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This paper investigates the use of a genetic algorithm (GA) to perform the large-scale triangular mesh optimization process. This optimization process consists of a combination of mesh reduction and mesh smoothing that will not only improve the speed for the computation of a 3D graphical or finite element model, but also improve the quality of its mesh. The GA is developed and implemented to replace the original mesh with a re-triangulation process. The GA features optimized initial population, constrained crossover operator, constrained mutation operator and multi-objective fitness evaluation function. While retaining features is important to both visualization models and finite element models, this algorithm also optimizes the shape of the triangular elements, improves the smoothness of the mesh and performs mesh reduction based on the needs of the user.  相似文献   

In this paper, a comparative analysis of the performance of the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Directed Grid Search (DGS) methods for optimal parametric design is presented. A genetic algorithm is a guided random search mechanism based on the principle of natural selection and population genetics. The Directed Grid Search method uses a selective directed search of grid points in the direction of descent to find the minimum of a real function, when the initial estimate of the location of the minimum and the bounds of the design variables are specified. An experimental comparison and a discussion on the performance of these two methods in solving a set of eight test functions is presented.  相似文献   

The use of evolutionary computing techniques in coevolutionary/multiagent systems is becoming increasingly popular. This paper presents some simple models of the genetic algorithm in such systems, with the aim of examining the effects of different types of interdependence between individuals. Using the models, it is shown that for a fixed amount of interdependence between homogeneous coevolving individuals, the existence of partner gene variance, gene symmetry, and the level at which fitness is applied can have significant effects. Similarly, for heterogeneous coevolving systems with fixed interdependence, partner gene variance and fitness application are also found to have a significant effect, as is the partnering strategy used.  相似文献   

Many real-world decision-making situations possess both a discrete and combinatorial structure and involve the simultaneous consideration of conflicting objectives. Problems of this kind are in general of large size and contains several objectives to be “optimized”. Although Multiple Objective Optimization is a well-established field of research, one branch, namely nature inspired metaheuristics is currently experienced a tremendous growth. Over the last few years, developments of new methodologies, methods, and techniques to deal with multi-objective large size problems in particular those with a combinatorial structure and the strong improvement on computing technologies (during and after the 80s) made possible to solve very hard problems with the help of inspired nature based metaheuristics.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates different forms of rank-based selection that are used with genetic algorithms and genetic programming. Many types of rank based selection have exactly the same expected value in terms of the sampling rate allocated to each member of the population. However, the variance associated with that sampling rate can vary depending on how selection is implemented. We examine two forms of tournament selection and compare these to linear rank-based selection using an explicit formula. Because selective pressure has a direct impact on population diversity, we also examine the interaction between selective pressure and different mutation strategies.  相似文献   

The arrangement of courses at universities is an optimal problem to be discussed under multiple constraints. It can be divided into two parts: teacher assignments and class scheduling. This paper focused primarily on teacher assignments. Consideration was given to teacher's professional knowledge, teacher preferences, fairness of teaching overtime, school resources, and the uniqueness of the school's management. Traditional linear programming methods do not obtain satisfactory results with this complex problem.In this paper, genetic algorithm methods were used to deal with the issue of multiple constraints. As a global optimal searching method, the results of this study indicated that genetic algorithms can save significant time spent on teacher assignments and are more acceptable by the teachers.  相似文献   

Multi-objective optimization has played a major role in solving problems where two or more conflicting objectives need to be simultaneously optimized. This paper presents a Multi-Objective grammar-based genetic programming (MOGGP) system that automatically evolves complete rule induction algorithms, which in turn produce both accurate and compact rule models. The system was compared with a single objective GGP and three other rule induction algorithms. In total, 20 UCI data sets were used to generate and test generic rule induction algorithms, which can be now applied to any classification data set. Experiments showed that, in general, the proposed MOGGP finds rule induction algorithms with competitive predictive accuracies and more compact models than the algorithms it was compared with.
Gisele L. PappaEmail: Email:

We describe implementation of main methods for solving polynomial multi-objective optimization problems by means of symbolic processing available in the programming language MATHEMATICA. Symbolic transformations of unevaluated expressions, representing objective functions and constraints, into the corresponding representation of the single-objective constrained problem are especially emphasized. We also describe a function for the verification of Pareto optimality conditions and a function for graphical illustration of Pareto optimal points and given constraint set.  相似文献   

