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原油强化蒸馏研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高轻质油收率,解决石油市场的供需矛盾,人们提出并开发了原油强化蒸馏技术.为此,介绍了石油分散体系理论,并在此基础上阐述了强化蒸馏作用机理,探讨了石油分散体系活化态及其测定方法,归纳了强化剂的设计原则和主要成分,通过对强化蒸馏的实验研究和工业应用总结与分析,指出了原油强化蒸馏目前存在的问题,并对原油强化蒸馏今后的发展提出一些建议.  相似文献   

南阳石蜡精细化工厂应用GX-301型强化蒸馏刺进行了工业试验。结果表明,GX-301型强化蒸馏剂可使原油蒸馏拔出率提高0.94%。生产0#柴油时,催化裂化原料收率增加2.89%;生产 5#柴油时,柴油收率提高0.97%。  相似文献   

原油及重油强化蒸馏研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙蕊  陈静  张荣  王锦堂 《江苏化工》2005,33(1):18-21
介绍了一种不同于传统的把石油体系看作分子溶液的理论,认为石油是一种胶体分散体系,并对基于这种理论的原油强化蒸馏的机理进行了概括。根据强化蒸馏的假设机理,归纳了活化剂的设计原则,探讨了活化剂的活化机理。此外,文章简要介绍了几种灵活简捷的石油分散体系活化状态的测定方法。通过总结国内外强化蒸馏的研究应用情况,表明石油分散体系理论正在日益广泛地被认可和应用。最后,展望了石油强化蒸馏的发展趋势。  相似文献   

不同类型添加剂强化原油蒸馏过程及机理   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
刘红研  沙峰  朱建华 《化工学报》2002,53(8):865-870
引 言由于石油中的组分不是简单地以分子形式混合形成的真溶液 ,因此在原油蒸馏时一部分烃类分子难以转入气相 ,导致原油的拔出率降低 .据文献报道[1] ,在常压渣油中约有 5 %的沸点低于 35 0℃的轻组分不能通过蒸馏作用拔出 .由此可见 ,对原油蒸馏装置尚有较大潜力可挖 .目前 ,普遍认为用加入活性添加剂以强化原油蒸馏过程、提高其拔出率是非常有效而又简单易行的方法 .国内外研究人员所采用的添加剂 ,按其类型主要有芳烃浓缩油[2 ] 、表面活性剂[3] 和复合活化剂[4 ] (即前两类添加剂复配 ) .根据石油体系的特点 ,本文又研究开发出一类添…  相似文献   

随着石油资源的逐渐减少,充分利用好石油资源,提高轻质油收率已经成为各炼油厂普遍关注的问题。简单介绍了原油强化蒸馏的技术发展及强化蒸馏剂的种类。  相似文献   

加剂强化蒸馏可以提高进口轻质原油及其混炼油的常减压350℃前馏分油的拔出率,并且深拔后的减压渣油更有利于生产高等级道路沥青,这对燃料型炼厂合理利用石油资源提高经济效益将是有效方法。  相似文献   

用新型活化剂强化原油蒸馏过程的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,我国各大油田开采的原油重质化、劣质化的倾向加大。这些原油密度大、残炭高,蒸馏拔出率低。此外,我国炼油厂常减压装置深拔不够,造成石油资源的浪费。据文献报道^[1],原油中350℃前轻质油的潜含量与常压装置轻质油总拔出率的差值仍占原油总重的5%-7%。随着重油、稠油开采量的增加以及市场对轻质油品的需求日益增大,尤其是国内外市场对柴油的需求量较大,因此,设法提高轻质油品收率,增加柴油产量是目前我国炼化企业亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

南阳石蜡精细化工厂应用GX—301型强化剂进行了工业试验,试验结果表明:GX—301强化剂可提高原油蒸馏拔出率0.99个百分点。在生产0^#柴油时,催化裂化原料收率可提高2.89个百分点;在生产 5^#柴油时,柴油收率可提高1.03个百分点,轻油拔出率可提高0.96个百分点。  相似文献   

在介绍膜蒸馏原理和传递过程的基础上,讨论了超声波强化膜蒸馏的原理,综述了近年来超声强化膜蒸馏的研究进展,并对其存在的问题和应用前景作了分析.  相似文献   

强化蒸馏实验研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

介绍了精馏的分类,针对国内外精馏技术及其应用的最新研究情况,归纳和分析了精馏工艺的研究进展.作者将精馏技术运用到按叶油的提纯工艺上,取得了较好的成果.  相似文献   

