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阐述了自主学习在物理教学中的作用和意义,通过激发学习兴趣、调动主动学习的积极性、引导学生主动实践、抓住机会让学生主动思考、要求学生主动参与实验方法的应用,取得了一定的效果。实践证明在物理教学中,实施“自主学习”方式,可以让学生在知识、能力、智力、创造性等方面得到全面提高。  相似文献   

初中物理是一门以实验为基础的学科,它对发展学生思维,培养学生自主学习能力有着重要作用.在全面推进素质教育和课程改革的崭新时期,物理课程承担着更加重要的历史使命.因此,不断提高自身教育教学水平,培养合格的人才,是我们广大物理教师义不容辞的责任.  相似文献   

在现代教育中学习不仅仅是指获得经过别人分类的系统知识,而是指掌握获取知识的能力.在素质教育中教会学生学习方法,培养学生自主学习的能力,这是教育工作者必须认真思考和实践的问题.  相似文献   

高等职业院校的英语教学现状不容乐观,存在着许多不尽如人意的地方,挫伤了学生的英语学习积极性,导致学生的英语学习效果很不理想.面对这种现状,如何提高高职英语教学质量,尽可能地提高学生的英语学习效率和学习能力,已成为高职英语教学中急需攻克的重要课题.  相似文献   

自主学习模式是目前被广泛应用的课堂教学模式之一。这种教学模式是在教学活动中,学生以课程目标为主要学习目标,在教师指导下自主性学习的一种教学模式。这种模式是以学生在课堂上的自主参与为特色,课堂的绝大部分时间留给学生,老师仅用极少的时间进行"点拨"。语文作为一门人文学科,蕴含着丰富的体验与思考,因此也更多地依赖于学生积极的情感体验。相对于传统的传教式授课,运用杜郎口自主学习模式的语文课堂是开放的、自由的、活跃的。并且能够充分的发挥学生的主观能动性,做到真正确立学生自主学习的地位。  相似文献   

在我国当前新课改如火如茶进行的大环境下,高中物理作为一门基础学科,以培养学生自主学习能力为核心的改革势在必行.本文从探究我国高中物理教学的现状入手,进而具体探讨以自主学习为核心的高中物理教学指导策略的概况,并针对目前的现状提出几点高中物理教学指导的建设性意见.  相似文献   

自主学习教学模式是通过有意识地培养学生主体意识,激发学生学习兴趣,指导和训练学生掌握学习方法,懂得自定目标、自选方法、自我调控,自我评价,从而逐步实现学生自主学习的一整套教学结构体系,一,创设情景,二、向学生提出自主学习目标.三、以学生为主体,让学生探究知识点,并应用知识解决问题.  相似文献   

把素质教育应用到物理教学当中,不仅使学生更好的掌握物理知识,而且可以提高学生自身的素质。物理学是与我们生活息息相关的的学科,没有物理学就不会有我们今天的文明生活,没有物理学的发展就没有我们今天的现代化生活。它的发展为人类创造了巨大的物质财富,推动了人类文明进程的发展。  相似文献   

学生是学习的主题,这是新课标的第一理念,高中数学教学中培养学生自学能力也就成为贯彻这一理念的题中之义.为此,笔者结合教学实践,从自主探究教学模式的构建、自主阅读能力和自我调控能力的培养等方面进行了有益的尝试和探索.  相似文献   

自主学习,就是使每一个学生都成为学习的主人,学生在教师引导下,能通过自己的思考、探索、实践等活动去获取知识,并在主动探索的过程中,获得积极情感体验的学习方式和学习过程.学生能否自主学习关键在于教师能否正确引导.在教学过程中教师要授人以渔,让学生主动学习,使学生克分发挥自己的能力.  相似文献   

