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清洁生产回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
九届全国人大常委会第二十八次会议审议通过了《中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法》(以下简过了《中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法》(以下简称《清洁生产促进法》)。这是我国第一部以污染预防为主要内容的专门法律,标志着我国可持续发展有了历史性的进步,我国推行清洁生产开始走上法制化和规范化管理的轨道。一、什么是清洁生产  (一)清洁生产的提出  工业革命以来,特别是二十世纪以来,随着科技的迅猛发展,人类征服自然和改造自然的能力大大增强,人类创造了前所未有的物质财富,人们的生活发生了空前的巨大变化,极大地推进了…  相似文献   

2020年,尽管新冠疫情重创全球经济,但氢能发展势头不减.在我国,碳中和目标的提出以及相关规划政策的出台,助推氢能产业快速发展.虽然氢燃料电池汽车市场表现欠佳,但顶层设计不断完善、应用领域不断扩展、技术水平不断提升、产业格局不断优化.本文从政策、市场、产业等角度,全面回顾了2020年国内外氢能发展形势,并对2021年氢...  相似文献   

受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,2020年全球经济倒退,然而在此形势下,我国光伏产业却逆流而上,取得了令人瞩目的成就,保持并延续了多项世界第一.首先,从应用市场实现恢复性增长、产业规模持续扩大、光伏产品出口稳中有增、技术创新活跃,以及光伏发电中标电价与光伏发电成本持续下降等方面对2020年我国光伏产业的发展形势进行了回顾;其次,...  相似文献   

2019年,全球氢能发展进入创新之年。在战略共识基本成形的基础上,各主要国家积极推进氢能技术研发、探索应用模式、推进基础设施建设。氢能在我国受到前所未有的关注,2019年氢能首次被写入政府工作报告、首次被纳入能源统计报表,各地发展热情高涨。本文从战略规划、技术、应用、基础设施、产业格局等方面,回顾了2019年国内外氢能发展形势,并对2020年氢能发展提出建议。  相似文献   

刘增洁 《中国能源》2002,(7):30-33,44
据BPAmoco最新出版的《BPAmocoStatisticalReviewofWorldenergy》显示,2001年世界天然气储量增长3.3%。世界天然气产量和消费量增长幅度趋缓,其中天然气产量增长了1.7%,低于1990年以来年均1.9%的增长幅度;消费量增长0.3%,低于1990年以来年均1.8%增长幅度。北美地区由于受经济下滑以及较高的气价的影响,2001年天然气消费量下降4.9%,而世界其它地区天然气消费量均有不同程度增长。据美国能源信息署预测,在未来一次能源消费中天然气将是增长最快的,21世纪将是天然气的世纪。  相似文献   

2019年是我国光伏产业实现由补贴推动向平价推动转变的起始年。尽管整体光伏市场有所下滑,但受益于海外市场的增长,我国光伏产业规模稳步扩大、技术创新不断推进、出口增速不断提升。从产业规模、进出口情况、应用市场、技术创新、产业政策、产品价格及外贸形势等方面分析了我国光伏产业2019年的发展形势,并分析了产业发展特点,最后对2020年光伏市场的发展情况进行了展望。  相似文献   

采暖是哈尔滨人的生存条件之一。哈尔滨真正意义上的城市集中供热始于1958年,其后又经历了三个发展阶段。随着国家供热体制改革的深入,许多影响和制约城市集中供热发展的问题将会逐步得到解决,哈尔滨市集中供热正在进入一个全面发展的新时期。  相似文献   

针对国内自主研发的流化床垃圾焚烧技术,通过对几个不同掺煤比的锅炉实际设计应用介绍,简要回顾流化床垃圾焚烧锅炉十多年来的研发历程及最新的研究成果,同时进一步探讨其今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文论述了甘肃省中小水电资源的分布状况,回顾了地方水电发展历程,并展望了今后甘肃省水电发展的前景  相似文献   

50 年来,陕西小水电及电气化事业得到了长足的发展,为工农业生产和贫困地区脱贫致富发挥了积极作用。本文对50 年的发展历程作以回顾,总结基本经验并提出新世纪小水电发展的方针  相似文献   

