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选取了1995—2010年我国31个省市的面板数据,建立面板向量自回归模型PVAR,并运用脉冲响应函数和预测方差分解刻画了我国经济增长、金融发展及环境污染三者之间的动态关系。研究结果发现:(1)经济增长是导致工业废水、工业废气污染物增长的主要原因,也是金融发展的重要原因;(2)金融发展对环境污染整体上具有逐渐平稳的负效应,金融发展能够制约环境污染的恶化;(3)随着时间推移,金融发展对经济增长的促进作用会逐渐增强;(4)经济增长的前期发展是建立在一定的废气排放量的基础之上的。因此,对经济增长与金融发展、环境污染之间的动态关系进行研究,能够为我国走可持续的发展道路提供理论支持,为解决当前经济增长问题提供措施与建议。  相似文献   

本文运用比较研究的方法,界定、探讨了人民法院为保护未成年人而采取的延伸审理的概念和特征,指出应在审判程序上将其程序化和制度化,并提出了相应的意见,为人民法院延伸审理未成年人案件提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance of a concentrating photovoltaic/thermal solar system is numerically analyzed with a mathematical and physical model. The variations of the electrical efficiency and the thermal efficiency with the operation parameters are calculated. It is found that the electrical efficiency increases at first and then decreases with increasing concentration ratio of the sunlight, while the thermal efficiency acts in an opposite manner. When the velocity of the cooling water increases, the electrical efficiency increases. Considering the solar system, the surface of the sun, the atmosphere and the environment, we can get a coupled energy system, which is analyzed with the entropy generation minimization and the entransy theory. This is the first time that the entransy theory is used to analyze photovoltaic/thermal solar system. When the concentration ratio is fixed, it is found that both the minimum entropy generation rate and the maximum entransy loss rate lead to the maximum electrical output power, while both the minimum entropy generation numbers and the maximum entransy loss coefficient lead to the maximum electrical efficiency. When the concentrated sunlight is not fixed, it is shown that neither smaller entropy generation rate nor larger entransy loss rate corresponds to larger electrical output power. Smaller entropy generation numbers do not result in larger electrical efficiency, either. However, larger entransy loss coefficient still corresponds to larger electrical efficiency.  相似文献   

River classification has emerged as a major application of environmental science, which can overcome the defects of traditional methods in focusing on the single objective of maintaining specified, valued features of ecosystems. However, current efforts to classify rivers by hydrologic processes may result in a growing temptation to ignore ecological variability across basins. Thus, an eco-functional classification is proposed for river management in the Pearl River Basin. This method views ecological functions as fundamental characteristics of riverine systems and provides a framework for dividing a basin into eco-specific categories according to the heterogeneity of the primary ecological functions. In addition, we proposed specific environmental flow methodologies corresponding to three typical river reaches of the basin by perceiving the key attributes of flow variability. In the upstream region of the West River, flow velocity and wetted perimeter are considered as the key attributes of maintaining fish habitat; in a small-sized mountainous tributary of the North river, we choose water surface area to maintain the continuity and biodiversity of the river; while for the aspect of river landscape in the midstream reach of the East River, water level is crucial for maintaining the aesthetic value. This research highlights the ecologically relevant heterogeneity that occurs within and among regions of a basin, and is expected to contribute to a simpler and more comprehensive river management.  相似文献   

论高校党课实践教育模式建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
党课实践具有主体的直接参与性、活动内容的综合性、实践场所的开放性、活动形式的多样性等特点.在提出高校党课实践教育的目标定位的基础上,根据以往实践教育经验,对党课实践教育的方式途径、组织实施等问题提出了对策与方案.通过树立实践育人的思想,完善实践教学体系,建立党课实践的考核激励保障机制,利用形式多样的社会实践活动,使理论学习和党性锻炼同步进行、相互促进,增强青年学生的学习热情和认同感,提高高校党课教育的效果.  相似文献   

船模重量、重心及转动惯量测量系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高船模重量、重心及转动惯量测量与调整的精度和效率,基于力矩平衡原理和微幅摆原理,研究了船模重量、重心及转动惯量的测量方法,设计并研制了船模重量、重心及转动惯量集成电测系统,分析了系统误差,进行了标模测量试验,将测量数据与标模固有参数进行了比较,分析了测量系统的精度和重复性.试验证明,系统测量精度高,重复性好,能够...  相似文献   

研究了一类非线性系统的有限时间函数观测器设计问题,发展了现有文献中的相关结果:(1)得到了非线性系统的渐近收敛函数观测器设计方法;(2)在所设计的非线性系统渐近收敛函数观测器的基础上,并结合有限时间观测器理论,给出了将要研究的非线性系统的有限时间函数观测器的设计新方法.所设计的有限时间函数观测器在任意给定的时间段内实现了对将要研究的非线性系统状态函数的精确重构.仿真例子验证了理论结果的正确性.  相似文献   

为建立异常高压低渗透砂岩油藏储层应力敏感性定量模型,进行了模拟油藏条件的应力敏感性实验.实验采取改变围压(恒定孔隙流体压力)和改变孔隙流体压力(恒定围压)两种方式进行.研究结果表明:应力敏感性实验中改变围压与改变孔隙流体压力对有效应力的影响差异较大.改变围压比改变孔隙流体压力有效应力增加明显得多,改变围压的常规应力敏感性实验夸大了储层应力敏感性伤害程度.基于变孔隙流体压力应力敏感性实验,回归出各类储层的应力敏感性定量模型.其中,变孔隙压力液体应力敏感性模型与实际油田开发较为接近.异常高压低渗透砂岩油藏开发,油井见水后,采液指数、采油指数急剧下降;进入高含水开发阶段,采液指数回升,采油指数仍下降,此类油藏不适合采取提液手段稳定产量.  相似文献   

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