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风电场有功频率控制是风电场接入电网运行的关键技术。在分析双馈风力发电机组减载运行控制策略及超速法下双馈风力发电机组的减载运行调节能力的基础上,提出了提高双馈风电场的有功调节能力及接入电网后系统频率稳定性的有功频率分层控制策略。该策略根据不同风速区风电机组的减载运行调节能力差异,设计了风电场层分配策略及风电机组层控制策略,在满足有功控制要求的前提下,尽可能提高风电场对电力系统暂态频率稳定的支持。仿真结果表明,该控制策略在系统稳定运行时尽可能存储转子动能,当出现功率扰动后,能够通过快速释放转子存储的动能响应系统频率变化,从而提高了双馈风电场接入电网后的系统频率稳定性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach for simultaneous power generation and harmonic current mitigation using variable speed WECS with DFIG. A new control strategy is proposed to upgrade the DFIG control to achieve simultaneously a green active and reactive power source with active filtering capability. To ensure high filtering performance, we studied an improved harmonic isolator in the time-domain, based on a new high selectivity filter developed in our laboratory. We examined two solutions for harmonic current mitigation: first, by compensating the whole harmonic component of the grid currents or second, by selective isolation of the predominant harmonic currents to ensure active filtering of the 5th and 7th harmonics. Simulation results for a 3 MW WECS with DFIG confirm the effectiveness and the performance of the two proposed approaches.  相似文献   

Due to several factors, wind energy becomes an essential type of electricity generation. The share of this type of energy in the network is becoming increasingly important. The objective of this work is to present the modeling and control strategy of a grid connected wind power generation scheme using a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) driven by the rotor. This paper is to present the complete modeling and simulation of a wind turbine driven DFIG in the second mode of operating (the wind turbine pitch control is deactivated). It will introduce the vector control, which makes it possible to control independently the active and reactive power exchanged between the stator of the generator and the grid, based on vector control concept (with stator flux or voltage orientation) with classical PI controllers. Various simulation tests are conducted to observe the system behavior and evaluate the performance of the control for some optimization criteria (energy efficiency and the robustness of the control). It is also interesting to play on the quality of electric power by controlling the reactive power exchanged with the grid, which will facilitate making a local correction of power factor.  相似文献   

在研究双馈感应发电机(DFIG)数学模型的基础上,分析了对称电网条件下DFIG定子侧输出有功、无功功率的组成,对转子侧采用了一种新颖的直接功率控制(DPC)方法控制变换器的工作状态,实现对定子端输出的有功、无功功率的控制,较好地实现了二者的解耦。基于Matlab建立了DFIG风力发电系统仿真模型。仿真结果显示,所采用的方案具有快速的动态响应功能和良好的控制效果。  相似文献   

The main objective of the work described in this paper is to offer a new method of prediction of wind speeds, whilst aware that the method develops predictions in time-scales that can vary from a few minutes to an hour. This is needed because wind energy generation is increasing its participation in energy distribution and has to compete with other energy sources that are not so variable in terms of generated active power. It is important to consider that active power demand can vary quite rapidly and different sources of electricity generation must be available. In the case of wind energy, wind speed predictions are an important tool to help producers make the best decisions when selling the energy produced. These decisions are crucial in the electricity market, because of the economic benefits for producers and consequently their profitability, depends on them. The algorithm presented in this paper is based on an artificial neural network and two types of wind data have been used to test the algorithm. In the first, data was collected from a not very windy area; in the second data was collected from a real wind farm located in Navarre (North of Spain), and the values vary from very low to high speeds. Although the algorithm was not tested with typical wind speed values measured on offshore wind farm applications, it can be concluded from the first set of results presented in this paper that the algorithm is valid for estimating average speed values. Finally, a generic algorithm for the active power generation of a wind farm is presented.  相似文献   

风 风能 风力发电——21世纪新型清洁能源   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一风的一般属性1风的形成风是人们非常熟悉的一种自然现象,人人都能感觉到它的存在。春风和煦,给万物带来生机;夏风吹拂,使人心旷神怡;秋风送爽,带来丰收的喜悦;冬风呼啸,迎来漫天飞雪。那么风是怎样形成的呢?众所周知,人类生活的地球表面被大气所包围,来自太阳的辐射不断传送到地球表面,因太阳辐射受热情况不同,地球表面各处的气温不同。在影响气压高低的因素中,气温起着最重要的作用。温度高的地区空气受热上升,气压减小;温度低的地方,空气下降,气压增大,于是产生了气压差。和水往低处流一样,空气也从气压高处向气压…  相似文献   

