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The ionic stability of alumina particles in moderately concentrated ethanol suspensions is studied. Surface chemistry and interparticle forces are manipulated by controlling the acidity of the suspensions without dispersants. The acidity of ethanol solution is determined using ion transfer functions, wherein the relationships between acidity, alumina particle surface charge, zeta-potential, stability, and suspension rheological behavior are established. Positive isoelectric point (IEP) shift is observed for alumina in ethanol on increasing the solids concentration. However, dilute and concentrated aqueous suspensions of alumina give the same IEP. The viscosity and flow curves for alumina/ethanol suspensions are acidity dependent. The flow curves of the suspensions follow the Casson model, and the Casson yield value is used to evaluate suspension stability.  相似文献   

The influence of the addition of silica particles (5, 15, 25, and 300 nm) on the zeta potential and viscosity of aqueous alumina slurries (250 nm particles) was investigated in a pH range where the surface charge was positive for alumina and negative for silica. For slurries formulated with the smaller silica particles, the isoelectric point shifted from pH 9.0 to pH ∼3 (depending on the particle size of the silica) with increasing volume fraction of silica particles. At pH 9, the original isoelectric point for the alumina alone, these mixed slurries had a shear-rate-independent, low viscosity (Newtonian behavior). Both of these results show that the smaller (≤25 nm) silica particles adsorb to the surface of alumina. The fraction of silica adsorbed to the alumina surface was dependent on the size of the silica particles, and was consistent with surface coverage calculations based on the effect of surface curvature on the limits of dense random parking. The larger silica particles (300 nm) could not physically cover the surface of the alumina particles, and simply formed a mixed, attractive particle network that exhibited a much higher viscosity with non-Newtonian (viz., shear rate thinning) behavior.  相似文献   

Stabilization of Ethanol-Based Alumina Suspensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Al2O3 powders have been successfully dispersed in ethanol by varying the suspension acidity. An operational pH (O.pH) was defined to measure the acidity of these ethanol-based suspensions. The isoelectric point of Al2O3 in ethanol was at an O.pH of 8. According to Derjaguin–Landau–Verwey–Overbeek (DLVO) theory, suspensions between an O.pH of 3.5–10.5 possessed only attractive inter-particle potential. Suspensions below 3.5 had high ζ potential, fine particle size, and were Newtonian. However, suspensions at high pH were shear thinning and consisted of agglomerates, despite their high ζ potential. The use of citric acid as a dispersant has also been investigated. At an O.pH of 3, optimum additions of citric acid between 0.6 and 1.0 wt% decreased the particle size, resulted in repulsive inter-particle potentials and increased the solid loading capacity to 15 vol% from 2 vol% while maintaining Newtonian behavior and similar viscosity to suspensions at O.pH 2. Addition of citric acid created agglomerated suspensions that were negatively charged at O.pH 10.5 (obtained by adding NH4OH), but positively charged suspensions at O.pH 13.6 (obtained by adding tetramethylammonium hydroxide).  相似文献   

Three different short-chained carboxylic acids, formic, acetic, and propionic acid, were compared as additives to increase the green strength of wet particle networks produced with the direct coagulation casting process, which allows the internal coagulation of a suspension. Small acid additions do not alter the favorable low viscosity of the stabilized slurry, and yet increase the compressive strength of wet coagulated bodies. The strengthening effect increases with increasing chain length of the carboxylic acid. The maximum effect was observed upon addition of propionic acid (0.3 wt% to alumina), which resulted in a sixfold increase in compressive strength of wet coagulated bodies compared with that without propionic acid.  相似文献   

Consolidation Behavior of Flocculated Alumina Suspensions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The consolidation behavior of flocculated alumina suspensions has been analyzed as a function of the interparticle energy. Consolidation was performed by a centrifugal force field or by gravity, and both the time-dependent and equilibrium density profiles were measured by a gamma-ray absorption technique. The interparicle energy at contact was controlled by adsorbing fatty acids of varying molecular weight at the alumina/decalin interface. We found that strongly attractive interactions result in a particle network which resists consolidation and shows compressible behavior over a large stress range. The most weakly flocculated suspension showed an essentially incompressible, homogeneous density profile after consolidation at different centrifugal speeds. We also found a significant variation in the maximum volume fraction, φm, obtained, with φm∼ 0.54 for the most strongly flocculated suspension to φm∼ 0.63 for the most weakly flocculated suspension. The compresive yield stresses show a behavior which can be fitted to a modified power law. In this paper, we discuss possible correlations between the fitting parameters and physical properties of the flocculated suspensions.  相似文献   

