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Current human–computer interaction (HCI) research into video games rarely considers how they are different from other forms of software. This leads to research that, while useful concerning standard issues of interface design, does not address the nature of video games as games specifically. Unlike most software, video games are not made to support external, user-defined tasks, but instead define their own activities for players to engage in. We argue that video games contain systems of values which players perceive and adopt, and which shape the play of the game. A focus on video game values promotes a holistic view of video games as software, media, and as games specifically, which leads to a genuine video game HCI.  相似文献   

Stereoscopic 3D television (S3D TV) is now available in the home. However, little published information is available on viewer use or experience. In this study, 120 people from 29 households were given a new TV (active or passive stereoscopic 3D, or conventional 2D) and reported on their television viewing and other screen use on a near-daily basis over 8 weeks. People reported enjoying S3D TV and cinema more than TV and cinema in general, but enjoying S3D video games less than video games in general. S3D TV and video games were both associated with an increased, though still low (∼10%) level of adverse effects, such as headache and eyestrain. I speculate that this may be because video games present a particularly strong conflict between vergence and accommodative demand.  相似文献   

Motion sickness, console video games, and head-mounted displays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the nauseogenic properties of commercial console video games (i.e., games that are sold to the public) when presented through a head-mounted display. BACKGROUND: Anecdotal reports suggest that motion sickness may occur among players of contemporary commercial console video games. METHODS: Participants played standard console video games using an Xbox game system. We varied the participants' posture (standing vs. sitting) and the game (two Xbox games). Participants played for up to 50 min and were asked to discontinue if they experienced any symptoms of motion sickness. RESULTS: Sickness occurred in all conditions, but it was more common during standing. During seated play there were significant differences in head motion between sick and well participants before the onset of motion sickness. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that commercial console video game systems can induce motion sickness when presented via a head-mounted display and support the hypothesis that motion sickness is preceded by instability in the control of seated posture. APPLICATION: Potential applications of this research include changes in the design of console video games and recommendations for how such systems should be used.  相似文献   

While many video game researchers have built scales to tackle the motivations that people have for playing video games, these scales are often limited by their focus on specific game genres or player cultures as well as their lack of behavioral validation. The present research offers a new scale for player motivations and then examines its validity across two distinct gaming genres and cultures, drawing from server-side data combined with survey data of 18,627 players of the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena League of Legends and 18,819 players of the Chinese Massively Multiplayer Online Game Chevalier’s Romance Online 3. Six types of player motivations were found: socializer, completionist, competitor, escapist, story-driven, and smarty-pants. Consistent with previous research on player motivations, this typology offers new insights into why people play video games and how player motivations can be used to infer players’ in-game behaviors.  相似文献   

In sports and board games, when an opponent cheats, the other players typically greet it with disdain, anger, and disengagement. However, work has yet to fully address the role of the computer cheating in video games. In this study, participants played either a cheating or a non-cheating version of a modified open-source tower-defense game. Results indicate that when a computer competitor cheats, players perceive the opponent as being more human. Cheating also increases player aggravation and presence, but does not affect enjoyment of the experience. Additionally, players that firmly believed that their opponent was controlled by the computer exhibited significantly less state hostility compared to players that were less certain of the nature of their competitor. Game designers can integrate subtle levels of cheating into computer opponents without any real negative responses from the players. The results indicate that minor levels of cheating might also increase player engagement with video games.  相似文献   

This study examines how players of World of Warcraft, an online video game, use language to perform gendered identities. Online environments have become increasingly popular sites for social interaction, and online games are played by millions of people worldwide who must rely on textual language to construct their identity. Data were collected from semi-private chat channels by recording visual game-play while conducting participant observation. The chat log data were analyzed in terms of gender stereotypes known to exist in video games using conversation analytic techniques. Players were observed using gendered stereotypes, as well as language practices that have been prescribed as being male- or female-orientated. How identity is constructed through language in online video games has become increasingly relevant as the importance of individual identity has risen in many Western cultures as well as in academia.  相似文献   