In this work, a genetic algorithm (GA) for multiobjective topology optimization of linear elastic structures is developed. Its purpose is to evolve an evenly distributed group of solutions to determine the optimum Pareto set for a given problem. The GA determines a set of solutions to be sorted by its domination properties and a filter is defined to retain the Pareto solutions. As an equality constraint on volume has to be enforced, all chromosomes used in the genetic GA must generate individuals with the same volume value; in the coding adopted, this means that they must preserve the same number of “ones” and, implicitly, the same number of “zeros” along the evolutionary process. It is thus necessary: (1) to define chromosomes satisfying this propriety and (2) to create corresponding crossover and mutation operators which preserve volume. Optimal solutions of each of the single-objective problems are introduced in the initial population to reduce computational effort and a repairing mechanism is developed to increase the number of admissible structures in the populations. Also, as the work of the external loads can be calculated independently for each individual, parallel processing was used in its evaluation. Numerical applications involving two and three objective functions in 2D and two objective functions in 3D are employed as tests for the computational model developed. Moreover, results obtained with and without chromosome repairing are compared.  相似文献   

Transparent models search for a balance between interpretability and accuracy. This paper is about the estimation of transparent models of chaotic systems from data, which are accurate and simple enough for their expression to be understandable by a human expert. The models we propose are discrete, built upon common blocks in control engineering (gain, delay, sum, etc.) and optimized both in their complexity and accuracy.The accuracy of a discrete model can be measured by means of the average error between its prediction for the next sampling period and the true output at that time, or ‘one-step error’. A perfect model has zero one-step error, but a small error is not always associated with an approximate model, especially in chaotic systems. In chaos, an arbitrarily low difference between two initial states will produce uncorrelated trajectories, thus a model with a low one-step error may be very different from the desired one. Even though a recursive evaluation (multi-step prediction) improves the fitting, in this work we will show that a learning algorithm may not converge to an appropriate model, unless we include some terms that depend on estimates of certain properties of the model (so called ‘invariants’ of the chaotic series). We will show this graphically, by means of the reconstructed attractors of the original system and the model. Therefore, we also propose to follow a multi-objective approach to model chaotic processes and to apply a simulated annealing-based optimization to obtain transparent models.  相似文献   

Combining genetic algorithms with BESO for topology optimization   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper proposes a new algorithm for topology optimization by combining the features of genetic algorithms (GAs) and bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO). An efficient treatment of individuals and population for finite element models is presented which is different from traditional GAs application in structural design. GAs operators of crossover and mutation suitable for topology optimization problems are developed. The effects of various parameters used in the proposed GA on the optimization speed and performance are examined. Several 2D and 3D examples of compliance minimization problems are provided to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed new approach and its capability of obtaining convergent solutions. Wherever possible, the numerical results of the proposed algorithm are compared with the solutions of other GA methods and the SIMP method.  相似文献   

Mario  Julio  Francisco 《Neurocomputing》2009,72(16-18):3570
This paper proposes a new parallel evolutionary procedure to solve multi-objective dynamic optimization problems along with some measures to evaluate multi-objective optimization in dynamic environments. These dynamic optimization problems appear in quite different real-world applications with actual socio-economic relevance. In these applications, the objective functions, the constraints, and hence, also the solutions, can change over time and usually demand to be solved online whilst the size of the changes is unknown. Although parallel processing could be very useful in these problems to meet the solution quality requirements and constraints, to date, not many parallel approaches have been reported in the literature. Taking this into account, we introduce a multi-objective optimization procedure for dynamic problems that are based on PSFGA, a parallel evolutionary algorithm previously proposed by us for multi-objective optimization. It uses an island model where a process divides the population among the remaining processes and allows the communication and coordination among the subpopulations in the different islands. The proposed algorithm makes an exclusive use of non-dominating individuals for the selection and variation operator and applies a crowding mechanism to maintain the diversity and the distribution of the solutions in the Pareto front. We also propose a model to understand the benefits of parallel processing in multi-objective problems and the speedup figures obtained in our experiments.  相似文献   

Multiobjective optimization of trusses using genetic algorithms   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In this paper we propose the use of the genetic algorithm (GA) as a tool to solve multiobjective optimization problems in structures. Using the concept of min–max optimum, a new GA-based multiobjective optimization technique is proposed and two truss design problems are solved using it. The results produced by this new approach are compared to those produced by other mathematical programming techniques and GA-based approaches, proving that this technique generates better trade-offs and that the genetic algorithm can be used as a reliable numerical optimization tool.  相似文献   

We present a new genetic algorithm for playing the game of Mastermind. The algorithm requires low run-times and results in a low expected number of guesses. Its performance is comparable to that of other meta-heuristics for the standard setting with four positions and six colors, while it outperforms the existing algorithms when more colors and positions are examined. The central idea underlying the algorithm is the creation of a large set of eligible guesses collected throughout the different generations of the genetic algorithm, the quality of each of which is subsequently determined based on a comparison with a selection of elements of the set.  相似文献   

