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Thepaging problem is that of deciding which pages to keep in a memory ofk pages in order to minimize the number of page faults. We develop thepartitioning algorithm, a randomized on-line algorithm for the paging problem. We prove that its expected cost on any sequence of requests is within a factor ofH k of optimum. (H k is thekth harmonic number, which is about ln(k).) No on-line algorithm can perform better by this measure. Our result improves by a factor of two the best previous algorithm.Partial support for D. D. Sleator was provided by DARPA, ARPA Order 4976, Amendment 20, monitored by the Air Force Avionics Laboratory under Contract F33615-87-C-1499, and by the National Science Foundation under Grant CCR-8658139.  相似文献   

A generalized paging problem is considered. Each request is expressed as a set of u pages. In order to satisfy the request, at least one of these pages must be in the cache. Therefore, on a page fault, the algorithm must load into the cache at least one page out of the u pages given in the request. The problem arises in systems in which requests can be serviced by various utilities (e.g., a request for a data that lies in various web-pages) and a single utility can service many requests (e.g., a web-page containing various data). The server has the freedom to select the utility that will service the next request and hopefully additional requests in the future. The case u=1 is simply the classical paging problem, which is known to be polynomially solvable. We show that for any u>1 the offline problem is NP-hard and hard to approximate if the cache size k is part of the input, but solvable in polynomial time for constant values of k. We consider mainly online algorithms, and design competitive algorithms for arbitrary values of k, u. We study in more detail the cases where u and k are small. We also give an algorithm which uses resource augmentation and which is asymptotically optimal for u=2. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proc. Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT 2006), pp. 124–135, 2006. Research of R. van Stee supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.  相似文献   

Irani 《Algorithmica》2002,33(3):384-409
Abstract. We consider the paging problem where the pages have varying size. This problem has applications to page replacement policies for caches containing World Wide Web documents. We consider two models for the cost of an algorithm on a request sequence. In the first (the FAULT model) the goal is to minimize the number of page faults. In the second (the BIT model) the goal is to minimize the total number of bits that have to be read into the cache. We show offline algorithms for both cost models that obtain approximation factors of O(log k) , where k is the ratio of the size of the cache to the size of the smallest page. We show randomized online algorithms for both cost models that are O(log 2 k) -competitive. In addition, if the input sequence is generated by a known distribution, we show an algorithm for the FAULT model whose expected cost is within a factor of O(log k) of any other online algorithm.  相似文献   

Cohen  Kaplan  Zwick 《Algorithmica》2002,33(4):511-516
   Abstract. We present a competitive analysis of the LRFU paging algorithm, a hybrid of the LRU (Least Recently Used) and LFU (Least Frequently Used) paging algorithms. We show that the competitive ratio of LRFU is k +
log(1-λ ) / logλ
- 1, where 1/2 < λ 1 is the decay parameter used by the LRFU algorithm, and k is the size of the cache. This supplies, in particular, the first natural paging algorithms that are competitive but are not optimally competitive, answering a question of Borodin and El-Yaniv. Although LRFU, as it turns out, is not optimally competitive, it is expected to behave well in practice, as it combines the benefits of both LRU and LFU.  相似文献   

N. Young 《Algorithmica》1994,11(6):525-541
Weighted caching is a generalization ofpaging in which the cost to evict an item depends on the item. We study both of these problems as restrictions of the well-knownk-server problem, which involves moving servers in a graph in response to requests so as to minimize the distance traveled.We give a deterministic on-line strategy for weighted caching that, on any sequence of requests, given a cache holdingk items, incurs a cost within a factor ofk/(k–h+1) of the minimum cost possible given a cache holdingh items. The strategy generalizes least recently used, one of the best paging strategies in practice. The analysis is a primal-dual analysis, the first for an on-line problem, exploiting the linear programming structure of thek-server problem.We introduceloose competitiveness, motivated by Sleator and Tarjan's complaint [ST] that the standard competitive ratios for paging strategies are too high. Ak-server strategy isloosely c(k)-competitive if, for any sequence, foralmost all k, the cost incurred by the strategy withk serverseither is no more thanc(k) times the minimum costor is insignificant.We show that certain paging strategies (including least recently used, and first in first out) that arek-competitive in the standard model are looselyc(k)-competitive providedc(k)/Ink and bothk/c(k) andc(k) are nondecreasing. We show that the marking algorithm, a randomized paging strategy that is (Ink)-competitive in the standard model, is looselyc(k)-competitive providedk–2 In Ink and both 2 Ink–c(k) andc(k) are nondecreasing.This paper is the journal version of On-line Caching as Cache Size Varies, which appeared in theProceedings of the 2nd Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (1991). Details beyond those in this paper may be found in Competitive Paging and Dual-Guided Algorithms for Weighted Caching and Matching, which is the author's thesis and is available as Technical Report CS-TR-348-91 from the Computer Science Department at Princeton University.This research was performed while the author was at the Computer Science Department, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA, and was supported by the Hertz Foundation.  相似文献   