每位教师在备课时的第一件事就是课堂设计.所谓课堂设计就是分析研究教学目标,确定为达到目标而采取的措施和课堂教学的程序.课堂设计能很好地表现教师的教学功底、教学风格和教学艺术水平.好的课堂设计是取得最佳教学效果的前提.课堂设计可分为两个层次,第一层是框架设计,第二层是细节设计.框架设计包括教学目标、教学方法、活动方式、教学内容、教学流程、教学评价;细节设计包括新课导入、例题选取、思维训练、板书、作业等.优化课堂设计,能聚焦学生注意力,唤起学生求知欲,激发学生创新的热情,能使课堂教学象优美的乐曲,给人以美的享受.  相似文献   

高职高专英语多媒体教学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多媒体教学是一种新的教育技术,代表着一种新的教学思想与教学方式,它被认为是人类教育史上继文字出现、学校创立、活字印刷之后的第四次革命.随着多媒体技术的迅速崛起和在各专业教学领域中的拓展,外语教师必须重视多媒体技术对外语教学的影响这一新课题.多媒体(Multimedia)技术是指把声音、文字、图形、图像、动画等多种媒体的信息通过计算机进行交互式综合处理的技术,即通过计算机,用多种媒体手段来存储、传播和处理信息.多媒体教学是多媒体技术在教育领域的直接应用,它利用多媒体计算机及其相应的软件,帮助、替代教师执行部分或全部教学任务,传递教学信息,向学生传授知识和训练技能,直接为学生服务.在高职高专英语教学中,运用多媒体技术,弥补了传统的"一支粉笔一本书,一块黑板讲一天"的教学方式的不足,给传统的外语教学注入了生机.教师使用这种新的教学方式,可以集文字、声音、图像于一体,发挥其声形并茂、多姿多彩的立体教学作用,调动学生眼、耳、口、手、脑多种感官进行学习,将课堂单纯讲授的教学模式转变成为视、听、说、读、写、思全面发展的交际英语教学模式,能激发学生的学习兴趣,增强记忆能力,提高学习效率.  相似文献   

