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This paper shows that the problem of designing one-dimensional (1-D) variable fractional-delay (VFD) digital filter can be elegantly reduced to the easier subproblems that involve one-dimensional (1-D) constant filter (subfilter) designs and 1-D polynomial approximations. By utilizing the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the variable design specification, we prove that both 1-D constant filters and 1-D polynomials possess either symmetry or anti-symmetry simultaneously. Therefore, a VFD filter can be efficiently obtained by designing 1-D constant filters with symmetrical or antisymmetrical coefficients and performing 1-D symmetrical or antisymmetrical approximations. To perform the weighted-least-squares (WLS) VFD filter design, a new WLS-SVD method is also developed. Moreover, an objective criterion is proposed for selecting appropriate subfilter orders and polynomial degrees. Our computer simulations have shown that the SVD-based design and WLS-SVD design can achieve much higher design accuracy with significantly reduced filter, complexity than the existing WLS design method. Another important part of the paper proposes two new structures for efficiently implementing the resulting VFD filter, which require less computational complexity than the so-called Farrow structure.  相似文献   

Singular-value decomposition (SVD) can be efficiently utilized to obtain the optimal vector-array decomposition (VAD) for simplifying real-coefficient variable digital filter design problem, but the SVD-based VAD methods are not applicable to the design of complex-coefficient variable filters. This paper proposes a successive algorithm for decomposing arbitrary multidimensional complex array into the VAD form, and thus, a complex-coefficient variable digital filter with arbitrary variable frequency response can be easily obtained through constant complex-coefficient filter design and multidimensional polynomial fitting. The new VAD algorithm successively decomposes the complex array and its residual arrays into the vector-array pairs stage by stage, and each stage contains an iterative optimization that can be easily solved in a closed-form. Our computer simulations have demonstrated that the successive VAD converges very fast to the optimal solution.  相似文献   

Digital filters with adjustable frequency domain characteristics are referred to as variable digital filters. Variable filters are useful in the applications where the filter characteristics are required to be changeable during the course of signal processing. Especially in real time applications, variable filters are needed to change their coefficients instantaneously such that the real time signal processing can be performed. The present paper proposes a very efficient technique for variable 1D digital filter design. Generally speaking, the variable coefficients of variable digital filters are multidimensional functions of a set of spectral parameters which define the desired frequency domain characteristics. The authors first sample the given variable 1D magnitude specification and use the samples to construct a multidimensional array, then propose an outer product expansion method for expanding the multidimensional array as the sum of outer products of 1D arrays (vectors). Based on the outer product expansion, one can reduce the difficult problem of designing a variable 1D digital filter to the easy one that only needs constant 1D filter designs and 1D polynomial approximations. The technique can obtain variable 1D filters having arbitrary desired magnitude characteristics with a high design accuracy  相似文献   

This paper presents a noniterative weighted-least-squares (WLS) method for designing allpass variable fractional-delay (VFD) digital filters. After expressing each coefficient of an allpass VFD filter as a polynomial of the VFD parameter p, we develop a noniterative technique for finding the optimal polynomial coefficients, and show that the allpass VFD filter design problem can be efficiently solved without using any iterative procedure while a closed-form solution can be easily obtained through solving a matrix equation. Compared with the existing iterative WLS method that solves a series of approximately linearized WLS minimization problems, the proposed noniterative one can yield much better design results with significantly reduced computational complexity. Moreover, the new WLS method does not involve any convergence issue.  相似文献   

The digital filters with adjustable frequency-domain characteristics are called variable filters. Variable filters are useful in the applications where the filter characteristics are needed to be changeable during the course of signal processing. In such cases, if the existing traditional constant filter design techniques are applied to the design of new filters to satisfy the new desired characteristics when necessary, it will take a huge amount of design time. So it is desirable to have an efficient method which can fast obtain the new desired frequency-domain characteristics. Generally speaking, the frequency-domain characteristics of variable filters are determined by a set of spectral parameters such as cutoff frequency, transition bandwidth and passband width. Therefore, the characteristics of variable filters are the multi-dimensional (M-D) functions of such spectral parameters. This paper proposes an efficient technique which simplifies the difficult problem of designing a 2-D variable filter with quadrantally symmetric magnitude characteristics as the simple one that only needs the normal one-dimensional (1-D) constant digital filter designs and 1-D polynomial approximations. In applying such 2-D variable filters, only varying the part of 1-D polynomials can easily obtain new desired frequency-domain characteristics.  相似文献   