Reactive power control strategy for a wind farm with a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is investigated. Under stator flux-oriented (SFO) vector control, the real power of the DFIG is controlled by the q-axis rotor current Iqr and the reactive power is mainly affected by the d-axis rotor current Idr. To examine the effect of Idr on stator reactive power Qs and rotor reactive power Qr, the DFIG is operated under five different operating modes, i.e, the maximum Qs absorption mode, the rotor unity power factor mode, the minimum DFIG loss mode, the stator unity power factor mode, and the maximum Qs generation mode. In pervious works, stator resistance Rs was usually neglected in deriving the d-axis rotor currents Idr for different DFIG reactive power operating modes. In the present work, an iterative algorithm is presented to compute the d-axis rotor currents Idr for the five reactive power control modes. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed iterative algorithm, the rotor current, rotor voltage, stator current, real power and reactive power of a 2.5 MW DFIG operated under the five different operating modes are computed.  相似文献   

在概述双馈风力发电系统运行原理及现有励磁变换器控制策略的基础上,根据系统数学模型推导了基于电网电压定向的网侧PWM变换器矢量控制策略和基于定子电压定向的转子侧PWM变换器的矢量控制策略,构建了基于英飞凌XC2785单片机的双馈调速、发电系统实验平台,按照从双馈调速到双馈发电的顺序对系统在3种运行状态下稳态性能进行研究,实验结果表明系统能实现双馈调速及双馈发电状态下定子侧变速恒频和功率因数调节,验证了方案的可行性和正确性。  相似文献   

A doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is a variable speed induction machine. It is a standard, wound rotor induction machine with its stator windings directly connected to the grid and its rotor windings connected to the grid through a back-to-back AC/DC/AC PWM converter. The power generation of a DFIG includes power delivered from two paths, one from the stator to the grid and the other from the rotor, through the frequency converter, to the grid. The power production characteristics, therefore, depend not only on the induction machine but also on the two PWM converters as well as how they are controlled. This paper investigates power generation characteristics of a DFIG system through computer simulation. The specific features of the study are (1) a steady-state model of a DFIG system in dq reference frame, (2) a simulation mechanism that reflects decoupled dq control strategies, (3) power characteristic simulation for both generator and converter, and (4) an integrative study combining stator, rotor and converter together. An extensive analysis is conducted to examine integrated power generation characteristics of DFIG and its frequency converter under different wind and dq control conditions so as to benefit the development of advanced DFIG control technology.  相似文献   

文章提出一种新型有源电力滤波功能的风力发电系统并网综合控制策略。该策略利用瞬时功率理论检测谐波电流,该电流与最大功率跟踪得到的网侧变流器电流合成,再由无差拍控制实现变流器的电流跟踪调节。在Matlab/Simulink对文章的控制策略进行了仿真,结果验证了控制策略的可行性、有效性。  相似文献   

A doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbine depends on the control of the system at both generator and turbine levels, and the operation of the turbine is affected by the electrical characteristics of the generator and the aerodynamic characteristics of the turbine blades. This paper presents a DFIG energy extraction and control study by combining the two characteristics together in one integrative environment to examine various factors that are critical for an optimal DFIG system design. The generator characteristics are examined for different d‐q control conditions, and the extracted power characteristics of the turbine blades versus generator slip are presented. Then, the two characteristics are analyzed in a joint environment. An integrative study is conducted to examine a variety of parametric data simultaneously for DFIG maximum wind power extraction evaluation. A close‐loop transient simulation using SimPowerSystem is developed to validate the effectiveness of steady‐state results and to further investigate the wind energy extraction and speed control in a feedback control environment. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new direct power control (DPC) strategy for a double fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind energy generation system. Switching vectors for rotor side converter were selected from the optimal switching table using the estimated stator flux position and the errors of the active and reactive power. A few number of voltage vectors may cause undesired power and stator current ripple. In this paper the increased number of voltage vectors with application of the Discrete Space Vector Modulation (DSVM) will be presented. Then a new switching table in supersynchronous and subsynchronous frames will be proposed. Simulation results of a 2 MW DFIG system demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed control strategy during variations of active and reactive power, machine parameters, and wind speed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a Fuzzy Dedicated Observers (FDOS) method using a Nonlinear Unknown Input Fuzzy Observer (UIFO) with a Fuzzy Scheduler Fault Tolerant Control (FSFTC) algorithm for fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno (TS) systems subject to sensor faults, parametric uncertainties, and time varying unknown inputs. FDOS provide residuals for detection and isolation of sensor faults which can affect a TS model. The TS fuzzy model is adopted for fuzzy modeling of the uncertain nonlinear system and establishing fuzzy state observers. The concept of Parallel Distributed Compensation (PDC) is employed to design FSFTC and fuzzy observers from the TS fuzzy models. TS fuzzy systems are classified into three families based on the input matrices and a FSFTC synthesis procedure is given for each family. In each family, sufficient conditions are derived for robust stabilization, in the sense of Taylor series stability and Lyapunov method, for the TS fuzzy system with parametric uncertainties, sensor faults, and unknown inputs. The sufficient conditions are formulated in the format of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). The effectiveness of the proposed controller design methodology is finally demonstrated through a wind energy system with Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, it is reported that energy capacitor system (ECS), which combines power electronic devices and electric double‐layer capacitor, can significantly decrease voltage and power fluctuations of grid‐connected fixed‐speed wind generator. The proper selection of wind farm output power reference is still a problem for smoothing the wind farm output power. This paper proposes exponential moving average to generate the reference output power of a grid‐connected wind farm. The objective of the control system is to follow the line power reference by absorbing or providing real power to or from the ECS. Moreover, the necessary reactive power can also be supplied to keep the wind farm terminal voltage at the desired reference level. Real wind speed data were used in the simulation analyses, which validate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. Simulation results clearly show that our proposed ECS can be suitable for wind power application. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着大型风电场的快速发展,由于尾流效应造成的风电场能量损失成为重要的问题。本文考虑风电场内的尾流效应,提出了优化的有功功率和桨距角曲线以降低独立机组的能量损失,从而达到风电场的总有功功率提升的目的。同时,通过挖掘风电机组有功出力和尾流效应的关系,给出基于有功控制的尾流优化方法,建立了风电场有功出力优化模型。最后,基于某风电场的实际数据建立仿真模型来检验控制策略的有效性,并引入传统单机MPPT方案进行比对,结果证明提出的新型控制策略大大提高了整个风电场的有功功率,并且计算量小,优化方法简单,具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

