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针对社会发展对城市环境空气质量要求的不断提高以及不可再生能源煤炭仍在被大量消耗的情况,当前占总煤炭消耗量最大份额的燃煤锅炉如何实现节能减排和清洁高效燃烧的课题已经不断被各级政府提到了议事日程。文章选取了一台在用燃煤锅炉进行的"生物质成型燃料"清洁燃烧改造案例,通过对环保排放指标和燃烧能效指标等方面的分析和研究后认为:作为可再生能源的"生物质成型燃料"在应用前景和性价比等方面将日益突显其潜在的优势。"生物质成型燃料"可作为在尚未开通和已经开通了燃气能源,且空气中的SO2和NOX含量有更加严格控制的中心城市的首选能源之一。  相似文献   

生物质燃料的燃烧过程及其焚烧灰特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用热重-差热分析法分析了秸秆、木屑生物质燃料的直接燃烧过程,研究了其焚烧灰的化学成分、晶相结构及其形貌等特性。结果表明,秸秆、木屑生物质燃料的挥发分含量高、灰分低、着火温度低、易燃烧、放热量高,其燃烧过程可分为水分蒸发、挥发分析出燃烧和固定碳燃烧3个阶段;秸秆焚烧灰中钾、钙、硫及氯含量高,木屑焚烧灰中碱金属含量低,硅、钙含量高;生物质燃料焚烧灰中的碱金属氧化物含量高导致其熔点较低、易熔融、结渣。  相似文献   

生物质固体成型燃料技术具有易运输和储存、燃烧效率高等特点,是生物质开发利用主要方向之一。国外生物质能固体成型燃料技术及设备已经趋于成熟,形成了整个产业链的成熟技术体系和产业模式。我国已形成了良好的政策法规环境,生物质固体成型燃料产业化关键技术已趋于成熟。但还存在一定的问题,需要加强技术研发。  相似文献   

中国生物质固体成型燃料技术和产业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物质固体成型燃料技术具有易运输和储存、燃烧效率高等特点,是生物质开发利用主要方向之一.国外生物质能固体成型燃料技术及设备已经趋于成熟,形成了整个产业链的成熟技术体系和产业模式.我国已形成了良好的政策法规环境,生物质固体成型燃料产业化关键技术已趋于成熟.但还存在一定的问题,需要加强技术研发.  相似文献   

浅析生物质成型燃料锅炉的研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物质能是可再生能源,在能源日益短缺的今天,开发利用生物质能具有重大的能源战略意义。为此,针对生物质成型燃料的燃烧特点,研究开发了生物质成型燃料锅炉,通过解决燃烧技术,使生物质燃料点火易、升火快、不存在封火消耗,迅速形成高温区,维持稳定燃烧状态,烟气在高温炉膛内停留时间长,经多次配风,燃烧充分,燃料利用率高,不冒黑烟:与之配套的锅炉烟尘排放原始浓度低:锅炉出力可达到或超过燃煤状态时的水平:燃料来源广泛,成本低廉,综合成本比燃煤还低:运行费用与燃煤比较,可节省20%-40%。锅炉排放完全达标,可在I类地区使用。实测及运行经验表明。生物质成型燃料锅炉具有结构新颖、洁净燃烧、高效节能、低排放、出力大和安全经济等优点。  相似文献   

目前,我国城市拥有大量的生活燃煤锅炉及工业燃煤锅炉,其中大都分布在城市内及城市周边,由于燃煤锅炉在燃烧过程中时除了产生烟尘污染大气环境之外,还会产生二氧化硫并引起酸雨污染,这种污染直接影响人和动物的呼吸系统,影响植物的光合作用,还会对设备及建筑物造成腐蚀和损害,对环境造成十分严重的污染。因此,为防治大气污染,保护和改善大气环境,保障人体健康,促进经济和社会可持续发展,积极开发利用太阳能、地热能、风能、水能、生物能、核能等较洁净的能源是解决大气污染的根本途径之一。  相似文献   

广东省鸿禾食品厂原有2t/h的导热油燃煤锅炉,该厂现有的锅炉的炉排是固定铸铁炉排,炉排的通风口是25mm×680mm的方形通风口,供料是人工供料,导热油炉原来的设计中没有鼓风机,燃烧需要的氧气是通过锅炉下面除渣口打开,通过自然通风来提供的,后该食品厂自主加一台风量Q=2000m3/h-4000m3/h,风压P=800Pa-1200Pa的小鼓风机,风机所配的电机功率是2kw。排烟机是根据排烟的温度联锁启动,即排烟温度到达联锁启动温度时启动,排烟温度低于联锁停止温度时就停止。  相似文献   

