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Brun 《Algorithmica》2008,34(4):502-511
Abstract. In quantum teleportation, an unknown quantum state is transmitted from one party to another using only local operations and classical communication, at the cost of shared entanglement. Is it possible similarly, using an N party entangled state, to have the state retrievable by any of the N-1 possible receivers? If the receivers cooperate, and share a suitable state, this can be done reliably. The N party GHZ is one such state; I derive a large class of such states, and show that they are in general not equivalent to the GHZ. I also briefly discuss the problem where the parties do not cooperate, and the relationship to multipartite entanglement quantification. I define a new set of entanglement monotones, the entanglements of preparation.  相似文献   

F. Zironi 《Calcolo》1984,21(1):33-44
A variation of the Trefftz-Fichera method is presented to compute lower bounds for the eigenvalues of a positive self-adjoint operator with discrete spectrum with grow at least in a logarithmic way as the index diverges. As suggested by Barnes et al. [2] to compute ground state, the semigroupe −βH, β>0, is used rather than the iterated resolvent(H+β) −n,n=1,2,... As an example, the method is applied to the operatorH=−Δ+|x|γ. inL 2(R), 1≤γ≤4.   相似文献   

We investigate how equilibrium entanglement is manifested in the nonlinear response of an N-qubit system. We show that in the thermodynamic limit the irreducible part of the nth-order nonlinear susceptibility indicates that the eigenstates of the system contain entangled (n + 1)-qubit clusters. This opens the way to a directly observable multiqubit entanglement signature. We show that the irreducible part of the static cubic susceptibility of a system of four flux qubits, as a function of external parameters, behaves as a global 4-qubit entanglement measure introduced in Ref. (20). We discuss the possibility of extracting purely-entanglement-generated contribution from the general multipoint correlators in a multiqubit system.   相似文献   

Evolution of entanglement with the processing of quantum algorithms affects the outcome of the algorithm. Particularly, the performance of Grover’s search algorithm gets worsened if the initial state of the algorithm is an entangled one. The success probability of search can be seen as an operational measure of entanglement. This paper demonstrates an entanglement measure based on the performance of Grover’s search algorithm for three and five qubit systems. We also show that although the overall pattern shows growth of entanglement, its rise to a maximum and then consequent decay, the presence of local fluctuation within each iterative step is likely.   相似文献   

I consider two bosonic modes of a laser model proposed by F. Schwabl and myself [Ergebnisse der Exakten Naturwissenschaften 219–242 (1964)]. They describe photons and a field of atoms in an excited state. Since the latter has a negative energy the coupling between them leads to amplitudes increasing exponentially in time. This in turn leads to a linear increase of the entropy of the state restricted to one mode. Since we started from a product state, this entropy is just the entanglement of formation [Bennet et al. Phys. Rev. A. 54, 3824 (1996)].  相似文献   

Asymmetric multi-party quantum state sharing of an arbitrary m-qubit state   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a scheme for asymmetric multi-party quantum state sharing of an arbitrary m-qubit state with n agents. The sender Alice first shares m − 1 Bell states and one n + 1-particle Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger state with n agents, where the agent Bob, who is designated to recover the original m-qubit state, just keeps m particles and other agents (all controllers) n − 1 particles, that is, each controller only holds one particle in hand. Subsequently, Alice performs m Bell-basis measurements on her 2m particles and each controller only need take a single-particle measurement on his particle with the basis X. Finally, Bob can recover the original m-qubit state with the corresponding local unitary operations according to Alice and all controllers’ measurement results. Its intrinsic efficiency for qubits approaches 100%, and the total efficiency really approaches the maximal value, which is higher than those of the known symmetric schemes.  相似文献   

The first part of the paper reviews applications of 2-spinor methods to relativistic qubits (analogies between tetrads in Minkowski space and 2-qubit states, qubits defined by means of null directions and their role for elimination of the Peres-Scudo-Terno phenomenon, advantages and disadvantages of relativistic polarization operators defined by the Pauli-Lubanski vector, manifestly covariant approach to unitary representations of inhomogeneous SL(2,C)). The second part deals with electromagnetic fields quantized by means of harmonic oscillator Lie algebras (not necessarily taken in irreducible representations). As opposed to non-relativistic singlets one has to distinguish between maximally symmetric and EPR states. The distinction is one of the sources of ‘strange’ relativistic properties of EPR correlations. As an example, EPR averages are explicitly computed for linear polarizations in states that are antisymmetric in both helicities and momenta. The result takes the familiar form ±p cos 2(αβ) independently of the choice of representation of harmonic oscillator algebra. Parameter p is determined by spectral properties of detectors and the choice of EPR state, but is unrelated to detector efficiencies. Brief analysis of entanglement with vacuum and vacuum violation of Bell’s inequality is given. The effects are related to inequivalent notions of vacuum states. Technical appendices discuss details of the representation I employ in field quantization. In particular, M-shaped delta-sequences are used to define Dirac deltas regular at zero.  相似文献   

