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大气无线光通信系统中数字脉冲间隔调制研究   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
基于光强闪烁的大气无线光通信系统模型,研究了数字脉冲间隔调制(DPIM)方式的差错性能,分析了符号结构、发射功率、带宽需求等问题,并与 OOK(开关键控)和 PPM(脉冲位置调制)调制方式进行比较。理论和仿真研究结果表明,DPIM 调制方式较 PPM 方式有较高的功率效率和较少的带宽需求,特别是在系统实现上相对于 PPM 大大简化。因此 DPIM 应用于无线光通信系统具有一定优势。  相似文献   

Aiming at implementing the digital pulse interval modulation(DPIM) for optical wireless communications(OWC),a dual-mapping technique is presented.The scheme of DPIM train based upon the dual-mapping technique is given.Its slot error rate is derived for the avalanche photonic diode(APD) receiver model,and is compared with that of classical DPIM.Simulation results show that the dual-mapping DPIM(D-DPIM),which has a fixed slot length,only has marginally inferior error performance,but can solve waiting slots or buffer overflowing in comparison with DPIM.Hence,it is suitable for the optical wireless communication systems.  相似文献   

自由空间光通信中,为了兼备自带符号同步和调制符号长度固定等优点,提出了一种新的光标识双幅度脉冲位置调制方法(FDAPPM),分析了它的符号结构,传输速率和湍流信道中的差错性能。采用最大似然检测时,推导出高信噪比时FDAPPM 误码率的简单近似值表达式,并给出系统的分集级数和调制增益。最后与OOK、PPM、FDPIM 和FDAPIM 等方法进行比较。结果表明:在相同的湍流条件下,FDAPPM 的传输速率和差错性能均优于FDPIM 和FDAPIM;相对于PPM 系统,其传输速率高,不需要符号同步,接收器复杂度大为简化;且符号长度固定,不会引起调制器等待或缓冲器溢出。  相似文献   

基于LDPC码和PPM调制的深空光通信系统性能分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭建中  谭莹  艾勇 《光通信技术》2007,31(12):57-59
比较了LDPC码和RS码在PPM调制下的深空光通信系统中的性能,给出了在不同阶数PPM调制下,不同码长LDPC码的性能仿真结果,以及与RS码的比较结果.结果表明,随着PPM调制阶数增加,LDPC码性能会下降.分析了调制阶数影响LDPC码性能的原因.  相似文献   

在分析脉冲间隔调制(DPIM)的差错性能时,一般都假设时隙同步脉冲定时是理想的,忽略了定时误差的影响,然而这并不符合实际情况.在给出信道模型和解调模型的基础上,详细分析了定时误差对DPIM差错性能的影响,并推导了附加热噪声APD接收机下的误符号率.仿真结果表明,要保证正确的解调,定时误差必须只占时隙时间的一小部分,否则系统的差错性能将严重劣化.  相似文献   

A coded modulation scheme for deep-space optical communications is proposed,which is composed of an outer singleparity-check(SPC)-based product code,an interleaver,a bit-accumulator and a pulse-position modulation(PPM).It is referred as SPC-APPM code,which is decoded with an iterative demodulator-decoder using standard turbo-decoding techniques.Investigations show that the scheme has the advantages of low encoding and decoding complexities,good performance and flexible code rate for all rates above 1/2.Meanwhile,simulation results demonstrate that the SPC-APPM provides the performance similar to the low-density parity-check-APPM(LDPC-APPM),superior to the LDPC-PPM and product accumulate code-PPM(PA-PPM),although inferior to serially concatenated PPM(SCPPM).At the bit error rate(BER) of 10-5,the performance of SPC-APPM is about 0.7 dB better than LDPC-PPM and 1.2 dB better than PA-PPM.  相似文献   

