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以电熔莫来石、半稳定氧化锆和α-氧化铝微粉为主要原料,制备莫来石—氧化锆陶瓷材料。在材料中分别外加了(V%)0、5%、10%、15%和20%的多晶氧化铝纤维,并将试样在1500℃保温3h烧成,制备出氧化铝纤维增韧的莫来石—氧化锆复相陶瓷。研究了氧化铝纤维对试样的加热线收缩率、常温耐压强度、常温抗折强度和热震稳定性的影响。结果表明:加入适量的多晶氧化铝纤维能够显著降低莫来石—氧化锆复相陶瓷的加热线收缩率,大幅度提高其常温抗折强度和热震稳定性,而常温耐压强度只有轻微下降。  相似文献   

陶瓷材料的预应力增强已经被证明有效,但是这种表面预应力对其他力学性能的影响如何仍不明晰,本工作将探讨表面残余压应力对复合构件的综合力学性能的影响,包括弯曲强度、弹性模量、断裂韧性、硬度以及损伤容限。为了实现表层压应力以及相适配的界面剪切应力,按质量分数比1∶1将莫来石和氧化铝混合磨成浆料涂覆在预烧后的氧化铝基体上,经无压烧结后,涂层与基体紧密结合,随着温度下降,2种材料不同的收缩率和界面约束形成表层残余压应力,从而实现氧化铝复合陶瓷的预应力强化,进而测试了该材料的各项力学性能。结果表明:预应力涂层有效提高了基体材料的弯曲强度,提高了38.9%;断裂韧性提高了36.5%,弹性模量稍降、硬度下降代表了涂层材料的性能。通过这些力学参数,计算得到复合氧化铝陶瓷的损伤容限从0.389 4 m1/2提升至0.452 7 m1/2,提高了16.26%。  相似文献   

本文研究的目的旨在论证由精选过的煤灰和氧化铝粉的混合物合成莫来石的可行性。收到精选过的煤灰有F和C两个级别,用来合成莫来石。精选的F级煤灰已成功地合成了莫来石,其性能和工业用莫来石等同。然而,收到的F和C两个级别的煤灰不适宜于合成膨胀性小的莫来石。  相似文献   

本文阐述了氧化铝瓷的密度、磨耗与生产工艺的关系,结合其显微结构分析了浆料、造粒粉料对产品质量的影响。  相似文献   

将莫来石先驱体溶胶预先引入到硫酸铝水溶液中 ,干燥后经 12 0 0℃煅烧获得氧化铝 -莫来石复合粉料。研究了该粉料与硅溶胶混合获得的混合粉的烧结行为 ,并与氧化铝、莫来石晶种和硅溶胶三相混合获得的混合粉的烧结行为进行了分析比较。其中 ,两种混合粉料均是以理论莫来石组分进行配比 (Al2 O3∶SiO2 =72∶2 8) ,并且两种混合粉中莫来石晶种的质量分数均为 5%。实验结果表明 :前者在 1450℃烧结 2 0min即实现完全莫来石化 ,其显微结构为晶须状莫来石 ;后者在 150 0℃烧结 2 0min实现完全莫来石化 ,其显微结构为针状莫来石  相似文献   

外加莫来石晶须增强80氧化铝瓷工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对莫来石晶须增强80氧化铝陶瓷的工艺制备和对力学性能改善进行了实验和分析,通过固相烧结法制备出一定长径比的晶须,研究了球磨工艺对晶须分散性能的影响,通过改变成型压力和烧结温度的单因素实验发现,随着成型压力和烧成温度的提高试样的烧结性能和力学性能均能提高,但当温度超过1450℃以后,烧成温度的提高会损害试样的力学性能。  相似文献   

本文研究了加入15~40%ZrO2对刚玉一莫来石系耐火材料高温力学性能的影响及其与显微结构变化的关系。结果表明,在刚玉一莫来石系材料里引进ZrO2,在20~800℃低温阶段降低强度;在1300~1500℃高温阶段提高强度和抗蠕变性;在1000~1200℃,在强度一温度曲线上出现“谷”的特征。这些力学性能变化与相应的显微结构特征(包括结构骨架强度、微裂纹密度、晶界固溶强化等)的变化有密切关系。  相似文献   