Our previous work has shown that coefficient symmetry can be exploited for designing high-accuracy and low-complexity even-order variable fractional-delay (VFD) filters. The objectives of this paper are twofold; One is to derive a coefficient symmetry for odd-order VFD filters, and then formulate a closed-form weighted-least-squares (WLS) design. Exploiting the coefficient symmetry along with different-order subfilters reduces the number of independent VFD filter coefficients by more than 50% , and thus reduces the hardware cost and the number of multipliers by more than 50%. Another objective is to briefly derive the maximally flat (MF) VFD filters from Nth-degree polynomial interpolation, and then present two kinds of transformation matrices for transforming causal odd-order MF VFD filters into symmetric structures such that the filter complexity can be reduced. As a result, both WLS and MF VFD filters can be implemented as the Farrow structure with significantly reduced complexity, which facilitates high-speed VFD filtering. Various examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the symmetry-based design and implementations.  相似文献   

In designing two-dimensional (2-D) digital filters in the frequency domain, an efficient technique is to first decompose the given 2-D frequency domain design specifications into one-dimensional (1-D) ones, and then approximate the resulting 1-D magnitude specifications using the well-developed 1-D filter design techniques. Finally, by interconnecting the designed 1-D filters one can obtain a 2-D digital filter. However, since the magnitude responses of digital filters must be nonnegative, it is required that the decomposition of 2-D magnitude specifications result in nonnegative 1-D magnitude specifications. We call such a decomposition the nonnegative decomposition. This paper proposes a nonnegative decomposition method for decomposing the given 2-D magnitude specifications into 1-D ones, and then transforms the problem of designing a 2-D digital filter into that of designing 1-D filters. Consequently, the original problem of designing a 2-D filter is significantly simplified.  相似文献   

This paper presents an optimal weighted least squares (WLS) method for designing low-complexity all-pass variable fractional-delay (VFD) digital filters. Instead of using a fixed range for the VFD parameter p and same-order constant-coefficient filters (subfilters), both the VFD parameter range p isin [p Min,p Max] and subfilter orders are optimized such that a low-complexity all-pass VFD filter can be achieved for the LS design. To suppress the peak errors of variable frequency response, weighting functions are adopted and optimized such that the boundary peak errors can be further reduced but without noticeably increasing the total error energy (integral of squared error) of variable frequency response. After optimizing the variable range of the VFD parameter, weighting functions, and subfilter orders, an all-pass VFD filter can be designed by using a generalized noniterative WLS method, which yields a closed-form solution. Design examples are given to illustrate that utilizing different-order subfilters, along with the optimal range and optimal weighting functions, can yield an all-pass VFD filter with significantly reduced complexity and design errors as compared with existing ones.  相似文献   

Our previous work has shown that the coefficient symmetry can be efficiently exploited in designing variable finite-impulse-response (FIR) filters with simultaneously tunable magnitude and fractional-delay responses. This paper presents the optimal solutions for the weighted-least-squares (WLS) design of variable fractional-delay (VFD) FIR filters with same-order and different-order subfilters through utilizing the coefficient symmetry along with an imposed coefficient constraint. In deriving the closed-form error functions, since the Taylor series expansions of$sin(omega p)$and$cos(omega p)$are used, the numerical integrals using conventional quadrature rules can be completely removed, which speeds up the WLS design and guarantees the optimality of the final solution. Two design examples are given to illustrate that the proposed WLS methods can achieve better design with significantly reduced VFD filter complexity and computational cost than the existing ones including the WLS-SVD approach. Consequently, the proposed WLS design is the best among all the existing WLS methods so far.  相似文献   