多幅度数字脉冲间隔调制的水下无线光通信研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究适用于水下无线光通信的调制方式,采用分析水下无线光通信的信道模型、并推导该信道中用多幅度数字脉冲间隔调制方式的误包率表达式、带宽利用率和功率利用率的方法,对不同调制方式进行了理论分析比较.结果表明,多幅度数字脉冲间隔调制的带宽利用率和功率利用率最高.这一结果对选择适合用于水下无线光通信的调制方式是有帮助的.  相似文献   

为了改善脉冲位置调制需要符号同步和数字脉冲间隔调制、双头脉冲间隔调制、多幅度脉冲间隔调制符号长度不固定所引起的接收发机结构复杂和调制器速率不固定等问题,提出将定长数字脉冲间隔调制应用于水下无线光通信系统。分析了带宽需求、传输容量,并与其它调制方式进行了比较;在给出水下无线光通信信道模型的基础上,推导了该信道中定长数字脉冲间隔调制方式的误包率表达式。结果表明,定长数字脉冲间隔调制适用于水下无线光通信系统。  相似文献   

An expression for the frequency spectrum of pulse interval and width modulation (PIWM) is presented. Experimental results obtained have shown close agreement with spectral predictions from the formula. Performance figures are also included from a practical PIWM optical-fibre transmission system intended for use with TV and video signals.<>  相似文献   

Multiple-subcarrier modulation in optical wireless communications   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article overviews multiple-subcarrier modulation techniques in optical wireless communications. The basic principles and characteristics of MSM techniques in optical wireless communications are presented. MSM optical wireless systems are explained where some block codes that convert information bits to be transmitted to the symbol amplitudes of subcarriers are used to increase the minimum value of the MS electrical waveform. MSM optical communications systems using subcarrier signal point sequences (SSPS) that can improve the power efficiency of MSM systems are also explained. The performance of MSM optical communications systems is presented in the intensity modulation with direct detection (IM/DD) channel without dispersion and in atmospheric optical communications where the effects of scintillation exist.  相似文献   

Pulse interval modulation (PIM) is an asynchronous form of pulse position modulation. In this paper, the noise performance of the PIM system has been theoretically and experimentally investigated. A simple formula for the detected signal to noise ratio has been obtained which compared well with the measured data. The effect of noise shaping networks on the noise figure of the PIM detector has been predicted.  相似文献   

向新  王杰令  曾志斌  易克初 《通信学报》2009,30(11):106-112
提出了一种新的适于超宽带脉冲通信的伪混沌脉冲位置调制方式(PCPPM),该方式采用符号动力学对混沌脉冲位置调制方式(CPPM)进行了改进,作为载波的脉冲串的相邻脉冲之间的间隔由混沌映射的符号动力学特性确定,采用脉冲位置调制方式对二进制符号进行调制.系统可以在无辅助握手的情况下获得同步.与CPPM相比,其降低了对脉冲间距的测量精度要求,适合数字方式实现.由丁系统输出的脉冲间隔是随机分布的,具有近似噪声的频谱特性,最后对系统的性能进行了分析和仿真.  相似文献   

The application of the well-known technique of trellis coded modulation to coherent optical communications using polarization shift keying (POLSK) is described and analyzed. The resulting receiver is formed by a front-end which performs the heterodyne detection and the Stokes parameter extraction, cascaded with an electronic Viterbi processor operating the maximum likelihood estimate of the transmitted sequence. Results in terms of the error event probability using optimum as well as a simpler suboptimum branch metric show power gains of the order of 3-4 dB, at the expense of a reasonable increase in complexity, only concerning the processing in the electronic domain. These coding gains are not lost even in the presence of high levels of phase noise, to which POLSK in general is highly insensitive.<>  相似文献   