Suspensions of fine alumina powder in a paraffin wax have been successfully formulated with viscosity values sufficiently low to allow ink-jet printing using a commercial printer. A commercial-grade paraffin wax, with stearylamine and a polyester, were used as the dispersant system. Suspensions with powder loadings up to 40 vol% were passed through the ink-jet printer head. Unfired ceramic bodies with a feature size of <100 μm have been successfully fabricated with waxes that had a powder loading of 30 vol%. The influence of suspension fluid properties on the ink-jet printing process has been studied, and the importance of the acoustic resonance within the ink-jet printing apparatus has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Rheological properties of aqueous nanometric alumina suspensions with fructose as dispersant were investigated. Differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry indicated that a significant fraction of the water is immobilized by the nanometric particles in the suspension. This in turn increased the viscosity of the suspensions. It was also shown that the addition of monosaccharides, fructose in particular, reduced the viscosity of the suspensions dramatically. Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments indicated that a monolayer of fructose was adsorbed on the particle surfaces. The reduction in viscosity could be attributed to release of water imposed by fructose adsorption on the alumina particles present.  相似文献   

Cracking During Lateral Drying of Alumina Suspensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The onset of cracking during drying of alumina suspensions cast onto a substrate has been studied experimentally. It is shown that the capillary pressure would impose a compressive stress on the particle array and cannot itself cause cracking. Based on experimental observations, it is proposed that the driving force for cracking arises from a misfit strain that occurs when repulsive layers between the particles collapse completely, after the particles have adhered to the substrate. This predicts that cracking should occur while the space between the particles is still filled with liquid, which is consistent with observations using laser speckle interferometry.  相似文献   

Alkoxide-derived boehmite precipitates were subjected to different post-precipitation treatments to obtain a peptized sol, an unpeptized slurry, and an ethanol-washed gel precipitate. These materials were dried further to obtain the corresponding gels. Changes in the surface area, porosity, and pore size with temperature and the phase-transformation behavior from gamma-alumina to alpha-alumina were studied using X-ray diffractometry, differential scanning calorimetry, and physical adsorption/desorption measurements. Gels that were obtained from the peptized sol retained the lowest porosity, in comparison to the ethanol-washed gel and the gel that was prepared from the aqueous slurry.  相似文献   

Electrostatically stabilized alumina suspensions can be destabilized by the enzyme-catalyzed decomposition of urea (direct coagulation casting). Depending on the conditions, this reaction can shift the pH of a suspension to the buffer pH of the reaction products or increase the ionic strength at the buffer pH. The coagulation for both mechanisms was investigated using in situ rheological measurements. Using a vane tool in oscillation mode, the measuring conditions were optimized to find a reasonable method for time-dependent measurements. Constant parameters (stress or strain) proved to be unsuitable, because the linear viscoelastic region shifted considerably during the coagulation. Furthermore, the gel structure produced on coagulation via increase of ionic strength (Δ I ) was very sensitive to the oscillation. Therefore, for long-time experiments, a short continuous measurement with a low strain was followed by amplitude sweeps with increased intervals to determine the linear values of G ' and G ". In this way, the increase of the moduli G ' and G " could be followed for longer times, and it was possible to demonstrate two results. First, the final G ' of the network was about 10 times higher for Δ I -coagulated material than for suspensions coagulated via pH shift (ΔpH). Second, particle rearrangement processes took place in Δ I -coagulated networks even after the chemical changes were finished, whereas ΔpH-coagulated samples were "frozen-in" when approaching the isoelectric point and showed no further physical changes afterward.  相似文献   

The influence of adsorption coverage and free polymer on the rheological properties of aqueous alumina suspensions with polyelectrolyte was studied. The flow curves of the suspensions followed the Casson model very well in the observed range of shear rate. The Casson yield value, τc, was used to evaluate the stability. The coverage exerted a profound influence on the rheological properties by affecting the interaction between particles. The zeta potential increased and the value of τc decreased as the coverage increased. The free polymer could cause weak flocculation as its concentration was increased to a certain level. The opposite effects of the adsorbed polymer and free polymer on stability resulted in the presence of optimum coverage for stabilization. The concentration of free polymer increased rapidly as the adsorption coverage approached the saturation limit, and then the free polymer started to dominate the stability. Stabilization could be achieved at a condition of unsaturated adsorption and was related to the non-high-affinity adsorption at alkaline pH (9.2). The impact of adsorption affinity on stability was discussed.  相似文献   

蔗糖对PAA-H2O-Al2O3浆料流变性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高磊  李瑞锋  陈涵  郭露村 《陶瓷学报》2011,32(4):581-586
研究了蔗糖(sucrose)对聚丙烯酸(PAA)-水基Al2O3悬浮液流变性能的影响.实验表明:在酸性与碱性条件下,蔗糖的添加都有助于提高PAA稳定的水基Al2O3悬浮液流变性.pH为9.0时,PAA-H2O-AlO2悬浮液粘度随着蔗糖含量的增加逐渐降低,当含量大于4wt%时其粘度趋于不变.其中蔗糖对低含量PAA(0.3wt%)稳定的浆料流变性提高尤为明显.对于固含量为25 ~ 40vol%的PAA-H2O-Al2O3悬浮液,4wt%的蔗糖的加入都能提高其稳定性,当固含量为40vol%时,效果最为明显.此外,蔗糖的添加能够较好的提高PAA-H2O-Al2O3悬浮液的抗电解质性能.  相似文献   