In this paper, a 2-D Farrow structure is proposed and used to implement variable fractional-delay (VFD) 2-D FIR digital filters. Compared with the existing literature, the desired response of a VFD 2-D digital filter is analyzed in detail, and it is found that there are four types of 2-D symmetric/antisymmetric sequences that need to be used for the design of VFD 2-D FIR digital filters. Moreover, due to the orthogonality among the approach functions, the four types of 2-D sequences can be determined independently, such that the dimension for each computation can be reduced drastically. For simplicity, only the designs of even–even- and odd–odd-order VFD 2-D filters are presented in this paper, and the other cases can be achieved in the same manner. To reveal the coefficient characteristics, the symmetric/antisymmetric properties of filter coefficients and the relationships between coefficients are all tabulated. Also, design examples such as nonseparable circularly symmetric low-pass VFD filters are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.   相似文献   

This paper proposes a closed-form solution for designing variable one-dimensional (1-D) finite-impulse-response (FIR) digital filters with simultaneously tunable magnitude and tunable fractional phase-delay responses. First, each coefficient of a variable FIR filter is expressed as a two-dimensional (2-D) polynomial of a pair of parameters called spectral parameters; one is for independently tuning the cutoff frequency of the magnitude response, and the other is for independently tuning fractional phase-delay. Then, the closed-form error function between the desired and actual variable frequency responses is derived without discretizing any design parameters such as the frequency and the two spectral parameters. Finally, the optimal solution for the 2-D polynomial coefficients can be easily determined through minimizing the closed-form error function. We also show that the resulting variable FIR filter can be efficiently implemented by generalizing Farrow structure to our two-parameter case. The generalized Farrow structure requires only a small number of multiplications and additions for obtaining any new frequency characteristic, which is particularly suitable for high-speed tuning.  相似文献   

Based on a concept of minimal decomposition and balanced realization, a novel technique is developed for designing multidimensional (M-D) separable-denominator digital filters in the spatial domain. This is done by decomposing a desired M-D FIR filter into M parts and by representing it by a cascade connection of M 1-D filters. The minimal decomposition treated here can be viewed as an extension of that in 2-D separable-denominator case in some sense. However, the proposed technique differs from the existing one even in 2-D case and is simpler. Two numerical examples are also given to illustrate the utility of the proposed technique. The amount of calculation required here is relatively small and the stability of the filter is always guaranteed.  相似文献   

Design of two-dimensional digital filters via spectral transformations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Complex maps, with domains and codomains consisting of rational transfer functions, have often been used in designing two-dimensional (2-D) digital filters. Such maps, commonly known as spectral transformations, have the important property of carrying a stable rational transfer function to another stable rational function. This paper presents a unified framework for designing 2-D stable digital filters from prescribed magnitude-response specifications using spectral transformations such that the magnitude response of the resultant approximation is sort of a "best" approximation of the given specification. It is shown that there are two basic strategies for such designs, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The design procedures are illustrated with practical examples. Further, it is also shown that all earlier results on 2-D filter design using spectral transformations follow as special cases of the general theory presented here.  相似文献   

In this brief, a two-stage approach for the design of 1-D stable variable fractional delay infinite-impulse response (IIR) digital filters is proposed. In the first stage, a set of fixed delay stable IIR filters are designed by minimizing a quadratic objective function, which is defined by integrating error criterion with IIR filter stability constraint condition. Then, the final design is determined by fitting each of the fixed delay filter coefficients as a 1-D polynomial. Two design examples are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed design method  相似文献   

This paper presents two-step design methodologies and performance analyses of finite-impulse response (FIR), allpass, and infinite-impulse response (IIR) variable fractional delay (VFD) digital filters. In the first step, a set of fractional delay (FD) filters are designed. In the second step, these FD filter coefficients are approximated by polynomial functions of FD. The FIR FD filter design problem is formulated in the peak-constrained weighted least-squares (PCWLS) sense and solved by the projected least-squares (PLS) algorithm. For the allpass and IIR FD filters, the design problem is nonconvex and a global solution is difficult to obtain. The allpass FD filters are directly designed as a linearly constrained quadratic programming problem and solved using the PLS algorithm. For IIR FD filters, the fixed denominator is obtained by model reduction of a time-domain average FIR filter. The remaining numerators of the IIR FD filters are designed by solving linear equations derived from the orthogonality principle. Analyses on the relative performances indicate that the IIR VFD filter with a low-order fixed denominator offers a combination of the following desirable properties including small number of denominator coefficients, lowest group delay, easily achievable stable design, avoidance of transients due to nonvariable denominator coefficients, and good overall magnitude and group delay performances especially for high passband cutoff frequency ( ges 0.9pi) . Filter examples covering three adjacent ranges of wideband cutoff frequencies [0.95, 0.925, 0.9], [0.875, 0.85, 0.825], and [0.8, 0.775, 0.75] are given to illustrate the design methodologies and the relative performances of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

