained in patients with a CVRS of 0 and a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 3. Information concerning the anatomic extent of the cardiac wound, the presence or absence of tamponade, and the degree of injury to other structures was also collected prospectively. Seventy percent of the cardiac wounds were caused by gunshots. The probability of successful resuscitation was significantly related to mechanism of injury and physiologic condition on arrival. Among patients arriving with a CVRS of 0 and a GCS score of 3, survival correlated with cardiac rhythm. Pericardial tamponade did not prove to be an independent predictor of early survival. The presence of tamponade was statistically linked to the mechanism of injury. Transport by non-official conveyance was associated with a higher CVRS on arrival. Intoxication with alcohol or cocaine had no evident effect on resuscitation probability.  相似文献   

Exercise-induced bronchospasm is a common clinical problem that is particularly troubling for patients who engage in strenuous physical activity, such as athletes. When such individuals develop this condition, the associated airway narrowing can materially interfere with performance; however, events other than asthma can also produce these symptoms and their differentiation is essential for proper treatment. The present report describes seven elite athletes with psychogenic vocal cord dysfunction who presented with acute dyspnea during sporting competitions. Although the combination of exertion and wheezing suggested the diagnosis of exercise-induced asthma, the patients' histories were sufficiently unique so as to represent a recognizable syndrome. The patients underwent clinical physiologic evaluations including bronchoprovocations with isocapnic hyperventilation of frigid air, methacholine and/or exercise. Direct laryngoscopy was also performed in some subjects. The findings that differentiated these patients from asthmatics were a lack of consistency in the development of symptoms when exposed to identical stimuli, the onset of breathing difficulties during exercise, and poor therapeutic and prophylactic responses to anti-asthma medications. The clinical impression of a functional disorder was confirmed by bronchoprovocations that demonstrated the variable extrathoracic airway obstruction of vocal cord dysfunction. Patients with atypical exertional complaints require careful clinical and physiologic evaluation. The mere association of exercise and airway obstruction is not sufficient to establish the diagnosis of asthma.  相似文献   

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