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Effect of chemical component on shape memory effect (SME) of Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-C-RE shape memory alloys was studied by bent measurement, thermal cycle training, SEM etc. Results of study indicate that the alloys with high Mn content (25%) appeare better SME, especially in lower strain. SME improves evidently when Si is higher content, especially it‘s range firm 3% up to 4%.But brittleness of Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-C-RE alloy increases by increasing the Si content. SME of the alloy is weakening gradually as carbon content increases under small strain (3%). But in the condition of large strain (above 6%), SME of the alloy whose carbon content ranges from 0.1% to 0.12% shows small decreasing range, especially of alloy with the addition of compound RE.  相似文献   

Cu—26.62%wt.Zn—3.77%wt.Al合金的形状回复率η随变形─—加热─—冷却记忆循环次数的增加而降低。未观察到β2相的宏观形态以及空间分布随记忆循环次数的增加而发生明显变化的现象。  相似文献   

Fe—Mn—Si基形状记忆合金及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了形状记忆合金的简要发展史,Fe-Mn-Si合金的形状记忆机理以及合金的主要元素组成,各成分的作用,提高记忆的方法,分析了其应用情况和前景。  相似文献   

从工程中一种常见的机器隔振模型出发 ,运用导纳模态方法 ,得出了输入到基础梁的功率流表达式 .根据试验数据模拟了形状记忆合金的超弹性循环曲线并计算了TiNi形状记忆合金丝在一定振幅下循环加卸载时的超弹性等效阻尼 ,并将记忆合金丝作为一种等效阻尼材料应用到隔振模型中 .通过计算机仿真 ,得出在此模型中使用记忆合金丝作为阻尼材料及用与合金丝在几个频率时的等效阻尼相当的普通阻尼材料时输入到基础的功率谱图 ,分析了记忆合金作为阻尼材料时对模型隔振效果的影响 ,从而得出其作为阻尼材料的优越之处  相似文献   

Measurements of electrical resistivity, X-ray diffraction, and tensile test at room temperature and ?196°C were performed to investigate the effects of Al addition substituting Ni on the phase transformation behaviors, the mechanical properties, and the shape memory effects of Ti50Ni47Fe2Al1 and Ti50Ni46.5Fe2.5Al1 alloys. It is found that 1at% Al addition dramatically decreases the martensitic start transformation temperature and expands the transformation temperature range of R-phase for TiNiFeAl alloys. The results of tensile test indicate that 1at% Al improves the yield strength of Ti50Ni47Fe2Al1 and Ti50Ni46.5Fe2.5Al1 alloys by 40% and 64%, but de- creases the plasticity to 11% and 12% from 26% and 27% respectively. Moreover, excellent shape memory effect of 6.6% and 7.5% were found in Ti50Ni47Fe2Al1 and Ti50Ni46.5Fe2.5Al1 alloys, which results from the stress-induced martensite transformation from the R-phase.  相似文献   

构造可以用于描述一维结构的形状记忆合金(SMA)的双程形状记忆效应的唯象动力学模型. 该模型基于与形状记忆合金中热弹性相变有关的唯象理论,将应力场和热场下的滞回环曲线视为马氏体相变和马氏体变体重构在宏观层面上的表现. 为了模拟温度诱发的相变,构造非凸自由能函数,使得函数的每个局部平衡对应于相变过程中的一个相. 在外部负载(力或者热)的作用下,可以通过模拟系统状态(应变)在不同平衡态之间的转变,研究温度诱发的相变. 相变动力学的控制方程采用拉格朗日方程,以非线性微分方程来表示. 利用非线性常微分方程描述单程形状记忆效应,通过对不同相变过程的加权组合描述双程形状记忆效应. 开展有关力和热负载下的数值实验,模拟热和应力诱发的相变以及热负载下与单程形状记忆效应和双程形状记忆效应有关的滞回环,模拟马氏体重构所导致的单滞回环以及超弹性效应所引起的双滞回环. 从实验结果可以看出,双程形状记忆效应及超弹性效应均可以被提出的模型成功捕捉,验证了该模型的描述能力.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties and cutting performance of the designed Cu Al Mn Zn Ti B shape memory alloy were studied by tensile test and microstructure observation. Using X-ray diffractometry, differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) and semi-quantitative shape memory effect test, the microstructure and shape memory effect were analyzed. It is found that lots of βphase and few α phase are formed in the quenching of Cu-7.5Al-9.7Mn-3.4Zn-0.3Ti-0.14B(mass fraction, %) alloy, a great deal of martensite and few α phase are formed in the aging alloy, while the annealing alloy is composed of a great deal of α phase and few βphase. The tensile strength and elongation of the annealed alloy are 649 MPa and 17.1%, respectively. Some tiny and dispersion distributed second phase particles are generated in Ti and B precipitates, greatly improving the alloy machinability.  相似文献   