史亮 《江苏陶瓷》2002,35(1):37-37
采用原位合成锆莫来石增强氧化铝的方法,在1450℃的烧成温度下生产性能优良的氧化铝陶瓷,确保产品在碳化硅棚板上搭装,降低了生产成本,适用大型、异型产品生产需要。  相似文献   

The effect of adding TiO2 to standard alumina porcelain on its microstructure and flexural strength was investigated. A series of alumina porcelain bodies containing increasing amounts of TiO2 were prepared by extruding mixtures of raw materials and TiO2. Porcelain rods were fired under industrial scheduling in a manufacturing kiln. The overall degree of crystalline and amorphous phase content within the porcelain bodies was quantitatively determined using a Rietveld analysis. Results indicated a higher amount of mullite formation in porcelain bodies containing TiO2. Examination of the product materials using field emission scanning electron microscopy showed a high density of secondary mullite crystals present in the earlier feldspar grain areas of specimens with TiO2. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis of secondary mullite crystals revealed that Ti4+ enters into the secondary mullite structure forming a Ti4+-mullite solid solution. Assessment of the mechanical properties of the TiO2 containing bodies indicated that small addition raises the flexural strength of the standard porcelain. The improvement in mechanical properties could be associated with an increase of both specimen density and relative content of types II and III secondary mullites. Both observations may be attributed to a decrease in the viscosity of melted feldspar grains, which in turn favours the nucleation and growth of secondary mullite crystals and thus increases the final density of porcelain bodies.  相似文献   

Mullite/TiO2-coated B4C composites with up to 40 wt.% B4C were fabricated by coating B4C powders with Ti-chelate compounds via a sol-gel method prior to the hot-pressing of mullite/B4C mixtures at 1600 °C for 1 h. The effects of TiO2-coated B4C on the densification and the mechanical properties of mullite/B4C composites were investigated. TiO2 reacts with B4C at high temperatures to produce B2O3 and TiB2, both seems to be favorable for the densification of mullite/B4C composites. The formation of TiB2, besides, may lead to the generation of thermal residual stresses, which is deemed to be beneficial to the fracture toughness but detrimental to the flexural strength. The mechanical properties of mullite/B4C composites such as hardness, flexural strength and fracture toughness, are enhanced remarkably with the increasing addition of B4C. However, with a B4C addition more than 20 wt.%, the flexural strength tends to decrease gradually, probably due to the increasing residual stresses originated from the thermal mismatch of TiB2 with mullite and B4C matrix. B4C contents above 30 wt.% easily cause the aggregation of B4C particles in mullite matrix, which will lower the degree of improvement in fracture toughness.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高酸洗后铝铬渣烧结块的性能尤其是其抗热震性,取粒度≤0.045 mm的铝铬渣,在浓盐酸中煮沸20 min后,过滤,洗净,干燥,制成酸洗铝铬渣。在酸洗铝铬渣中分别加入4%(w)的钛白粉、锆英石粉或钛白粉-锆英石粉复合粉(钛白粉与锆英石粉的质量比为1 1),经混练、成型、干燥后,在1 500℃保温2 h热处理制成烧结铝铬渣试样,然后检测其体积密度、显气孔率、常温耐压强度、常温抗折强度和抗热震性,并分析其显微结构。结果表明:在酸洗铝铬渣中分别添加钛白粉、锆英石粉或复合添加钛白粉-锆英石粉均可提高烧结铝铬渣试样的致密度、常温强度和抗热震性,其中,添加钛白粉-锆英石粉试样的综合性能提高幅度最大。  相似文献   

Tapes of TiO2-MnO-doped alumina (d-Al2O3) and pure alumina (Al2O3) were shaped via tape casting. Laminates with three different layer numbers and respective thicknesses were produced and sintered at 1200°C. The microstructure and mechanical behavior of laminates were investigated and compared to the respective monolithic references (d-Al2O3 and Al2O3). The use of dopants in alumina decreased the initial sintering temperature, leading to higher densification at 1200°C (~98% theoretical density (TD)) when compared to Al2O3 (~73% TD). The higher density was reflected in a higher Young's modulus and hardness for doped alumina. A region of diffusion of dopants in pure alumina layers was observed along the interface with doped layers. The mechanical strength of d-Al2O3 samples sintered at 1200°C was not statistically different from Al2O3 samples sintered at 1350°C. The strength of laminates composed of doped layers with undoped, porous interlayers did not change. Nevertheless, as the thickness of these porous interlayers increases, a loss of strength was observed. Monolithic references showed constant values of fracture toughness (KIC), ~2 MPa·m1/2, and linear crack path. On the other hand, KIC of laminates increases when the crack propagates from weak Al2O3 layers to dense d-Al2O3 layers.  相似文献   

