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Differences in the preferred thermal habitat of Lake Superior lake trout morphotypes create alternative growth scenarios for parasitic sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) attached to lake trout hosts. Siscowet lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) inhabit deep, consistently cold water (4-6 °C) and are more abundant than lean lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) which occupy temperatures between 8 and 12 °C during summer thermal stratification. Using bioenergetics models we contrasted the growth potential of sea lampreys attached to siscowet and lean lake trout to determine how host temperature influences the growth and ultimate size of adult sea lamprey. Sea lampreys simulated under the thermal regime of siscowets are capable of reaching sizes within the range of adult sea lamprey sizes observed in Lake Superior tributaries. High lamprey wounding rates on siscowets suggest siscowets are important lamprey hosts. In addition, siscowets have higher survival rates from lamprey attacks than those observed for lean lake trout which raises the prospect that siscowets serve as a buffer to predation on more commercially desirable hosts such as lean lake trout, and could serve to subsidize lamprey growth.  相似文献   

Reaction distances under various light intensities (0-19 uE/m2/s), angles of attack, swimming speeds, and percentage of overall foraging success were measured. Extensive efforts have been invested in restoring lean lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) populations in the Laurentian Great Lakes, but successful natural recruitment of lake trout continues to be rare outside of Lake Superior and parts of Lake Huron. There is evidence of high mortality during the first several months after eggs hatch in the spring, but little is known about the foraging mechanisms of this age-0 life stage. We developed a foraging model for age-0 lake trout (S. namaycush) in response to amphipods (Hyalella azteca) and mysids (Mysis diluviana) by simulating underwater environmental conditions in the Great Lakes using a temperature-controlled chamber and spectrally matched lighting. Reaction distances under various light intensities (0–19 uE/m2/s), angles of attack, swimming speeds, and percentage of overall foraging success were measured. Intake rates under different light intensities and prey densities were also measured. Age-0 lake trout were non-responsive in the dark, but were equally responsive under all light levels tested. Age-0 lake trout also demonstrated a longer reaction distance in response to moving prey, particularly mysids, which had an escape response that reduced overall foraging success. We determined that prey intake rate (numeric or biomass) could be modeled most accurately as a function of prey density using a Michaelis–Menton equation and that even under low mysid densities (3 individuals/m2), age-0 lake trout could quickly satisfy their energetic demands in a benthic setting.  相似文献   

Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency in Great Lakes salmonines has been linked to consumption of alewife Alosa pseudoharengus. Thiamine deficiency has been recognized as a possible impediment to lake trout Salvelinus namaycush recruitment in the Great Lakes and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar recruitment in the Finger Lakes and Baltic Sea. Alewife invaded Lake Champlain in 2003 which provided an opportunity to investigate changes in thiamine concentrations in salmonine predators during an alewife invasion. We monitored egg unphosphorylated and total thiamine concentrations in lake trout and Atlantic salmon in 2004 and 2007–2019, assessed whether concentrations were associated with mortality, and examined thiaminase activity in alewife. Total thiamine concentrations in lake trout and Atlantic salmon were significantly lower than in 2004 for seven of the ten collection years for lake trout and for nine of the 12 collection years for Atlantic salmon. Mortality and signs of thiamine deficiency were observed in laboratory-reared Atlantic salmon free embryos but not in lake trout. Average thiaminase activity in adult alewife declined from 5200 pmol/g/min in 2006 to 1500 pmol/g/min in 2012. Our results provide further evidence that a diet that includes alewife reduces egg thiamine concentrations in salmonines. This effect was observed within four years of the invasion of alewife.  相似文献   

Rehabilitating native fish species in the Laurentian Great Lakes and elsewhere remains a challenge for fisheries managers. One factor that often makes rehabilitation a challenge is presumed opposition to rehabilitation programs. We examined the extent and variability in support and opposition for lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) management and proposed rehabilitation activities for the Ontario waters of Lake Huron, principally amongst anglers. Specifically, we compared four common beliefs (hypotheses) that should affect angler opposition to lake trout rehabilitation. Through a questionnaire sent to a random sample of local licensed anglers, we found very high support for lake trout rehabilitation. As hypothesized, this support was lower among a sample of individuals who actively sought opportunities to complete the questionnaire (who were termed the convenience sample). However, even within this convenience sample, about an equal percentage of respondents supported and opposed lake trout rehabilitation. For the sample of local licensed anglers, we found little support for the remaining three hypotheses. Within this sample, very few differences in support for lake trout rehabilitation existed between respondents who did or did not fish Lake Huron, who were or were not participants in past public involvement opportunities for managing Lake Huron's fisheries, and who were and were not knowledgeable about the proposed rehabilitation plan. These results question common beliefs that anglers are unsupportive of lake trout rehabilitation in Lake Huron and that support for rehabilitation varies widely among anglers with different characteristics and experiences.  相似文献   

