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结合地质勘查资料成果,研究了漳村扩区井田的煤层气赋存地质特征,并对开发条件进行了评价。总体上漳村扩区地质条件简单,3号煤层厚度大、埋深中等、储量丰富,有利于煤层气开发。3号煤层煤层气含量平均9.14 m3/t,含气饱和度为欠饱和储层。储层特征为低压、低温梯度、低渗储层。储层物性特征条件稍差,在今后的煤层气开发中应引起重视。  相似文献   

传统的煤层气开采方式为地面直井排水降压开采,但这种方式开采煤层气单井产量低、经济效益比较差。采用水平井开发煤层气能够增加区块煤层控制面积,提高单井产能。目前沁水盆地北部煤层气开发已布置多口U型开发井。为了实现低成本高效开发,随钻测井参数仅有方位伽马。通过采用地质导向技术,保证水平井水平段轨迹钻入目标煤层内,提高煤层钻遇率。  相似文献   

依据牛栏山煤矿多年的开采资料及开采经验,分析了矿井地质特征对煤层开采的影响,提出了一些对策措施。  相似文献   

中国煤层气地质资源总量市预计达36万多亿立方米.相当于国内目前常规天然气的地质资源量。在2007中国国际矿业大会中国煤层气开发与利用论坛上,专家一致认为中国煤层气开发与利用将进入快速发展期,预计2008年中国煤层气利用将出现大副增长。  相似文献   

贵州省煤层发育,煤层气资源富集,对其合层开发煤层气产层孔渗特征进行研究能够为煤层气高产、稳产提供依据。基于贵州合层排采煤层气井产层特征统计,综合现有地质及工程数据,系统研究产层孔渗特征。研究结果表明:贵州境内受煤变质程度高的影响,煤层气产层孔隙度较低,主要在2% ~ 6%之间;煤储层大多发育两组相互近正交的内生裂隙,外生裂隙则与区内深大断裂活动以及煤层厚度有关;产层渗透率均低于0.35 mD,属于中低渗透率产层,且以小于0.1 mD的低渗产层为主。  相似文献   

文介绍了沁水盆地南部地区中联煤层气公司煤层气勘探开发项目所经历的勘探过程和取得的勘探成果,重点分析了该煤层气项目勘探过程中对施工工艺的认识,以及所取得的经验教训,并对该地区煤层气勘探开发前景及下一步钻井、测井、试井、压裂、排采等工艺技术,应采用的施工工艺方法和研究方向提出了建设性意见  相似文献   

贵州省是中国煤层气开发的重点地区,以贵州省及其周边地区已开发的煤层气井为研究对象,结合钻井、测井、排采等现场资料,从贵州省煤层气井的含气量、气体组成、等温吸附特征和含气饱和度四个方面进行系统的分析。研究表明:贵州省煤层气产层的含气量主要集中在10~18 m3/t;500 m以深解吸CH4的体积分数均超过90%;相比于周边地区,不同区块的兰氏体积、兰氏压力差异明显;含气饱和度主要为70%~90%,整体含气性较好,见套压时所对应的井底流压变化较大,在2.0~8.0 MPa范围。贵州省单一产层对比周边地区煤层气井产层没有优势,体现了多煤层开发工艺在贵州省资源开发中的重要地位,虽然其含气量、兰氏体积、兰氏压力差异明显,层间干扰严重,但是总体含气性较好,临界解析压力较高,认为贵州省煤层气产出的重心应该放在如何正确地优选适合合采的煤层,在不同井组乃至不同井之间,根据其储层物性的变化,制订专属的排采工艺及制度,从而实现煤层气井的高产。  相似文献   

大汶口盆地内蕴含丰富的矿床资源,发现有岩盐、石膏、自然硫等矿产。在地质勘探施工的钻孔中,发现辉绿岩侵入体,赋存深度130.35 m~529.54 m,单孔累计厚度在0.19 m~63.33 m之间,是沿沉积地层顺层侵入。以往地质勘探工作未对侵入岩的特征进行分析和研究,在总结以往的地质勘查中发现的侵入岩,就其地质特征、赋存情况和对矿层的破坏程度等进行了讨论,为今后的地质勘查提供参考依据。  相似文献   

最新一轮由国土资源部油气资源战略研究中心等单位历时5年完成评价结果显示,目前中国埋深2000米以浅煤层气地质资源量36.8万亿立方米,1500米以浅煤层气可采资源量10.9万亿立方米。范围包括中国东部、中部、西部、南方和青藏5个大区,鄂尔多斯、沁水、准噶尔、滇东黔西、二连、吐哈、塔里木、天山和海拉尔等42个含气盆地(群)、121个含气区带。  相似文献   

城市固体废弃物典型组分的快速热解产气特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取城市固体废弃物中的常见六种组分(纸屑、厨余、织物、木屑、塑料、橡胶)作为实验物料进行快速热解实验。在所得实验数据的基础上对热解气体产物的组成以及变化情况进行了分析,并研究了热解混合气的热值随时间变化的情况。通过研究有助于对热解产物进行预测,且能够深入地了解热解机理。  相似文献   

A novel liquefaction and distillation process has been proposed and designed for the typical oxygen-bearing coal-bed methane (CBM), in which the impurities of the oxygen and nitrogen components are removed in the distillation column. The flammability limit theory combining with HYSYS simulation results are employed to analyze and calculate the flammability limits and the results indicate that no flammability hazard exists in the stages of compression, liquefaction and throttling. However, flammability hazard exists at the top the distillation column because the methane mole fraction decreases to the value below the upper flammability limit (UFL). The safety measures of initially removing oxygen content from the feed gas combining with the control of the bottom flowrate (flowrate of the liquid product at column bottom) are proposed to ensure the operation safety of the liquefaction process. The results reveal that the operation safety of the whole process can be guaranteed, together with high methane recovery rate and high purity of the liquid product. The applicability of the liquefaction process has also been analyzed in this paper. The simulation results can offer references for the separation of oxygen from CBM, the analysis of flammability limits and the safety measures for the whole process.  相似文献   