S. Albers 《Algorithmica》1997,18(3):283-305
We introduce a new model of lookahead for on-line paging algorithms and study several algorithms using this model. A paging algorithm is n-line with strong lookahead l if it sees the present request and a sequence of future requests that contains l pairwise distinct pages. We show that strong lookahead has practical as well as theoretical importance and improves the competitive factors of on-line paging algorithms. This is the first model of lookahead having such properties. In addition to lower bounds we present a number of deterministic and randomized on-line paging algorithms with strong lookahead which are optimal or nearly optimal. Received April 8, 1994; revised May 15, 1995.  相似文献   

On the power of randomization in on-line algorithms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Against in adaptive adversary, we show that the power of randomization in on-line algorithms is severely limited! We prove the existence of an efficient simulation of randomized on-line algorithms by deterministic ones, which is best possible in general. The proof of the upper bound is existential. We deal with the issue of computing the efficient deterministic algorithm, and show that this is possible in very general cases.A previous version of this paper appeared in the22nd ACM STOC Conference Proceedings. Part of this research was performed while A. Borodin and A. Wigderson were visitors at the International Computer Science Institute, and while G. Tardos was a visitor at the Hebrew University.  相似文献   

On the Competitive Ratio for Online Facility Location   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We consider the problem of Online Facility Location, where the demand points arrive online and must be assigned irrevocably to an open facility upon arrival. The objective is to minimize the sum of facility and assignment costs. We prove that the competitive ratio for Online Facility Location is Θ . On the negative side, we show that no randomized algorithm can achieve a competitive ratio better than Ω against an oblivious adversary even if the demands lie on a line segment. On the positive side, we present a deterministic algorithm which achieves a competitive ratio of in every metric space. A preliminary version of this work appeared in the Proceedings of the 30th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2719. This work was done while the author was at the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, Germany, and was partially supported by the Future and Emerging Technologies programme of the EU under contract number IST-1999-14186 (ALCOM–FT).  相似文献   

Exploring a polygon with robots when the robots do not have knowledge of the surroundings can be viewed as an online problem. Typical for online problems is that decisions must be made based on past events without complete information about the future. In our case the robots do not have complete information about the environment. Competitive analysis can be used to measure the performance of methods solving online problems. The competitive ratio of such a method is the ratio between the method's performance and the performance of the best method having full knowledge of the future. We prove constant competitive strategies and lower bounds for exploring a simple rectilinear polygon in the L1L1 metric.  相似文献   

Average-Case Competitive Analyses for Ski-Rental Problems   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Let s be the ratio of the cost for purchasing skis over the cost for renting them. Then the famous result for the ski-rental problem shows that skiers should buy their skis after renting them (s - 1) times, which gives us an optimal competitive ratio of 2 - 1/s. In practice, however, it appears that many skiers buy their skis before this optimal point of time and also many skiers keep renting them forever. In this paper we show that this behavior of skiers is quite reasonable by using an average-case competitive ratio. For an exponential input distribution f(t) = e-t, optimal strategies are (i) if 1/ \leq s, then skiers should rent their skis forever and (ii) otherwise they should purchase them after renting approximately s2 (相似文献   