There are four documented morphotypes of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Superior, with the two dominant forms being the shallow water lean and the deep water siscowet. These morphotypes are differentiated externally by morphometrics and meristics. Pyloric caeca counts have been used to distinguish closely related fish species including the Salvelinus genus. From samples collected in 2009, 2011–2013, and 2017, we counted and measured pyloric caeca from 116 lean and 119 siscowet lake trout from southern Lake Superior. For a subset of 22 leans and 19 siscowets between 575 and 625 mm, we measured individual pyloric caecum basal diameter, length, and estimated individual caecum and total caeca surface areas. Siscowets had significantly fewer and thicker pyloric caeca than leans, but caecum length did not differ between the morphotypes. Mean pyloric caeca count for siscowets and leans was 131 and 153, respectively. Mean individual caecum surface area was 31% higher in siscowets than in leans. When adjusted for mean total number of pyloric caeca, total caecum surface area for siscowets was 12% greater than leans. We postulate that greater pyloric caecum surface area in siscowets may be an adaption for greater lipid uptake because they have substantially higher lipid content than leans. Based on our findings, pyloric caeca counts can be used in addition to other meristic and morphometric characteristics to help distinguish lean and siscowet lake trout.  相似文献   

Lake trout spawn primarily in lakes, and the few river-spawning populations that were known in Lake Superior were believed to be extirpated. We confirmed spawning by lake trout in the Dog River, Ontario, during 2013–2016 by the collection of and genetic identification of eggs, and we describe spawning meso- and microhabitat use by spawning fish. Between 2013 and 2016, a total of 277 lake trout eggs were collected from 39 of 137 sampling locations in the river. The majority of eggs (220) were collected at the transition between the estuary and the river channel crossing the beach. Lake trout eggs were most often located near the downstream end of pools in areas characterized by rapid changes in depth or slope, coarse substrates, and increased water velocities, where interstitial flows may occur. Depths in wadeable areas where eggs were found averaged 0.9?m (range: 0.4 to 1.3?m) and substrate sizes consisted of large gravel, cobble, and boulder; comparable to spawning characteristics noted in lakes. Water velocities averaged 0.66?m·s?1 (range: 0.33 to 1.7?m3·s?1) at mid-depth. This information on spawning habitat could be used to help locate other remnant river-spawning populations and to restore river-spawning lake trout and their habitat in rivers that previously supported lake trout in Lake Superior. The Dog River population offers a unique opportunity to understand the ecology of a river spawning lake trout population.  相似文献   

Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) were a candidate for reintroduction in the Maumee River, Ohio, where they were historically abundant, but are now functionally extirpated. Our objective was to determine if current habitat quality and quantity could support reintroduction efforts. We developed a spatially explicit habitat suitability index model for two lake sturgeon life stages: spawning adult and age-0 fish. To estimate habitat quality, substrate, water depth, and water velocity were assessed and integrated into suitability index values to delineate good, moderate, and poor areas for each life stage. Each habitat characteristic was mapped and combined to provide an overall assessment of habitat suitability, quantity, and location. Model results indicated 208 ha (10.2% of all habitat) of good adult spawning habitat (e.g., coarse substrates, depths between 0.3 and 8 m, and velocity between 0.5 and 1 m/s) and 529 ha (28.2% of all habitat) of good age-0 habitat (e.g., fine substrates, depths between 0.2 and 6 m, and velocity between 0.1 and 0.7 m/s). Good age-0 habitat was located mostly downstream of good spawning habitat, which will provide nursery areas for age-0 fish after hatch. Our models suggested habitat is not limiting for lake sturgeon and efforts to reintroduce this species into the Maumee River, and for the first time in the Lake Erie basin, were supported. The results of this work supported reintroduction efforts that began in 2018.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate the status of lake trout Salvelinus namaycush rehabilitation in South Bay, Lake Huron. Standardized surveys were conducted to quantify natural recruitment, annual mortality, and the contribution of wild-versus hatchery-origin lake trout. Some indicators suggest a high level of natural recruitment. The spawning population was comprised of multiple ages, and the mean age of spawners (8.4 years for females, 7.9 years for males) was at least 1 year older than the age at 50% maturity (5.8 years). Estimated annual total mortality rates (0.20–0.25) and sea-lamprey induced mortality rates (0.02) were less than maximum allowable values. The proportion of wild-origin fish captured was high among spawners but varied among sampling programs (42% in fall trap nets, 70% in fall gill nets, and 88% in summer gill nets). A strong year class (1997) could be tracked from 2001 to 2005. Few fish were captured from early (< 1996) or later (1999–2002) year classes. Possible explanations for low natural recruitment during these later years include declining spawning habitat quality caused by low water levels and/or invasion of non-native mussels (Dreissena spp.) and/or direct or indirect effects of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus).  相似文献   

