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建筑节能降耗是一项改善环境和实现可持续发展的重要举措.本文讨论了建筑物、建筑设备及辅助系统的能耗模拟方法,说明了整体模拟策略方法,介绍和总结了通用的建筑能耗模拟软件.  相似文献   

住宅建筑能耗的动态模拟   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
介绍了美国能耗模拟软件Energy Plus的计算原理与功能,运用Energy Plus对天津某住宅小区的建筑能耗进行了一定周期的模拟计算。模拟计算和实际测量结果的对比表明,该软件能够用于建筑能量动态负荷的定量计算和定性分析。  相似文献   

建筑能耗模拟在能源审计中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以某大厦为例,阐述了建筑能耗模拟时的模型校验方法,并利用经过校验的模型进行了能耗预测和节能量计算.指出在进行能源审计时,必须用实际的建筑资料和历史能耗数据对所建模型进行校验,只有经过实测能耗数据校验的模型才能对建筑能耗进行准确预测;通过能耗模拟进行能耗预测和节能量计算,可以节省大量的时间,且更加准确、直观,具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

建筑能耗模拟软件eQUEST及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了建筑全能耗分析软件eQUEST的基本原理、特点.以西安地区为例结合一座办公楼进行了全年的能耗分析.分析丰要包括窗采用的玻璃类型,空训设计温度以及灯光智能控制.通过分析发现窗采用不同的玻璃类型对建筑能耗影响较大;采用合理的空调设定温度会大大降低能耗,冷水机组的效率对建筑能耗影响不大.  相似文献   

杨妩姗  王万江 《住宅科技》2007,27(10):24-27
简要分析了我国的能源模式,介绍了几种建筑能耗的分析方法:温度频率法、度-日法、计算机模拟计算方法。通过对建筑物的能耗模拟分析,获得整个建筑的能耗状况,可以对其能耗分布情况进行有效的调整和控制,得到合理的节能设计方案。  相似文献   

振业地产开发的华南最大独院社区——横岗“振业城”2006年被评为全国节能住宅示范社区。该项目节能设计咨询由深圳市建筑科学研究院承担,与建筑设计单位华森建筑设计公司联手打造3A级住宅社区,受到国内外的广泛关注。国家建设部、省建设厅、深圳市建设局及美国能源基金会相继派人到横岗振业城进行考察.并对振业域在节能上的突出成果给予充分肯定。 深圳市建筑科学研究院对该项目使用了数字模拟技术,对自然通风、能耗进行了计算机模拟设计,并依据模拟结果修改总体布局、单体等设计,使自然风能够进入每家每户的每个房间。美国能源基金会专家霍首对振业城的节能创举给予了高度评价,他表示在房地产项目中采用自然通风模拟的设计手段即使在美国也不多见,中国房地产的节能差距和美国在进一步缩小。 那么,为什么要使用数字模拟技术呢?我们特选登了这篇文章.供大家参考。[编者按]  相似文献   

如今,办公建筑已成为社会的主要建筑类型。办公建筑也随之成为了能耗大户,如何对办公建筑降低能耗成为如今的必要思考。本文选取济南地区某一办公建筑,利用DeST软件对其能耗进行模拟,并与参照建筑进行对比,得到济南地区办公建筑降低能耗的实用规律,为今后办公建筑降低能耗,节能减排提供参考。  相似文献   

大力提倡绿色节能建筑已成为社会的共识,如何选择适合建筑自身特点的节能技术、产品和措施,提高建筑节能水平,成为了建筑设计阶段的关键。在设计阶段引入了模拟能耗分析,本文对拟建建筑的墙体保温、遮阳、照明、空调通风进行了具体的分析,并按照国家标准进行了基准建筑的能耗比对,确定节能措施,达到了突出的节能效果。  相似文献   

我国建筑运行用能占社会总能耗的22%.城市建筑能耗模拟为评估区域可再生能源潜力、节能改造效果、气候变化对城市影响等方面提供重要支撑.而城市建筑能耗模拟面临数据来源庞杂,城市热岛、建筑遮挡等影响因素复杂,计算规模巨大等挑战.因此,城市建筑能耗模拟平台的开发尤为重要.本研究提出一个基于DeST的城市建筑能耗模拟平台(DeST-urban),实现了从城市三维几何数据到城市建筑的DeST能耗模型的自动生成,并实现了多线程并行模拟.本文以北京市五环内区域的建筑能耗模拟为案例,分析了城市气象的空间差异对建筑耗冷热量的影响.考虑建筑当地的气象后,相比采用单一默认气象,城市建筑的逐时耗冷热量的最大值和累计值均呈现显著变化.  相似文献   

能源资源紧缺是我国也是当今世界各国面临的一个严重问题.我国单位GDP能耗是美国的3倍多,日本的6倍多,合理节约能源和有效提高能源利用效率将是我国经济能否持续发展的重要因素.在我国,由于建筑能耗约占全国总能耗的26.7%,位居能耗首位,因此建筑节能刻不容缓.  相似文献   

