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The effects of usability and web design attributes on user preference for e-commerce web sites 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This study examines the relationships among perceived usability before actual use, task completion time, and preference, and the effects of design attributes on user preference for e-commerce web sites. Nine online bookstore web sites were used by ten participants. Results indicate: (1) pre-use usability and task completion time were correlated; (2) the relationship between pre-use usability and preference was greater than that of task completion time and preference; (3) design attribute assessments after actual use were highly intercorrelated; and (4) organizational structure and layout had a greater effect on user preference than aesthetic aspects, such as color and typography. These findings can be used to construct a conceptual framework for understanding user preferences and to develop design guidelines to yield more highly preferred e-commerce web sites. Also, the methodology in this study can be applied to other computerized-applications. 相似文献
Service level is considered to be the most important criterion in evaluating application services. In our study we empirically investigated how perceived service level (PSL) influenced healthcare workers’ willingness to use application service oriented medical records. In particular, we extended the technology acceptance model (TAM) by embedding PSL as a causal antecedent. We found that PSL explained 61% of the variation in ease of use, which is twice as much as our current understanding. We also found that TAM was validated when tested in isolation but failed within the larger nomological network. We provided an explanation based on the notion of conditional independence. We further applied TETRAD III to explore the phenomenon and discovered two spurious associations in TAM, successfully confirming the explanation. 相似文献
在电子商务日益成熟的今天,互联网竞争尤为激烈,研究基于服务设计理念的B2C电子商务网站,在网站设计方面增强用户的吸引力,提升用户购物体验尤为重要。本文从服务设计理念中的服务接触点着手,以服务结合设计原则诠释B2C电子商务网站的设计,通过网站优化给予用户更为人性化的互联网购物体验,增强用户对B2C网站的认同感,提高B2C电子商务网站与用户之间的黏合度。 相似文献
Perceived ease of use is found to affect consumer’s intention toward using an Internet-based service. However, to protect online transaction security, more security verification mechanisms are established which in turn increase the complexity and difficulty of using online services. This study proposed that the importance of perceived ease of use is depending on short- vs. long-term transaction expectation, product type, and whether security concern information is presented. In certain situations buyers or sellers of an Internet service may tolerate the inconvenience of using the Internet-based service. A 2 (verification requirement) × 2 (network externality) × 2 (short vs. long term) between-subject design was conducted on sellers of an auction site and a 2 (verification requirement) × 2 (product type) × 2 (with vs. without security concern information) between-subject design was conducted on buyers of an auction site. The results of two studies suggest that perceived ease of use increases the intention toward using online service when sellers expect that the Internet service usage is only for a short-term transaction or when buyers have no access of the security concern information on the website. In contrast, sellers prefer using an online service which requires a relatively high verification requirement when the purpose of using Internet service is for long-term transaction or when buyers have access of security concern information. The results also showed that perceived network externality positively affect sellers’ intention toward using an auction website. 相似文献