为解决无电区域和火灾、地震和雪灾等特殊条件下的供电问题,设计了一种可燃用木柴和木炭等生物质燃料的水冷式温差发电机,其特点在于引入了一种辐射型的集热器。温差发电机的总质量为23.3 kg,集成了直流稳压器,可稳定地对外输出电能。测试了温差发电机的启动特性、空载特性和功率负载特性,结果表明:该温差发电机的平均工作温差为68℃,最大空载电压达到116.3 V。当接入负载时,输出功率随外部负载电阻的增大而降低。当外部负载为1.6 Ω时,温差发电机可对外输出最大功率为22.4 W;继续降低负载电阻时,温差发电机将不能维持稳定地输出电能。  相似文献   

据报道,2月21日举行的“中瑞生物质原料和固体成型燃料合作项目研讨会”宣布,由中国和瑞典两国政府资助的“中瑞生物质能源双边项目”已经取得阶段性进展,有望在近期进入应用阶段。  相似文献   

目的 分析柔性生物质颗粒的应用背景,提出生物质的清洁度与取向分布是影响产品包装质量的2个关键因素。方法 从多相流的数值模拟方法、柔性颗粒建模理论、曳力模型适用性等角度总结国内外生物质流化研究成果。重点阐述本课题组在生物质表征、生物质分离与取向调控方面提出的解决方案。结果 机器视觉适用于生物质物理与力学性能的测量,多倾斜曲面通道可用于混合颗粒的有效分离,楔形通道的流场速度梯度能够加速非球形颗粒的取向调整。结论 概括了柔性生物质颗粒流化模拟中存在的主要问题,提出了未来的研究计划。  相似文献   

One of the main concerns of humankind in the last years is the availability of energy sources. Research has been focused on finding clean and renewable ways to satisfy the energy demand worldwide. In the particular case of the state of Guanajuato, Mexico, clay industry burns each year about 15,000 m3 of fuel oil and residual oils, and 96,000 t of wood derivatives. As a way to reduce the environmental impact of clay industry, the use of solid fuel pellets, obtained from vegetable residual material, is proposed. The raw material for the pellets is obtained from agribusiness and from the cities of the state. The solid biofuel has high density, low content of humidity, a homogeneous shape and high energy density. Nevertheless, special care must be taken about the location of the production facility and hubs, in order to make the production of the biofuel economically feasible. Furthermore, to have an environmentally friendly fuel, the supply chain and the production process must minimize the global environmental impact. In this work, a mathematical programming model is proposed to determinate the optimal location of the production facilities, the hubs, and the best distribution logistics. The problem is modelled using a general disjunctive programming approach, and then relaxed into a mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problem. It has been determined that the main plant should be located in the city of Irapuato, while secondary plants must be established in the cities of León, Irapuato, Abasolo and Salamanca. Moreover, it has been estimated that, when the residual biomass is converted into pellets, about 72,548 t/year of equivalent CO2 are avoided in the main plant, together with 24,182 of equivalent CO2 avoided per secondary facility.  相似文献   

In a development project, efficient design stream line scheduling is difficult and important owing to large design imprecision and the differences in the skills and skill levels of employees. The relative skill levels of employees are denoted as fuzzy numbers. Multiple execution modes are generated by scheduling different employees for design tasks. An optimization model of a design stream line scheduling problem is proposed with the constraints of multiple executive modes, multi-skilled employees and precedence. The model considers the parallel design of multiple projects, different skills of employees, flexible multi-skilled employees and resource constraints. The objective function is to minimize the duration and tardiness of the project. Moreover, a two-dimensional particle swarm algorithm is used to find the optimal solution. To illustrate the validity of the proposed method, a case is examined in this article, and the results support the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm.  相似文献   

生物质固化成型技术是规模化利用生物质能源的一种有效途径,综述了生物质固化成型技术在国内外的研究现状,提出了目前生物质固化成型技术存在的主要问题,并围绕山东大学在生物质固化成型技术研究与设备开发方面所取得的研究进展,分析了生物质固化成型技术机理和主要装备系统,提出了生物质固化成型技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