In this work we study the entanglement of pure four-qubit quantum states. The analysis is realized, firstly, through the comparison between two different entanglement measures: the Groverian entanglement measure and the residual entanglement calculated with negativities. After, we use the last to measure the entanglement of several four-qubit states and the variation of the entanglement when the four-qubit state is processed by a two-qubit gate.  相似文献   

Our main result is a monogamy inequality satisfied by the entanglement of a focus qubit (one-tangle) in a four-qubit pure state and entanglement of subsystems. Analytical relations between three-tangles of three-qubit marginal states, two-tangles of two-qubit marginal states and unitary invariants of four-qubit pure state are used to obtain the inequality. The contribution of three-tangle to one-tangle is found to be half of that suggested by a simple extension of entanglement monogamy relation for three qubits. On the other hand, an additional contribution due to a two-qubit invariant which is a function of three-way correlations is found. We also show that four-qubit monogamy inequality conjecture of Regula et al. (Phys Rev Lett 113:110501, 2014), in which three-tangles are raised to the power \(\frac{3}{2}\), does not estimate the residual correlations, correctly, for certain subsets of four-qubit states. A lower bound on residual four-qubit correlations is obtained.  相似文献   

Coffman et al. presented the 3-tangle of three qubits in Phys Rev A 61, 052306 (2000). Wong and Christensen (Phys Rev A 63, 044301, 2001) extended the standard form of the 3-tangle to even number of qubits, known as n-tangle. In this paper, we propose a generalization of the standard form of the 3-tangle to any odd n-qubit pure states and call it the n-tangle of odd n qubits. We show that the n-tangle of odd n qubits is invariant under permutations of the qubits, and is an entanglement monotone. The n-tangle of odd n qubits can be considered as a natural entanglement measure of any odd n-qubit pure states, and used for stochastic local operations and classical communication classification.  相似文献   

Concurrence, as one of the entanglement measures, is a useful tool to characterize quantum entanglement in various quantum systems. However, the computation of the concurrence involves difficult optimizations and only for the case of two qubits, an exact formula was found. We investigate the concurrence of four-qubit quantum states and derive analytical lower bound of concurrence using the multiqubit monogamy inequality. It is shown that this lower bound is able to improve the existing bounds. This approach can be generalized to arbitrary qubit systems. We present an exact formula of concurrence for some mixed quantum states. For even-qubit states, we derive an improved lower bound of concurrence using a monogamy equality for qubit systems. At the same time, we show that a multipartite state is k-nonseparable if the multipartite concurrence is larger than a constant related to the value of k, the qudit number and the dimension of the subsystems. Our results can be applied to detect the multipartite k-nonseparable states.  相似文献   

We discuss the basic aspects of quantum information processing with trapped ions, including the principles of ion trapping, preparation and detection of hyperfine qubits, single-qubit operations and multi-qubit entanglement protocols. Recent experimental advances and future research directions are outlined. PACS: 03.67.Lx, 32.80.Pj, 32.80.Qk, 42.50.Vk  相似文献   

Applicability of clipping of quadratic functional E = −0.5x + Tx + Bx in the minimization problem is considered (here x is the configurational vector and BR N is real valued vector). The probability that the gradient of this functional and the gradient of clipped functional ɛ = −0.5x + τx + bx are collinear is shown to be very high (the matrix τ is obtained by clipping of original matrix T: τij = sgnT ij ). It allows the conclusion that minimization of functional ɛ implies minimization of functional E. We can therefore replace the laborious process of minimizing functional E by the minimization of its clipped prototype ɛ. Use of the clipped functional allows sixteen-times reduction of the computation time and computer memory usage.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of entanglement in quantum phase transitions, and show that the success of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) in understanding such phase transitions is due to the way it preserves entanglement under renormalization. We provide a reinterpretation of the DMRG in terms of the language and tools of quantum information science which allows us to rederive the DMRG in a physically transparent way. Motivated by our reinterpretation we suggest a modification of the DMRG which manifestly takes account of the entanglement in a quantum system. This modified renormalization scheme is shown, in certain special cases, to preserve more entanglement in a quantum system than traditional numerical renormalization methods. PACS: 03.65.Ud, 73.43.Nq, 05.10.-a  相似文献   