我国煤层气勘探开发现状与发展建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵金海 《中外能源》2008,13(4):30-34
我国煤层气资源量为30×10^12~35x10^12m^3,居世界第3位。介绍了煤层气储层特点,指出我国煤层气储层多为低压、低渗透、低产能的。煤层气抽排方式中,地面钻孔预抽排最有工业利用价值。分析了国内外煤层气勘探开发技术现状,指出我国煤层气地面开发仍处于生产试验阶段。介绍了中联煤层气、中国石油、中国石化以及外国公司与国内公司合作开发利用我国煤层气的现状。最后对我国煤层气的商业化开发利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

Aiming to investigate the coal metamorphic degree dependences of both the distribution characteristics of the content of CBM and the output characteristics of CBM, the thermal simulation experiments were adopted in this study. The results confirm that the content of CBM shows a unimodal relationship with the elevated coal metamorphic degree. The CBM in high-rank coal-bed mainly falls into the category of thermogenic CBM. The thermogenic CBM is generated after the thermal stability of coal metamorphism. The output characteristic of thermogenic CBM is the dominant factor determining the relationship between content of CBM and coal metamorphism degree. Both the amount of thermogenic CBM and the content of CBM increase with the coal metamorphism degree with Ro max ≤ 3.5%; however, the opposite trend is found for Ro max ≥ 3.5%.  相似文献   

The present study focused on the development of a full-scale gas turbine combustor burning syn-gas from the coal-based multi-production. The dynamic features of a variety of parameters of the combustor, such as temperature and pressure during the procedures of startup and thermal load shifting, were measured and analyzed. The frequency and power spectrum of pressure fluctuation were analyzed by applying FFT and 1D continuous MORLET wavelet methods. The results show that the pressure fluctuation has distinct patterns during startup and load-transition procedures. The relationship between these dynamic features and the stability, safety and efficiency of gas turbine combustors burning syn-gas are preliminarily discussed.  相似文献   

The basic physical properties of marine natural gas hydrate deposits are important to the understanding of seabed growth conditions, occurrence regularity, and occurrence environment of natural gas hydrates. A comprehensive analysis of the core samples of drilling pressure-holding hydrate deposits at a depth of 1310 m in the Shenhu area of the South China Sea was conducted. The experimental results indicate that the particle size in the hydrate sediment samples are mainly distributed in the range from 7.81 µm to 21.72 µm, and the average particle size decreases as the depth of the burial increases. The X-ray CT analytical images and surface characteristics SEM scan images suggest that the sediment is mostly silty clay. There are a large number of bioplastics in the sediment, and the crack inside the core may be areas of hydrate formation.  相似文献   

Coal-bed gas has been considered an attractive alternative fuel for internal combustion engines due to its abundant source and low emissions. In the present study, a combustion system with a swirl chamber has been developed for a spark-ignition engine using coal-bed gas. Detailed experiments have been carried out to investigate the combustion and emission characteristics of the engine operating with three different grades of coal-bed gas. The results have shown that this combustion system allows satisfactory operation of the engine with a wide range of methane content in the supplied coal-bed gas. For all tested conditions, the CO emission has a maximum value of 0.062%, and the HC emission is less than 380 ppm. The NO emission increases with the engine load but is less than 1800 ppm, demonstrating a great advantage of coal-bed gas as a relatively clean engine fuel.  相似文献   

To screen a preferable kinetics promoter, the effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS) within tetrahydrofuran (THF) solution on recovering methane (CH4) from simulated coal-bed methane (CBM) were investigated at 279.15 K and 1.50–4.50 MPa. The results show the addition of surfactants can remarkably enhance the hydrate formation rate. However, gas uptake, CH4 split fraction and split factor in THF-SDS solution are superior to those in THF-SDBS solution. Therefore, THF-SDS solution is an ?appropriately integrated additive for recovering CH4 from coal-bed methane gas mixture.  相似文献   

Hydrogen energy has the advantages of renewable, clean and high energy density, which is considered as the most potential secondary energy in the 21st century. But transportation is a major constraint on development of hydrogen. A possible solution is to inject hydrogen into natural gas network for transport. Due to the obvious differences in the properties of natural gas and hydrogen, it is necessary to establish natural gas pipeline model with hydrogen injection to explore the influence of hydrogen on pipeline. The line-pack of natural gas network can improve the flexibility of the system to deal with uncertainties, and the line-pack has a significant impact on the dynamic characteristics of the natural gas network under the change of external conditions. When hydrogen is injected into the natural gas network, the line-pack is affected by both pressure and hydrogen mixture ratio, and the line-pack influence on the dynamic characteristics of the network is more complicated. In this paper, a natural pipe network with hydrogen injection is established based on the finite difference method, and simulation is carried out under different situations to explore the influence of different line-pack on the dynamic characteristics of the natural gas network. The results show that the response speed of hydrogen mixture ratio is faster under the condition of low line-pack, which is conducive to reducing the risk of hydrogen embrittlement when the hydrogen mixture ratio surges for a short time. However, the pressure loss caused by the increase of flow can be reduced in the high line-pack state.  相似文献   

ControllingMechanismandResultingSprayCharacteristicsofInjectionofFuelContaining DissolvedGasHuangZhen(DepartmentofPowerMachin?..  相似文献   

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