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HTTP协议作为浏览网页的多交互式协议,给用户带来了很好的上网体验,当其应用于高延时卫星网络环境下时,会严重影响Web访问的效率。针对该问题提出一种适用于卫星网络的HTTP加速技术解决方案,主要采用将缓存和预取相结合的方法达到对HTTP协议加速的效果。Web预取和缓存技术以期降低用户的访问延迟,提高网络浏览速度,在高延时的情况下达到很好的用户体验。  相似文献   

Web结构优化技术在降低访问延迟、提高访问效率上具有重要作用。由此提出根据用户访问路径建立Web层次模型(WHM),利用页面相似度合并同层相似页面,从而构建Web概念化模型(WCM)。实验及分析表明, WCM模型能够在适度聚类的情况下清晰地展现Web结构。此外,将WCM模型应用于预取系统,该模型所采用的聚类算法在预取效率方面明显优于传统方法,具有可行性和高效性。  相似文献   

由于目前的web缓存替换算法多侧重于对用户的历史访问进行参考,缺乏对用户请求的预测.主要利用自回归模型可用于预测的特性,在基于访问时间间隔(LRU)替换算法的基础之上提出了一种基于自回归模型预测的web缓存替换算法,并进一步的在opnet网络仿真中进行了仿真验证.仿真结果表明:基于自回归预测的缓存替换算法相对于传统的缓存替换算法更能提高代理缓存的对象命中率和字节命中率.  相似文献   

流媒体服务系统中一种基于数据预取的缓存策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
具有 VCR 功能的流媒体服务系统由于请求的随机性会影响用户的点播体验,该文结合数据预取机制以及基于分段的缓存策略计算出用户点播延迟的期望,给出一个较优的缓存管理策略,并通过在线计算逼近最优解,同时在缓存已知的情况下,给出相应的数据预取算法,利用缓存和预取两种数据获取方法的相互协作减小客户端点播延迟,提高缓存效率。仿真结果证实了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   

该文在分析目前主要预取算法优劣的基础上,根据VoiceXML语音平台与基于HTML的WWW之间的区别,认为在VoiceXML语音平台中应该预取其引用的语音资源,提出一种自适应的多用户共享的Markov预测模型,统一预测所有在线用户下一步所需的资源及其访问概率,有助于提高预测的准确率。最后,该文还提出抢占式优先级模型来调度预取任务,将资源的访问概率映射为优先级。仿真研究表明,与单用户预测算法和循环调度模型比较,该预取算法和调度模型都能很好地减少用户请求的访问延迟,提高响应速度。  相似文献   

通过分析研究现有流媒体缓存管理算法和用户的访问行为特征,提出了一种新的基于选择性马尔可夫模型的缓存预取策略.该策略通过序列合并方法对用户访问拖曳行为进行建模,采用状态剪枝优化方法FP_Vlike得到选择性马尔可夫模型FPMM_Vlike,并在此之上结合替换算法LRU-2构建出一种流媒体代理服务器缓存预取机制FPVlike_LRU_2.仿真结果表明,在访问延时降低量方面,FPVlike_LRU-2要比FP_LRU-2、SP_LRU-2、LRU-2分别高出10%、12%、17%,且在最佳的情况下该值能够达到60%以上.  相似文献   

基于多Markov链预测模型的Web缓存替换算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高web缓存的性能,提出了一种基于多Markov链预测模型的Web缓存替换算法PGDSF-AI.首先将Web中具有不同浏览特征的用户分为多类,为每一类用户建立类Markov链,进一步建立多Markov链预测模型.然后利用该模型对当前的用户请求预测,进而组成预测对象集.当缓存空间不足时,选取键值最小且不在预测对象集中的对象替换.通过估算对象的平均间隔时间,避免缓存大量保留长时间没有访问的对象.实验结果表明,提出的算法有较好的性能.  相似文献   