A new measure for the study of on-line algorithms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An accepted measure for the performance of an on-line algorithm is the competitive ratio introduced by Sleator and Tarjan. This measure is well motivated and has led to the development of a mathematical theory for on-line algorithms.We investigate the behavior of this measure with respect to memory needs and benefits of lookahead and find some counterintuitive features. We present lower bounds on the size of memory devoted to recording the past. It is also observed that the competitive ratio reflects no improvement in the performance of an on-line algorithm due to any (finite) amount of lookahead.We offer an alternative measure that exhibits a different and, in some respects, more intuitive behavior. In particular, we demonstrate the use of our new measure by analyzing the tradeoff between the amortized cost of on-line algorithms for the paging problem and the amount of lookahead available to them. We also derive on-line algorithms for theK-server problem on any bounded metric space, which, relative to the new measure, are optimal among all on-line algorithms (up to a factor of 2) and are within a factor of 2K from the optimal off-line performance.  相似文献   

Competitive randomized algorithms for nonuniform problems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Competitive analysis is concerned with comparing the performance of on-line algorithms with that of optimal off-line algorithms. In some cases randomization can lead to algorithms with improved performance ratios on worst-case sequences. In this paper we present new randomized on-line algorithms for snoopy caching and the spin-block problem. These algorithms achieve competitive ratios approachinge/(e–1) 1.58 against an oblivious adversary. These ratios are optimal and are a surprising improvement over the best possible ratio in the deterministic case, which is 2. We also consider the situation when the request sequences for these problems are generated according to an unknown probability distribution. In this case we show that deterministic algorithms that adapt to the observed request statistics also have competitive factors approachinge/(e–1). Finally, we obtain randomized algorithms for the 2-server problem on a class of isosceles triangles. These algorithms are optimal against an oblivious adversary and have competitive ratios that approache/(e–1). This compares with the ratio of 3/2 that can be achieved on an equilateral triangle.Supported in part by the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS), an NSF Science and Technology Center funded under NSF Contract STC-88-09648 and supported by the New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology.  相似文献   

Young 《Algorithmica》2002,33(3):371-383
Abstract. Consider the following file caching problem: in response to a sequence of requests for files, where each file has a specified size and retrieval cost , maintain a cache of files of total size at most some specified k so as to minimize the total retrieval cost. Specifically, when a requested file is not in the cache, bring it into the cache and pay the retrieval cost, and remove other files from the cache so that the total size of files remaining in the cache is at most k . This problem generalizes previous paging and caching problems by allowing objects of arbitrary size and cost, both important attributes when caching files for world-wide-web browsers, servers, and proxies. We give a simple deterministic on-line algorithm that generalizes many well-known paging and weighted-caching strategies, including least-recently-used, first-in-first-out, flush-when-full, and the balance algorithm. On any request sequence, the total cost incurred by the algorithm is at most k/(k-h+1) times the minimum possible using a cache of size h ≤ k . For any algorithm satisfying the latter bound, we show it is also the case that for most choices of k , the retrieval cost is either insignificant or at most a constant (independent of k ) times the optimum. This helps explain why competitive ratios of many on-line paging algorithms have been typically observed to be constant in practice.  相似文献   

M. Chrobak  J. Noga 《Algorithmica》1999,23(2):180-185
In the paging problem we have to manage a two-level memory system, in which the first level has short access time but can hold only up to k pages, while the second level is very large but slow. We use competitive analysis to study the relative performance of the two best known algorithms for paging, LRU and FIFO. Sleator and Tarjan proved that the competitive ratio of LRU and FIFO is k . In practice, however, LRU is known to perform much better than FIFO. It is believed that the superiority of LRU can be attributed to locality of reference exhibited in request sequences. In order to study this phenomenon, Borodin et al. [2] refined the competitive approach by introducing the concept of access graphs. They conjectured that the competitive ratio of LRU on each access graph is less than or equal to the competitive ratio of FIFO. We prove this conjecture in this paper. Received June 2, 1997; revised January 28, 1998.  相似文献   

