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《Food Control》2014,35(2):707-713
Grocery store associates in deli/bakery departments prepare and serve an increasing number of ready-to-eat (RTE) foods and full meals. The shift to more convenience foods and take-home meals highlights the need for effective food safety training programs in retail grocery establishments to prevent foodborne illness. Through qualitative and quantitative methods, food safety knowledge, training preferences, needs, and current practices of grocery stores deli/bakery food handlers in Southwest and Southern Virginia were explored. Deli employees (n = 78) completed a 34 question survey eliciting information on demographics, food safety training needs, preferences and knowledge. In an additional phase of this project, a subset of those originally surveyed (n = 15) were observed for food handling practices (6 h per person). Observational data collection focused on cross-contamination, glove use and hand washing. Most grocery store deli/bakery food handlers reported wanting frequent hands-on, interactive one-on-one training lasting less than 2 h. The target audience's largest knowledge gaps included correct temperatures for cooking, reheating and cooling foods. Observed behaviors did not correlate with food safety knowledge. For example, greater than 95% of participants reported using correct hand washing techniques; however, observational behavior data showed less than 50% of hand washing events observed were correct. Additionally, food handlers were observed not washing hands prior to putting gloves on as well as practicing bare hand contact with RTE foods. The creation of short, hands-on or interactive trainings for retail grocery food handlers that focuses on changing food handling and preparation behaviors may enhance the food handler's safe food handling practices.  相似文献   

《Food Control》2014,36(1):33-40
The aim of this study was to detect the most important gaps in knowledge on food safety among food handlers in Vienna, Austria and to identify possible differences in levels of knowledge between food handlers from restaurants and catering companies. The survey was conducted from May 2011 to January 2012 in Vienna and 234 food handlers participated. The average knowledge score for all food handlers was 76%. We revealed no significant difference between the two sample groups; food handlers from catering businesses scored similar (75%) to those from restaurants (76%). Persons with a training at their current workplace (internal and external) scored significantly higher (82%) then persons without an on the job training (71%). Food handlers passing the mandatorily required yearly food safety training had a higher knowledge than persons without this on-the-job training (p ≤ 0.001); 23% of the food handlers didn't participate in any training during the last year. The study identified substantial knowledge gaps concerning correct temperatures for cooking, holding and storing foods. Data from this project underline the value of harmonized action in the field of food safety, but also indicate considerable potential for further improvement in Austria.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to measure the basic knowledge on food safety and food handling practices among migrant food handlers as these information is scarce in Malaysia. A cross-sectional study was conducted face-to-face amongst 383 migrant food handlers from three major cities in Peninsular Malaysia through questionnaire. Socio-demographic information of all respondents was collected. Questions on food safety knowledge (i.e. food cleanliness and hygiene, symptom of foodborne illnesses and foodborne pathogens) and food handling practices were assessed. The compiled data were analyzed by using the Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) 16.0. Overall, migrant food handlers had poor level of knowledge on food safety with an average food handling practice. Significant effects were observed between respondents’ food safety knowledge and socio-demography (country of origin and educational level) and two factors namely; respondents’ nationality and attendance at food training programs showed significant associations with their food handling practices. Multiple logistic regression analyses revealed that attendance at food training programs was a significant and independent predictor of the respondent’s food handling practice. The study’s findings highlighted issues with regards to the extent of knowledge acquisition on food safety and hygiene by migrant food handlers. Therefore, this warrants improvements not only in the better delivery methods of training modules but also tight enforcement of attendance at the programs by the respective authorities.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were: 1) identify the state anxiety, trait anxiety levels and perceived stress levels of food handlers and; 2) Verify the association of these scores with food safety variables like: food safety knowledge, attitudes, practices and with job characteristics. This study involved 183 randomly selected food handlers from different food businesses in Santos city, Brazil, as follows: street food kiosks, beach kiosks, restaurants, hospitals and school meal services. To evaluate knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices, a structured questionnaire was used. Observed practices were evaluated using a checklist. The State Trait Anxiety Inventory – STAI was applied to assess the levels of state and trait anxiety with a score range from 10 to 80. To evaluate stress the Perceived Stress Questionnaire – PSQ was used with a score range from zero to one. Food handlers presented 39.22; 10.1 (mean; standard deviation) of state anxiety score, 39.58; 9.6 of trait anxiety score and a perceived stress score of 0.36; 0.09. Observed practices presented a weak negative correlation with state anxiety (r = −0.26; p = 0.014) but not with trait anxiety (r = −0.18; p = 0.09) and stress (r = 0.03; p = 0.78). Using generalized linear models were observed that a higher stress level, trait anxiety and state anxiety were found in food handlers who do not participated in food safety training and with lower knowledge scores of food safety. These findings show that training can not only improve knowledge but possibly empower food handlers, increase their self-efficacy and reduce anxiety and stress levels.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were 1. to identify the relationship of theoretical training with knowledge, attitudes, self-reported practices and observed practices and 2. to identify variables that influence observed practices. This study was cross-sectional and involved 183 randomly selected food handlers from different food businesses in Santos City, Brazil, as follows: street food kiosks, beach kiosks, restaurants, hospitals and school meal services. To evaluate knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices, a structured questionnaire was used. Observed practices were evaluated using a checklist. A researcher observed and followed each food handler throughout the process of food handling/preparation during a workday. The majority of participants (68.3%) had participated in at least one food safety training session. The average percentage of correct answers on the knowledge questionnaire was 64%. Food handlers who had undergone training presented higher knowledge scores but did not differ from those who had not regarding attitudes, self-reported practices and observed practices. A regression model was used to study the variables associated with observed practices (p < 0.001). The variables related to observed practices were the knowledge score (β = 0.27, p < 0.01), experience (in years as a food handler) (β = 0.19, p = 0.01), the relationship between the number of meals and the number of food handlers (β = −0.19, p = 0.01), buildings and facilities adequacy (β = 0.20, p = 0.01) and the presence of a nutritionist (β = 0.42, p < 0.001). This study showed that training based on theoretical aspects is not related to the attitudes, self-reported practices and observed practices of Brazilian food handlers from different food services. However, training seems to be an effective tool for improving knowledge. The current wording of Brazilian legislation motivates food handlers to undergo training only for certification. Food safety laws should not only require certification but also enable the establishment of policies to monitor and ensure the adequacy of food services.  相似文献   