ASHRAE research project 1051-RP generated a method to improve the process of calibrating whole building energy simulation models based on monthly utility data. The approach, using manual generation of simulation model variations, was applied to a 12,000 m2 high-performance, dual energy, cold climate building. This led to 27 models that met the ASHRAE Guideline 14 monthly goodness-of-fit criteria for electricity, but had fit values for gas that were about 5–7 times the normalized mean bias error (NMBE) acceptance threshold. Five models met the criteria for natural gas and had acceptable coefficient of variation of the root-mean-square error for electricity, but NMBE was about 100% too high. Use of finer interval monitored data yielded a model with electrical NMBE about 60% above the acceptance threshold, and gas use about 200% above. Hourly analysis of the thermal energy demand on the plant showed wide discrepancies with the estimates on an hourly and half daily basis.  相似文献   

毕丽君 《山西建筑》2012,(34):223-224
针对当前国内外建筑节能状况进行了简要介绍,从建筑节能的途径入手,探讨了建筑节能的具体措施,提出一种依赖太阳能供暖的建筑物构思,并作了具体阐述,对促进建筑节能工作的深入开展具有积极意义。  相似文献   

This article explores how to use EnergyPlus to construct models to accurately simulate complex building systems as well as the inter-relationships among sub-systems such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), lighting and service hot water systems. The energy consumption and cost of a large public building are simulated and calculated for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification using EnergyPlus. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) baseline model is constructed according to ASHRAE 90.1 standard and the comparison of annual energy consumption between ASHRAE baseline model and proposed model is carried out. Moreover, an energy efficiency (EE) model is built based on the design model. Meanwhile, other energy conservation measures (ECMs) such as daylighting dimming and occupant sensors are considered. The simulation results show 4.7% electricity consumption decrease but 6.9% gas consumption increase of the EE model compared to ASHRAE baseline model. In summary, the annual energy cost of the EE model is reduced by 7.75%.  相似文献   

建设节约型社会中有关建筑节能问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
杨建国 《山西建筑》2007,33(24):244-245
简要介绍了建筑节能的由来及目前我国关于节能降耗的方针政策,阐述了建筑节能在建设节约型社会中的重要性,分析了建筑能耗的环节要素,提出了建筑节能的有效途径。  相似文献   

Building and district energy systems become increasingly complex, requiring accurate simulation and optimization of systems that combine building envelope, heating ventilation and air conditioning, electrical distribution grids and advanced controllers. Hence, it becomes more challenging for existing simulation tools to provide integrated solutions for these multi-physics problems. Moreover, common building simulation frameworks tightly integrate model equations and their solvers in the program code, which affects model transparency and hampers tool extensions. This is contrasted by equation-based tools such as Modelica, for which different solvers can be used. In this context, the Integrated District Energy Assessment by Simulation (IDEAS) library is developed. After a recent development shift towards more detailed, multi-zone models, this paper presents a comprehensive, well-documented, overview of the buildings part of IDEAS. This includes new computational aspects of the library, improved usability aspects, an updated intercomparison with BESTEST and a verification based on IEA EBC Annex 58.  相似文献   

建筑能耗分析用逐日气象数学模型的建立   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
为给建筑能耗分析工作提供可靠依据。选取长春市10年(1978 ̄1987)的6项逐日气象参数,建立了东北地区的6维疏系数混合回归模型。经检验,由该模型模拟得出的气象参数反映了实测值所具有的规律和特性。  相似文献   

浅谈建筑节能及发展前景   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
闫帅帅 《山西建筑》2010,36(6):223-224
通过对国内建筑能耗和节能情况的分析并概述建筑节能的重要意义,进行了国外建筑节能现状的研究,进而提出我国建筑节能的发展前景,从而真正实现建筑节能的目的。  相似文献   

Verification and validation are crucial in developing and implementing models. Although there are standards to test energy simulation software, this article describes an additional set of eight test cases that are a combination of analytical cases and numerical cases for solid conduction heat transfer. These tests focus on diagnosing and verifying conductive heat transfer algorithms and boundary conditions in building envelopes or fabrics. As an example, EnergyPlus versions 5, 6 and 7 are tested using these eight test cases. The test cases were useful for detecting several bugs in the code. The authors recommend these test cases as useful complements to existing verification test cases for building envelopes.  相似文献   

为解决研究生建筑能耗模拟教学中或偏重理论知识讲述,或偏重软件操作实践的问题,选择一些难度适中、易于手算的建筑能耗计算方法,让学生自己动手将其程序化并应用于模拟分析。以体验方式构建理论与实践的桥梁,深化学生对模拟技术的理解,使学生在夯实理论知识的基础上,具备解决实践问题的能力。  相似文献   

毛毅  黄曦 《山西建筑》2007,33(33):363-364
简述了建筑室内火灾的发展过程及利用计算机对建筑室内火灾进行模拟的方法,探讨了近年来常用的计算机模型,表明了火灾科学与计算机技术的结合是火灾科学发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

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