Cold forming is widely used in manufacturing processing, and the layout of rectangular parts in the strip is manually accomplished, which is a time-consuming task and may be a major bottleneck in effectively improving the utilization ratio of material and the productivity. The mathematical model for optimal layout of cold forming is first developed, and then the constrained optimal layout problem is transformed to an unconstrained optimal one with penalty function strategy. A simple genetic algorithms for this optimal layout is proposed, and an example is examined to show the validity of this proposed genetic methodology. Although the simple genetic algorithms is employed, a higher material utilization ratio and productivity is achieved.  相似文献   

Designing devices for ultrasonic vibration applications is mostly done by intuitively adjusting the geometry to obtain the desired mode of vibration at a specific operating frequency. Recent studies have shown that with optimization methods, new devices with improved performance can be easily found. In this investigation, a new methodology for designing an ultrasonic amplifier through shape optimization using genetic algorithms and simplex method with specific fitness functions is presented. Displacements at specific functional areas, main functionality, and mode frequency are considered to determine the properties of an individual shape to meet the stated criteria. Length, diameter, position of mountings, and further specific geometric parameters are set up for the algorithm search for an optimized shape. Beginning with genetic algorithms, the basic shape fitting the stated requirements is found. After that the simplex method further improves the found shape to most appropriately minimize the fitness function. At the end, the fittest individual is selected as the final solution. Finally, resulting shapes are experimentally tested to show the effectiveness of the methodology.  相似文献   

The software development process is usually affected by many risk factors that may cause the loss of control and failure, thus which need to be identified and mitigated by project managers. Software development companies are currently improving their process by adopting internationally accepted practices, with the aim of avoiding risks and demonstrating the quality of their work.This paper aims to develop a method to identify which risk factors are more influential in determining project outcome. This method must also propose a cost effective investment of project resources to improve the probability of project success.To achieve these aims, we use the probability of success relative to cost to calculate the efficiency of the probable project outcome. The definition of efficiency used in this paper was proposed by researchers in the field of education. We then use this efficiency as the fitness function in an optimization technique based on genetic algorithms. This method maximizes the success probability output of a prediction model relative to cost.The optimization method was tested with several software risk prediction models that have been developed based on the literature and using data from a survey which collected information from in-house and outsourced software development projects in the Chilean software industry. These models predict the probability of success of a project based on the activities undertaken by the project manager and development team. The results show that the proposed method is very useful to identify those activities needing greater allocation of resources, and which of these will have a higher impact on the projects success probability.Therefore using the measure of efficiency has allowed a modular approach to identify those activities in software development on which to focus the project's limited resources to improve its probability of success. The genetic algorithm and the measure of efficiency presented in this paper permit model independence, in both prediction of success and cost evaluation.  相似文献   

Enwang  Alireza   《Pattern recognition》2007,40(12):3401-3414
A new method for design of a fuzzy-rule-based classifier using genetic algorithms (GAs) is discussed. The optimal parameters of the fuzzy classifier including fuzzy membership functions and the size and structure of fuzzy rules are extracted from the training data using GAs. This is done by introducing new representation schemes for fuzzy membership functions and fuzzy rules. An effectiveness measure for fuzzy rules is developed that allows for systematic addition or deletion of rules during the GA optimization process. A clustering method is utilized for generating new rules to be added when additions are required. The performance of the classifier is tested on two real-world databases (Iris and Wine) and a simulated Gaussian database. The results indicate that highly accurate classifiers could be designed with relatively few fuzzy rules. The performance is also compared to other fuzzy classifiers tested on the same databases.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an optimization method for designing type-2 fuzzy inference systems based on the footprint of uncertainty (FOU) of the membership functions, considering three different cases to reduce the complexity problem of searching the parameter space of solutions. For the optimization method, we propose the use of a genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize the type-2 fuzzy inference systems, considering different cases for changing the level of uncertainty of the membership functions to reach the optimal solution at the end.  相似文献   

One of the tasks of decision-making support systems is to develop methods that help the designer select a solution among a set of actions, e.g. by constructing a function expressing his/her preferences over a set of potential solutions. In this paper, a new method to solve multiobjective optimization (MOO) problems is developed in which the user’s information about his/her preferences is taken into account within the search process. Preference functions are built that reflect the decision-maker’s (DM) interests and use meaningful parameters for each objective. The preference functions convert these objective preferences into numbers. Next, a single objective is automatically built and no weight selection is performed. Problems found due to the multimodality nature of a generated single cost index are managed with Genetic Algorithms (GAs). Three examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

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