Youth are a unique audience for food safety education, in part due to low food safety knowledge. Although the effectiveness of such education has been explored for primary school and college students, no studies have assessed effectiveness among high school students specifically. We conducted a longitudinal intervention study in Ontario, Canada, between February and May 2015, to measure the baseline food safety knowledge and attitudes of high school students (n = 119; from 8 classes in 4 high schools), and determine whether these factors improved following in-class delivery of a provincial standardized food handler training program. Linear mixed effects regression models were used to model within-student changes in knowledge scores and attitudes over time (i.e., circa 2 and 12 weeks post-intervention), and to investigate associations with student characteristics. At baseline, knowledge and attitudes were poor. Following training, overall knowledge was significantly greater than at baseline, although at three months post-intervention only knowledge of safe times and temperatures for cooking and storing food remained significantly higher than baseline. Following training, students were significantly less interested in learning about how to avoid foodborne disease. Other attitudes, as well as knowledge of cross-contamination prevention and disinfection procedures, remained unchanged. These findings suggest that delivering existing food handler training programs within high schools may be a feasible mechanism for food safety educators to improve students' food safety knowledge, both overall and specific to safe times and temperatures, albeit potentially for short timeframes. Whether knowledge continues to decline beyond three months after training bears further investigation. As well, future research to investigate how students' actual food safety practices may change following such training, and whether improvements in knowledge translate into reduced foodborne disease risk, is warranted.  相似文献   