The impulse response coefficients of a two-dimensional (2-D) finite impulse response (FIR) filter naturally constitute a matrix. It has been shown by several researchers that, two-dimension (2-D) based algorithms that retain the natural matrix form of the 2-D filter’s coefficients are computationally much more efficient than the conventional one-dimension (1-D) based algorithms that rearrange the coefficient matrix into a vector. In this paper, two 2-D based algorithms are presented for the weighted least squares (WLS) design of quadrantally symmetric 2-D FIR filters with arbitrary weighting functions. Both algorithms are based on matrix iterative techniques with guaranteed convergence, and they solve the WLS design problems accurately and efficiently. The convergence rate, solution accuracy and design time of these proposed algorithms are demonstrated and compared with existing algorithms through two design examples.  相似文献   

Two- and three-dimensional (2-D and 3-D) depth migration can be performed using 1-D and 2-D extrapolation digital filters, respectively. The depth extrapolation is done, one frequency at a time, by convolving the seismic wavefield with a complex-valued, frequency- and velocity-dependent, digital filter. This process requires the design of a complete set of extrapolation filters: one filter for each possible frequency-velocity pair. Instead of independently designing the frequency- and velocity-dependent filters, an efficient procedure is introduced for designing a complete set of 1-D and 2-D extrapolation filters using transformations. The problem of designing a desired set of migration filters is thus reduced to the design of a single 1-D filter, which is then mapped to produce all the desired 1-D or 2-D migration filters. The new design procedure has the additional advantage that both the 1-D and 2-D migration filters can be realized efficiently and need not have their coefficients precomputed or tabulated  相似文献   

A novel structure using recursive nonsymmetric half-plane (NSHP) digital allpass filters (DAFs) is presented for designing 2-D recursive digital filters. First, several important properties of 2-D recursive DAFs with NSHP support regions for filter coefficients are investigated. The stability of the 2-D recursive NSHP DAFs is guaranteed by using a spectral factorization-based algorithm. Then, the important characteristics regarding the proposed novel structure are discussed. The design problem of 2-D recursive digital filters using the novel structure is considered. We formulate the problem by forming an objective function consisting of the weighted sum of magnitude, group delay, and stability-related errors. A design technique using a trust-region Newton-conjugate gradient method in conjunction with the analytic derivatives of the objective function is presented to efficiently solve the resulting optimization problem. The novelty of the presented 2-D structure is that it possesses the advantage of better performance in designing a variety of 2-D recursive digital filters over existing 2-D filter structures. Finally, several design examples are provided for conducting illustration and comparison.  相似文献   

In this paper, the technique of McClellan transformation is applied to design variable 2-D FIR digital filters. Compared with the conventional transformation, the 2-D transformation subfilter and the 1-D prototype filter are designed such that their frequency characteristics are adjustable. Moreover, they are tunable by the same variable parameter, so the variable characteristics of 1-D prototype filters are coincident with those of 2-D subfilters. Several examples, including variable fan filters, variable circularly symmetric filters, and variable elliptically symmetric filters with arbitrary orientation, are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and the flexibility of the presented method.   相似文献   

In this paper, a new structure and design method are proposed for variable fractional-delay (VFD) 2-D FIR digital filters. Basing on the Taylor series expansion of the desired frequency response, a prefilter–subfilter cascaded structure can be derived. For the 1-D differentiating prefilters and the 2-D quadrantally symmetric subfilters, they can be designed simply by the least-squares method. Design examples show that the required number of independent coefficients of the proposed system is much less than that of the existing structure while the performance of the designed VFD 2-D filters is still better under the cost of larger delays.  相似文献   

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