形状记忆合金驱动器的力学性能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于形状记忆合金(SMA)材料的Brinson本构关系,研究了SMA驱动器在自由冷却和强制冷却等两种热交换形式下的动力响应问题,探讨了SMA丝在恒载及荷载变化时完成正逆相变所需用的时间.研究结果表明,热交换方式对完成相变时间有较大影响,并且增加散热面积和提高热交换速率均可有效地加速相变的完成.最后,本文还简单讨论了影响SMA驱动器响应时间的几个因素和改进方法.  相似文献   

阐述了形状记忆合金丝的应变传感原理.在Brinson建立的形状记忆合金一维本构模型的基础上,引入Ikuta提出的电阻率与马氏体百分含量之间的关系并对其进行简化,建立了形状记忆合金应变传感特性的理论分析模型.分析了不同温度条件、不同初始状态的形状记忆合金电阻相对变化率与应变之间的关系.并与已有试验结果进行比较,验证了该模型的有效性.结果表明,形状记忆合金可以作为应变传感元件使用,温度对形状记忆合金的传感特性有影响,设计时要根据使用温度来确定形状记忆合金的相变温度.  相似文献   

Shape memory alloy ( SMA) torsion actuator is one of the key approaches realizing adaptive wings in airplanes. In this paper,the actuator is made up of SMA wires and a thin-walled tube,in which the SMA wires are twisted and affixed around the surface of the tube at an angle referenced to the center axis of the tube. A thermo-mechanical constitutive model is developed to predict the thermo-mechanical behaviors of the SMA torsion actuator based on the knowledge of solid mechanics. The relationship between the torsion-angle and tem- perature is numerically calculated by using the thermo-mechanical constitutive model coupled with the SMA phase transformation model developed by Zhou and Yoon. The numerical results are compared with the relative experimental results finished by Xiong and Shen. Influences of the twist-angle of SMA wires and geometrical factors on the primary actuation performances of the SMA torsion actuator are also numerically investigated based on the thermo-mechanical constitutive model coupled with the SMA phase transformation model developed by Zhou and Yoon. Results show that the thermo-mechanical constitutive model can well predict the thermo-mechanical behaviors of the SMA torsion actuator.  相似文献   

基于实验测试,结合Preisach理论研究了形状记忆合金(Shape memory alloy,SMA)丝驱动器的迟滞建模。首先,依赖于SMA材料受输入电压作用引起的温升变化诱发材料相变输出位移量,设计了SMA丝特性测试平台,记录了驱动过程中的输入、输出变化量,得到理论模型参数辨识的数据集合。然后,讨论了SMA丝的输入电压、温度变化与形状记忆效应产生的材料宏观位移间的迟滞关系。最后,引入Preisach理论,由推导的经典Preisach理论的修正形式和数值实现方法构造了SMA驱动器温度量和位移的迟滞模型。结果表明:与试验数据比较,Matlab环境仿真得到的SMA迟滞曲线,匹配性较好,为进一步的系统设计分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

This article reports the effect of ageing on the microstructure, martensitic transformation, magnetic properties, and mechanical properties of Ni51FelsGa27Ti4 shape memory alloy. There are five specimens of this alloy aged at 573 up to 973 K for 3 h per each. This range of ageing temperature greatly affects the microstructure of the alloy. As the ageing temperature increased from 573 up to 973 K, the microstructure of Ni51FelsGa27Ti4 alloy gradually changed from the entirely martensitic matrix at 573 K to the fully austenitic microstructure at 973 K. The volume fraction of precipi- tated Ni3Ti particles increased with the ageing temperature increasing from 573 to 773 K. Further increasing the ageing temperature to 973 K decreased the content of Ni3Ti in the microstructure. The martensitic transformation tempera- ture was decreased steadily by increasing the ageing temperature. The magnetization saturation, remnant magnetization, and coercivity increased with the ageing temperature increasing up to 773 K. A further increase in ageing temperature decreased these raagnetic properties. Moreover, the hardness values were gradually increased at first by increasing the ageing temperature to 773 K, and then dramatically decreased to the lowest value at 973 K.  相似文献   