针对风电电压波动的问题,文章基于风电机组无功裕度预测,提出了一种风电场无功分层控制策略.该策略首先以并网点电压偏差和线路有功损耗最小为目标,使用二次规划算法在线实时求解最优并网电压,进而求解风电场无功参考值;其次,采用EWT-LSSVM预测算法进行风电功率预测,并提出预测功率校正方法实时修正预测功率,精确求解风电机组的...  相似文献   

The paper presents the voltage build-up process and the terminal voltage control of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) driven by a pitch controlled wind turbine for the supply of autonomous system without any auxiliary source. A control strategy for the complete system including voltage build-up phase is developed with a view to provide as well as possible the required power for load. Indirect stator flux-oriented vector control is proposed to keep the stator voltage constant by means of a back-to-back converter connected to the rotor side, while the management system is supported by the pitch angle and the load shedding controllers. A novel scheme for voltage build-up is presented, which requires no additional hardware support, and physical interpretation of how self-excitation can occur from residual magnetism in the machine core is examined. A reliable start-up process is accomplished by using an appropriate voltage reference ramp which enables minimizing energy loss during the starting. The proposed system is modeled and simulated using Matlab/Simulink software program to examine the dynamic characteristics of the system with proposed control strategy. Dynamic simulation results for different transient conditions demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.  相似文献   

储能系统由于能够实现电能的时空平移,具有响应速度快,规模化等优点,是改善风电波动性,提高其并网能力的有效手段,构建风储联合发电系统成为目前研究重点.简单介绍了风电并网对电力系统的影响及不同类型电池储能技术的发展现状,给出了部分国内外风储联合发电系统的示范工程,并分析了平滑风电功率波动,跟踪计划出力曲线和削峰填谷3种主要运行方式,重点阐述了目前风储联合发电系统控制策略和储能容量配置研究现状,对进一步开展风储联合发电系统的研究进行了展望,指出经济性仍然是制约储能技术应用的关键问题之一,提高包含储能单元的风储联合发电系统的经济性是今后的研究重点.  相似文献   

High penetration of wind generation in electrical microgrids causes fluctuations of tie-line power flow and significantly affects the power system operation. This can lead to severe problems, such as system frequency oscillations, and/or violations of power lines capability. With proper control, a distribution static synchronous compensator (DSTATCOM) integrated with superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) is able to significantly enhance the dynamic security of the power system. This paper proposes the use of a SMES system in combination with a DSTATCOM as effective distributed energy storage (DES) for stabilization and control of the tie-line power flow of microgrids incorporating wind generation. A new detailed model of the integrated DSTATCOM-SMES device is derived and a novel three-level control scheme is designed. The dynamic performance of the proposed control schemes is fully validated using MATLAB/Simulink.  相似文献   

This paper develops a perturbation estimation based robust state feedback control (PER-SFC) scheme of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) for maximum power point tracking (MPPT). The combinatorial effect of nonlinearities originally stemmed from wind turbine aerodynamics, generator modelling uncertainties and wind speed randomness is aggregated as a perturbation, which is rapidly estimated online by a sliding-mode state and perturbation observer (SMSPO). Then, a linear state feedback controller is designed to fully compensate the perturbation estimate in real-time. Furthermore, only the measurement of rotor speed and reactive power is needed while no accurate DFIG model is required by the proposed approach. Under such framework, the elegant merits of conventional linear state feedback control (favourable implementation simplicity and high reliability) and nonlinear robust control (global control consistency and considerable robustness) can be wisely incorporated. Meanwhile, their inherent drawbacks could be significantly reduced. Case studies are undertaken which verify the effectiveness and superiority of PER-SFC compared to that of other classical methods.  相似文献   

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