本文介绍了单塔连续精馏工艺的工艺流程、工艺原理、开工步骤及运行中出现的问题,并对问题进行了分析,在生产中排除了故障。该工艺在焦化行业有一定的推广意义。  相似文献   

原油常减压蒸馏装置的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用石油馏分的蒸馏曲线(ASTM或TBP)和整体密度进行虚拟组分切割,以单元模块组合法严格求解常减压蒸馏塔,建立原油减压蒸馏装置的流程模拟系统。  相似文献   

采用ASPENPLUS软件的PetroFRAC模块对原油蒸馏过程进行模拟,模拟得到的总物料平衡、操作条件和产品质量等结果与工厂生产装置数据较为一致。通过灵敏度分析发现初馏塔和常压塔塔顶馏出量、常压塔塔底蒸汽量和侧线汽提蒸汽量这几个显著影响拔出率的因素,为原油蒸馏操作优化方案的制定奠定基础。  相似文献   

In this article, a combination of the wavelet neural network framework and the line-up competition algorithm is used to solve the economic optimization algorithm for an industrial-scale atmospheric distillation column (ADC) process. Compared to the relevant measuring data from Sinopec Wuhan Petroleum Group Company, China, the first optimal operating conditions show that the increments of the duties of furnace and pump-arounds of the ADC can effectively improve oil production. In our approach, the preflash column (PFC) coupled with ADC is denoted as an industrial-scale crude distillation unit (CDU) process. Since the PFC can produce light naphtha and reduce the furnace duty and steam consumption of ADC, it is verified that the CDU process provides the higher economic potential than ADC. Based on the second optimal operating conditions, the plantwide control strategy is employed to operate the system safely as well as regulate the outputs of the plant in the presence of inlet perturbations. Within the plantwide control framework, the inventory control aims to keep the controlled variables close to the desired operating condition and the quality control loops use a combination of inferential predictions and feedforward ratios to effectively suppress the temperature spikes of trays and furnaces. Finally, the simulations show that the product quality is guaranteed due to no offset ASTM D86 distillation temperature responses.  相似文献   

介绍了企业在实施原油优化调合系统中为了稳定原油性质、实时优化调合配方、实现在线原油调合而开发的原油快速评价模块。通过该模块的使用,大大降低了原油评价的时间,能稳定、实时地检测各调合支路及总路的原油评价性质,为优化调合模块提供了准确的性质数据,实现了调合配方的实时优化,达到原油的在线调合目标,提高了装置运行的平稳率,为企业优化生产、降本增效提供了有力支撑。  相似文献   

利用ASPENPLUS软件和窄点技术对原油常压蒸馏系统进行了提量改造,在常压塔和常压炉主体不变的情况下,设备利旧率达95%,原油处理量提高了50%  相似文献   

Nonsharp separation sequences can intrinsically improve thermodynamic efficiency than that of sharp sequences for a multicomponent distillation. There are much more nonsharp sequences than that of sharp sequences. In this paper, the synthesis of new intensified distillation systems from nonsharp separation sequences is presented. Such intensified distillation systems have fewer columns and have the potential to reduce both energy and capital costs than conventional configurations. First, the representation of any nonsharp sequence with the simple column configuration is found to be the necessary starting point. Then, five strategies are introduced which present different mechanisms to change the structures of the distillation configurations. Third, a systematic procedure is formulated which can achieve the intensified distillation systems with fewer columns systematically. Finally, the systematic method has been applied to different examples of nonsharp separation sequences. It is demonstrated that the method can be used to generate the new intensified distillation systems from any nonsharp separation sequences. The method is easy to use and can explicitly derive all of the intensified distillation systems for the nonsharp separation sequences for a multicomponent distillation.  相似文献   

Crude oil distil ation is important in refining industry. Operating variables of distil ation process have a critical ef-fect on product output value and energy consumption. However, the objectives of minimum energy consumption and maximum product output value do not coordinate with each other and do not lead to the maximum eco-nomic benefit of a refinery. In this paper, a systematic optimization approach is proposed for the maximum an-nual economic benefit of an existing crude oil distil ation system, considering product output value and energy consumption simultaneously. A shortcut model in Aspen Plus is used to describe the crude oil distillation and the pinch analysis is adopted to identify the target of energy recovery. The optimization is a nonlinear program-ming problem and solved by stochastic algorithm of particle warm optimization.  相似文献   

简要介绍了粗苯蒸馏工艺,对3种粗苯蒸馏工艺进行了工艺特点、介质耗量和操作费用比较,通过比较可知,蒸汽法负压粗苯蒸馏工艺消耗较少的蒸汽量,产生的粗苯分离水量较少,并且原料消耗费用低,且投资少、运行成本低,具有良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

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