Sex role stereotyping by players in first-person shooter games and other online gaming environments may encourage a social environment that marginalizes and alienates female players. Consistent with the social identity model of deindividuation effects (SIDE), the anonymity of online games may engender endorsement of group-consistent attitudes and amplification of social stereotyping, such as the adherence to gender norms predicted by expectations states theory. A 2 × 3 × 2 virtual field experiment (N = 520) in an online first-person shooter video game examined effects of a confederate players’ sex, communication style, and skill on players’ compliance with subsequent online friend requests. We found support for the hypothesis that, in general, women would gain more compliance with friend requests than men. We also found support for the hypothesis that women making positive utterances would gain more compliance with friend requests than women making negative utterances, whereas men making negative utterances would gain more compliance with friend requests than men making positive utterances. The hypothesis that player skill (i.e., game scores) would predict compliance with friend requests was not supported. Implications for male and female game players and computer-mediated communication in online gaming environments are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between video gameplay, video game genre preference, personality, and GPA was investigated in an online correlational study with university students. In addition to administering self-report measures of GPA and personality, we asked three different questions regarding styles of video gameplay. The first asked the average time spent playing video games per week (habitual players), the second asked the total time spent playing favorite video games (selective players), and the third asked the number of different video games played in a year (diverse players). Students who were medium in selective player style (spent 11-50 h) had significantly higher GPAs than students low on selective player style (spent 0-10 h). Students high on habitual playing style (7 or more hours a week) showed significantly lower levels of Conscientiousness compared to students low on habitual playing style (0-1 h a week). Students who were high on the diverse style (i.e., 7 or more games played a year) showed significantly higher Openness scores than students low on the diverse style (0-3 games a year). Finally, several notable relations were found between video game genre preference, GPA, and personality. Results are discussed in terms of the positive implications of video gameplay on academic performance.  相似文献   


In recent years, the phenomenon of eSports has been a growing trend and consequently, in addition to players, other groups of users, including coaches and analysts, took an interest in online video games and the data extracted from them. Among many types of video games, one of the most widely played is the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) League of Legend (LoL) game. Similary to traditional sports, players and coaches/analysts analyse all game events, such as, players’ movements, to understand how they play to define new strategies and improve their performance. Our main goal is to get a better understanding of which visualizations techniques are more adequate to handle this type of spatio-temporal information data, associated to player performance analysis in video games. To address this goal, we inquired players to identify the analytical questions they need to support for performance analysis and designed the VisuaLeague prototype for the visualization of in-game player trajectories, using animated maps, and events during a LoL match. This paper presents a user study to evaluate the adequacy of animated maps and the analytical strategies followed by players when using spatio-temporal data to analyse player performance. The results support the adequacy of using the animated maps technique to convey information to users in this context. Moreover, they also point out towards a high degree of importance given to the spatio-temporal components of the data for player performance analysis.


Abstract— A multi-viewer autostereoscopic display that provides motion parallax without encumbering the observer with special equipment is described. The display is built around a single liquid-crystal panel, from which multiple images are projected to a screen where they form the 3-D image. The display can be produced economically because it uses a single display panel and conventional optics. The primary advantage of this technique is its simplicity. Computer-generated images are supplied to the liquid-crystal panel with a single video board. 3-D television can be broadcast by a single unmodified television station (NTSC, PAL, SECAM, HDTV, etc.), and recorded and replayed in 3-D with a VCR. Applications include 3-D video arcade games, avionics, engineering workstations, scientific visualization, video phones, and 3-D television.  相似文献   

Head-up displays (HUD) are important parts of visual interfaces of virtual environments such as video games. However, few studies have investigated their role in player–video game interactions. Two experiments were designed to investigate the influence of HUDs on player experience according to player expertise and game genre. Experiment 1 used eye-tracking and interviews to understand how and to what extent players use and experience HUDs in two types of commercial games: first-person shooter and real-time strategy games. Results showed that displaying a permanent HUD within the visual interface may improve the understanding of this environment by players. They also revealed that two HUD characteristics, namely composition and spatial organization, have particular influence on player experience. These critical characteristics were manipulated in experiment 2 to study more precisely the influence of HUD design choices on player experience. Results showed that manipulation of design of these HUD characteristics influences player experience in different ways according to player expertise and game genre. For games with HUDs that are perceived as very useful, the higher player expertise is, the more player experience is influenced. Recommendations for video game design based on these results are proposed.  相似文献   


While video games provide different Player Experiences (PE), some genres can provide particularly unique PEs driven by their particular features. Such is the case of MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) games, currently led in number of players and popularity by League of Legends. In spite of this popularity, PE in MOBA games remains largely unexplored. We aim to explore this gap by presenting a PE study that focuses in League of Legends and its player base. After surveying more than 400 players in the database of the largest eSports organisation in Spain, a series of tests were run from multiple perspectives using the PENS (Player Experience of Need Satisfaction) model and the SPGQ (Social Presence in Gaming Questionnaire) as response variables. Among our findings, we show how PE differs across different levels of competence (or rank) inside the game. When looking at how team play impact PE, results show how PENS dimensions remain unaffected while empathy is driven by playing with known teammates. Role selection, on the other hand, has an arguably insignificant impact in PE. Last but not least, an invariant behavioural engagement across all dimensions shows how players perceive team collaboration as an essential factor for success.  相似文献   

