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通过熔体铜模浇注方法制备了Mg65Cu25-xSnxY10(X=2,4,6)合金,并对它们的玻璃形成能力及晶化行为进行了研究。利用X射线衍射确定合金的非晶态性质,差示扫描量热计(DSC)分析合金的玻璃转变、晶化和熔化行为。结果表明:在Mg65Cu25-xSnxY10合金体系中,当X=2时,合金的玻璃形成能力最强,能形成的完全玻璃态试样的最大尺寸为3.2mm,其过冷液相区△Tx和约化玻璃转变温度Trg分别为57.6和0.586。同时合金的熔化曲线表现为单一吸热峰。随着sn含量的增加,非晶合金的玻璃转变温度Tg及初始晶化温度Txl。均呈现下降趋势,同时合金的玻璃形成能力逐渐下降。当X=4和6时,合金的晶化行为表现为明显的多级晶化。  相似文献   

The thermal stability, glass-forming ability (GFA), and mechanical and electrical properties of Au-based Au x Si17Cu75.5–x Ag7.5 (x = 40 to 75.5 at. pct) metallic glasses were investigated. The glass transition temperature (T g ) and crystallization temperature (T x ) decreased with increasing Au content. The ultralow T g values below 373 K (100 °C) were obtained for alloys with x = 55 to 75.5. The alloys with x = 45 to 70 exhibited a high stabilization of supercooled liquid and a high GFA, and the supercooled liquid region and critical sample diameter for glass formation were in the range of 31 K to 50 K and 2 to 5 mm, respectively. The compressive fracture strength (σ c,f ), Young’s modulus (E), and Vicker’s hardness (H v ) of the bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) decreased with increasing Au content. A linear correlation between Au concentration and the characteristic temperature, i.e., T g and T x , and mechanical properties, i.e., σ c,f , E, and H v , as well as electrical resistivity can be found in the BMGs, which will be helpful for the composition design of the desirable Au-based BMGs with tunable physical properties.  相似文献   

The rate dependence of serrated flow and its effects on the stability of shear banding were systematically investigated in a prototypic bulk metallic glass.It was found that with the increase of external strain rate,the serra-ted flow is gradually suppressed and could completely disappear at a critical strain rate.The serration size,character-ized by the mean stress drop amplitude,decreases inversely with the strain rate,while the waiting time for serration decreases with the strain rate in a power-law manner.The rate dependence of the serrated flow has important effects on the dynamics and stability of shear banding process,and leads to an optimal plasticity achieved around the critical strain rate for the disappearance of serrated flow.These results are discussed and interpreted in terms of the mi-croscopic deformation theory and the stick-slip dynamics of shear banding for bulk metallic glasses.  相似文献   

采用过冷液体等温处理的方法制备出直径为3 mm的Cu45Zr42Al8Ag5合金圆棒,研究了过冷液体等温处理对铜基内生复合材料的热稳定性和力学性能的影响,研究表明,过冷处理后的试样均为原位自生晶体/非晶复合材料,且其有较好的热稳定性.由铜基非晶合金压缩后的应力--应变曲线可以看出,随保温时间的延长,最大抗压强度逐渐降低...  相似文献   

The Mg-Cu-rare earth (RE) alloys are produced under the form of amorphous cylindrical rods and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Their capacity to be deformed in the supercooled liquid regions (SLRs) is studied. In the SLRs, crystallization can occur and strongly affect the viscoplastic forming conditions. Consequently, the thermal stabilities of the glasses are studied, in particular in the case of a Mg-Cu-Gd glass for which the kinetics of crystallization are quantified and the associated populations of crystallites identified. By appropriate heat treatments, various fractions of crystallites are thus produced and the effects of crystallization on the viscoplastic properties in the SLR are discussed in relation to mechanical models developed for materials containing rigid inclusions dispersed in a viscous medium. Finally, the possible effect of deformation on crystallization kinetics is also considered. This article is based on a presentation given in the symposium entitled “Bulk Metallic Glasses IV,” which occurred February 25–March 1, 2007 during the TMS Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida under the auspices of the TMS/ASM Mechanical Behavior of Materials Committee.  相似文献   

Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) have been devel-opedrecentlyin many multi-component metal systems .These BMGs exhibit unique properties such as highstrength,high elastic li mit ,high corrosion resistanceand wear resistance , and low coercivity etc . Sincethe…  相似文献   

Glass forming ability (GFA) and structural characterization of a new amorphous Al-Ni-Sr alloy melt spun were investigated on the theory of the factors for the glass formation. The GFA was varied with the ratio of Ni to Sr in detail and successful amorphous phase dispersed with 2 ~ 5 nm precipitates was prepared from Al-Ni5-Sr3. Thermal stability and crystallization behavior of the amorphous phase were determined by continuous and isothermal heating technique on DCS, resulting that the crystallization occurs by the growth of fcc Al nanocrystals on the preexistent nuclei.  相似文献   

Bulk metallic glasses(BMGs)have been devel-oped in many alloy systems during past decade.Among these systems,rare-earth(RE)metal-basedBMGs are ones of those found earliest and with betterglass forming ability(GFA).For example,La-basedBMGs were the first a…  相似文献   

The relaxation behavior of Ca60Mg20Zn20, Ca60Mg20Cu20, Ca65Mg15Zn20, Ca50Mg20Cu30, and Ca55Mg18Zn11Cu16 bulk metallic glasses was determined in the glass transition region using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) with heating rates from 1 to 160 K/min. The activation enthalpy of structural relaxation and the fragility index m were found to be smaller in the glassy state (onset of the glass transition) than in the supercooled liquid state (end of glass transition). The Ca-based glass-forming liquids showed strong behavior of the relaxation time, with the fragility indexes m in the range of 33 to 40. The strong liquid behavior implies sluggish kinetics of crystallization in the supercooled liquid region and explains the very good glass-forming ability (GFA) of these alloys. The critical cooling rate for amorphization R c of the Ca-based bulk metallic glasses was estimated to be in the range of 0.3 to 10 K/s, which is similar to R c values for the best Pd- and Zr-based metallic glass-forming alloys discovered so far.  相似文献   

Fe-Co-B-Si-Nb-C glassy alloy with the addition of C was prepared by arc melting and copper suck-casting. The thermodynamics and soft magnetic properties were investigated. The casted amorphous alloys were heat-treated at different temperatures. The differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) results and thermal expansion show complete thermodynamics of crystallization. Its magnetostriction properties were studied by capacitance method. Saturation magnetostriction increases to 38×10-6. The amorphous alloy exhibits good soft magnetic properties with low coercivity and high saturation magnetic induction. The results show that minor addition of C is beneficial to enhance the saturation magnetostriction λs, and do not deteriorate the ability of forming amorphous.  相似文献   

Cu-based Cu-Zr-Al metallic glass samples with diameters of more than 10?mm could be produced in a composition range of 45 to 52 (at. pct) Cu, 41 to 47?at.?pct Zr, and 6 to 10?at.?pct Al by a copper mold casting method. The best glass-forming ability was obtained for the Cu47Zr45Al8 alloy, and the glassy sample with a diameter of 15?mm was fabricated. The minor addition of Ag or Dy can enhance the glass-forming ability of the Cu47Zr45Al8 alloy, which decreases the liquidus temperatures, leading to increase in the reduced glass transition temperature. Fully glassy samples with diameters up to 20?mm were obtained for a (Cu0.47Zr0.45Al0.08)98Dy2 alloy.  相似文献   