无线光通信双幅度脉冲位置调制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无线光通信脉冲位置调制(PPM)的功率利用率虽然很高,但带宽需求也非常高,在无线光通信系统中,应当充分考虑带宽需求和功率利用率的平衡问题.针对该问题,提出了一种新的双幅度脉冲位置调制(DAPPM).在给出了其符号结构之后,分析了其带宽利用率.然后,推导了弱湍流信道模型下DAPPM的误时隙率和误包率,并与OOK、PPM、DPIM和DAPIM等调制方式进行了比较.结果表明,在相同的位分辨率条件下,DAPPM的误包率虽然高于PPM和DPIM,但明显优于OOK和DAPIM.同时,DAPPM去除了PPM中冗余的时隙,且平均长度比DPIM短,从而获得了比DPIM更高的带宽利用率.  相似文献   

In an optical camera communication (OCC) system, multi-level modulation is essential for data rate enhancement with the finite frame rate of the receiving camera constraint, where the K-means algorithm is widely used as a thresholding scheme. The result of K-means clustering is sensitive to initial cluster centers. In this paper, we propose a multi-level modulation scheme utilizing the pilot-aided K-means (PAK) algorithm. PAK algorithm innovates in both obtaining the state of the stripes propagated through the optical channel under different environments and overcoming the susceptibility of K-means. Our scheme could prompt data rate and improve the performance of OCC. Finally, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) pattern is designed based on the proposed scheme to achieve multiplex communications.  相似文献   

基于SOA的全光超宽带脉冲振幅调制方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章基于SOA(半导体光放大器)中的XGM(交叉增益调制)效应,提出一种实现全光UWB(超宽带)PAM(脉冲振幅调制)的方案.该方案只需要一个外部光源和一个SOA,结构简单,调制速率快.利用光通信系统软件OptiSystem对该方案进行仿真,分析了光源功率、SOA的注入电流和光源波长等系统参数对UWB PAM信号性能的...  相似文献   

无线光通信中PPM的差错编码调制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章推导了基于线性分组码的脉冲位置调制(PPM)通信系统纠错后的差错概率上限,分析了差错编码的纠错能力和PPM位分辨率的参数设置对差错性能的影响,并进行了仿真.结果表明,在纠错个数能被位分辨率整除时,PPM系统达到较高编码调制性能,同时指出适合PPM系统的纠错编码一般为高阶码.  相似文献   

为了提高大气光通信信息传输的高效性和可靠性,提出一种压缩数字脉冲间隔调制(CDPIM)技术。该技术对相邻4位信息码组分别经PPM编码后,把编码脉冲之间多余的空闲时隙用分段压缩码进行替换来进行编码。描述了CDPIM的符号结构,运用Matlab对发射功率、频带利用率、信道容量占用率、传输误包率等的仿真结果表明:在相同位分辨率4时,CDPIM的发射功率比FDPIM的发射功率节约23%,CDPIM的频带利用率比DPIM的频带利用率提高72%,CDPIM的传输容量比OOK的传输容量提高67%。在相同信噪比2时,CDPIM的误包率比DPIM的误包率提高60%,而且CDPIM调制技术能对接收的错误码组进行有效的自我纠错。  相似文献   

为了提高大气光通信信息传输的高效性和可靠性,提出一种压缩数字脉冲间隔调制( CDPIM)技术。该技术对相邻4位信息码组分别经PPM编码后,把编码脉冲之间多余的空闲时隙用分段压缩码进行替换来进行编码。描述了CDPIM的符号结构,运用Matlab对发射功率、频带利用率、信道容量占用率、传输误包率等的仿真结果表明:在相同位分辨率4时,CDPIM的发射功率比FDPIM的发射功率节约23%,CDPIM的频带利用率比DPIM的频带利用率提高72%,CDPIM的传输容量比OOK的传输容量提高67%。在相同信噪比2时,CDPIM的误包率比DPIM的误包率提高60%,而且CDPIM调制技术能对接收的错误码组进行有效的自我纠错。  相似文献   

文章给出了脉冲时间调制的分类方法及实现方案。推导了非同步型脉冲间隔与宽度双重调制( P I W M) 的频谱及其特点。说明了 P I W M 是模拟信号测量的一种经济有效的调制方法,在光纤传输光电检测中有广泛应用前景  相似文献   

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