With the current state of video games growing in scale, manual content creation may no longer be feasible in the future. Split grammars are a promising technology for large-scale procedural generation of urban structures, which are very common in video games. Buildings with curved parts, however, can currently only be approximated by static pre-modelled assets, and rules apply only to planar surface parts. We present an extension to split grammar systems that allow the creation of curved architecture through integration of free-form deformations at any level in a grammar. Further split rules can then proceed in two different ways. They can either adapt to these deformations so that repetitions can adjust to more or less space, while maintaining length constraints, or they can split the deformed geometry with straight planes to introduce straight structures on deformed geometry.  相似文献   

This essay focuses on how video games both highlight our traditional assumptions about reading and writing and suggest alternative paradigms that combine the new and the traditional:
Play. Video games reveal how pleasure and desire are inherent to the reading and writing process. This dimension of gaming helps explain why video games can produce resistance in terms of approaches to writing instruction grounded in maintaining the cultural distinction between play and work.
Authority. The interactivity of video games complicates questions of who authors and authorizes meaning in a discourse community. Video game players are simultaneously readers and writers whose gaming decisions are inscribed within a certain horizon of possibilities but not predictability. The video game is an inherently dialogic discursive space that problematizes the institutionalized distinction between “reading” and “writing”
Return to the visual. The case of video games not only helps restore the understanding of writing as a visual form of communication but also challenges the apparent static quality of the printed text, emphasizing the temporal quality of all communication. In so doing, the study of video games promises to fundamentally rewrite the conceptual binary of process and product in composition pedagogy.

The rate at which frames are rendered in a computer game directly impacts player performance, influencing both the game playability and enjoyability. However, despite the importance of frame rate and the wide-spread popularity of computer games, to the best of our knowledge, there is little quantitative understanding of the effects of frame rate on player performance in computer games. This paper provides a unique classification of actions in First Person Shooter (FPS) games based on interaction requirements that allow qualitative assessment of the impact of frame rates on player performance. This qualitative assessment is supported by quantitative analysis from two large user studies that measure the effects of frame rate on the fundamental player actions in a FPS game. Nearly 100 users participated in the two user study experiments, providing performance and perception data over a range of frame rates commonly studied for video streaming and inclusive of frame rates found in many computer game platforms. In general, the analysis shows that actions that require precise, rapid response, such as shooting, are greatly impacted by degradations in frame rates, while actions with lower precision and response requirements, such as moving, are more tolerant of low frame rates. These insights into the effects of frame rates on player performance can guide players in their choice for game settings and new hardware purchases, and inform system designers in their development of new hardware.  相似文献   

Despite media coverage that is usually negative or non-existent, digital (video) game playing is a major form of entertainment for significant numbers of people in developed countries. This paper begins with a brief outline of what these games are, who plays them and why there is interest within the library community. We then move through several examples of the current direct impact of digital games on libraries. This is followed by more abstract examples of how video games could, and do, influence library practise and technology. Attributes of online games are discussed, focusing on one particular game, Second Life. This game is used widely within the library community, with many librarians spending significant time developing avatars, open services and infrastructure. The paper concludes with a summary of the ten attributes of video game players, found across the research literature body, that are of relevance to digital information and library services.  相似文献   

Players invest significant physical effort when playing exertion games. In addition to improving physical health, exertion games are also believed to facilitate social play amongst players. Despite these advantages, our understanding of how to design these games to successfully support social play is limited. In this paper, we present a qualitative analysis of player data from “Table Tennis for Three”, a mediated exertion game for three players, that contributes to our understanding of how the design of an exertion game facilitates social play. We use the concept of “space” to frame our findings in order to create themes that can be used to analyze existing and to design future exertion games. We hope our work can support researchers gain an understanding of this exciting new field, while also help designers utilize the many benefits of exertion games.  相似文献   

Microsoft's Xbox and Sony's PlayStation overlay achievement and trophy systems onto their video games. Though these meta-game reward systems are growing in popularity, little research has examined whether players notice, use, or seek out these systems. In this study, game players participated in focus groups to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of meta-game reward systems. Participants described the value of meta-game reward systems in promoting different ways to play games, giving positive feedback about game play, and boosting self-esteem and online and offline social status. Participants discussed completionists, or gamers that want to earn all of the badges associated with the meta-game. Though self-determination theory and its subtheory cognitive evaluation theory suggest that extrinsic rewards might harm players' intrinsic motivation, our findings suggest players may see these systems as intrinsically motivating in this context. The implications of rewards systems for motivation, video game habits, and internet gaming disorder are discussed.  相似文献   

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