Given n points in the plane the planar dominance counting problem is to determine for each point the number of points dominated by it. Point p is said to dominate point q if x(q)x(p) and y(q)y(p), when x(p) and y(p) are the x− and y-coordinate of p, respectively. We present two CREW PRAM parallel algorithms for the problem, one running in O(log n loglog n) time and and the other in O(lognloglogn/logloglogn) time both using O(n) processors. Some applicationsare also given.  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamic bin packing problem, in which items arrive and depart at arbitrary times. We want to pack a sequence of unit fractions items (i.e., items with sizes 1/w1/w for some integer w≥1w1) into unit-size bins, such that the maximum number of bins ever used over all time is minimized. Tight and almost-tight performance bounds are found for the family of any-fit algorithms, including first-fit, best-fit, and worst-fit. In particular, we show that the competitive ratio of best-fit and worst-fit is 3, which is tight, and the competitive ratio of first-fit lies between 2.45 and 2.4942. We also show that no on-line algorithm is better than 2.428-competitive.  相似文献   

We prove upper and lower bounds on the competitiveness of randomized algorithms for the list update problem of Sleator and Tarjan. We give a simple and elegant randomized algorithm that is more competitive than the best previous randomized algorithm due to Irani. Our algorithm uses randomness only during an initialization phase, and from then on runs completely deterministically. It is the first randomized competitive algorithm with this property to beat the deterministic lower bound. We generalize our approach to a model in which access costs are fixed but update costs are scaled by an arbitrary constantd. We prove lower bounds for deterministic list update algorithms and for randomized algorithms against oblivious and adaptive on-line adversaries. In particular, we show that for this problem adaptive on-line and adaptive off-line adversaries are equally powerful.A preliminary version of these results appeared in a joint paper with S. Irani in theProceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1991 [17].This research was partially supported by NSF Grants CCR-8808949 and CCR-8958528.This research was partially supported by NSF Grant CCR-9009753.This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant CCR-8658139, by DIMACS, a National Science Foundation Science and Technology center, Grant No. NSF-STC88-09648.  相似文献   

We study an on-line broadcast scheduling problem in which requests have deadlines, and the objective is to maximize the weighted throughput, i.e., the weighted total length of the satisfied requests. For the case where all requested pages have the same length, we present an online deterministic algorithm named BAR and prove that it is 4.56-competitive. This improves the previous algorithm of (Kim, J.-H., Chwa, K.-Y. in Theor. Comput. Sci. 325(3):479–488, 2004) which is shown to be 5-competitive by (Chan, W.-T., et al. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3106, pp. 210–218, 2004). In the case that pages may have different lengths, we give a ( )-competitive algorithm where Δ is the ratio of maximum to minimum page lengths. This improves the (4Δ+3)-competitive algorithm of (Chan, W.-T., et al. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3106, pp. 210–218, 2004). We also prove an almost matching lower bound of Ω(Δ/log Δ). Furthermore, for small values of Δ we give better lower bounds. The work described in this paper was fully supported by grants from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong SAR, China [CityU 1198/03E, HKU 7142/03E, HKU 5172/03E], an NSF Grant of China [No. 10371094], and a Nuffield Foundation Grant of UK [NAL/01004/G].  相似文献   

We consider the online-list batch scheduling problem. Jobs arrive one by one and have to be assigned upon arrival to a scheduled batch such that the makespan is minimized. Each batch can accommodate up to B jobs. We give a complete classification of the tractability of this online problem.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive study of the list update problem with locality of reference. More specifically, we present a combined theoretical and experimental study in which the theoretically proven and experimentally observed performance guarantees of algorithms match or nearly match. Firstly, we introduce a new model of locality of reference that closely captures the concept of runs. Using this model we develop refined theoretical analyses of popular list update algorithms. Secondly, we present an extensive experimental study in which we have tested the algorithms on traces from benchmark libraries. The theoretical and experimental bounds differ by just a few percent. Our new theoretical bounds are substantially lower than those provided by standard competitive analysis. It shows that the well-known Move-To-Front strategy exhibits the best performance. Its refined competitive ratio tends to 1 as the degree of locality increases. This confirms that Move-To-Front is the method of choice in practice.  相似文献   

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