Food safety concerns have existed for a long time, as millions of people across the globe suffer from food borne disease every year. Contamination of food owing to limited knowledge of food safety practices primarily increases the risk of food borne illnesses. In the present study, quantitative research was carried out to gauge the level of food safety knowledge amongst people living in Ireland. A total of 1069 participants from all over the Republic of Ireland contributed to the survey (of which 821 were included in this research). Results showed that the residents of Ireland overall had an average level on knowledge of food safety practices (67.0% passing rate). They had an average level of knowledge in food storage (52.8% passing rate), usage and maintenance of the kitchen facilities (59.0% passing rate), and personal hygiene (61.0% passing rate). Conversely, they had a critically low level of knowledge in food handling (10.8% passing rate) and food poisoning (20.1% passing rate). The results of the present study also showed that, the level of knowledge of food safety practices varies amongst the residents based upon their gender, age, place of residence, education level, and marital status, while no significant difference in the knowledge level was observed based upon their per capita income. The study thus, highlights that there is scope for improvement for the residents to advance their knowledge of food safety practices. Therefore, it can be recommended that researchers, educators, food safety communicators, and the media can engage in educating the population, to help the residents advance their food safety knowledge to safer food practices.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of food handlers in food service operation at the main campus of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) regarding food safety. Data were collected from 112 food handlers through questionnaires which consisted of questions about knowledge, attitudes and practices. The results showed that there was significantly positive correlation among the three levels and respondents possess good scores for knowledge (19.68 ± 3.87) about personal hygiene, foodborne diseases and temperature control of food; for attitudes (89.26 ± 8.66) on safe food handling, and for practices (90.02 ± 8.23), specifically for appropriate hand washing, use of gloves in food preparation and prevention of food hazards. About 73.2% of respondents never attend any training related to food safety and majority show poor knowledge of pathogens associated with disease-causing agents as well as critical temperatures for storage of ready-to-eat foods. Therefore, effective and ongoing training on food safety and hygiene must be given to all food service employees to ensure the safety of food provided.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to provide a picture of knowledge of food safety and handling in households and identify a demographic profile of “high-risk” groups with the poorest knowledge. A national survey of food handlers in Mainland China (n = 482) was conducted using previously validated closed questionnaires. The questionnaire consisted of 26 knowledge questions, which included 5 scales that covered key concepts of food safety and handling in households, and 7 demographic questions. The respondents demonstrated a very low level of knowledge and the mean score awarded to them was 7.95 (knowledge scores from 0 to 26). The data were further analyzed to determine differences in knowledge between populations of different demographics. Differences were found between male and female respondents (p < 0.01), urban and rural respondents (p < 0.01) and respondents with different income levels (p = 0.04). Two “high-risk” groups with the lowest level of knowledge are 1) male food handlers with a per capita annual income of less than 30,000 CNY (4773 USD) and 2) female food handlers who live in rural areas and have a per capita annual income below 30,000 CNY (4773 USD) and deserve special attention. This is the first national survey in Mainland China and the results suggested that developing educational programs related to food safety and handling in households of Mainland China are urgently needed.  相似文献   

In order to identify risk factors contributing to foodborne disease outbreaks in Guangdong province, China, the present study evaluated the knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) of food safety among food handlers in a coastal resort area that has a high incidence of foodborne disease outbreaks from Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The KAP of 171 food handlers from 22 food establishments—including seven food establishments in which outbreaks had occurred and 15 in which outbreaks had not occurred—were evaluated.A self-administered questionnaire designed to access the KAP of food safety was completed by the food handlers. The majority of respondents didn't know the maximum stored time at room temperature and the most common agent of foodborne disease in seafood. Most of the respondents' attitudes about food safety and training were positive. When asked about the practices undertaken, about one-fifth of the respondents admitted they had mixed food (raw and cooked) containers in varying degrees. There was significant variance among different food establishments, different ages, and different times of training. Training programs may achieve good results, but training should be more selective, educate the trainees to realize food safety is more important than fresh seafood, target how to cook seafood and lower the risk of microbiology in food, and conduct particularly focused training among managers and newcomers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the food safety knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of food handlers from institutional food service establishments that serve hospitals, boarding senior high schools and prisons in Accra, Ghana. A total of 278 food handlers (56.8% of hospital, 30.9% of schools and 12.3% of prison food service) participated in the cross-sectional study. Data was collected by face-to-face interviews, and responses were scored to determine the level of food safety KAP. Respondents who scored ≥70% of the maximum possible score were adjudged to have sufficient knowledge and practices and positive attitudes. Results showed that respondents generally had insufficient food safety knowledge and practices with means scores of 20.99 ± 7.64 (46%) and 9.35 ± 5.62 (52%) respectively. Attitudes towards food safety were generally negative but with a comparatively higher mean score of 12.64 ± 3.06 (63%). Areas of most concern were 1) Lack of knowledge of sources of contamination/cross-contamination and appropriate holding temperatures for food. 2) Poor practices included multiple freeze-thaw cycles for frozen food and 3) Infrequent hand washing during food preparation after coughing or sneezing. There is the need for continuous risk based training to educate and effect behavioral changes among food handlers. This process will encourage positive attitudes towards food safety and consequently promote good food safety practices.  相似文献   