Discovery learning approaches to education have recently come under scrutiny (Tobias & Duffy, 2009), with many studies indicating limitations to discovery learning practices. Therefore, 2 meta-analyses were conducted using a sample of 164 studies: The 1st examined the effects of unassisted discovery learning versus explicit instruction, and the 2nd examined the effects of enhanced and/or assisted discovery versus other types of instruction (e.g., explicit, unassisted discovery). Random effects analyses of 580 comparisons revealed that outcomes were favorable for explicit instruction when compared with unassisted discovery under most conditions (d = –0.38, 95% CI [?.44, ?.31]). In contrast, analyses of 360 comparisons revealed that outcomes were favorable for enhanced discovery when compared with other forms of instruction (d = 0.30, 95% CI [.23, .36]). The findings suggest that unassisted discovery does not benefit learners, whereas feedback, worked examples, scaffolding, and elicited explanations do. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses developments in the field of computer assisted instruction (CAI), focusing on the Stanford Project, initiated in 1964 under a grant from the Office of Education to develop and implement a CAI program in initial reading and mathematics. A progress report deals with the reading program with particular reference to the past school year, when for the first time a sizable group of students received a major portion of their daily reading instruction under computer control. The first year's operation must be considered essentially as an extended debugging of both the computer system and the curriculum materials. Nevertheless, some interesting comments can be made on the basis of this experience regarding both the feasibility of CAI and the impact of such instruction on the overall learning process. Parts of the project addressed include the CAI reading curriculum, problems in implementing the curriculum, and some results from the first year of operation with first grade students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article addresses several issues and trends relevant to the instruction of the learning disabled (LD). Although the concept of LD has received some support as a diagnostic category, limited data exist that demonstrate the effect of different instructional methods on the academic deficits of LD students. In this review, attempts to remediate LD are examined according to the adequacy of the theoretical context that guides the instruction and the efficacy and validity of the remediation procedures. Selected studies representative of medical, psychoeducational, neuropsychological, behavioral, linguistic, and cognitive treatment approaches are reviewed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated 2 independent variables associated with the design of instruction for coordinate concept learning to clarify the transition in memory between conceptual knowledge formation and procedural knowledge development. The 1st variable, display time interval, controlled the amount of instructional display time of each interrogatory example; the 2nd variable, content sequence, sequenced examples according to response-sensitive decision strategies effecting incorrect solutions. 72 11th graders who were randomly assigned to 1 of 6 instructional treatment conditions served as Ss in a 2?×?3 experimental design. Data analysis showed that adaptive-controlled display time groups needed fewer examples and less instructional time and performed better on the posttest and retention test than did the learner-controlled groups. For the 2nd variable, the combined generalization–discrimination strategy resulted in better on-task learning efficiency and test performances than each of these strategies separately. Findings are discussed in reference to concept teaching using a 2-phase concept-learning theory. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Divided 64 learning disabled (LD) 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-grade students into 24 instructional groups that were assigned at random to mnemonic and control conditions. Instructional groups were administered 3 daily lessons on dinosaurs in counterbalanced order. The lessons involved vocabulary on dinosaurs, attributes of dinosaurs, and reasons for dinosaur extinction. Mnemonic groups were taught the information using keyword and pegword techniques. Control instructional groups were taught the same information using the principles of direct instruction, including teacher-directed questioning, choral group responding, fast instructional pacing, and cumulative review. A test was given after each lesson on that lesson's content. On the 4th day, all Ss were given production and identification tests on the content of all 3 lessons. Results indicate that mnemonic groups outperformed control groups on the immediate and delayed tests. In addition, control Ss' responses revealed significantly more intralist intrusions than did those of mnemonic Ss. No meaningful trend across days of instruction was observed for either condition. Findings suggest that mnemonic instruction is a versatile and effective instructional technique for LD students. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A continuing problem with student evaluation of college instruction is the replicated correlation between course ratings and student grades. The finding has been variously interpreted as an indication of validity, as a grading leniency effect, or as an indirect result of student selection variables. In this article, I show that a considerably larger portion of rating variance can be explained by students' subjective assessment of learning than by actual course grades. Summative data from 50 sections showed that perceived learning correlated .88 with course evaluations and .86 with instructor evaluations. These results are viewed as support for the validity hypothesis. The statistics were not reduced by partialling out the effects of anticipated letter grade, which preserved the idea that leniency or student characteristics could account for at least a small portion of the rating-grade effect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the effects of manipulating the display time of interrogatory examples in a concept-learning experiment according to individual processing needs. Extending the (see PA, Vols 66:6674 and 70:6652), 2-stage concept-learning theory by R. D. Tennyson et al it was hypothesized that prototype formation (Stage 1) requires an increase in the amount of information in the initial instructional period, whereas classification skill development (Stage 2) requires an increase in "reasonable" processing time in the latter instructional period. Data analyses using posttest and retention test scores showed that, for 96 9th-grade students studying 3 biological concepts via computer-based instruction, decreasing display time of interrogatory examples for incorrect answers (thereby increasing the amount of information) and increasing display time for correct answers (thereby increasing processing time) was better than several alternative procedures. These alternatives are (1) decreasing display time for correct answers and increasing it for incorrect answers (reversal of hypothesis), (2) controlling display time but without adjustment for responses, and (3) allowing for learner control of display time. Findings are discussed in reference to information processing theory and use of instructional display time as an adaptive design variable. (35 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the original article by Richard C. Atkinson (American Psychologist, 1968[Apr]). The last sentence of the first column on page 231 should read as follows: (b) Items for which the correct answer is an adjective are more difficult to comprehend than items in which the correct answer is a noun or verb; similarly, verbs are more difficult than nouns. (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 2005-10451-001). Discusses developments in the field of computer assisted instruction (CAI), focusing on the Stanford Project, initiated in 1964 under a grant from the Office of Education to develop and implement a CAI program in initial reading and mathematics. A progress report deals with the reading program with particular reference to the past school year, when for the first time a sizable group of students received a major portion of their daily reading instruction under computer control. The first year's operation must be considered essentially as an extended debugging of both the computer system and the curriculum materials. Nevertheless, some interesting comments can be made on the basis of this experience regarding both the feasibility of CAI and the impact of such instruction on the overall learning process. Parts of the project addressed include the CAI reading curriculum, problems in implementing the curriculum, and some results from the first year of operation with first grade students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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