Social network services are emerging as a promising IT-based business, with some services already being provided commercially such as Facebook, Cyworld and Xiaonei. However, it is not yet clear which potential audience groups will be key social network service participants. Moreover, the process showing how an individual actually decides to start using a social network service may be somewhat different from current web-based community services. Hence, the aims of this paper are twofold. First, we empirically examine how individual characteristics affect actual user acceptance of social network services. To examine these individual characteristics, we apply a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to construct an amended model that focuses on three individual differences: social identity, altruism and telepresence, and one perceived construct: the perceived encouragement, imported from psychology-based research. Next, we examine if the users’ perception to see a target social network service as human relationship-oriented service or as a task-oriented service could be a moderator between perceived constructs and actual use. As a result, we discover that the perceived encouragement and perceived orientation are significant constructs that affect actual use of social network services. 相似文献
本文以职业技能鉴定考核系统为研究背景,分析了移动设备与服务器几种传输方式,根据移动设备在系统中有在线和离线不同的应用场景,研究了适用于复杂环境下一种基于移动服务的系统模型。 相似文献
针对应用等价类划分和边界值分析方法测试Web服务时面临组合策略的选择问题,分析正交试验设计法、全组合法、均匀试验设计法和扩展均匀试验设计法生成Web服务的测试数据集的测试效果;提出扩展均匀试验设计法生成测试数据集;据此实现一个生成Web服务的测试数据集的原型工具。 相似文献
为了满足消费者的个性化需求,提高产品概念创新设计阶段的设计效率和水平,同时提升设计阶段的创新能力,构建了数据驱动的产品概念设计创新知识服务模型。该模型基于产品的评论数据和专利数据等,运用文本挖掘和聚类分析等技术,向产品的设计者提供相应的知识服务,进而对设计过程提供相应的辅助支撑。最后,用实例验证了该模型的有效性。 相似文献
随着Web服务技术的发展,基于服务模式的软件被广泛应用,包括医疗、教育和公共交通等领域。然而,服务质量QoS的控制是目前服务技术难题之一。在服务组合过程中,针对设计时(Design Time)和运行时(Runtime)的不同服务形态,提出了过设计(Over Design)与欠设计(Under Design)两种偏离需求的服务设计模式,并构建能够约束服务组合的变化空间(Variability Space),实现控制服务质量的目的。通过电子商务的案例展示过设计和欠设计,并对相关偏离情形进行价值分析论证,以论证减少过设计和欠设计的重要性。 相似文献
基于服务规则约束机制的策略已成为B2C电子商务平台获取竞争优势重要手段之一。在双边市场理论模型基础上,分别建立了垄断和寡头竞争情形的B2C平台Hotelling竞争模型,比较分析了买方多归属卖方单归属和买卖双方多归属情形下竞争性B2C平台服务规则约束机制的最优策略。通过研究发现,垄断B2C平台下,平台企业和卖方企业都没有提高服务规则约束力度的意愿;在买方多归属卖方单归属时,卖方企业运作和维护服务规则约束机制更能提高用户体验和提高B2C平台绩效;在买卖双方多归属时,平台企业运作和维护服务规则约束机制更为有利。 相似文献
Assessing the impact of recommender agents on on-line consumer unplanned purchase behavior 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
R. Eric Hostler Victoria Y. Yoon Zhiling Guo Tor Guimaraes Guisseppi ForgionneAuthor vitae 《Information & Management》2011,48(8):336-343
Recommendation agents (RAs) have been used by many Internet businesses such as Amazon and Netflix. However, few authors have studied how consumer behavior is affected by those that make suggestions to online consumers based on their recent shopping behavior. Fewer still have examined the role that RAs play in influencing impulse purchasing decisions online. Our study developed a theoretical model to illustrate the impact of RAs on online consumer behavior. The model was tested through an online shopping simulation which used a collaborative filtering based product RA. Particular attention was paid to the effects of an RA on consumer behavior; we found that it increased promotion and product search effectiveness, user satisfaction with the website, and unplanned purchases. Results showed that our model provided insights into the impact of an RA on online consumer behavior and thus provided suggestions for implementing effective systems. 相似文献
B2B电子商务正成为众人瞩目的焦点,但目前完整的解决方案对国内许多企业而言是望尘莫及的。文中针对生产商和分销商之间的交易流程,探讨出一种基于WEB的安全电子支付模型,并且笔者设计了一个简单的B2B网上售药系统,成功实现了系统功能,为许多类似企业尽快开展电子商务提供了一个解决方案。 相似文献
D. Harrison McKnight Nancy K. Lankton Andreas Nicolaou Jean Price 《The Journal of Strategic Information Systems》2017,26(2):118-141
Successful business-to-business (B2B) data exchanges can help firms improve inter-organizational cooperation and operational practices, thereby increasing competitive advantage. However, data exchange quality and trust are not assured. Further, although researchers have examined how trust in the exchange partner relates to data exchange system success, both trust and distrust may be important to consider. Using two-factor theory and trust theory, we examine the differential impacts of information quality, system quality, and service outcome quality on trusting and distrusting beliefs. We also study whether trusting and distrusting beliefs have differential influences on relationship commitment and perceived risk. Results from a laboratory experiment show that information quality, a process (i.e., motivating) factor, more strongly influences trusting beliefs than distrusting beliefs, whereas service outcome quality, an outcome (i.e., hygiene) factor, more strongly influences distrusting beliefs. Also, while trusting beliefs has a significantly stronger influence on relationship commitment, trusting and distrusting beliefs have equivalent effects on perceived risk. Implications and ways to expand this research are discussed. 相似文献
介绍了基于LabVIEW编程语言,采用虚拟仪器测试系统的两个数字通道,来模拟I^2C总线的数据通讯,实现测试系统对被测电路的控制数据传送。 相似文献