Several species of non-indigenous planktonic invertebrates have historically been introduced to the Laurentian Great Lakes. Previous introductions of non-indigenous planktonic invertebrates to the Great Lakes have been crustacean zooplankton, specifically Cladocera and Copepoda. This report documents the first known occurrence of Brachionus leydigii var. tridentatus (Zernov, 1901) in Lake Erie and possibly the first detection of a non-indigenous rotifer species in the Laurentian Great Lakes. The specimen was collected from a U.S. EPA monitoring station in the western basin of Lake Erie on April 4, 2016.  相似文献   

We analyzed and compared the structure of bacterial communities associated with zebra mussel mantle cavity fluid, gills, and gut samples collected from Lake Loon, an inland lake in Michigan's Lower Peninsula (U.S.A.) using partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing. A total of 713 cloned 16S ribosomal gene sequences were checked for similarity to existing 16S sequences in two public databases: the Ribosomal Database Project and BLAST. Based on a 98% sequence similarity threshold, a total of 355 phylotypes belonging to 12 bacterial phyla and the phylum Bacillariophyta (diatoms) were identified in zebra mussel samples. A dominance of sequences belonging to the class γ-proteobacteria was observed in the mantle cavity clone libraries (P < 0.0001). Significant sample-specific sequence associations (P < 0.001) included members of the orders Pseudomonadales and Vibrionales in mantle cavity fluid and gut clone libraries, members of both the phylum Actinobacteria and the class δ-proteobacteria in gill clone libraries, and the Cyanobacteria/Bacillariophyta group in gut clone libraries. Furthermore, our results suggest that the zebra mussel may serve as a reservoir for facultative and opportunistic pathogenic bacteria, e.g., Clostridium spp., Flavobacterium spp. and Mycobacterium spp., for many aquatic and terrestrial animals. This work constitutes the first account of the heterogeneity of bacterial communities associated with multiple compartments within the zebra mussel. The information gained in this study significantly contributes to what is known regarding the microbial ecology of the zebra mussel and its role in disease ecology and food-web shifts in the Great Lakes ecosystem.  相似文献   

Walleye (Sander vitreus) is an important sport fish in the Great Lakes that is experiencing low reproductive success after severe population declines starting in the late 1940s. In the Muskegon River, Michigan, natural reproduction of walleyes remains low and is largely supplemented by stocking. To determine factors influencing walleye reproductive success in the Muskegon River, we estimated walleye egg survival using insitu egg incubators covered with nitex screening (2003–2004) and estimated density and survival of fertilized eggs caught on furnace filter traps across different substrate types (2005–2006). We compared physical habitat suitability for walleye eggs under high and low flow scenarios. Density of walleye eggs was highest in regions of gravel/cobble substrates. Egg survival was higher in egg incubators (24–49.5%) than on furnace filter traps (2.0%), suggesting predation is an important source of walleye egg mortality in the Muskegon River. Cold water temperatures that extended developmental stage durations may also be an important source of egg mortality. The dynamic habitat suitability model predicted low suitability for eggs due to poor temperature and velocity conditions. Despite low egg survival rates, 40 million to 1 billion eggs were estimated to hatch. The low natural reproduction of walleyes in the Muskegon River is likely due to a combination of low walleye egg survival and failure of walleye larvae to reach their nursery grounds in Muskegon Lake.  相似文献   

Great Lakes populations of yellow perch have fluctuated throughout past decades to the present due to unstable recruitment patterns and exploitation. Our study analyzes genetic diversity and structure across the native range in order to interpret phylogeographic history and contemporary patterns. We compare complete mitochondrial DNA control region sequences (912 bp) from 568 spawning individuals at 32 sites, encompassing all 5 Great Lakes and outlying watersheds from the upper Mississippi River, Lake Winnipeg, Lake Champlain, and Atlantic and Gulf coastal relict populations. These broad-scale divergences additionally are compared with fine-scale patterns from 334 individuals at 16 spawning sites across Lake Erie's 4 fishery management units. We identify 21 mtDNA haplotypes, including a widespread type that totals 87% of individuals across the Great Lakes. Overall genetic diversity is relatively low in comparison with other Great Lakes fishes, congruent with prior allozyme and microsatellite studies. The largest genetic demarcation separates 2 primary population groups: one in the Great Lakes, Lake Winnipeg, and upper Mississippi River watersheds and the other along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, together with Lake Champlain; which diverged ∼ 365,000 years ago. In addition, the watersheds house genetically separable groups, whose patterns reflect broad-scale isolation by geographic distance. A few spawning groups show some fine-scale differentiation within Lake Erie, which do not reflect fishery management units and need further study with higher-resolution markers.  相似文献   