The effect of oxygen on the microstructure evolution and glass formation of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses(BMGs)was studied in detail.It was found that oxygen did not form oxides or dissolve in glass matrix,but induced the precipitation ofα-Zr which has the high affinity and solubility of oxygen in the Zr-based bulk metallic glass(ZrBMG).With the precipitation ofα-Zr,the remaining melts contain much lower oxygen content and have strong glass formation,resulting in the formation ofα-Zr/BMG composite.The findings provide an important insight into the mechanism of the oxygen on glass formation,and give us a useful guideline to avoid the oxygen detrimental for designing new BMGs.  相似文献   

In this paper, correlation of thermal stability (\( \Delta {T_x} \)) with the bond parameters such as electronegativity (\( \Delta x \)), atomic radius mismatch (\( \delta \)), and valence electron concentration (\( \Delta {n^{1/3}} \)) for Mg-based multicomponent bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) have been evaluated. A statistical approach of regression analysis has been adopted to investigate correlations among these parameters. Available experimental data have been used for the systematic investigation from ternary to multicomponent Mg-based BMGs. In addition, the applicability of the criteria has been assessed for the systems with and without rare earth (RE) elements. We have found that BMG systems containing RE group elements have significant effect on width of supercooled liquid region. Results obtained from our modified empirical equation have been compared with that of earlier models and have shown better correlations.  相似文献   

采用铜模吸铸法制备出La62.0Al15.7(Cu0.5, Ni0.5)22.3大块非晶合金,并在室温和3.0~5.0 GPa压力条件下对该非晶合金进行了等温高压处理,研究了高压处理对该非晶结构弛豫和力学行为的影响.结果表明,高压处理对非晶合金的玻璃转变温度无明显影响,但使合金发生了明显的结构弛豫,其自由体积和第一晶化温度随压力的增加先增加后减小,最大值出现在4.0 GPa压力之下.纳米压痕和维氏硬度测试表明,其硬度值随压力变化规律与自由体积随压力变化规律一致.  相似文献   

考察在过冷液相区内790K+30min保温后炉冷和液氮冷却对Cu50Zr42Al8压缩断裂行为的影响。5mm铸态非晶复合棒的屈服强度、断裂强度和杨氏模量分别为1670MPa,1849MPa和104.4GPa,塑性应变为1.9%。经炉冷和液氮冷却试样的压缩断裂强度和杨氏模量下降,分别为912,678MPa和38,56.5GPa。液氮冷却试样为部分非晶结构,炉冷试样完全晶化。晶化相均为正交晶相Cu10Zr7,四角晶相CuZr2和DO3结构的AlCu2Zr三种脆化相。  相似文献   

综述了块状金属玻璃的研究进展,介绍了块状金属玻璃的应用及几种制备方法,阐明了块状金属玻  相似文献   

阐述了Ti基大块金属玻璃(BMG)的成分设计原则及制备方法,并对Ti基非晶合金及其部分晶化复合材料的力学性能及断裂机理进行了评述。结果表明:Ti基大块金属玻璃具有较高的断裂强度、弹性延伸率及一定的塑性延伸率,而经过部分晶化获得的非晶合金基纳米颗粒复合材料,其室温塑性获得很大的改善。在此基础上探讨了该合金目前所存在的问题、研究热点以及其应用前景。  相似文献   

Non-isothermal and isothermal oxidation behavior of four Zr-based bulk metallic glasses (Zr58Cu22Co4Ag4Al12, Zr58Cu22Co2Ag6Al12, Zr58Cu22Fe4Ag4Al12, and Zr58Cu22Fe2Ag6Al12 (compositions are in at.%)) has been studied in oxygen environment. Non-isothermal oxidation has been performed at different heating rates up to 1,173 K to understand the effect of progressive crystallization on the oxidation behavior. In addition, crystallization behavior of the glassy alloys has been studied, and activation energies have been calculated in an inert and oxygen environment. Partial replacement of iron with silver and cobalt has a distinct effect on the oxidation and crystallization behavior of the alloys. Oxidation of the glassy alloys starts with the dissolution of oxygen in the amorphous matrix followed by rapid oxidation after crystallization.  相似文献   

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