This work examines the effect of microstructure (aspect ratio of mullite crystals and proportion of crystalline and amorphous phases) as well as different physical features (bulk density, closed and open porosity and absolute density) on the mechanical properties of a standard porcelain stoneware composition (50% kaolinitic clay, 40% feldspar and 10% quartz) fired in the 1200–1300 °C temperature interval using a fast firing schedule. The mechanical behaviour was evaluated in terms of bending strength, Vickers microhardness, fracture toughness and Young's modulus. After viewing the results, it can be concluded that increased σf, Hv and E values were mainly due to open porosity, percentage of mullite phase and morphology of secondary mullite needles, whereas closed porosity and quartz particles have no influence on these properties.  相似文献   

Mullite ceramic was prepared using kaolinite and synthesized alumina (combustion route) by solid-state interaction process. The influence of TiO2 and MgO additives in phase formation, microstructural evolution, densification, and mechanical strengthening was evaluated in this work. TiO2 and MgO were used as sintering additives. According to the stoichiometric composition of mullite (3Al2O3·2SiO2), the raw materials, ie kaolinite, synthesized alumina, and different wt% of additives were wet mixed, dried, and uniaxially pressed followed by sintering at different temperature. 1600°C sintered samples from each batch exhibit enhanced properties. The 1 wt% TiO2 addition shows bulk density up to 2.96 g/cm3 with a maximum strength of 156.3 MPa. The addition of MgO up to 1 wt% favored the growth of mullite by obtaining a density and strength matching with the batch containing 1 wt% TiO2. These additives have shown a positive effect on mullite phase formation by reducing the temperature for complete mullitization by 100°C. Both additives promote sintering by liquid phase formation. However, the grain growth, compact microstructure, and larger elongated mullite crystals in MgO containing batch enhance its hardness properties.  相似文献   

This work analyses the effect of mullite additions on the fracture mode of alumina. Mullite is proposed as an alternative to SiC for the second phase particles because the thermal expansion mismatch between alumina and mullite is of the same sign and order as that between alumina and SiC. Three alumina–5 vol.% mullite composites formed by alumina matrices with similar average grain sizes in the micrometric range (≈1 μm) and second phase sub-micrometric (50–350 nm) and nanometric mullite (<50 nm) particles located at grain boundaries and triple points were prepared. The fracture mode of the alumina matrix changed from predominantly intergranular to predominantly transgranular. This change became more significant as the size of the sub-micrometric fraction of mullite particles decreased.  相似文献   


In the present work, the influence of MgO addition and sintering parameters on the formation and densification of mullite was investigated. The morphology of powders and the microstructure of the sintered samples were characterised by means of a scanning electron microscope. X-ray diffraction was used to characterise phases formed in sintered samples. The density of sintered samples was measured using a densimeter and quantified according to the Archimedes principle. MgO was added at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 wt-% to kaolin and alumina and the powders were ball milled for 5 h then uniaxially compacted at 75 MPa and finally sintered at 1500, 1550, 1600 and 1650°C for 2, 4, 6 and 8 h. It was found that addition of MgO not only affected mullite formation but also promoted grain growth. For samples containing 0, 1 and 2 wt-%MgO only mullite was formed. While, in addition to mullite, Al2O3 was present in sample containing 3 wt-%MgO. At higher MgO content (4, 5 and 6 wt-%), three phases, i.e. mullite, Al2O3 and spinel, were formed. Addition of 1 wt-%MgO increased the density of all samples for all sintering times and higher densities corresponded to higher sintering temperatures. At higher MgO content, higher temperatures led to lower densities and lower temperatures led to higher densities for almost all sintering times.  相似文献   

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