Information about bloater (Coregonus hoyi) habitat in Lake Huron was limited to correlations between commercial yield and fishing depth, despite available information from other Great Lakes. We identified seasonal patterns of bloater habitat use in hypolimnetic waters surrounding the Bruce Peninsula, Lake Huron. We applied a delta-lognormal model to fisheries-independent survey data to evaluate whether bloater catch-per-unit-effort was related to depth, temperature, and bathymetric slope. A Bayesian variable selection technique indicated that bloater distribution was most strongly related to bottom depth and water temperature. Our study also reconfirmed a previously-described pattern of seasonal inshore movement during warmer months followed by a return to deeper offshore waters during cooler months. By focusing our sampling within the hypolimnion, we characterized intra-annual patterns of bloater habitat use with respect to a temperature gradient near the minimum thermal requirements reported for this species. Bloater distribution under these thermal conditions has not been previously reported.  相似文献   

Manayunkia speciosa has been a taxonomic curiosity for 150 years with little interest until 1977 when it was identified as an intermediate host of a fish parasite (Ceratomyxa shasta) responsible for fish mortalities (e.g., chinook salmon). Manayunkia was first reported in the Great Lakes in 1929. Since its discovery, the taxon has been reported in 50% (20 of 40 studies) of benthos studies published between 1960 and 2007. When found, Manayunkia comprised < 1% of benthos in 70% of examined studies. In one extensive study, Manayunkia occurred in only 26% of 378 sampled events (1991–2009). The taxon was found at higher densities in one area of Lake Erie (mean = 3658/m2) and Georgian Bay (1790/m2) than in five other areas (mean = 60 to 553/m2) of the lakes. A 70-year history of Manayunkia in western Lake Erie indicates it was not found in 1930, was most abundant in 1961 (mean = 8039, maximum = 67,748/m2), and decreased in successive periods of 1982 (3529, 49,639/m2), 1993 (1876, 25,332/m2), and 2003 (79, 2583/m2). It occurred at 48% of stations in 1961, 58% in 1982, 52% in 1993, and 6% of stations in 2003. In all years, Manayunkia was distributed primarily near the mouth of the Detroit River. Causes for declines in distribution and abundance are unknown, but may be related to pollution-abatement programs that began in the 1970s, and invasion of dreissenid mussels in the late-1980s which contributed to de-eutrophication of western Lake Erie. At present, importance of the long-term decline of Manayunkia in Lake Erie is unknown.  相似文献   

The Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) is an invasive organism of concern, with established non-native populations in Europe and California, USA. The species is thought to pose a risk to other North American waterways, including the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway. Since 1965, there have been sixteen confirmed adult E. sinensis caught in the North American Great Lakes or adjoining waterways. Analysis of their mitochondrial DNA sequence variation for part of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene discerned three haplotypes among seven individuals (caught between 1973 and 2005), identical to common haplotypes in Europe. Analysis of mitochondrial haplotype frequencies and shipping patterns suggests that E. sinensis has been introduced to the Great Lakes from Europe, although we are unable to preclude native Asian populations as putative sources. The species is catadromous, migrating between salt and fresh water to complete its life cycle. This trait makes it unlikely that E. sinensis will establish a breeding population in the Great Lakes proper, which are separated from saltwater by a considerable distance and significant instream barriers such as waterfalls and navigation locks. However, the recent discovery of two confirmed mitten crabs in the St. Lawrence River, which could be more readily colonized, underscores the risk posed by the repeated introduction of this species into the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway.  相似文献   

Fallfish (Semotilus corporalis) is a large native minnow that can be both an important food source and a predator on juvenile stream fishes, including salmonids. We developed a fallfish abundance-habitat neural network model. The model explained a large fraction of observed fallfish abundance class variation (R2 = 0.91) and predicted optimal habitat in relatively flat, low elevation, cool to warm streams associated with forested landscapes. The distribution of optimal habitat areas was limited to 9% of the stream network, but one concentration overlapped with the best salmonid production habitat in the Lake Ontario basin. These model results can help managers better understand fallfish distribution and habitat requirements, as well as help them better assess potential interspecific interactions with gamefish in the Lake Ontario–St. Lawrence drainage.  相似文献   

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