对近年来Fe-Mn-Si合金形状记忆效应的影响因素及工程应用的研究结果进行了评述,并对Mn、Si元素,母相强化及热-机械训练对记忆效应的影响进行了讨论  相似文献   

针对磁控形状记忆合金执行器的迟滞非线性,利用PI模型建模思想,采用线性Play算子建立磁控形状记忆合金执行器迟滞非线性模型。根据其模型结构与神经网络结构十分相似的特点,引入神经网络进行权值训练。为了提高系统的实时性,采用遗忘因子递推最小二乘法训练权值。试验结果显示:本文方法对输出位移的最大预测误差为0.0015mm,均方差为2.2931×10-4,最大误差率为0.1593%,表明该方法能够有效地建立磁控形状记忆合金(MS-MA)执行器的迟滞非线性模型,并可以获得较高的模型精度。  相似文献   

Constitutive behavior of nickel-titanium shape memory alloy (Ni-Ti SMA) under hot deformation was investigated by means of the compression tests and the linear fitting method. Based on the true stress-strain curves of Ni-Ti SMA under compression at the strain rates of 0.001-1s -1 and at the temperatures ranging from 600 to 1 000℃, the constitutive equation of Ni-Ti SMA with respect to the Zener-Hollomon parameter was established according to the high stress level and the low stress level at various temperatures so as to more accurately describe the deformation behavior of Ni-Ti SMA during hot working. Dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization of Ni-Ti SMA occur under hot compression, which lays the theoretical foundation for understanding the constitutive behavior of Ni-Ti SMA.  相似文献   

为了实现响应速度快、精度高的偏动式形状记忆合金驱动器控制系统,基于Kanaka-Liang提出的形状记忆合金材料一维本构关系建立了偏动式SMA驱动器的热动力学模型.针对形状记忆合金材料的非线性迟滞特性,结合PID控制和模糊控制各自的优点,设计了一种模糊增益自调整PID复合控制器方案,并对偏动式形状记忆合金驱动器的响应特性进行了仿真.仿真结果表明,与PID控制器和模糊控制器相比,模糊增益自调整PID复合控制器具有响应快、超调小、适应性好等优点.模糊增益自调整PID控制策略完全能满足偏动式形状记忆合金驱动器对控制精度的要求.  相似文献   

TiNi形状记忆合金与317L不锈钢耐腐蚀性能的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用电化学阳极极化、原子吸收谱及金相等方法研究了TiNi形状记忆合金和317L不锈钢在37℃的1%NaCl溶液中的腐蚀性能。  相似文献   

形状记忆合金混杂复合材料弯曲变形的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为精确地预报形状记忆合金混杂复合材料的弯曲变形量及在不改变构件刚度的条件下增大其弯曲变形量,对该材料悬臂梁的弯曲变形进行了研究.采用板状形状记忆合金增大形状记忆合金的体积分数;通过测试形状记忆合金关键温度点上的回复应力与弹性模量,确定形状记忆合金本构方程中的有关变量,解本构方程获得各个温度下的回复应力与弹性模量.采用有限元方法进行计算,获得了悬臂梁弯曲变形的温度响应曲线.测试实验验证了计算的正确性.  相似文献   

Different fragments of a hot-rolled and homogenized Cu–Zn–Al shape memory alloy(SMA) were subjected to thermal cycling by means of a differential scanning calorimetric(DSC) device. During thermal cycling, heating was performed at the same constant rate of increasing temperature while cooling was carried out at different rates of decreasing temperature. For each cooling rate, the temperature decreased in the same thermal interval. During each cooling stage, an exothermic peak(maximum) was observed on the DSC thermogram. This peak was associated with forward martensitic transformation. The DSC thermograms were analyzed with PROTEUS software: the critical martensitic transformation start(Ms) and finish(Mf) temperatures were determined by means of integral and tangent methods, and the dissipated heat was evaluated by the area between the corresponding maximum plot and a sigmoid baseline. The effects of the increase in cooling rate, assessed from a calorimetric viewpoint, consisted in the augmentation of the exothermic peak and the delay of direct martensitic transformation. The latter had the tendency to move to lower critical transformation temperatures. The martensite plates changed in morphology by becoming more oriented and by an augmenting in surface relief, which corresponded with the increase in cooling rate as observed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and atomic force microscopy(AFM).  相似文献   

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