T. Boros  A. H. Sayed  H. Lev-Ari  T. Kailath 《Calcolo》1996,33(1-2):131-145
A Schur-type algorithm is presented for the simultaneous triangular factorization of a given (non-degenerate) structured matrix and its inverse. The algorithm takes the displacement generator of a Hermitian, strongly regular matrixR as an input, and computes the displacement generator of the inverse matrixR −1 as an output. From these generators we can directly deduce theLD −1 L * (lower-diagonal-upper) decomposition ofR, and theUD −1 U * (upper-diagonallower) decomposition ofR −1. The computational complexity of the algorithm isO(rn 2) operations, wheren andr denote the size and the displacement rank ofR, respectively. Moreover, this method is especially suited for parallel (systolic array) implementations: usingn processors the algorithm can be carried out inO(n) steps.  相似文献   

We prove that the group of permutation automorphism of a q-ary Hamming code of length n = (q m − 1)/(q − 1) is isomorphic to the unitriangular group UT m (q) if the code has a parity-check matrix composed of all columns of the form (0 ...0 1 * ... *)T. We also show that the group of permutation automorphisms of a cyclic Hamming code cannot be isomorphic to UT m (q). We thus show that equivalent codes can have different permutation automorphism groups.  相似文献   

In this article, the robustness of tripartite Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) and W states is investigated against Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (i.e. DM) interaction. We consider a closed system of three qubits and an environmental qubit. The environmental qubit interacts with any one of the three qubits through DM interaction. The tripartite system is initially prepared in GHZ and W states, respectively. The composite four qubits system evolve with unitary dynamics. We detach the environmental qubit by tracing out from four qubits, and profound impact of DM interaction is studied on the initial entanglement of the system. As a result, we find that the bipartite partitions of W states suffer from entanglement sudden death (i.e. ESD), while tripartite entanglement does not. On the other hand, bipartite partitions and tripartite entanglement in GHZ states do not feel any influence of DM interaction. So, we find that GHZ states have robust character than W states. In this work, we consider generalised GHZ and W states, and three \(\pi \) is used as an entanglement measure. This study can be useful in quantum information processing where unwanted DM interaction takes place.  相似文献   

M. Arioli  E. Noulard  A. Russo 《Calcolo》2001,38(2):97-112
We show that, when solving a linear system with an iterative method, it is necessary to measure the error in the space in which the residual lies. We present examples of linear systems which emanate from the finite element discretization of elliptic partial differential equations, and we show that, when we measure the residual in H −1(Ω), we obtain a true evaluation of the error in the solution, whereas the measure of the same residual with an algebraic norm can give misleading information about the convergence. We also state a theorem of functional compatibility that proves the existence of perturbations such that the approximate solution of a PDE is the exact solution of the same PDE perturbed. Received: March 2000 / Accepted: October 2000  相似文献   

The problem of finding approximate solutions for a subclass of multicovering problems denoted byILP(k, b) is considered. The problem involves findingx∈{0,1} n that minimizes ∑ j x j subject to the constraintAxb, whereA is a 0–1m×n matrix with at mostk ones per row,b is an integer vector, andb is the smallest entry inb. This subclass includes, for example, the Bounded Set Cover problem whenb=1, and the Vertex Cover problem whenk=2 andb=1. An approximation ratio ofk−b+1 is achievable by known deterministic algorithms. A new randomized approximation algorithm is presented, with an approximation ratio of (k−b+1)(1−(c/m)1/(k−b+1)) for a small constantc>0. The analysis of this algorithm relies on the use of a new bound on the sum of independent Bernoulli random variables, that is of interest in its own right. The first author was supported in part by a Walter and Elise Haas Career Development Award and by a grant from the Israeli Science Foundation. This work was done white the third author was at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, The Weizmann Institute, Rehovot 76100, Israel.  相似文献   

Singularities in the dark energy late universe are discussed under the assumption that the Lagrangian contains the Einstein term R plus a modified gravity term R α , where α is a constant. The 4D fluid is taken to be viscous and composed of two components, one Einstein component where the bulk viscosity is proportional to the scalar expansion ϑ, and another modified component where the bulk viscosity is proportional to the power ϑ2 α−1. Under these conditions, it is known from earlier work that the bulk viscosity can drive the fluid from the quintessence region (w > −1) into the phantomregion (w< −1), where w is the thermodynamical parameter [I. Brevik, Gen. Rel. Grav. 38, 1317 (2006)]. We combine this 4D theory with the 5D Randall-Sundrum II theory in which there is a single spatially flat brane situated at y = 0. We find that the Big Rip singularity, which occurs in 4D theory if α > 1/2, carries over to the 5D metric in the bulk, |y| > 0. The present investigation generalizes that of an earlier paper [I. Brevik, Eur. Phys. J. C 56, 579 (2008)] in which only a one-component modified fluid was present.  相似文献   

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