《Advanced Engineering Informatics》2015,29(3):295-306
This study refines a structural service design stages based on the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) and the service blueprint approach. This study uses the case study of intelligent parking services with the mobile application technology and vehicle license plate recognition system in a high-end shopping mall. In the problem definition stage, the research analyzes the enterprise problem. In the service resolution stage, the TRIZ contradiction analysis and the service blueprint of the parking service as it existed is depicted from the principles of problem resolution. In the solution evaluation stage, new intelligent parking mobile applications (apps) are proposed following the principles generated in the second stage. Furthermore, the failure points and waiting points in the prior service blueprint are overcome and the new service performance is significantly improved. It contributes to enriching the service design literature, and extends the range of TRIZ applications for future parking technology. 相似文献
Simulation-based analysis of middleware service impact on system reliability: Experiment on Java application server 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Gang HuangAuthor Vitae Weihu Wang Author VitaeTiancheng Liu Author Vitae Hong Mei Author Vitae 《Journal of Systems and Software》2011,84(7):1160-1170
Being a popular runtime infrastructure in the era of Internet, middleware provides more and more services to support the development, deployment and management of distributed systems. At the same time, the reliability of middleware services has a significant impact on the overall reliability of the system. Different services have different impacts and different service fault-tolerance solutions have different costs and risks. Therefore, the identification of the services that greatly affect the whole system reliability is the major obstacle to achieving reliable middleware-based systems. In this paper, we present an analytical framework to automatically reason and quantify such impacts when deploying the target system. In this framework, faults are represented by exceptions in modern programming languages; service failures are simulated by software fault injection; reliability impacts are measured by scenarios. This framework is demonstrated on multiple JEE application servers, including JBoss, JonAS and PKUAS. The experiments on two JEE blueprint applications, namely JPS and ECperf, show the feasibility, the applicability and the usability of this framework. 相似文献
The case study is about the System Monitor and Control Facility (SMCF) workstation product developed by a major telecommunications company that has been used to monitor MVS OS mainframe computer systems since 1983. In 1991, mainframe UNIX systems were added to the list of systems supported using software executing on the mainframe side. In 1994, an effort to develop a common interface using TCP/IP and Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) began with a product being developed in the C. The product, which was officially delivered in June of 1994, was coded using structured programming techniques. However, after the product had been in use for some time, maintaining and extending the code for additional functionality and portability was less than desirable.A decision was made by the programmers who support the host-side code to restructure (re-engineer) it such that certain software engineering principles be included into the product to make the product more maintainable and portable. This paper discusses the factors that led to the initial decisions of the designers and programmers, the evaluation of the existing code, and the resulting code with software engineering principles re-engineered into the existing code, and how the incorporation of these principles make maintenance simpler and how they may prevent or minimize defects in the future. 相似文献
C22 BxNy(x+y=2)全部异构体和分子离子芳香性的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用拓扑共振能(TRE)和百分拓扑共振能(%TRE)方法,研究从富勒烯C24(D6)产生异质富勒烯C22N2,C22B2和C22BN的所有异构体,研究阳离子和阴离子的芳香性.分析C22BxNy中杂原子取代位置和稳定性之间的关系.结果,中性状态和阳离子状态中,各异构体的TRE都为负数具有反芳香性.但它们的高价阴离子的TRE都为正数则有芳香性.中性状态中,稳定性顺序为:C22N2(1-19)>C22BN(39-64)>C24>C22B2(20-38).形成闭壳层结构时稳定性顺序为:C22B8-2(20-38>C6-24>C22BN6-(39-64)>C22N4-2(1-19).无论在中性状态还是闭壳层结构,当N原子取代C2类碳原子,B原子取代C1类碳原子时最稳定.理论上,预测C22BxNy的高价阴离子有合成的可能性. 相似文献