The effect of Person in Charge (PIC) intervention on knowledge and practice of food handlers in Dubai was evaluated. Data were collected from 48 food establishments located in 4 zones in the city. Each establishment was visited twice in the assessment. In each visit, the same set of 12-knowledge questionnaire was asked and 20 observable practices evaluated. Hand and cutting board swabbing were also conducted to evaluate the personal hygiene of food handlers. Results showed that all the groups gained additional knowledge on food safety during training except group 4. Irrespective of knowledge gained, some of the trained PICs were unable to change food safety and handling practices at place of work. In group 1, the performance got worsen by 12%. Group 2 and 3 showed 4.3% and 10.3% improvement in food safety practices respectively. While, group 4 remained almost same as before the PIC intervention. With regards to cutting board swabbing, results showed that group 1 dropped by 16.6% while the remaining groups improved by 41.6%. In the case of hand swabbing all establishments in group 1 showed satisfactory results after training. Group 2, group 3 and group 4 showed 41.7% improvement. Statistics revealed that there was a significant improvement in the performance of food handlers in hand swabbing after the intervention with mean values of 60.4% and 85.5% before and after respectively. In the case of cutting board swabbing, there was a considerable improvement but not statistically significant at (p < 0.05) with mean values of 41.6% and 62.5% before and after respectively.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to analyse the quality and safety parameters of food products sold in vending machines. A hygienic-sanitary assessment was conducted on 338 vending machines located on the island of Gran Canaria. Hygiene Assessment System (HAS) surveys, food handler examinations and microbiological (processed food and water) and physicochemical (water) controls were applied, permitting evaluation through the identification of the main risks and/or hazards of the hygienic-sanitary quality of the products sold in vending machines.Despite the positive results obtained from the HAS surveys applied to all the vending machines, achieving a total mean score of 87.6 ± 7.5 out of 100, the microbiological analysis showed that 5.7% of the 105 food samples were contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, while Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were below the legally permitted limits. The lack of vehicles able to transport perishable food at correct temperatures (<8 °C) and the fact that some refrigerated vending machines were not at an ideal cooling temperature may have contributed to these values.The assessment tools used in this study revealed hygienic deficiencies in the transportation and microbiological quality of the products, despite the favourable results obtained in the HAS surveys and food handler examinations, indicating that this relationship should be the subject of further study to improve its usefulness in the field of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points.  相似文献   

Following the establishment of the Lebanese food safety authority (LFSA) in the food safety draft law, this study aims to find the appropriate food safety governance system in Lebanon in accordance with the risk analysis and the clauses of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreement. It describes the regulatory and institutional food safety governance system developed in USA, EU, Canada and France using inventory approach and in-depth interviews at institutional level to profit from their previous experience in this field. The findings indicate that Lebanon showed compliance with the clauses of the WTO but it will not be for the interest of Lebanon to join the WTO before it strengthens its infrastructure capacity at the institutional and stakeholders level through harmonization of the Risk Assessment (RA) and Risk Management (RM) at the institutional level and at all stages of the food chain. Lebanon should rely on bilateral and multilateral agreements by carrying out equivalence that fits his socio-economic situation based on RA. As it was shown in the studied countries, power given to the food safety authority depends on the willing of the country to adopt the political democratic approach or political scientific approach and RM and RA were not always functionally and institutionally separated. Lebanon within his political and socio-economical situation will meet constraints if he relies only on scientific justification, he should adopt the political democratic approach and ensure collaboration among RA agencies and RM at different levels.  相似文献   