随着云计算和大数据时代的到来,在满足用户对系统访问量、访问速度、访问安全的要求的同时,系统必须实时准确地处理迅猛增长的海量数据,而传统的缓存技术无法满足海量数据处理和用户高并发访问的需求.分布式缓存技术是最好的高性能缓存解决方案.本文研究如何利用云计算下分布式缓存技术在海量数据处理平台中解决该问题,分析研究了分布式缓存的关键技术、分布式缓存的一致性和分布式内存数据管理.在此基础上,分析并设计了分布式缓存系统的部署和整体架构.并将该分布式缓存系统的设计模式应用在某团购网上,进行了POC测试.测试结果证明分布式缓存技术可以缓解服务器的压力,解决海量数据和超高并发数据访问所带来的问题,提升了系统的性能、访问速度、可靠性以及降低响应延迟.  相似文献   

在多核处理器中,硬件预取技术是解决存储墙问题的主要技术之一,是对高速缓冲寄存器的优化.但是现有的预取技术大多只考虑内存密集型程序的性能优化,而忽视了非内存密集型程序因预取而受到的干扰.针对这个问题,本文提出基于分类的预取感知缓存分区机制,利用自适应预取控制和缓存分区技术,可以动态调整预取的激进程度和合理分配共享缓存,该机制使用Champsim进行仿真实验.实验结果表明该机制可以有效提高非内存密集型程序的吞吐量,减少核间干扰,提高系统的性能和公平性.  相似文献   

多核处理器的内存和Cache共享策略使内存访问延迟成为影响多核处理器性能的瓶颈,预取技术能够隐藏访问延迟,对提高多核处理器的性能有重要意义.分析并比较了一系列典型的预取策略,讨论了它们的优缺点,对几种新颖的基于硬件的多核预取技术提出了改进方案,讨论了在多核处理器体系结构下,预取策略面临的挑战和必须考虑的设计问题,为多核预取提供了创新的思路.  相似文献   

Even though user generated video sharing sites are tremendously popular, the experience of the user watching videos is often unsatisfactory. Delays due to buffering before and during a video playback at a client are quite common. In this paper, we present a prefetching approach for user-generated video sharing sites like YouTube. We motivate the need for prefetching by performing a PlanetLab-based measurement demonstrating that video playback on YouTube is often unsatisfactory and introduce a series of prefetching schemes: (1) the conventional caching scheme, which caches all the videos that users have watched, (2) the search result-based prefetching scheme, which prefetches videos that are in the search results of users' search queries, and (3) the recommendation-aware prefetching scheme, which prefetches videos that are in the recommendation lists of the videos that users watch. We evaluate and compare the proposed schemes using user browsing pattern data collected from network measurement. We find that the recommendation-aware prefetching approach can achieve an overall hit ratio of up to 81%, while the hit ratio achieved by the caching scheme can only reach 40%. Thus, the recommendation-aware prefetching approach demonstrates strong potential for improving the playback quality at the client. In addition, we explore the trade-offs and feasibility of implementing recommendation-aware prefetching.  相似文献   

随着3G上网业务的不断发展,越来越多的用户使用3G网络移动上网,这样会导致无线资源紧张,影响用户的使用体验,同时也给移动网络带来了沉重的负担。针对这一问题开发了针对3G移动上网用户Web应用的无线网络加速系统,该系统使用缓存和数据压缩技术,可以通过单向透明或者双向透明2种无客户端的方式部署在移动数据网到互联网的出口位置,以便于产品的推广使用。对该系统进行的现网测试包括单用户测试和现网流量测试两个部分,测试结果表明,使用无线网络加速系统大幅度减少移动上网用户的Web页面打开时间,从而提高了用户体验;同时使用该系统后,对于移动用户的Web应用产生的流量,在网络出口一侧和无线接入网一侧,能实现16%以上的流量节省。  相似文献   

Media streaming in mobile environments is becoming more and more important with the proliferation of 3G technologies and the popularity of online media services such as news clips, live sports, and hot movies. To avoid service interruptions, proper data management strategies must be taken by all parties. We propose a two-level framework and cooperative techniques for mobile media streaming. Headlight prefetching is for the cooperation of streaming access points to deal with unpredictable client movement and seamless hand-off. For each user, we maintain a virtual fan-shaped prefetching zone along the direction of movement similar to a vehicle headlight. The overlapping area and accumulated virtual illuminance of the headlight zone on a particular cell determine the degree and volume of prefetching on that cell. Dynamic chaining facilitates cooperation among users to maximize cache utilization and streaming benefit. On receiving a request from a client, the streaming access point starts a search for supplying partners before attempting to a remote media server. If a qualified partner is found, the client is chained to the partner and receives subsequent segments without server intervention. The client can itself be a supplying partner for other clients and naturally form a chain of users that are viewing and sharing the same media. Simulation results demonstrate that headlight prefetching and dynamic chaining can significantly decrease streaming disruptions, reduce bandwidth consumption, increase cache utilization and improve service response time.  相似文献   

