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本文以德化县金竹坑低品位萤石矿的矿石为例,原矿经破碎后,通过粗选磨矿细度试验确定磨矿细度,正交法确定药剂用量,经开路试验探索后,采用一次粗选、七次精选闭路浮选的小型闭路流程进行选矿试验,选别后获得的最终产品指标为:萤石精矿产率19.86%、萤石精矿品位96.27%、萤石回收率92.44%。 相似文献
一、前言萤石矿产同其他矿产一样,一般采用露天和坑下两种开采方式。本文以湖山白坛下选矿厂为例,对萤石矿选矿工艺流程及其技术指标做以探析:该选矿厂为矿山联合配套工程,选矿中是根据实际情况,确定方案的编制原则,充分利用已有设施,减少投资,降低成本;充分结合现行的生产工艺,确保技术可靠,经济合理,生产安全;充分利用资源的原则,提高选矿回收率;严格执行有关法规,因地制宜制定环保措施,做好环境保护工作。 相似文献
萤石作为一种不可再生资源,是重要的非金属矿物,是生产氟工业产品的主要原料,被广泛应用于冶金、化工、建材、轻工、光学、雕刻和国防等领域.随着萤石的应用领域不断拓宽,对萤石的需求量也不断增加,因此,萤石矿的开发和利用愈来愈受到重视.对石英型萤石、方解石型萤石、重晶石型萤石和硫化矿型萤石的选矿方法及采用的药剂制度进行了综述,同时提出采用自动控制精准加药控制药剂的组合与用量,提高药剂的选择性;采用浮选柱精选减少精选次数,简化精选流程;采用选矿与化学处理相结合的方法降低精矿中的杂质含量,提高精矿质量等是提高萤石矿资源回收效率的有效手段,指出了萤石矿选矿今后的研究方向和发展趋势. 相似文献
研究设计了浮选工艺参数自动监测及加药系统,采用电磁流量计、浓度计等测量浮选工艺参数,再通过PLC控制柜及人机界面控制加药量;该系统在新庄孜选煤厂、潘一选煤厂应用表明,可有效降低药剂用量,提高了精煤产率,取得了较好的经济效益。 相似文献
重钢焦化厂焦炉煤气净化采用真空碳酸钾法脱硫脱氰工艺,设计处理煤气量为12万m3/h,处理后煤气中的H2S含量低于0.2g/m3,脱除的H2S酸性气体进入制酸系统用于生产98%的浓硫酸。1工艺流程及特点 相似文献
磷矿棒磨分级控制系统设计及生产实践 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了磷矿选矿厂棒磨分级回路自动控制系统的设计及其在生产中的应用,实践证明,该系统设计符合现代工厂控制系统要求,在该系统的作用下,棒磨机的处理能力可以达到设计值,溢流粒度可以控制在正常范围内。 相似文献
萤石、重晶石和方解石的可浮性研究 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
本文通过试验研究了萤石、重晶石和方解石的可浮性与捕收剂油酸用量及PH值的关系。试验发现浮选萤石、重晶石,方解石所需要的油酸用量不同,次序为:萤石<重晶石<方解石。萤石和重晶石在PH为中性左右时可浮性最好,而方解石在强碱性条件下可浮性最好。本文还通过矿物表面电性状态等探讨了油酸捕收萤石、重晶石和方解石的作用机理。 相似文献
This study investigated the adsorption of calcium and gypsum on scheelite and fluorite using micro-flotation, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope with energy-dispersive spectrometer, and zeta potential measurements. Micro-flotation showed scheelite recovery is more sensitive to calcium, and gypsum shows stronger inhibition than calcium. Stick-shape precipitates as sulfate-bearing are only found on fluorite surface in gypsum solution. Change law of the zeta potentials of scheelite and fluorite in gypsum solution is obviously different from that in calcium solution. Therefore, we concluded that gypsum would make the separation of scheelite from fluorite more difficult than calcium. 相似文献
ABSTRACT In this study, effect of calcium and gypsum on scheelite and fluorite was investigated using sodium oleate as collector. Micro-flotation and contact angle results showed that the adsorption of calcium could inhibit the hydrophobicity of scheelite and fluorite. Moreover, sulfate could enhance the inhibition. FT-IR results showed that calcium could be priori precipitated into calcium oleate and adsorb on mineral surface. The adsorption of calcium could increase the scheelite potential to IEP, while it showed limited effect on fluorite potential. However, the interaction of calcium on scheelite and fluorite in gypsum solution was more complex than that in calcium solution. 相似文献
改造传统高浓度制浆工艺的生产实践 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
阐述了15万t/a传统高浓度制浆工艺改造用神华煤生产水煤浆所采取的工艺技术、改造内容、运行结果等。改造后连续稳定的生产实践证明,神华煤制水煤浆工艺技术是完全可行的,并为中国传统水煤浆工艺的发展提供了一个方向。 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2023,43(8):3507-3515
Pursuing material with excellent irradiation resistance, high chemical durability, and stable mechanical properties under extreme conditions is of great significance for developing irradiation-resistant materials. Herein, a novel irradiation-resistant high-entropy fluorite oxide (Nd0.2Sm0.2Gd0.2Dy0.2Er0.2)2Ce2O7 is reported. After 9-MeV Au ion irradiation with ion fluence of 2.7 × 1015 and 4.5 × 1015 ions/cm2, the high-entropy (Nd0.2Sm0.2Gd0.2Dy0.2Er0.2)2Ce2O7 shows excellent phase stability without phase decomposition and transformation. In comparison with Nd2Ce2O7, the high-entropy (Nd0.2Sm0.2Gd0.2Dy0.2Er0.2)2Ce2O7 possesses much less amorphization and lattice expansion, suggesting its improved irradiation resistance. No pronounced variation in Raman spectra can be detected in the post-irradiated structure, implying rarely structural shift arises in high-entropy (Nd0.2Sm0.2Gd0.2Dy0.2Er0.2)2Ce2O7. After irradiation, there is no irradiation-induced segregation at grain boundaries or inside the grains of high-entropy (Nd0.2Sm0.2Gd0.2Dy0.2Er0.2)2Ce2O7. The nanoindentation tests reveal that the mechanical properties of the high-entropy fluorite oxide rarely degrade. The results, along with the insight into the mechanism of heavy-ion irradiation resistance, provide insight for the subsequent research on the heavy-ion irradiation of high-entropy ceramics. 相似文献