Campylobacter remains the most commonly reported zoonotic agent worldwide. Reducing the concentration of Campylobacter on chicken meat is seen as the most efficient strategy to diminish the number of human campylobacteriosis cases. Analysis of risk factors related to characteristics of broiler batches and processing conditions could, however, not fully explain differences in impact of processing on contamination levels between slaughterhouses. Our study aimed at investigating whether compliance of food handlers with procedures on setting and controlling evisceration process parameters could explain differences in microbial concentrations on carcasses between slaughterhouses. The study was conducted in two commercial broiler chicken slaughterhouses. Analysis of documentation provided insight in the adequacy of procedures, and observational studies revealed insight in compliance with procedures by using a set of criteria for evisceration control. The frequency of carcasses with visible faecal contamination was counted and Escherichia coli concentrations on carcasses classified based on visible contamination was analysed. E. coli was found to be a valid indicator for Campylobacter during evisceration. Food handlers' knowledge, attitude and practices related to evisceration control tasks were analysed based on a validated questionnaire. Documentation analysis revealed obvious differences in the procedures between slaughterhouses. The observation study revealed that in the slaughterhouse with advanced procedures, the food handlers more often complied with these procedures and a lower frequency of carcasses with visible faecal contamination was observed. Carcasses contaminated with visible faecal spots, even at a low level, carried significantly higher concentrations of E. coli than visibly clean carcasses. Food handlers in both slaughterhouses revealed a good knowledge level. The attitude of food handlers differed between slaughterhouses. In one slaughterhouse, where food handlers complied more frequently with procedures their attitude was at a good level, and practices at good and moderate levels. In the other slaughterhouse the attitude of food handlers was at moderate level and practices at moderate and poor levels. In conclusion, the results from our case study suggest that management factors like availability of adequate monitoring procedures and food handlers' compliance with these procedures may influence the bacterial concentrations on carcasses. Our study demonstrated that compliance with procedures differed between slaughterhouses, and might be associated with faecal contamination of carcasses and thus with higher bacterial concentrations. These results suggest that managerial improvements, supervising and motivating food handlers could be an important control point. To validate the observed relation between compliance with procedures and contamination of carcasses, an intervention study is needed.  相似文献   

《Food Control》2014,35(2):420-427
Norovirus (NoV) in ready to eat food has recently been defined as one of the virus-food commodity combinations with greatest public health concern. The role of food handlers therein has well been recognized. The aim of this study was to identify gaps in food handlers' education and to investigate possible associations between reported behavior, knowledge and awareness of NoV, and environmental presence of NoV. For this, face-to-face interviews were conducted using structured questionnaires in 1023 catering companies (i.e. restaurants mainly), 101 non-hospital health care centers, 52 hospital central kitchens and in 102 hospital in-patient units. In addition, three surface swabs were taken at each setting. Multivariate logistic regression was performed on data restricted to NoV high season months only, in which NoV was present in 21/374 (6%) catering companies and 37/233 (16%) institutional settings (p < 0.01). The two independent determinants of presence of NoV on environmental surfaces identified were being situated in an institutional setting and having an attitude to continue food handling while sick with vomiting complaints. Several gaps in education and training were identified, demonstrating that knowledge on NoV was low, although awareness of NoV was significantly higher among food handlers in institutional settings than in catering companies. This is the first time questionnaires and environmental testing have been combined in the same study to identify issues of improvement. Training on all important aspects of NoV according to the recently developed Codex Alimentarius guidelines to control viruses in food is strongly recommended.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia to examine the characteristics of food companies, their food safety improvement activities, motives and external factors that influenced their decision on implementing the Malaysian food safety system (MeSTI). The study employs a survey questionnaire which was distributed to the respondents during food safety seminars, workshops and meetings. A total of 89 completed questionnaires were returned. The results indicated that the main motive for adopting a food safety system was to improve product quality, while external factors influencing food safety adoption was consumer awareness of food safety and the intension of industry to increase customer confidence. The results of the study suggest that, compared with perceptions toward food safety, there is significant difference in the motives to improve product quality, lowering the risk of compromising food safety and extending their market to foreign country among different groups in the food industry. The external factors influencing food safety adoption exhibit significant differences among the groups of perceptions in increasing customer confidence.  相似文献   