随着彩印业务的不断发展壮大,彩印SNS(Social Networking Services)网站用户访问量逐渐增多,对服务器的性能要求也越来越高。本文主要介绍了在SSH(Spring+Struts+Hibernate)框架下应用memcached缓存技术对彩印SNS网站进行改造,通过减少数据库访问数,加快Web请求处理能力。  相似文献   

As the number of documents and servers on Internet grows with the enormous speed, it becomes necessary to design efficient algorithms and tools for search and retrieval of documents. Also, the number of accesses to servers on Internet constantly grows. Congestion of servers and links can be alleviated using proxy caches. Latency on Web can be reduced using prefetching and caching. Efficient search of documents can be done with improved genetic algorithm that exploits the principles of temporal and spatial locality. Mobile agents can be used to optimize network traffic for distributed applications. This paper describes several existing solutions to the problem and discusses the implementation of Java distributed object application for experimenting with genetic search and proxy caching algorithms for Internet.  相似文献   

The fifth‐generation (5G) wireless networks have to deal with the high data rate and stringent latency requirements due to the massive invasion of connected devices and data‐hungry applications. Edge caching is a promising technique to overcome these challenges by prefetching the content closer to the end users at the edge node's local storage. In this paper, we analyze the performance of edge caching 5G networks with the aid of satellite communication systems. First, we investigate the satellite‐aided edge caching systems in two promising use cases: (a) in dense urban areas and (b) in sparsely populated regions, eg, rural areas. Second, we study the effectiveness of satellite systems via the proposed satellite‐aided caching algorithm, which can be used in three configurations: (a) mono‐beam satellite, (b) multi‐beam satellite, and (c) hybrid mode. Third, the proposed caching algorithm is evaluated by using both empirical Zipf‐distribution data and the more realistic Movielens dataset. Last but not least, the proposed caching scheme is implemented and tested by our developed demonstrators which allow real‐time analysis of the cache hit ratio and cost analysis.  相似文献   

随着3G时代的来临,越来越多的用户通过手机、上网卡访问互联网。为提升3G用户上网体验,本文提出基于DPI(DeepPacketInspection,深度数据包检测)的内容缓存技术,对该技术的技术原理、系统架构、系统的部署方式进行了研究。应用该技术,通过在城域网上建立缓存节点,可有效缓解城域网出口带宽压力,节省网间结算,提升用户上网体验。  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel mobile virtual-distrubuted system architecture for supporting global mobile computing and communications. the principal contribution of this paper is to innovatively apply virtual memory concepts to mobile systems by deploying mobile-floating agents to de-couple services and resources from the underlying network and allow them to move around following their mobile users. The mobile-floating agents maintain data structures associated with a mobile user. By combining the mobile-floating agent functions with a predictive mobility management algorithm and location-aware caching and prefetching, services and user data structure are pre-connected and pre-assigned at the locations to which the user is moving. Thus, the users can maintain their data structures or immediately receive service with virtually the same efficiency as at the previous location.  相似文献   

Web caching is a significantly important strategy for improving Web performance. In this paper, we design SmartCache, a router-based system of Web page load time reduction in home broadband access networks, which is composed of cache, SVM trainer and classifier, and browser extension. More specifically, the browser interacts with users to collect their experience satisfaction and prepare training dataset for SVM trainer. With the desired features extracted from training dataset, the SVM classifier predicts the classes of the Web objects. Then, integrated with LFU, the cache makes a cache replacement based on SVM-LFU policy. Finally, by implementing SmartCache on a Netgear router and Chrome browsers, we evaluate our SVM-LFU algorithm in terms of Web page load time, SVM accuracy, and cache performance, and the experimental results illustrate that SmartCache can greatly improve Web performance in Web page load time.  相似文献   

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