动态视频竖线生成技术研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
阐述了动态视频分划技术的工作原理及单竖线、三竖线的电路设计.该电路具有动态调节功能,可以实现光电测量的自动瞄准与读数,电路简单,运行稳定,成本低.  相似文献   

本文评述了固体氧化物燃料电池的发展和现状,对SOFC的材料选择、电堆设计、制备工艺以及性能测试等关键技术及其存在的问题进行了较为详细的讨论,并根据作者的理解和经验积累,提出了相应的观点。  相似文献   

王国栋  夏果  李志远  胡明勇  陆红波 《光电工程》2018,45(10):180195-1-180195-12
随着紫外光谱探测技术的广泛应用,低成本便携式紫外-可见光谱仪成为该领域的研究热点。本文首先依据交叉型Czerny-Turner结构设计了便携式紫外光谱仪光路结构。其次,针对性研究了紫外光谱仪的关键器件:紫外探测器和闪耀光栅。利用Lumogen荧光材料和蒸镀成膜法制作镀膜紫外增强CCD,并分析了荧光薄膜在CCD表面的位置对分辨率的影响;从理论上分析了闪耀光栅对于紫外波段的多级衍射效率的影响,确定了紫外光谱仪对于闪耀光栅的选择。最后,研制的便携式紫外-可见光谱仪样机的性能测试结果表明,200 nm~900 nm波段、25 μm狭缝宽度、600 lp/mm、300 nm闪耀光栅配置下分辨率整体小于1.5 nm,200 nm~300 nm紫外波段的光谱响应度提高到20%,实现了便携式紫外-可见光谱仪的设计要求。  相似文献   

A novel pilot-scale allothermal biomass gasification system integrating steam gasification, thermal cracking, and catalytic reforming aiming at fuel gas production was developed. Biomass micron fuel (BMF) was used as external heat source by combusting with air in the combustor. Biomass feedstock was gasified with steam, and then, tar in the produced gas was decomposed by thermal cracking and catalytic reforming. The waste heat of high-temperature flue gas and fuel gas was recovered and used for biomass feedstock pre-heating and steam generation, respectively. The fuel gas yield is 1.36 Nm3/kg with lower heating value of 11.61 MJ/Nm3. An overall energy analysis of the system was also investigated. The results showed that the cold gas efficiency and energy conversion efficiency in this system are 88.11 and 63.59 %, respectively. Meanwhile, combustion of BMF accounts for 25.66 % of the total energy input.  相似文献   

交互式虚拟包装定制系统的关键技术研究   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
李小丽  李晓玲  薛艳敏 《包装工程》2005,26(4):106-107,133
文中针对目前主要基于文本和二维图形的电子商务模式的产品包装展示特点,提出了基于虚拟展示的三维交互式包装定制系统,并对系统结构、关键技术、系统集成等核心问题进行了研究.该系统用一种比VRML更加优越的新的Web3D实现技术-Cult3D实现了网络三维产品的虚拟展示,针对用户多样化的个性需求对定制内容进行了科学规划,经实际应用,可有效地提高客户满意度和产品的竞争力.  相似文献   

近年来金属增材制造技术的快速发展,使其在航空航天、医疗行业、汽车制造等领域得到了大量应用.本文简要介绍了金属增材制造的典型工艺、金属粉末和金属丝材的制备方法以及基于文献统计的方法分析金属增材制造目前的研究热点和发展趋势.结果 表明,金属增材制造技术在仿真设计、制造工艺、过程监控、质量评估、后续处理等领域还没有形成完善的...  相似文献   


The implementation of additive manufacturing (AM) as an industrial production process poses extraordinary challenges to companies due to the far-reaching differences to conventional processes. In addition, there are hardly any standards and guidelines or methodical process models for the relatively new technologies that enable the reproducible and target-oriented use of AM. In order to solve this problem, five industrial companies together with the Paderborn University are researching as part of the ‘OptiAMix’ research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). This paper focuses on the development of an ideal process chain. Reference processes of the OptiAMix partners were analysed, norms and standards from conventional production were adapted and implemented and procedure models developed OptiAMix were integrated. The resulting AM Product Development Process was then applied and validated with the aid of a previously developed integration methodology using an example component from the automotive industry.  相似文献   

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