《Food Control》2014,35(2):613-618
Food handlers' training is fundamental in order to ensure the safety of the foodstuff. However, the success of training programs that provide only information is unclear and changes in improper food practices are not usually achieved. Food training programs based on theoretical as well as practical activities have been revealed as an important tool in which food handlers can put information into practice. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the influence of food safety training, based on both theoretical and practical approaches, on the microbiological counts of food contact surfaces, food tools, food equipment surfaces and hand washing in canteens and cafes of one university campus. After food safety training, total plate counts decreased about 60% in the case of canteens and almost 45% in cafes while moulds and yeasts decreased approximately 65% in canteens and 55% in cafes. In terms of location, the microbiological reductions observed were higher for food equipment in canteens and for food tools in cafes. The microbiological counts of food handlers' hands decreased after both food safety training and disinfection. Food safety training influenced the reduction of overall microbiological parameters. Parametric t-tests (after vs before training) indicated that reductions were statistically significant before and after disinfection for total plate counts. The decrease observed for total coliforms and Enterobacteriaceae, were statistically significant only before disinfection. The food safety programs cannot be based entirely on a theoretical approach but also on adequate training which includes a practical approach. The success of the microbiological reductions in the study was associated to the practical lessons which let the handler put into practice the knowledge acquired in the theoretical part.  相似文献   

Street food includes various food items and drinks largely sold in public places, including leisure areas such as beaches. Despite the prevalence at this activity studies made within this scenario are few. Therefore, this study sought to characterize street food commercialization on the Salvador coast in Bahia, Brazil based on the socioeconomic, labor, and food safety perspectives. An exploratory and quantitative study was conducted on 14 beaches using questionnaires addressing the following areas: the socio-demographic characteristics of the food vendors, characteristics of the work, and hygienic and sanitary conditions of the activity. Our study included 247 food vendors with an average age of 40.3 years, of whom 55.9% were women, and 48.7% had completed an elementary education or less. The median time spent working in street food vending was nine years, and the average working day for the participants was 8.3 Furthermore, 46.2% of the participants worked only on weekends and 72.0% declared that their family income was between one and three times the minimum wage, of whom 29.1% had revenue from a source other than street food vending. Most of the vendor locations were fixed (57.5%), and the products sold were typically obtained from supermarkets (48.1%), suppliers (36.8%), and street markets (36.0%). Prepared food items were the most common (61.6%), although mineral water/soft drinks (35.8%) and beer (35.2%) were also commonly sold items, followed by acarajé (21.9%), coconut water (19.0%), fried fish (14.2%), and abará (12.5%). Only 38.3% of the perishable food items were kept in cooling containers. Of the interviewed individuals, 22.6% declared that they did not sanitize their hands when working, whereas 80.2% admitted to handling food and money simultaneously. Our study reveals the socioeconomic importance of the street food sector as well as the poor hygienic conditions of most street food vendor operations.  相似文献   

Despite the recent passing of legislation by the National People's Congress of China in 2009, many food businesses in China have yet to implement a third party certified food safety management system (FSMS). While the extent literature identifies a number of internal and external barriers and benefits, the extent to which these impact on the business is thought to be dependent upon how much progress the firm has made on its journey towards quality assurance and the environment within which the firm operates. To test this proposition, the barriers and the benefits accrued from the implementation of a third party certified FSMS were explored by segregating the participating firms into three distinct groups; (i) those that have yet to implement a third party certified FSMS; (ii) those that were in the process of adopting a third party certified FSMS; and (iii) those that were already operating under a third party certified FSMS. Contrary to expectations, in what is a highly competitive market, those firms which were operating under a third party certified FSMS were more likely to question the benefits they had derived than those firms that were either in the process of adoption or had chosen not to adopt a third party certified FSMS. Irrespective of the stage of adoption, the major constraint to the implementation of a third party certified FSMS was the need for the organisation to focus on more immediate issues and the lack of any strategic long-term planning.  相似文献   

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