This study analyses the current industrial hydrogen markets in France on both a European and international scale, while endeavouring to assess future prospects by 2030. Hydrogen is produced either on purpose or unintentionally as a co-product. Intentional production of hydrogen, generally from natural gas, is classified as captive or merchant hydrogen. France produces about 920,000 metric tons of hydrogen annually. The producer and consumer industries are, in decreasing order of importance are: oil for refinery and petrochemicals, ammonia, iron & steel (co-production), chemicals, and chlorine (co-production). The intentional production of hydrogen from natural gas amounts to less than that co-produced: 40% compared with 60%. The amount of burned hydrogen is about 25% of the total. Production-related carbon dioxide emissions range between 1% and 2% of the total emissions in France. There is an increasing trend in the industrial hydrogen production, essentially due to the oil industry whereas a decline in production is expected in the ammonia industry. The annual production around 2030 should therefore be greater than 1 million metric tons (MMT) per year. If the iron & steel industry were to use hydrogen in every possible situation, it would double the total quantity of hydrogen produced and consumed in France.  相似文献   

陕西地处长江、黄河两大流域,水力资源比较丰富,建国50 年以来,水力发电事业有了较大的发展。本文主要阐述了陕西省水电发展的50 年历程与成就  相似文献   

固体润滑技术的研究现状及展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
固体润滑是将固体物质涂或镀于摩擦界面,以降低摩擦,减少磨损的措施。当前,可以作为固体润滑剂的物质有石墨和二硫化钼等层状物质、塑料和树脂等高分子材料、软金属及其各种化合物等。在分析固体润滑机理的基础上,对常用的固体润滑材料,金属基润滑材料和高分子润滑材料的基本性质及使用特性进行了简要分析;简要说明了固体润滑技术的实际应用的基本常识;分析了各种状况下应该使用何种固体润滑剂;展望了固体润滑剂的发展方向。  相似文献   

Interest in nuclear power has been revived as a result of volatile fossil fuel prices, concerns about the security of energy supplies, and global climate change. This paper describes the current status and future plans for expansion of nuclear power, the advances in nuclear reactor technology, and their impacts on the associated risks and performance of nuclear power. Advanced nuclear reactors have been designed to be simpler and safer, and to have lower costs than currently operating reactors. By addressing many of the public health and safety risks that plagued the industry since the accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, these reactors may help break the current deadlock over nuclear power. In that case, nuclear power could make a significant contribution towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, significant issues persist, fueling reservations among the public and many decision makers. Nuclear safety, disposal of radioactive wastes, and proliferation of nuclear explosives need to be addressed in an effective and credible way if the necessary public support is to be obtained.  相似文献   

建国 50年来 ,西北地区坝工建设有了很大的发展 ,建成了许多大坝 ,为当地提供了丰富的水源与电源。本文主要叙述西北地区坝工建设的发展、经验、教训及今后的展望。  相似文献   

分析了我国的水力资源和水力发电现状,探讨了水力发电面临的问题,并时我国水力发电的发展前景提出了看法。  相似文献   

The goals of the Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology project (PVMaT) are to help the US PV industry improve photovoltaic manufacturing processes and accelerate cost reductions for PV components and systems. PVMaT is in its ninth year of implementation, and subcontracts with industry have been completed from four solicitations for R&D on manufacturing process problems. We are in the second year of subcontracts for a fifth PVMaT solicitation.Based on the latest (1998) data from ten PVMaT industrial participants, the average direct manufacturing cost for these producers has been reduced by 29% – from $4.08 to $2.91 per peak watt since 1992 – and there has also been a more than five-fold increase in manufacturing capacity – from 13.1 to 73.3 MW. We believe R&D on manufacturing processes contributes significantly to expeditious reductions in PV manufacturing costs, and we identify areas for future R&D.  相似文献   

中国铁路内燃机车发展50年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重点回顾了我国内燃机车50年来的发展历程,包括6个发展阶段和4代国产内燃机车更新换代的情况;介绍了50年来国产内燃机车发展的成就;对国产内燃机车的技术水平作了评价;概括说明了我国内燃机车的现状;对未来发展前景做了展望。  相似文献   

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