Electrostatic Stabilization of Ultrafine Titania in Ethanol   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The colloidal stability of a suspension of very fine titania (TiO2) powder in ethanol has been investigated. The electrokinetic behavior and stability ratios were determined as a function of operational pH and salt concentration. We show that the stability is strongly dependent on ionic strength; the TiO2suspensions will aggregate relatively rapidly at ionic strengths >10−3 M , while suspensions exhibiting long-term stability can be made at ≤10−4 M , providing that the zeta potential of the TiO2particles is sufficiently high, i.e., |ζ|= 40–50 mV. Theoretical estimates of the stability based on electrostatic repulsion show a relatively good correlation with the experimental results, in particular in the acidic operational pH (pH*) range.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONThe suspensions employed in ceramic processing arehighly concentrated.These suspensions are normallyknown as slip or slurry in materials science and engi-neering.It is of great interest that concentrated sus-pension exhibit many of the phenomena of very dilutecolloidal suspensions.This is probably because boththe suspension systems have charged particles,so thatthe principles of colloid chemistry can be applied forthem.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The suspensions employed in ceramic processing are highly concentrated. These snspensions are normally known as slip or slurry in materials science and engi-neering. It is of great interest that concentrated sus-pension exhibit many of the phenomena of very dilute colloidal suspensions[i]. This is probablybecause both the snspension systems have charged particles, so that the principles of colloid chemistry can be applied for them.  相似文献   

Colloidal filtration and (simultaneous) sedimentation is studied for suspensions of alumina particles and monodisperse silica spheres. A comparison is made between stable suspensions and systems which are aggregated due to salt addition (silica) or absence of a deflocculant (alumina). From separate sedimentation experiments we conclude that the stable silica settles as an ordered particle array, that the unstable silica sediments as separate aggregates, and that aggregated aluina behaves as a densifying network. The filtration results show that settling of aggregates during filtration changes the filtration kinetics in accordance with our model for simultaneous filtration and sedimentation. Further, aggregates in suspension are shown to have little influence on the silica compact microstructure, whereas they clearly increase porosity and permeability of the alumina compact. We also find that for all suspensions porosities of compacts prepared by sedimentation are clearly larger then porosities of filter compacts.  相似文献   

The use of nanoparticles for the fabrication of new functional ceramics and composites often requires the preparation of concentrated fluid suspensions. However, suspensions containing nanoparticles are limited in solids content because of the excluded volume formed by the dispersant adlayer around the particles. We investigated the effect of the adlayer thickness on the rheological behavior of suspensions containing model alumina nanoparticles, using dispersant molecules with deliberately tailored chain length. The apparent viscosity and yield stress of the particle suspensions were markedly decreased by increasing the dispersant length, mainly due to a reduction of the attractive forces among particles. Fluid suspensions with solids content up to 35 vol% were prepared in toluene using a dispersant length of 2.5 nm. Our experimental results and viscosity predictions based on a hard sphere model indicate that fluid suspensions with up to 43 vol% of 65 nm alumina particles could be prepared using an optimum dispersant length of about 3.6 nm.  相似文献   

Aqueous suspensions of submicrometer, 20 vol% Al2O3 powder exhibited a transition from strongly flocculated, thixotropic behavior to a low-viscosity, Newtonian-like state upon adding small amounts of maltodextrin (0.03 g of maltodextrin/(g of Al2O3)). These suspensions could be filter pressed to highly dense (57%) and extrudable pastes only when prepared with maltodextrin. We analyzed the interaction of maltodextrin with Al2O3 powder surfaces and quantitatively measured the resulting claylike consolidation, rheological, and extrusion behaviors. Benbow extrusion parameters were comparable to, but higher than, those of kaolin at approximately the same packing density of 57 vol%. In contrast, Al2O3 filter cakes without maltodextrin at 57 vol% density were too stiff to be extruded. Measurements of rheological properties, acoustophoresis, electrophoresis, sorption isotherms, and diffuse reflectance Fourier infrared spectroscopy supported the hypothesis that sorbate-mediated steric hindrance, rather than electrostatic, interparticle repulsion, is important to enhancing the consolidation and fluidity of maltodextrin–Al2O3 suspensions. Viscosity measurements on aqueous maltodextrin solutions indicated that free maltodextrin in solution does not improve suspension fluidity by decreasing the viscosity of the interparticle solution.  相似文献   

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